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Sin With Cuffs

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by Carver, Rhonda Lee

  2013 Rhonda Lee Carver

  Copyright © 2013 by Rhonda Lee Carver

  All rights reserved.

  Published in the United States

  For Love’s Sake


  HOLLY YOUNG DROVE into Raven, Ohio and forced herself to continue toward the past. “Small town, USA. Here I come.”

  Flipping off the AC, she rolled down the window. The cool breeze swept through her hair. Picking up the Styrofoam cup from the holder, she sipped the remains of the drink she’d bought sixty miles ago. She needed a stiffer beverage than sweet tea, but she doubted a bottle of liquor could soothe her nerves.

  Taking a stroll back to her roots wasn’t by choice. Nonetheless, she was here now and returning to New York anytime soon just wasn’t in the cards. She’d quit her waitressing job, sold anything of value and headed to the heartland.

  Five and dime stores lined Main Street. She passed Miller’s Pharmacy, Steeple Chase bookstore and her favorite, Sammi’s Toy store, where her grandma bought Holly’s first doll. People sat on corner benches and waved to everyone passing. The stop sign she’d hit during her driving test still hadn’t been replaced. She smiled.

  Glancing in her rearview mirror, a Police SUV rode her bumper. She turned left in an effort to lose it, but the vehicle followed. As any good citizen would do, she checked her speed. She stayed at twenty and crossed her fingers.

  No luck. The police lights came on.


  Obviously, nothing in town had changed and she was still being pulled over. This time it wasn’t justified. Who bothered with someone going five miles above the speed limit?

  Holly pulled over and turned off the engine. Anxiously tapping her fingernail against the steering wheel, she sighed and gathered the documents from her glove box. Booted footsteps sounded on the driver’s side. She looked up but the bright sun blinded her. “I wasn’t doing anything worth getting stopped--”

  “Step on out of the vehicle, ma’am.”

  “Unbelievable! I’ve been in this town less than five minutes and I’m already being harassed,” she complained as she opened her door and slid out. She tented her hand over her eyes in an effort to block the sun, ready to ask what the problem was, when all logical thought vanished. He wasn’t just any uniformed man. This was six feet, two-hundred pounds of sex appeal, with eyes the color of molten chocolate…and the greatest memory she had of this town. “Liam Ryan.” The name fell from her lips like a feather in the breeze.

  His gaze held hers. Seconds passed while she waited on his response. There were no signs of surprise in his expression and yet her heart beat wildly with a mixture of shock and excitement. “Five minutes without getting into trouble is a record for you,” he finally said.

  Wrapping her arms around her waist, she hoped to steady the butterflies in her stomach. “Yeah, and I had a partner in crime back in the day, remember?”

  “Times change,” he said in a slow drawl.

  “I see that.” She dropped her gaze over his broad chest and lean hips. “They’ll let anyone wear a uniform these days, yet you don’t look half bad wearing a gun.” She smiled and gave her hair a saucy toss.

  His eyes slanted and his mouth thinned. “What have the good people of this town done to deserve your presence?”

  The harshness to his tone set Holly on edge. Was he playing a hard ass? “Don’t act stupid, Liam. You know I’m here for my grandma’s funeral.” The sun’s heat grew stronger and the awkward exchange wasn’t helping. She felt the sweat bead on her upper lip and her hair grew sticky as they continued to stand in the hot sun. She lifted it up and made a messy bun, fully aware that his gaze lingered a little longer than necessary on her neck.

  “It’s interesting how people show up when someone is placed inside a casket but have no desire to visit when they are alive,” he said. His scowl made him look dangerous.

  Yet, Holly knew too much about him. He was one of the kindest men she’d ever met.

  “Thanks for the warm welcome,” she droned with a shake of her head.

  “You have no reason to be here now. I’m sure once your grandma’s will is read, you’ll disappear like you did ten years ago.”

  She clenched her hands into tight fists. “Not that it’s any of your business, but I have things to do and I have no desire to stand in the middle of downtown Raven working through your bitterness. Have I broken the law?”

  He took sunglasses from his front pocket and slid them on.

  Trying to keep me from the windows to your soul, Liam?

  “Would you like to see my driver’s license? Registration? My letter of apology for breaking your heart?” she said.

  The corners of his mouth dropped. “Don’t flatter yourself, Holly. You leaving here was the best thing that ever happened to me. I wouldn’t be Chief of Police if you’d stayed. I’d probably be stuck in a rut. You were like poison in my blood.”

  The words hurt, but she had too much pride to allow him to see her pain. “Wow, did you say chief? How did you pull that one off, Lem? Do the townspeople realize you broke the law a hundred times or more as a kid?”

  “Don’t call me Lem,” he snapped. She hadn’t realized she’d used the nickname she’d given him when they were kids. “And correction. We broke the law and it was usually your idea. Now I am the law.” He pointed to the rear of the car. “You have a taillight out.”

  No point in arguing. He was right about her causing trouble back in the day. Holly and Liam had broken the law enough times to piss off the old chief. Their pranks had never been anything worse than a tipped cow or two, and a few houses toilet papered. Once or twice they’d egged someone’s car. After one stunt, the chief hauled them to the police station and threatened to keep them overnight unless they promised to stay clear of misfortune. They’d agreed.

  Her relationship with Liam went much deeper than a few misdeeds. They were a couple all through high school and even a few years after. He was the first boy she’d kissed. In fact, he was her first for many things.

  Like all good things, they’d ended.

  At twenty, she’d packed a bag and left town. The decision had been impulsive and maybe a bit immature. Disappearing without a goodbye probably hadn’t been the right thing, but it was a long time ago.

  A few months after leaving, she’d gotten a letter from Liam that’d left her dumbfounded, and feeling betrayed. Those same hurtful emotions surfaced now. Apparently, they weren’t buried as deep as she’d thought. “I didn’t know I had a taillight issue. Good to know. I was beginning to think you’d pulled me over just to give me hell.”

  One corner of his mouth curved upward. “Now why would I do a thing like that? I have enough to do without stirring up the demons of the past. I’m a busy man.”

  “Busy? How many broken taillights do you get a day?” It was a joke, but she could feel the ice of his gaze through the shades. “Hmm. Looks like a uniform wasn’t the only thing you inherited from the old chief. A lack of humor must be a job requirement.” She had only so much patience and she wanted to get this over with.

  “This is dangerous and a violation of traffic laws.”

  Opening her mouth to tell him she’d fix the light, she snapped it shut when he pulled out a pad and pen from his pocket. “Are you going to write me a ticket? Seriously?”

  The sound of tires brought their attention around. A police cruiser pulled behind Liam’s SUV. The officer got out of the car and removed his cap. “Hey, Chief Ryan. I didn’t expect to see you out patrolling today. Did you just make it back from the training in Lancaster?”

  Holly turned her gaze on Liam. Anger slid its way up her spine and he was her target of fury. “You did pull me over just to give me hell.”

nbsp; * * * *

  Liam wanted to yell at Officer Hartman to get the hell back in his cruiser and get lost, but that’d only prove to Holly that her suspicion was right. He kept his cool. “I was making my way back into town, Hartman, when I came upon this vehicle with only one working rear light. I’ll see you at the office later.”

  The young man nodded then got back into his car and pulled away.

  “Officer Hartman? As in Dante Hartman?” Holly asked.


  “He’s not the kid I remember. He used to be a quiet, scrawny kid who wore glasses two sizes too big.”

  “Time doesn’t stand still. Things aren’t the same around here,” he said.

  “Sure and by the way, you can pretend all you like that my taillight is the reason you pulled me over. It’s just a coincidence that it doesn’t work,” Her wicked expression told him she was ready to give him a piece of her mind. She never was one to hold back.

  He shouldn’t have pulled her over. Damn! He’d seen her heading south, recognized her from the distance, then followed her into town. Sure, he’d wanted to give her hell, and the violation had been a matter of luck. “You’re getting a ticket.”

  “That’s not fair. In fact, it’s totally unjust. We both know it is.” Her frown deepened.

  “Now you’re worried about what’s fair? Do you even know what unjust means?” He needed to get away from her…fast. “I need to see your license, registration and proof of insurance.” She handed them over while her gaze still crucified him. “Now get back into your car and wait.”

  Liam went to his cruiser and climbed into the driver’s side. He slammed his door and started to breathe. Seeing her, even after all of these years, still disturbed him. He could understand as a teen, but now that he was in his thirties, he was too old to have his match lit by an old flame.

  His gaze involuntarily went to her vehicle. He could see her eyes in the rearview mirror as she looked directly at him. She was probably seething.

  Signs of the young girl with freckles, pale skin and innocent gaze he remembered no longer existed. She’d grown into a woman, a damn beautiful one. Her hair was longer and blonder. The braces were gone, and what he’d seen of her smile, it was bright and earth shattering. Womanly curves filled out her slender shape. The V-neck shirt she wore barely covered the deep cleavage and the jeans hugged her hips where he’d laid his hands on occasion.

  Not that he gave a shit, but he no longer found her attractive.

  Writing the ticket, he got back out of his car and approached her driver’s side. Refusing to make eye contact, he handed her the paperwork. “Have a great day.”

  “What’s the business card for?” she asked.

  “In case you’d like to say bye when you leave town again.” He realized his tone was harsh, but he didn’t care.

  “Asshole,” he heard her say as he walked back to the cruiser.

  He laughed. She didn’t like him either. That was a good thing. A very, very good thing. It was better they stayed enemies.

  Back in his vehicle, he squeezed the steering wheel until his knuckles ached. Old memories haunted him. He’d never forgive Holly for leaving town like she had. He’d been in love and thought they had something special, but the promises were meaningless to her. She’d disappeared without a word. After that, he’d spent some time drowning himself in beer and self-pity. A few weeks later, the old chief was hiring new blood at the station and he’d offered Liam a position. He enjoyed being a cop. The responsibility grounded him and he did well at it. When the old chief retired two years later, Liam took his spot at the helm.

  Shifting the gear into drive, he pulled out onto the street, inching past Holly’s car. He didn’t even acknowledge her as he passed, although he was pretty sure it was her middle finger hanging out of the window.


  HOLLY PULLED UP in front of her grandma’s Victorian house and took a deep breath. The crow-shaped gable still stood proud, even though green and beige paint had faded with years of wear and neglect. At one time, it was a cornerstone of beauty. The tall, brick chimneys with elaborate caps used to remind Holly of a castle. She would pretend her grandma was the Queen and Holly was the princess. Time had certainly taken its toll on the house’s splendor.

  Her heart ached as she looked at the rockers on the long porch, the memories flooding her mind. Her grandma enjoyed sitting there on cool evenings and watching the world pass by. Now the house was empty. She stepped out of the car and examined the lot. The yard was mowed, but that’s about all she could say for the overgrown, untidy landscaping. She wondered what had happened to the variety of colorful flowers that bordered the house and sidewalk. Looking closer, she didn’t think there was a sidewalk remaining. Tall weeds had taken its place. Guilt pained her as she walked across broken cement and up onto the dilapidated porch that used to be a meeting place for her grandma’s card playing friends.

  The “Welcome” sign hanging from the door made tears mist her eyes. Wiping away the moisture, Holly turned the knob. Of course, it was unlocked. Her grandma never locked any door or window, an open invitation for anyone and everyone in the neighborhood to visit.

  The inside of the house needed as much tender loving care as the outside. Nothing appeared to have been rearranged or moved. The furniture, trinkets and pictures all remained exactly where they’d been when Holly visited. Her grandma’s knitting basket still sat next to the frayed chair. Holly would watch her grandma knit sweaters and hats for neighbors at Christmas.

  Holly sat down in the worn chair and picked up the wicker basket.

  Tears fell to her cheeks. Swiping them, she quickly gathered her emotions. It was too early to lose control. She had to stop at the funeral home, maintain herself through the services and sit through a reading of the will before she could allow her feelings to flow. She had no one to rely upon to help her get through this. One would think a person got used to being alone, but she never had.

  When Holly was eleven, her mother, Vicki, had dropped Holly off for a so-called visit in Raven. Vicki had left Holly then drifted in and out of her life—mainly when Vicki needed money. Holly had never known her father.

  Rubbing her temples, she hoped to ease the tension building. The kneading didn’t help. Nothing could dissolve her growing dread of seeing her mother again after two years. The reunion was inevitable. Her mother wouldn’t miss this for the world, not when she was sure to benefit financially.

  Vicki had remarried recently. Holly had gotten the news via text message Vicki had sent the day of the ceremony. Her mother had explained that the service was a small event at the courthouse; otherwise, she would have invited Holly. She only hoped Vicki was happy because Holly doubted her mother ever knew any real joy.

  Putting the basket back in its place on the floor, Holly decided it was time to venture upstairs. Grabbing her suitcases from her car, she carried them one by one up the steep, spiral staircase. Her stomach fluttered as she approached her bedroom at the end of the hall. Pushing open the door, the familiar creak somewhat assuring, she swept her gaze around the room. It remained exactly as she’d left it the night she took off in the wee hours of the morning. She felt transported back when she was young and didn’t have a care in the world except how to impress Liam Ryan. He’d occupied most of her daydreams in those days, and if she wanted to be honest, he’d never left her mind…or her heart.

  The springs popped and cracked when she tossed her bags onto the bed. Laughing, she remembered how she and Liam had worn out the mattress. Her grandma would have killed Liam if she’d known he’d taken Holly’s virginity right here in her childhood bed. It’d been a memorable eighteenth birthday. She and Liam had been close a time or two on many occasions before she was “legal,” but Liam’s fear of Holly’s grandma and her shooting skills had kept his pants zipped. Holly had officially become an adult and she’d wanted nothing more than to take her love for Liam to the next level.

  Holly’s skin dampened as she
felt a familiar urge between her thighs. The feel of his hands on her body had long faded but the memory endured. Blowing out a breath through the corner of her mouth, she released Liam from her mind. She’d deal with him later. There was work to do that required her thoughts in order. The funeral home was expecting her.

  After a quick shower, she dressed in a thin silk top and simple skirt. Unlike her grandma, Holly was a bit more cautious and locked up the house before driving the three blocks to Meyers Funeral Home.

  Scott Meyers, the notorious womanizer of Raven, was waiting for her when she arrived. She didn’t know if his “sleep with any woman in a skirt” reputation held any truth, but she’d seen him coming and going from Nancy Sulliven’s house more than Holly could count, and Nancy was a married woman at the time.

  “Holly Young.” His gaze swept down her body and lingered a little longer than normal. “You’ve grown into a beautiful lady. Just like your mother back in the day.” Scott adjusted his pink tie and winked.

  “Thank you, Mr. Meyers. I’m sorry if I’m running late.”

  “At my age, time is only a reminder that I’m aging. I try not to pay too close attention to the ticking of the clock. The crowds that I work with don’t seem to care either.”

  He motioned for her to follow him down a narrow hall and into his office. “A few years ago, your grandma had taken care of all of the particulars of her funeral service. You know how she was. A stickler for detail. All I really need from you, young lady, is a signature.” He grabbed a folder from his desk and pulled out a piece of paper.

  “All I need to do is sign?” Holly was shocked. She didn’t think it was possible her grandma’s services would be this easy.

  “That’s all. The services are paid and taken care of down to the very last word for the obituary for the local paper.”

  Holly sat down and scanned the document that Mr. Meyers handed her. She signed on the dotted line and a tear came to her eye. She blinked the moisture away, refusing to lose it in his office. Sliding the paper toward him, she sucked in a deep breath. “I guess that’s all you need from me.”


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