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The Poisoned Bride and Other Judge Dee Stories

Page 9

by The Poisoned Bride(Lit)

  Judge Dee then ordered the constables to put the screws on her. They did so, and vigorously turned them tighter and tighter. But Mrs. Djou only cried louder and louder that she was being falsely accused. Then Judge Dee said:

  “I know you are a brazen person but your skin and flesh are not cast in iron. If necessary, I shall go on with this the whole day.” And again he ordered the constables to turn the screws tighter.

  The constables, seeing that Mrs. Djou still protested her innocence under this severe torture, began to doubt whether she was really guilty. Giving each other a secret sign, they made great ado about turning the screws, all the while shouting to Mrs. Djou that she must confess, but in fact they loosened up the screws a bit. And their headman, seeing Sergeant Hoong standing by the side of the dais, gave him a sign to step back to where the judge could not see him. Then he walked over to him, and whispered:

  “Sergeant, when the other day you went with His Excellency to investigate, what proof did you find exactly? The judge has just ordered us to turn the screws tighter, but what if she dies, and later is proved to have been innocent? That will cost His Excellency his name and position, and us our life. That talk about the ghost of her husband accusing her was evidently but a ruse to frighten her into confession, but it failed. It seems to me, Sergeant, that our judge, who usually is shrewd enough, is not at his best today. If he really has proof that she murdered her husband, why then does he not first have the corpse exhumed, and then, when the proof is there for everybody to see and she still won’t confess, start torturing her? I beg you to use your influence with the judge, Sergeant, and make him stop the questioning at least for to-day. We can always see to-morrow.”

  Judge Dee questions Mrs. Djou under torture. Sergeant Hoong counsels the judge to desist. The sign on left reads: “Awe and silence!”

  The sergeant thought that there was much in what the headman said. After all this affair was nearly a year old, no accusation had been filed, and all direct proof was lacking; one could hardly bring a disembodied ghost to court to testify. So Sergeant Hoong ascended the dais, and standing behind Judge Dee’s chair, whispered in his ear whether it would not be better to stop for the day.Judge Dee said angrily:

  “What I have found out myself convinces me that we are right. How can I ever justify in my own conscience letting this murder go unavenged? If the men are afraid to go on with the torture, I shall order an exhumation to-morrow. Then if the corpse fails to show clear proof of the murder, I shall gladly take the punishment that was to be meted out to that woman. I am not going to let this case rest here."Then he said to Mrs. Djou:

  “You, woman, persist in protesting your innocence, but I tell you that next time I question you, I shall confront you with proof which you won’t be able to refute.”

  Then he ordered the constables to take off the screws, and take her back to the jail, to be held for further questioning. He ordered the constable on outside duty to go to Huang-hua Village, and bring Mrs. Bee to the tribunal. Finally he told other constables to go to Gao-djiawa, and prepare in the graveyard there everything necessary for an exhumation, which was to take place on the following day.

  After the court had closed, all the constables and the guards of the tribunal discussed this case amongst each other in great detail. They were full of doubts, and feared that Judge Dee had overreached himself this time. “This is no child’s play,” they reasoned, “for although there is ground for suspicion, our judge runs a grave risk. If the autopsy should show no traces of a murder having been committed, he is done for.”

  Now the constable who had gone to fetch Mrs. Bee arrived at her house when night was falling. The latest news about the happenings at the tribunal had already reached there and on the corner of the street a crowd of neighbours and idlers were busily debating the matter of Mrs. Djou’s guilt. The constable, seeing that this crowd was blocking the street, shouted:

  “Make way, I have come here on official business. Make way, here is nothing to see. If you want to see something, you must come to-morrow to Gao-djiawa!"Then he knocked on the door, and Mrs. Bee let him in, her face wet with tears. She wailed:

  “Is this not a calamity like heaven falling down upon us? The other day he said he was a doctor and he certainly looked like one, and then my daughter said a few hasty words. But that is hardly a crime, is it not, so why is he now raising all this trouble? To-morrow I, an aged woman, shall go to the tribunal myself, to tell him what I think of him!”

  “You stupid woman,” the constable said, “don’t you see that His Excellency only tries to avenge the death of your son for you? But as to your wanting to go to the tribunal, that is fine. I was just ordered to bring you there, so that your daughter would not feel lonely in jail.” Then the constable started to drag her to the door. But the old woman, beside herself with grief and rage, shouted:

  “You dog of a constable, you only know how to file false accusations. Here, I don’t want this house of mine any more. I don’t want a single piece of furniture any longer.” She wrenched herself loose, and started throwing pieces of furniture into the street.

  “Now there you are!”, the constable said indignantly to Warden Ho Kai, who had just come in, “I came all the way out here, just for her sake, and now she acts like this! How difficult to handle are even these small people. This furniture of hers is not worth much, but anyway let a couple of your assistants stand watch here overnight. For if someone stole her things, it is we who would get into trouble.”

  Ho Kai agreed and the constable set out with Mrs. Bee in the moonlit night. It was late at night when they knocked at the city gates. Fortunately the soldiers of the guard knew the constable, and opened the heavy gates for him.

  Once arrived at the tribunal, the constable arranged for Mrs. Bee to sleep in a room in the guard house. The next day, Judge Dee had Mrs. Bee brought in during the morning session of the tribunal. He said kindly to her:

  “Now madam, your husband’s name was Bee, but what is your maiden name? Then I want to explain to you that the other day when I went to your house, it was solely because of your dead son. He died under highly suspicious circumstances, and it is my opinion that he was killed by his wife. Since I as magistrate have the duty to avenge the wrongs suffered by the people in my district, the ghost of your dead son requested me to punish his murderer. I have had you brought before me to-day only because your daughter-in-law stubbornly refuses to confess, and moreover accuses me of wantonly slandering her. If the corpse is not exhumed and an autopsy performed, this case can never be brought to an end. I felt it my duty to tell this to you, who are his mother.”

  Mrs. Bee, however, was not mollified by this kind address. She said:

  “My son has now been dead for almost one year. What could be the use of examining his corpse? That very evening on which he died, many people saw it. Your Honour says that he wishes to redress the wrong that my son suffered, but in fact my son did not suffer any wrong. Why did you subject my poor daughter to torture without having a shred of proof? You are the father and mother of the common people, how can you harm us like this on such flimsy pretexts? Now my maiden name is Tang. I belong to a family that has been living in this locality for generations. We are decent people, as everyone around here knows. I tell you frankly that I shall not leave this tribunal before you have set my daughter free, if it should be my death! Neither am I going to listen to any more speeches from you, who, not content with having harmed the living, now are out to disturb the peace of the dead!”

  Having thus spoken, she burst into tears. Judge Dee, seeing that she was as stupid as she was honest, and believed implicitly all that her daughter-in-law chose to tell her, said impatiently:

  “You stupid woman, the death of your son failed to cause you even the slightest misgivings. And when I explain everything to you, you refuse to understand. But let me tell you that if your daughter should prove to be innocent, I, the magistrate, am willing to undergo the punishment that was destined for her myself. I
am fully prepared to do this, for the sake of your dead son. But you, his mother, even refuse to have his corpse exhumed, so that his wrong will never be redressed. Now I am the magistrate here, and I cannot allow this murder to remain unsolved. I am going to risk my black cap in order to find the truth. I therefore decide that this exhumation shall take place, whether you consent or not!”

  He ordered her to be led away, and fixed the exhumation for the following day. He would leave the tribunal at eight o’clock, and the exhumation would be started at two o’clock. Then, returned to his private office, he drew up a detailed report to the higher authorities.

  The constables outside now saw their worst fears come true. Amongst each other they criticised the judge, but nobody dared to ask him to stop the exhumation. Thus they reluctantly set to work to collect the necessary implements.

  Early the following day the constables assembled in the courthall, the gong was sounded three times, and Judge Dee seated himself behind the bench. He first addressed himself to the coroner:

  “This is quite an extraordinary case. If no wounds or other signs of a violent death are found, then my name and my position are lost. That is my least concern, but more important is that in such an event also you, and the constables who assist in the exhumation, will get into trouble. Therefore I enjoin you to perform the autopsy with the greatest care, so that this case can be disposed of, and the dead avenged.”

  Then he had Mrs. Bee and Mrs. Djou brought before him, and thus addressed the latter:

  “The other day you preferred torture to confessing your crime. Perhaps you have thereby succeeded in deceiving others, but I shall not let myself be caught by your wiles. Today you and your mother shall be present at the autopsy and we shall see what you will say then.”

  Mrs. Djou fully realised that the judge was in dead earnest about the exhumation, but she could not imagine that he would discover any trace of a crime when the autopsy took place. Therefore she thought that at least she should show him that she was not to be trifled with. She said:

  “That I have been tortured and grievously slandered, that at least leaves the dead in peace. But that you now, after one year, are going to disturb the corpse of my poor husband, that is outrageous. But go ahead, if the corpse shows one single trace of his having been murdered, I shall gladly say that it was I who killed him. But if such proof should be lacking, I assure you that although you are a ranking official, the law provides for stern punishment for you! The laws of the land shall not be considered as child’s play, they don’t allow that innocent people are falsely accused!”

  Judge Dee, however, only had a cold smile.

  Ninth Chapter


  The constables made Mrs. Bee and Mrs. Djou enter a separate sedan chair and set out for Gao-djiawa.

  Thereafter Judge Dee, having ascended his official palanquin, also left the tribunal, accompanied by his entire retinue, including the coroner and his assistants.

  The people living along the road, on hearing that the corpse of Bee Hsun would be exhumed, were unanimously of the opinion that this was a very serious matter. When the judge and his retinue passed along the highway to Huang-hua Village, young and old followed the procession, to see what would happen.

  Shortly after noon they reached Huang-hua Village, where Warden Ho Kai and the old undertaker came to greet the judge. They reported that out on the graveyard in Gao-djiawa everything had been put in readiness.

  Before proceeding there, however, Judge Dee called Sergeant Hoong to the side of his palanquin, and said to him in a low voice:

  “The other day the attendant in the bathhouse here told you about a young man who used to be Bee Hsun’s neighbour. You had better go there now, and see what you can find out from him. Furthermore, since this will be a long day, I shall not return to the city tonight, but stay here in the same hostel where we had a room a couple of days ago.” Then he went on to Gao-djiawa.

  In the graveyard, near Bee Hsun’s tomb, a large shed of reed matting had been erected, and therein a temporary tribunal had been set up. A group of constables had already assembled there and laid out the implements necessary for the exhumation. Judge Dee descended from his palanquin, and first went to have another look at Bee Hsun’s grave. Seeing that nothing had been disturbed since his last visit, he seated himself behind the bench, and had the old undertaker and Mrs. Djou led before him. He first spoke to the undertaker.

  “The other day you told me that this grave is that of Bee Hsun. It is my duty to warn you that, if after the exhumation this should prove to be the wrong grave, you will be guilty of a heinous crime. And then all remorse will be too late.”

  “How would I dare,” the undertaker said, “to lie about this, seeing that both the dead man’s mother and widow are present here?”

  “It is not,” Judge Dee said, “that I am an incredulous man. Put Mrs. Djou here has tried to deceive me in every possible way, and even threatened me with the punishment for those guilty of making false accusations. If this should turn out not to be Bee Hsun’s grave, not only would the investigation be obstructed, but I should be guilty of having wantonly desecrated the grave of an innocent person. Therefore I want you now to impress your thumbmark on this document, testifying that this is indeed Bee Hsun’s grave. Should there be a mistake, then you will have to bear the consequences.”

  Then, turning to Mrs. Djou, he said: “Listen well to this. I am having this exhumation executed in the interests of justice, and not to prove that I am always right. This exhumation, however, is cruel to the remains of your husband. You are his wedded wife, and irrespective of whether or not you killed him, it is your duty now, before the work starts, to offer a prayer to his soul.”

  He ordered the undertaker to lead her in front of the grave. Old Mrs. Bee, knowing that now the body of her son was really going to be exhumed, was beside herself with grief, and crying bitterly she said to her daughter, clutching her sleeve:

  “My daughter, terrible indeed is our lot. That my son died when he was still in the prime of life that was apparently not enough. Now, his bones are going to be disturbed and we must face this cruel official.”

  Mrs. Djou, however, was quite calm. She said in a loud voice to her:

  “There is no need for crying now. At home you never leave me in peace. You brought all kinds of people to our house and thus caused this affair. To cry now won’t do you any good. But wait till after the exhumation, when it has been proved that Bee Hsun was not murdered. Then I shall not be afraid of this magistrate. The laws established by our august Emperor enjoin him to rule the people, not to harm them. He himself shall have to undergo the punishment he wanted to mete out to me. If he orders me to offer a prayer to my husband, I shall do it, to get over with this affair!”

  She pushed her mother back, went to stand in front of the grave, and there bowed three times. She did not only not show any grief, but on the contrary seemed full of defiance. She even reviled the old undertaker, calling him an old dogshead, and promised to get even with him after the exhumation. “What are you waiting for?” she added. “The lady has done, get to work!”

  The old undertaker was highly indignant on being thus reviled, but he did not like to start a quarrel with a woman right there. He went before the judge to ask whether he could start.

  Judge Dee had closely observed what was happening. He had ordered Mrs. Djou to pray before the grave, only because he wanted to see her reactions. Now he had seen that she did not show the least grief, but even spoke in this heartless way, he was all the more convinced that she had murdered her husband. He ordered the undertaker to start the exhumation.

  The old man and his assistants took their tools, and started digging. After half an hour, the front part of the mound had been shoveled away, and the coffin became visible. They slowly dragged it out, and wiped it clean of the earth and mud that were covering it.

  Judge De
e ordered them to bring the coffin to the mat shed, and there had it placed on two trestles by the side of the bench.

  Mrs. Bee, seeing the coffin of her son right in front of her, promptly fell in a swoon. Two constables helped her up and made her sit down.

  Judge Dee then ordered Warden Ho Kai and his assistants to open the coffin.

  When the heavy sliding lid was pushed off, the crowd of onlookers who, in their eagerness to miss nothing, had come nearer and nearer, drew back hastily.

  The corpse was slowly lifted out of the coffin, together with the thick mat on which it had rested inside, and placed on the reed mats that had been spread out for that purpose in front of the bench. The hermetically sealed coffin of heavy wood and the dry air had preserved the corpse in fair state, but in some parts decomposition had set in. All in all it still was a gruesome sight, especially since the eyes were still open, and showed the shrunken, ash-coloured eyeballs. Several people in the crowd of villagers commented on this fact, and said to each other that this was a sure sign that Bee Hsun had met a violent death.

  Judge Dee left his seat behind the temporary bench, and went to the corpse. He looked for a long time at its sightless eyes. Then he said gravely:

  “Bee Hsun, Bee Hsun, today I, the magistrate, have come here to redress your wrong. Should you have met with a violent death, and your soul still be there, I ask you to show your presence by closing your eyes.”

  Then, to the horror and amazement of all present, the dried out lids of the corpse started to flutter, and closed over the eye-balls.

  When the excitement over this ghostly phenomenon had abated, Judge Dee ordered the coroner to do the autopsy.


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