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T-47 Book II (Saxon Saga 6)

Page 58

by Frederick Gerty

  Back in their salon, Lori took off the tiara and told Tari to loosen the back of her gown, and dropped the front, saying, “What a relief.” The servants were gone, the drapes pulled, the room dark, only small pools of light here and there. She took her son, went to one of the tables, and sat, and let him eagerly latch onto an overflowing nipple, and nurse vigorously. Hunter sat nearby with her, still sipping a glass of champagne. He swirled a little that remained. He tipped the glass toward her.

  “Saving that for me?” she asked.

  “Yes,” he said quietly. “I intend to sprinkle it onto you naked body, and lap it up, one drop at a time.”

  Lori felt her gut contract, and her vulva moisten. Her tongue slid out her lips, and she swallowed and whispered to him, “Good. Save a little for my pussy, OK?”

  Hunter reached down, said, “I have another bottle,” and pulled up a split. He began to open it as Lori watched. He passed her the bottle, and she swallowed a couple of sips.

  “Soon as junior’s done, we’re going to bed,” she said.

  “Take your time, no rush, we got all night.”

  “Good,” she said.

  The baby finished at last, she handed him off to Tari, undressed with Hunter, and took a quick shower again, soaping and washing her vulva, watching Hunter produce a partial erection as he did the same for his penis. She wondered what the several servants standing nearby would think of that. Dried again, but still a little damp, they hurried back to the salon, the lights nearly all dimmed now, and bent to enter the tent, Hunter snapping her bare bottom as she went first. She yelled, and giggled as he grabbed her and eased her down to the wide sleeping cushions, thick on the floor. Then Hunter, remembering, went out again, and returned with the small bottle of champagne.

  He kissed Lori’s lips, eyes, face, neck, and ears. Sitting up a little, barely able to see in the dark, he sprinkled a little champagne on her bare chest and stomach.

  “Oh, man, that’s cold,” she complained.

  “How’s this?” he asked, as he began to lick and lap up the liquor, his mouth running all over her body. He moistened her nipples, and licked and sucked them a moment, taking in her liquor-flavored milk, but soon moved on down, to the small puddle he made in her navel, her dampened lower stomach, and dew spotted pubic hair.

  “Wonderful,” she said, “Just wonderful.”

  Hunter moved lower, and eased her legs apart. He pushed another pillow, a small one, against her legs, she propped her ass up, and he jammed the pillow there, let her rest on it, as he lifted and spread her legs. She felt him lean forward, felt his warn breath on her as he exhaled, and his warmer lips as he kissed her. His fingers found and parted her labia, letting in the cool air, and he said, “This will be cold, but only for a moment.”

  She gasped as she felt cold liquid splash against and into her, and pool in her wide open hollow. “What,” she said, “are you doing?”

  “Sipping champagne from the most magnificent container in the palace,” Hunter said, and bent toward her cavity.

  She felt his mouth on her again, as the bubbly liquid vanished, his lips hot on hers. Then his tongue started in on her, and she roller her head back, and enjoyed his attention. He again filled her with liquor, only with difficulty did she refrain from crying out, and not scream in joy when he drank from her once more. Now his tongue worked on her, licking and pushing into her, she loved the hot softness of it, and in a bit, his teeth nibbled at her. Electric! Hot! She gasped again, pulled her legs apart with her hands and arms, and pushed up against his mouth. She felt his hot suction, and his tongue find and flick her clit, and she let the feeling grow and grow and bloom and overwhelm her, shuddering in silence as he brought her to climax, an intense and long one, that lingered until she pushed his head up and away.

  Lying there in a delightful stupor, she felt his face near hers, as he kissed her lips. Something hot poked at her crotch. “How was that?” Hunter said.

  “Great. Unbelievable.”

  “Want some more?”


  “Good,” he said, and reached down, and she felt his hot point poke at her, and slip into her. Hunter moaned a little as he settled down on top of her, and began to move in and out. “Man, you’re hot, and tight, and incredibly exciting. I love you so, my darling, my Lori.”

  Lori just wanted to enjoy his mammoth presence inside her, hardly heard him, but knew something should be said in response, so she said, “Me, too.”

  Hunter worked in and out for a time, sweat beading up on them a little in the warming tent, then he slowed, leaned up a little, and said, “This is, what the fourth planet we’ve screwed on? Right?”

  She opened her eyes to see him smiling there over her. She smiled at him, and said, “So who’s counting? Now, just shut up and fuck me, you stud, you.”

  “Yes Ma’am,” he said, and bent down and returned to his work.

  She let the feelings build again, oblivious to him or where he was, just concentrating on herself, a selfish bitch, so what, and could hardly keep the groans and mini-cries of her titanic climax in her throat. She gasped, lying in warm glory as Hunter went on. And on, he groaning a little, but slowing too, pressing into her, then leaning up, his face contorted, as she felt him wiggle a little, and moan in passion and release. He stopped, hanging there deep inside her, pushing against her, and only slowly, slowly, easing back down on her, saying softly, “Magnificent,” and “Wow,” over and over.

  She felt him whither, and slip out, and he moved off, to lay on his side next to her. She turned, pulled the pillow out from under her ass, and moved against him. Together, they lay there for a while, until she felt him start to seep out of her, and run down her leg.

  “I got to go wash,” she said, groggily getting up, and leaving the tent. Anyone watching would know what they’d done, so what, but no one was up in the room, it was empty, save for some Anawoka sleeping on the perches across the way. No matter. She went to the bathroom to clean up.

  Back in the tent, Hunter hardly stirred as she returned. She’d picked up the baby from next to a sleeping Tari, and stuck the half-empty champagne bottle outside on her way in. Eric nursed once, briefly, and she settled him next to her and soon drifted off, content for the night on the planet Magadana.

  Chapter 29 - Vengeance

  Back in Castle Poinciana, King V’ming rose to greet Lori and Hunter. He invited them to join him in an open balcony overlooking the gardens to the rear of his palace. Servants fluffed pillows, and fussed over him as he sat heavily down. Others placed padded chairs for the humans, and immediately brought refreshments on small tables. The Anawoka translator settled between them. Soft, mild breezes fluttered colorful flags and pennants hanging on the low roof overhead.

  After just a few inquiries as to the health of her son and the kits, the king said, “Vengeance is on my mind, as I consider what to do with Borrelia.” He stared out and away, pensive. Looking at Lori, he went on, “I grew old and careless, and perhaps still am, though I have surrounded myself with trusted advisors, counts, and administrators. I thought I’d done so earlier, before my cursed son took the power away, but apparently not. And Borrelia aided him. So, what to do with this person?”

  Lori and Hunter said nothing, nibbled on the sweets and cookies, and enjoyed the hot coffee prepared in their honor.

  “But vengeance is not the answer. You have shown me that, Sky Lady. Your patience and honor is now legendary among my people, something to be emulated, not ignored. I can only hope to seek to meet a small measure of your example. Borrelia showed some courage, and my investigation uncovered he mitigated some of the worst deprivations of my son. Some, not all. And his family is a good one, they have served the kingdom well for generations. I cannot overlook that, and throw it all away. Still, things may not be as they were before, ever.”

  The king accepted a bowl of vegetation, a salad of some sort. He looked at Lori again, and said, “What is the cost of sending Borrelia on that starship of your
s, away and back to your planet? Is it possible?”

  Hunter looked at her, and answered, “Yes, some kerosene, for fuel. You have that here, I understand.”

  “Yes, in abundance, for the moment.”

  “Is that what you would do, exile the person?” Lori asked.

  “Yes, but with something to do. What would you think of his appointment as an ambassador, from my realm, and perhaps others? His knowledge is vast. A representative of the planet, to organize trade and diplomatic missions, and encourage travel between the worlds?”

  “That has a large appeal, we have been discussing who, and how that may occur,” Lori said. “There is a need, for sure.”

  The king grew pensive. “Some may see it as a reward, and excessive, for traitorous behavior. But I do not. I will take my chances with that. It will be good to have him off the planet, very far away, even though he becomes among the first to visit the other worlds. And with a prestigious position.”

  “The trip is a lengthy one, you know,” Hunter said.

  “Yes, all the better, for him. And me.”

  “And his family, what of them?”

  V’ming waved a hand. “The son is exonerated, and restored to rank and status, in fact, granted a promotion and a position of some authority and importance, in the military. He has sworn fidelity to me, and my daughter, and now coordinates relations between the aliens and the natives, in matters relating to security, and mutual interests. He is well received, I believe, most believing that he was in fact, you would say, kidnapped, when he went away.”

  “Yes, we confirm that,” Hunter said.

  “The wife is free to return here, though without her mate. I do not think she will do that. The children, too, they are blameless, and have already returned to their former homes, and lives, and now quite famous as a result of their little trip out to Uta and back, with the Sky Lady, and all the aliens. I think that is good, and as it should be.”

  “Have you discussed this with Borrelia yet?” Lori asked.

  “No. I needed to confirm with you that you would accept him as a passenger on your starship first. Might you do that?”

  “Yes. And the wife?”

  “That will be a difficult decision, I fear. But in the end, I believe she will accompany the husband.”

  “Yes, I do, too. And should he refuse your offer?”

  V’ming leaned forward, and said, “Then it is exile, somewhere on the planet. Perhaps a dukedom or somewhere might accept him, though none have much use for traitors in their midst, once done, perhaps again, you know? But he cannot return to the kingdom, not while I live, at least. After that, it is up to the princess, and she and he always got along well, so that might change. But it will not at present.”

  “Borrelia might do very well on Earth, set up trading and touring companies, and if at all successful, accumulate some wealth. He might return here one day, to retire, perhaps, and live out his remaining brights in ease and comfort. But that will take some time,” Lori said.

  The king waved a hand. “What happens once I am gone, is of no concern to me. Should that happen, all the better for them.”

  “And it could all go sour, too, trade and relations gone bad, he might wind up penniless...”

  “What is that, penni...”

  “Ah, on old expression, an ancient expression, no longer accurate, but it basically means with no financial resources, poor, even destitute.”

  “Yes, well, I would not seek that. If it happens, it happens. Borrelia is smart and shrewd, and I don’t expect that fate to befall him. Indeed, had you not appeared, he would still be in much favor with the former prince, I believe.” King V’ming rocked back and forth, if in humor or regret, they couldn’t tell. Looking steadily at Lori, he said, “Much has changed since your arrival, Sky Lady. All for the better, I believe. King Angara’s proclamation on mouth feeding was thoughtful, and timely. I have issued a similar edict here in Tajmyr, as have several other provinces. Had you thought that your arrival might so change an entire planet?”

  “Ah, two of them, actually. And it’s been know to happen before. For Lori, and her ancestors, before her,” Hunter said.

  Yes, and it’s more due to my amazing air car, than any of my doing, she thought, smiling at her husband. He pointed at her, reading her thoughts, and mouthed the words, “Yes, you.” She smiled some more.

  As they chatted, a servant entered, delivering a message to V’ming. He asked permission of his guests, and then read it. Brightening, he said, “Princess Tarija is on route, will be here, soon, with her children. Can you remain, and see them?”

  Lori felt like saying, “Yes, I know,” but said simple, “Yes. We’ll be delighted to see her.”

  “I am in your debt for her continued attention. I’d feared her lost, and the children, my access to them, and they to me, were highly, all is restored. And I am very pleased.”

  “That is only as it should be, that families may meet and share life, and each other’s company, whenever they want,” Hunter said.

  “Yes, and you made it happen. I was not so much the ruler as the ruled, for a while, there.”

  Hunter and Lori said nothing. But V’ming was not finished.

  “I am also in your debt for the restoration, and enhancement, of my...ah, prestige, even influence, and popularity, not only among my people, but among my peers, in the other princedoms, both nearby, and indeed, world-wide.” He shook in the manner of his kind displaying his humor in that idea. “Such is the turning of events lately, and all of your doing. It has helped me immensely in restoring relations long gone sour, negotiating restitution for my late son’s many excesses, and achieving a level of normality in diplomatic matters.”

  “I believe that is most appropriate, your leadership, compassion for your people, and wisdom impress us. Were it not so, we would not be here.”

  “I am pleased you think so. That you, the great travelers from the stars, visit me, indeed, come to see me when I invite you, is most impressive to others. It amazes me as well. But regardless, your kind attention to me has added to my prestige immensely, and if ever I do anything to displease you, you must tell me at once that I may make it right.”

  Hunter said, “So far, you are doing well, and we are pleased to join you when we may. To learn of your decision in the Borrelia matter is worth a visit, and your decision seems more than fair and just.”

  “Good. Now, you must no doubt realize, that many now curry my favor, in that they may implore me to intercede with you, for favors from you. An entire world seeks an audience with you, impossible I know, and so do they, yet they persist. Quite a burden, I fear, more than I can even reply to, and certainly more than I can ever present to you.”

  Hunter said, “Do you find any especially worthy? There are many of us, and we, traders and travelers, have visited many of the more developed provinces, and others, as well. Our holds in the ships above are bulging with goods and treasures from your fair world, so much I wonder if we will be able to close the doors when we depart.”

  They shared a laugh at that, the king agreeing with the metaphor. “Yes, yet the calls and visits and outright bribes continue apace.”

  “We will review any you care to bring to our attention,” Hunter said. “Though our time is limited, and growing shorter, and perhaps we would need to delegate contact to others in our group.”

  “A few, only. May I ask your permission to present them to you?”

  “Yes, you may, and advise the petitioners of that fact, though with the caveat that nothing may come of it, the star travelers are very busy with many tasks relating to their upcoming departure for home. But we, and others, will be back soon.”

  “You are most generous.” He waved at a doorway, and a young page hurried in, carrying a folder on a silver tray. V’ming took it, flipped it open, looking at it, closed it again, handed it back to the page and directed her to Hunter and Lori. Lori extended a hand, knowing that the fact the report went to the Sky Lady
herself would be of value to V’ming.

  She opened the folder, a heavy velum-type of paper, and looked at the printed pages inside. They contained a list of a dozen or so locations, with contact people, coordinates, and major fields of interest, several with printed photographs attached. All were written in English, some a bit fractured, probably as the result of input from the Anawoka translators.

  “I will study the list, and carefully consider what we may do in the time left for us,” she said, closing it and handing it over to Hunter. “Perhaps something positive may come of it.”

  “Be warned, all seek one or more air cars,” V’ming said.

  “Yes, and we are down to the very last one,” Hunter said. “All others are gone, traded or sold, most long ago.”

  “And this one? The remainder?” V’ming said, leaning forward.

  “We have someone in mind...”

  As if on cue, a shout in the entryway, and two small bundles of fur and legs raced in, calling, “Poppa, Poppa, we’re here, and we flew the whole way, Momma flew us here, isn’t that amazing?” They bounded to the feet of the king, talking over each other, pushing and tumbling over one another, and imploring him to come see the air car, parked just outside.

  “Children, later, in a moment, we have guests, important guests, mind your royal manners and greet them properly.”

  The kits froze, looking back over their shoulders at Hunter and Lori, and immediately turned and bowed, and went to them, offering their hands in a more formal way. Lori shook their tiny hands, and asked about their trip.

  “It was wonderful, Mommy was the pilot. The whole way. We went over all the kingdom, not very high in the sky, over the houses and the hills and the fields and the forests, we saw people, they all waved at us, it was amazing...”

  “Your mother flew the air car...?” King V’ming said, leaning forward.


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