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Shadows of Men (The Watchers Book 1)

Page 6

by M. Lee Holmes

  “Have this cleaned.” She said and he looked down to see the blood of the beast dripping from the tip. “And send someone to fetch the beast’s carcass. That fur will make a splendid coat for me.” She halfway smiled as she turned, bent down to lift her discarded bow from the ground and began to walk away.

  Suddenly, she stopped and turned back around to Terryn and said; “and never enter these woods again until you’ve had proper training with that bow.”

  Chapter 6

  Rhada emerged from the shadows of the forest with a smile upon her face. She knew the King was an impatient man and keeping him waiting would only make him angry, but that did not stop her from heading towards the training grounds first to tell Mayvard about the beast she had just killed. She spotted him and quickly made her way towards him.

  Mayvard was standing in the center of the training pit, holding a sword tightly with both hands. He was slowly swinging it at a training dummy, showing the new recruits the proper way to swing a blade.

  “Keep your grip firm upon the blade.” She heard him saying as she approached. Not wanting to disturb Mayvard’s lesson, she leaned against a post and listened. “If you do not have a good hold on your sword, it will fly out of your hands upon striking your enemy. And a soldier without a sword is soldier without a head. During battle, it is likely you will be running at your enemy. A sideways slice is the best way to strike while in motion. Though it most likely will not kill your opponent, it will be enough to slow them down so you can do a proper forward thrust.” Mayvard proceeded to demonstrate his instruction. He ran towards the dummy with full force and with the precision of a skilled warrior, swung his blade to the side and sliced along the chest of the dummy. Its cloth shirt ripped open, spilling straw onto the ground. When Mayvard regained his footing, he thrust the blade forward, jabbing the dummy right where its heart would have been if it were a living man.

  The recruits began applauding their teacher. He stood up tall and when he turned to face them his eyes fell upon Rhada and he ducked down into a low bow. The recruits turned towards her and followed Mayvard’s example.

  “Madam Protector.” He said in acknowledgment and a small chorus of ‘madam protector’ from the recruits followed.

  “As you were.” She commanded as she stepped forward to place the bow back on the weapon rack.

  “Take a moment for rest.” Mayvard said to the recruits and they all walked to the soft grass at once and found a place to sit.

  “I take it hunting was a success?” Mayvard said when he noticed the dried blood of the shadow beast that painted her face.

  Rhada grinned proudly and nodded. “I followed the beast most of the morning and found its lair. There is another beast, smaller, most likely the female, and three young cubs.”

  “You followed the shadow beast without it taking notice of you?” Mayvard asked in amazement.

  Rhada nodded again. “I can be quite stealthy when I want to.” She reached up and rubbed at the sticky blood on her forehead. I will have to wash it away before presenting myself to the King.

  “How did you kill it?” Mayvard asked impatiently, waiting for the rest of the story.

  “It heard something approaching its den and left to defend its family. I chased after it.”

  “What did it hear?”

  Rhada’s smile faded. She looked out to the forest’s edge and saw Terryn emerging, dragging her sword upon the ground, apparently unable to carry its weight.

  “Him.” Rhada nodded towards Terryn and Mayvard followed her gaze. “What were you thinking sending the boy in there to fetch me?” She asked.

  Mayvard turned back to Rhada and noticed a hint of anger in her eyes. “I sent him in there with a weapon.” He said in defense.

  Rhada scoffed and shook her head. “A lot of good it did him. He would be dead now if I hadn’t already been there ready to attack the beast.”

  Mayvard apologized and looked down in shame. “I thought the boy could handle himself.”

  Rhada looked out to the new trainees and scowled. They were young and from what she had seen, quite unskilled.

  “Take the new recruits into the woods and fetch the beast for me. I want its skin.”

  Mayvard looked to Rhada in surprise. “You were angry with me for sending Terryn in there, now you want these boys to go?”

  “They will have you to guide them. It will be good practice for them. In the forest, you will see who the cowards are and who is brave.

  ‘Follow the main path. You will find the beast’s corpse on it.”

  Mayvard nodded, then put both his fingers to his lips and let out a loud whistle, grabbing the attention of his recruits.

  Rhada did not stay to listen to the disapproving moans of the recruits. She hastily made her way towards the castle where the King sat in waiting. The guards bowed to her as they opened the front doors and she walked past them and hurried to her chamber.

  Her chamber was a large room fit for a princess, but without all the fancy furniture and decorations that a member of the royal family would possess. There was a bed for her to sleep in, a wash basin for her to scrub her face at night, a chair next to the window where she often sat with a drink in hand, and a wardrobe that held her armor, her underclothes, her bedclothes and a few extra linens. In the far corner of the room was her very own copper tub and a door to her own private privy. She was luckier than most of the residents of the castle; they had to use a common privy and washtub.

  She walked to the wash basin and splashed the cool water on her face. She looked in the mirror and continued to scrub until all the blood was washed away. She walked over to her wardrobe and pulled it open, deciding to change into her formal court regalia, which was nothing more than a black leather jerkin, black leather pants, boots and gloves to match, a steel chest plate that snapped in place and a black cloak that buckled onto her shoulders. Normally, she would have her sword strapped to her side but she would have to do without it for this meeting. She walked back to the mirror and smoothed out her unruly hair before giving herself a nod of approval and leaving her chamber.

  Rhada’s chamber was not far from the great hall and it only took half a minute to travel down the dark corridor. Upon seeing Rhada approach, the two guards who stood stiffly outside the great hall stepped aside and pulled the large wooden doors open, bowing their heads slightly in respect as she passed.

  Rhada never gazed at them, never made eye contact but kept her eyes forward as she approached the King and Queen who sat patiently on their thrones waiting for her arrival. She stopped in front of them and bowed her head.

  “Majesties.” She said in a solemn voice. When she stood up, she saw someone step forward from the corner of her eye and she turned her head slightly to find Myranda, who had hidden in the shadows, reveal herself.

  Rhada’s look of indifference turned to loathing as the yellow-haired Sorceress approached her. The closer she came to Rhada, the more flushed her face became. She could sense in Rhada the mistrust and ill feelings towards her.

  Myranda, knowing her duties came first, did her best to ignore the High Protector’s loathing for her and turned her attention to the King. King Firion however, shared Rhada’s look of disdain as he peered back at her from atop his throne and Myranda knew then she had no friends in this room. She took a deep breath for courage and straightened her stance.

  “Myranda,” the Queen began in her most gracious voice, “tell the High Protector of your vision.” Myranda found her eyes wandering unwillingly towards Rhada as the Queen spoke these words. When their gazes met, Rhada’s eyes narrowed even farther.

  “Another vision?” She asked incredulously. Her face was gaunt and pale and her eyes were cold and malicious. Myranda shuddered as she stared back at the deep chasms of Rhada’s soul. She always tried not to focus on other people’s minds or their thoughts but when she looked at Rhada in that moment, she could not help but feel the disdain that was in her heart.

  Then suddenly, Myranda closed the
connection between Rhada’s mind and her own and felt her courage returning. She straightened once more and focused her attention on the ghostly face before her.

  It did not matter if Rhada disliked her. It did not matter that she didn’t believe in her visions but it was her duty to report them and it was Rhada’s duty to respond to them and there was nothing either of them could do to change that. Both were bound to their duties and their fates for life.

  “North, in the city of Tyos, the blood of the innocent people has flooded the streets and a great wall of flame has swallowed the Blood Sea entirely.”

  For a moment, the two women stood with eyes locked. Rhada, who stood as still as a statue, kept her emotions hidden in her stone cold face. This was a technique she had taught herself years ago when she first came to the castle to answer the call of her duty. Viktor- High Protector before her and her mentor- taught her in the beginning that she would always have to project an aura of terror to those around her; otherwise no one would give her the respect she deserved. She was saddened to learn that his words were the truth. She decided to become stone; strong and fierce in her enemy’s eyes and unyielding to those who wished to become close.

  After a moment, she turned her hard gaze to the King and Queen who sat atop their thrones, peering down at them through sleepy and troubled eyes. Rhada smiled in amusement and gestured towards the Sorceress -who was still cloaked in her bed robe- with an accusing hand.

  “Please tell me, oh wise and opulent Majesties, that you have not called me here under the pretense that what this witch says is true?”

  “How dare you!” Myranda shouted in anger and she pushed Rhada’s insulting hand aside as she stepped closer. “Me? A witch?” Myranda shouted the word.

  “How dare you touch me!” Rhada shouted back and she stepped even closer. Myranda could feel her hot breath on her face as her eyes glared with a look that wished her death.

  “Enough!” Shouted the King and he stood from his throne.

  Myranda, knowing she had let her emotions drive her out of line, knelt apologetically on one knee and cast her eyes to the ground. “Forgive me.” She whispered but King Firion merely shook his head.

  “It would please the High Protector if I allowed her to bestow justice upon your defiance. That much is clear to me.” Rhada could not hide the triumphant smile upon her face. “But the High Protector must remember her place as well!” Rhada’s smile immediately faded after these words. She lowered her head and apologized under her breath.

  “We need you to travel to Tyos, Rhada, and find out what has happened there.” Queen Scarlet interjected. She wished to interrupt her husband’s wrath with the change of subject. He turned his tired and irritated gaze towards his wife and slowly sat back down in his throne, as though the weight of the world had just been placed upon his shoulders and he could not find the strength to stand.

  Rhada and Myranda both stood tall once more. Myranda looked shamefully at the Queen- the only face she found she could stand to look at- and vowed to keep her anger under control. Rhada, however, clenched her fists in anger as she looked to the Queen.

  “But, your Grace, Tyos is a month’s journey from here!” She protested. “That is a long journey to undertake on the whim of a vivid dreamer!”

  Myranda felt her face redden as her anger returned. She clenched her fists as well but tried to hide her contempt from the Queen’s eyes.

  “I agree that it is a long journey.” The King cut in. “I would send someone of less importance if the Sorceress did not insist that it is a matter of severe urgency.”

  “I do.” Myranda chimed in. She let her hands fall limply at her sides as she stepped forward to address the King. “It is most troubling, the things that I have seen, and I must insist the High Protector take charge of it. She must go at once.” Myranda dared not look behind her, for she knew Rhada’s eyes were burning with hatred.

  “Very well.” The King said, waving his hand in displeasure. “Make haste! We will need you back quickly.”

  “If this matter is so urgent, then I must not go alone.” Rhada replied. She stepped forward as well so that she was standing next to Myranda.

  “Of course.” The King said. “You have the authority to take whomever you wish.”

  “I shall have Mayvard accompany me.”

  “No!” Myranda could not stop the shout that escaped her lips. The entire room fell silent and all eyes were on her. Her outburst was out of line, she knew, but she could not let this happen. She stepped forward once more, bent on one knee and began to plead with the King and Queen.

  “Majesties, I beg of you, please command the High Protector to take someone else!”

  “Who else would I take?” Rhada answered flatly. Her voice had a tone of indifference but her eyes glowed with triumph. “If what you say is true, that this is a matter only resolvable by me, then I must have my best man with me.”

  King Firion nodded his head. “As I said, she has the authority to take whomever she wishes.”

  Myranda could not help the tears that flowed down her cheeks now. She stayed bent on one knee and turned her gaze towards the Queen, the only person she thought would show her any compassion.

  “But Mayvard and I are to be wed in three days’ time!” The Queen knew Myranda was pleading with her now but she turned her gaze to the King. It was his word that would settle all debate.

  “Your wedding will have to wait.” He replied.

  Myranda gazed up at her new-found enemy and tried to return the hateful glare that Rhada had shown her earlier.

  Rhada never looked back at Myranda. She merely bowed her head to the King and Queen, turned on her heel and stormed out of the great hall, her black cloak flailing in the air behind her like dark wisps of shadow.


  “You did that just to spite me!” She shouted after Rhada as they trudged down the hallway.

  Rhada had been walking at a hastened pace and stopped abruptly to turn towards Myranda, who had left the great hall and chased after her. She let her anger take control of her and it carried her feet through the doors and out into the corridor where she could see the High Protector moving through the shadows like a ghost.

  “You know Mayvard and I are to be wed! You are doing this because you are angry with me!” Myranda could feel her hands shaking but she kept her voice strong. Rhada’s eyes pierced right through her and she felt for a moment that she might lose her courage. Do not be afraid of her! She scolded herself.

  “You say that you care for Mayvard; that he is your only friend. He has told me as much. Why then, do you do this to him? It is not just me you are punishing!”

  For a brief moment, Myranda thought she saw a hint of remorse flash before Rhada’s eyes. She told herself that she had imagined it, for Rhada was incapable of feeling remorse, but she found her mind drifting away from her, down the corridor to where Rhada stood. All the muscles in her body relaxed as she felt the connection between the High Protector’s and her own mind strengthen. If there is even the slightest amount of remorse, I may be able to forgive her.

  Quickly, as though awakened from a dream, Myranda shook herself back to reality. The realization of what she was about to do struck her and she felt a pang of guilt fill her heart. Why has it been so difficult for me not to mind-meld lately? She found herself drifting into that realm of magic that was so forbidden by the law; the form of magic she vowed she would never take part of again.

  She opened her eyes and found Rhada standing before her. Her eyes were aglow with the dim light of the sconces and her mouth was stuck somewhere between a vengeful smile and a frown of sadness.

  “I see what you are doing, Sorceress.” She said in a hushed tone as she stepped closer. “I see when your eyes glaze over and your mind trickles forth through the space between us.”

  “I…” Myranda began, wanting to deny it but she knew that she could not.

  “Best be careful, witch.” She whispered the last word but said it with such malice
it made Myranda shudder. “For I see more than you suspect I do.”

  Rhada stepped back a few paces but kept her hard gaze fixed upon Myranda. “Nothing I do is to spite you, Myranda. Everything I do, I do for the good of the realm.”

  Myranda could not help but scoff at these words. She knew they were not true.

  Rhada, seeing Myranda’s expression, turned once more, not wishing to look into her accusing eyes any longer.

  “But I will give you the honor of telling him yourself!” She called back as she made her way down the corridor, quickly disappearing from sight.

  Chapter 7

  Myranda sat on the edge of Mayvard’s bed, silently crying into her open palms. Her eyes averted to the ground each time he walked close by. She found when she looked directly at him her tears would flow even harder.

  Mayvard was shoving fresh linens into his traveling sack, folding them into small squares so all of his clothes would fit. He looked down at the small bag perplexed. Never before had he been asked to pack for a month-long journey and he was uncertain exactly what he should be taking. He already had his most important possessions packed and ready to go; his bow, his two daggers and his sword which he named Bel’dak after his grandfather. The blade was long and sparkled brilliantly as though it had been forged yesterday. He smiled down at the weapons that lay before him on the soft bed.

  Next to them sat Myranda, who held her face in her hands now and sobbed loudly into her palms. Mayvard bent on one knee before her and took her hands in his. She looked at him through red and swollen eyes, sniffled and tried to stop the tears forcing their way to the surface. Mayvard smiled weakly at her and squeezed her hands gently.

  “I will return.” He said in a reassuring voice. “And as soon as I do, you and I will have the most glorious wedding Axendra has ever seen!” Myranda smiled back feebly, leaned forward and allowed Mayvard to give her a gentle and loving kiss. When she pulled away, her eyes fell to the ground and her tears rolled down her cheeks, falling onto the tops of his hands.


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