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Wayward Secret (Wayward Saints MC Book 7)

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by K. Renee

  “Yeah, but you rather be miserable thinking I’m fucking her or who the fuck knows who else? She said you got all pissy at her tonight cause she was dancing with some douche bag.” I hear him groan and then the music in the background gets louder.

  “Hey Seb.” Some chick purrs into the phone. He mumbles something and then he tells me he needed to go, so I just hang up. He gets pissed when it comes to someone touching her, but he still fucks other bitches. I don’t understand that idiot sometimes. Checking the message, I can tell that it’s Spencer. He must have found what I programmed my number under.

  Unknown: Cute name.

  Me: I thought you’d like that.

  I walk towards River’s room staring at the screen still. When his reply is almost instant, I can feel a rush of excitement. I don’t know what it is about him.

  Unknown: It fits you. So I’m on a plane right now, going to New Jersey. Not sure I’ll be back in two days like I thought.

  “What’s with the frown?” River asks as I make my way towards her bed.

  “Oh, uhh…” I pause, looking up at her.

  “Are you texting him?” Her voice turns from depressed to excited in an instant.

  “He is on a plane to New Jersey right now.” She frowns and then pulls me onto the bed with her. We lay side by side in silence for twenty minutes.

  “Did you write him back?” She asks when she gets bored of staring at the ceiling.

  “No. I’m not desperate.” I reply. I turn to look at her and she nudges me with her arm.

  “I never said you were. But don’t you want to find love?” her question puts me in the defensive for some reason and I don’t know why.

  “How can a one night stand from a bar be love?” I can see her flinch and I feel bad. “I’m sorry River. You know I don’t mean it. I love you.” She doesn’t say anything and I can tell I pissed her off, I don’t ask anything more. Instead I write Spencer back.

  Me: Too bad. I was hoping to get you alone again soon.

  I feel her head on my shoulder, I know she’s reading my messages. “You’re message sounds like something I would say to Seb if he ever paid attention to me.” I kiss the top of her head and she just continues to read our exchange.

  Unknown: I’ll make it up to you when I get back.

  River takes my phone from me and writes out a message that she won’t let me read. I swear she’s like a girl starved of her porno tonight.

  When my phone dings again, I see a grin appear on her face and she squeals. I have to rub my ear from the loud ass fucking noise she just made. Holy fuck she’s loud. She shows me the screen and it’s a picture. The photo starts at the bottom of his nose. His bright smile is on full display, as are his pecs, perfect fucking abs and the V the dips into the sweats he’s wearing in the photo. “Oh shit. Please tell me that he really looks like this with his clothes off,” she breathes.

  I nod my head at her and she squeals again. “I fuckin' know why my brother doesn’t want your ass now.” I cover my ears and she punches me in the chest. Shit. That fuckin’ hurt. She pouts and I wrap my arm around her, pulling her onto my chest. “Don’t get pissy with me.” She tries to push away, but I don’t let her move. “Yeah sweetheart, that’s what he looks like.” She starts to type something else on my phone and I just shake my head at her. She’s fucking lucky I love her.

  “Is his face as fucking hot as his body?” I nod my head, but don’t say anything else. Instead I just close my eyes and listen to her every few minutes send him another message. If shit with him doesn’t work out, I’ll be blaming her ass for it.

  Chapter Four

  Once I finally made it to the office, I got pulled into a briefing. Our new case was a rash of murders through the state of New Jersey. I watched Milli on autopilot as she gave us the details that were provided by the local leo’s. As much as I was anxious for the new case, I hoped that it was local so I could call the biker from earlier. Shit. I still don’t even know his name.

  “Three women were found murdered in their apartments on Friday night. Saturday mornings, the calls came in for all three cases. The women’s boyfriends were the ones to call 911.” Milli states. She pulls the crime scene photos up on the board and we all stare at them.

  As much as I love my job, seeing some of this shit gets tiring. People are all sorts of fucked up and do some unspeakable things for God knows what reason. Ligature marks on each of the victim’s necks suggest strangulation.

  “What do you guys see?” Dixon, our team chief asks from the head of the table. I’ve been part of this crime task force for the last three years and have worked my ass off to not be just the gay guy on the team. Yeah, we’ve had our problems when I first got drafted, but since I proved myself worthy of being part of the team, the guys haven’t treated me any different than the rest of them.

  We are all good at our jobs, but there have been times where we all don’t see eye to eye. Something every team goes through, I'm sure. It could have been because I was new and didn't have the experience most of the team had. I have a degree in psychology. I wasn't in the bureau long before I got moved into the unit.

  Canaan and Fox both stare intently at the pictures on the screen before Fox finally says something. “The boyfriends weren’t live ins?”

  Milli shakes her head no, and then pulls up a report. “Joshua Michelson called in the murder around eight thirty in the morning when he stopped by to take the victim, Sofie Vargas out for breakfast. He let himself in with the key she gave him. The rest of the statements are similar, just different reasons for the boyfriends to be at the apartments.”

  A few more ideas are thrown around the table before Dixon finally tells us to grab our bags and head for the plane.

  Making my way towards the plane, I scroll through my phone to find the bikers number. I find a contact called ‘Your Sexy Biker’ and I can’t help but grin. A hand hits me on the shoulder, I look over at Canaan and he’s looking over at my phone.

  “Sexy biker, huh?” He gives me his cheeky grin and I just turn the screen off.

  “He programed it in my phone with that name.” My lips turn up into a small grin and he pushes at my shoulder.

  “Is that what you were pulled from tonight for the case?” He asks sounding generally interested.

  “Yeah. We were just getting to the good part.” I grin. Canaan smirks at me. He’s never been judgmental about my lifestyle. Ever since I came clean with him, he’s done nothing but support me. Every once in a while we head out to the bars together and point out the prospects for each other.

  “Fuck man. I swear you pull more ass than I do.” He says putting his hand on my shoulder.

  “It’s the pretty face and big dick.” I grin. He shakes his head and starts to laugh.

  “Shit. I’ve seen your junk and I have a bigger dick than you so it can’t be that.” He starts to laugh just as Fox comes up behind me.

  “What the fuck are you two gabbing about like a bunch of damn girls?” Fox asks as we get to the plane and take our seats.

  “Rico over here was about to get busy with a biker before we got the call.” Canaan does this little hip grind thing that makes me laugh at him. He’s a cool dude and is only serious when we are working the case.

  “Shit. That is the only shitty thing about our jobs. Every time I’m about to get laid the boss man calls.” He groans and leans his head back against the seat. He must have been in the same boat as me.

  “True.” Canaan says with a grin. Before he can say anything else, Dixon walks on board. He scans the plane, taking inventory of us before telling the pilot that we are cleared for take-off. Dixon takes his seat and then starts to read over the file again.

  Grabbing my copy of the file, I start to read over the interviews with the boyfriends. Everyone is pretty much the same and that strikes me as strange. The only differences are the reason for the boyfriends to find their girlfriends. One was because he was taking her to breakfast, another was picking her up for work and
the final one was he was just getting back from being out of town.

  “Do you guys find it weird that all the boyfriends have pretty much the same story of how they found their girlfriends?” I ask.

  “Yeah. You think that maybe they are involved somehow?” Canaan asks.

  “Do they have any trails that lead to one another?” Dixon asks. He grabs his phone and calls Milli, putting it on speakerphone. “Hey Milli, can you check the phone records for all of the victim’s boyfriends? See if they knew each other prior to the murders.”

  “I’ll check now. Let me call you back with the results.” She chirps into the phone. He hangs up and looks over the crime scene photos again.

  “All the murders are slightly different. One was at close range, the second was further away, and the third was shot in the back of her head.” He states, handing the photos over to Fox.

  Fox stares at them for a long while before he says anything. “The bullet holes are different in each victim. I’m thinking that a different gun was used in each murder.”

  I nod and try to formulate the scenes in my head. We spend the next hour running through possible scenarios before Dixon tells us to rest up for when we land. We always hit the ground running when we get to a crime scene. It’s the same every case, only the cases are different.

  Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I turn the screen on to see that it’s still on the ‘Your Sexy Biker’ contact. Hitting the message button, I type out a message to him. Best thing about our private plane is the wifi. We can pretty much call and text over it with certain internet programs.

  Me: Cute name.

  Your Sexy Biker: I thought you’d like that.

  His reply doesn’t take long and it thrills me that he is even writing back after I had to leave right before we got to the good part.

  Me: It fits you. So I’m on a plane right now, going to New Jersey. Not sure I’ll be back in two days like I thought.

  Your Sexy Biker: Too bad. I was hoping to get you alone again soon.

  My dick twitches in my jeans and damn if that is the only thing I can now think about. Before I can write back, I see Canaan grinning at me. Sometimes I don’t even know why we are friends. He gets up from where he’s sitting and takes a seat next to me. “You texting your sexy biker?” he grins and I go back to texting with the biker.

  Me: I’ll make it up to you when I get back.

  The grin on my face gives me away and Canaan keeps trying to get me to give him something, but I don’t give him anything. I just keep on writing him back. The next text message that comes in shocks me. It doesn’t seem like something he’d ask, but when I look at Canaan, he reads the message over my shoulder and nods his head.

  Your Sexy Biker: I need a picture to remember you by while you’re gone.

  Canaan waggles his eyebrows at me and I have to push him away from me. “You really need a better sex life if you are this fascinated in mine.” He grabs my phone from me and taps the photos icon before scrolling along to find something to send him. Before I can even see the photo he’s about to send, he hits the button and grins back at me. I grab my phone from him and see the photo he just sent to the biker.

  I groan and cover my face with my arm, leaning back on the chair. “Fuck. Seriously? You sent him that one?” That photo was one I took when I was fucking around one night. I had just finished working out at the gym and felt like taking a selfie. I feel my phone vibrate again and open the new message.

  Your Sexy Biker: Damn, you have no idea what I want to do to you.

  Me: If it’s anything like earlier, I can’t wait to find out.

  Your Sexy Biker: It will be even better.

  Me: Do I get a photo of you too?

  Canaan closes his eyes next to me and I wait for the next message. I feel my phone vibrate again and when I look down at the screen, I can feel my heart start to race as my finger hovers over the text. Opening the message, I see the picture he sent. Holy fuck. I can feel my jeans tighten and when I feel Canaan move closer to me, I turn the screen off.

  “That him?” He asks over my shoulder.

  “Yeah.” It doesn’t show his face, just like my photo. I can see his tattoos on display and it actually looks like someone else took the photo of him. My eyes follow the path down his chest to the V that disappears into his jeans that are low on his narrow hips. “Damn.” I whisper.

  “He’s got some nice ink.” Canaan says, before leaning back and resting his head against the chair he’s sitting on. I write him back quickly before I shut my phone off. I need to get a nap in before we land or I’ll be a walking zombie.

  Me: I don’t know how I’m going to work with the hard on I now have. I have to get back to work. I’ll call you when I get a chance.

  His response is quick and it makes me smile.

  Your Sexy Biker: I did my job then. I’ll talk to you later.

  Closing my eyes, I try like hell to fall asleep, but it never happens. I end up just thinking about tonight and how it ended. My eyes open and I see Dixon reading over the case files still. Getting up from my seat, I make my way over to the table he’s sitting at.

  “You see something we’ve missed so far?” He shrugs his shoulder and I grab one of the files.

  “Nothing yet. The boyfriend’s stories don’t make a lot of sense and seem too fucking similar. The murders are a month apart and I just can’t figure it out,” he rubs his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose.

  “You think the boyfriends are connected.” I state. I run my eyes over the crime scene photos once more and I notice a photo in the background. I set the photo down and point at the photo. Dixon takes the photo and stares at it for a second before I look at the next case’s crime scene photo. I noticed another photo in that photo. I don’t see the man in the photo, but I do see the victim and part of someone’s arm. The arm has a tattoo on it and it looks similar to the man from the first photo. The third is the same, but maybe there is something about that similar looking tattoo.

  Chapter Five

  Rolling over, I see River’s closed eyes lying next to me. We got drunk last night and there was no fucking way I was driving home. Slipping out of bed, I make my way to the bathroom to take a piss. My head is fucking pounding, that is the last time I let her talk me into drinking wine when the beer is all fucking gone.

  My phone starts to ring loudly. When I look over my shoulder, I groan and then I hear River’s bitching. She yells at me from the bed and I can’t help but grin. That’s what she gets. “I swear to God if you don’t answer your damn phone, I’ll kill you.” I chuckle at her and flush the toilet. Walking towards the bed, I watch in amusement as she throws the phone at me.

  Catching it, I look at the screen and see my brother’s name. “What B?” I groan into the phone. River puts the pillow over her head and I walk over to her and pull it off. Pressing a kiss to the side of her head, I whisper that I’ll call her later. Instead of answering, she just pulls the pillow back over her head muttering something.

  Walking out the door, I listen to Brant bitching about something. “Dude you sound like a fucking bitch.” He continues to go on about how Anslie’s being a bitch and blah, blah, blah. Fuck, I could care less what his problems are with his ole’ lady. He and Jase are the ones that typically talk to each other about this shit. Hell, they both live that shit. Why the fuck didn’t he call his twin?

  “Fuck you. I’m going to laugh my damn ass off when you meet your damn match and she grabs you by the balls.” I snort at that as I pull out a cigarette from the pack I have stashed away in my bags. Lighting it up, I lean against my bike and listen to the rest of his bitching. The sooner he gets it out, the sooner I get to go home and shower.

  “I still don’t get what the fuck you keep her around for if all you do is bitch.” I blow out a cloud of smoke and shut my eyes. The sun feels fucking amazing on my skin right now, I would much rather be on the road, curving around turns on my Harley, heading towards the mountains. The reason I love Las Vega
s is because of the hot sun, long winding roads and the mountains in the distance.

  “Are you even fucking listening to me?” he finally asks.

  “No.” I answer honestly, because fuck, I could care less what him and Anslie’s issues are. I love the girl to death and I love my brother, but I don’t care. I’ve got my own shit to worry about.

  “Fuck you Eli. Of course you’re not.” He sighs into the phone. “Can you come watch the twins while I take Anslie out? Only a few hours.” I laugh at him this time. After spending all that time bitching, he wants to take her out.

  “You make no fucking sense half the time. You were just bitching about Anslie and now you want to take her out?” Opening my eyes, I pull the phone away from my ear for a second so I can check the time. Six fucking twenty in the morning and he’s already asking favors. Fuck me.

  “She’s it for me. As pissed off as she makes me, I wouldn’t trade her for anyone.” I want to gag at that shit. Seriously why does he have to go and say mushy shit?

  “Can I at least shower first? I haven’t even made it back to the clubhouse.” I hear his laugh before he tells me to come by in two hours. It will give them time to feed the twins before I get there. Pocketing my phone before he can con me into doing something else today, I straddle my bike and put my cigarette out on the bottom of my boot. Putting the butt into my pocket, I start the engine and let it idle for a minute before I take off.

  One thing my mom hated when she did my laundry as I got older was when I would leave cigarette butts in my pockets. She would bitch at me for it, but I hate leaving them on the ground, it was the only other place I could stash them. Now the prospects get to deal with them.

  As I pull up to the clubhouse, I see my old man standing off to the side yard. He’s looking at something, but I can’t tell what it is from where I’m at. Putting my kickstand down, I shut my bike off and dismount it. Walking over towards him, I see what looks like a person laying on the ground. As I get closer, I see blonde hair everywhere.


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