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Soothing His Madness

Page 14

by Kayn, Debra

  She hurried over and stopped in front of his motorcycle. "What's going on?"

  He stood and pulled her to him, kissing her hard, and leaving her breathless. His own heart thrummed against his chest as he stepped around his bike, picked up the new black half-helmet he purchased earlier in the day, and moved back in front of her.

  Her eyes rounded. He moistened his lips, wanting to take her in his arms and never let her go and yet, knowing he needed to ask her the most important question to ever come out of his mouth. It was a one shot deal.

  "Taylor…," he whispered. "Will you be the first and only woman to ride behind me for the rest of my life?"

  "Holy shit," she mumbled.

  He chuckled, loving that he could do one thing that rocked both their worlds and change their path to going forward. Others might believe marriage was the ultimate sacrifice—a sign of forever, but to every man in the MC, a sign of a woman on the back of his Harley Davidson was bigger than any piece of paper. Club rules forbid girlfriends and bitches to ride with a member, and only an old lady had a place on the seat.

  "Are you serious?" She placed her hands on his stomach.

  The silence outside from the members, watching, listening, and waiting for the outcome heightened the suspense. She was killing him.

  "No woman has ever put her ass on my bike before." He lowered his voice. "And no woman, but you, ever will. This is it, baby girl…say yes."

  "Yes." She threw her arms around his neck and spoke in his ear. "Absolutely yes."

  He held her off the ground, tight to his chest. "Damn glad to hear that."

  "I can't believe you." She pulled back, still in his arms, and smiled the most beautiful smile he'd ever seen. "Finally."

  "Finally," he repeated, setting her feet on the ground.

  He softly pushed her hair back from her face and put her new helmet on her head. "The guys are going to watch the kids. First riders will escort us to a back road where we can have some privacy. You ready to roll?"

  She nodded. He moved away and straddled the motorcycle. When he had the kickstand up, the engine on, he held out his hand. She slipped her fingers into his, and climbed onto the seat behind him with the grace of someone born to ride.

  Her arms came around him, and she plastered herself to his back. He pulled down his stocking cap in an attempt to shield his big ass smile. If the guys weren't waiting for him and they weren't short on time, he'd sit in the parking lot to enjoy the new sensation of having his woman on his bike.

  He pulled out of the parking lot, and the first riders moved into position. Rain rode beside Slade, while Ronny, Jedman, Raul rode behind him. Torque, missing from the lineup, was back at the bar obeying doctor's orders to stay off his bike until his shoulder healed.

  The warmth from Taylor's legs wrapped along the outside of his hips comforted him. He pressed on the throttle, going faster. Her arms relaxed and settled on his stomach. The ache between his shoulders eased and he became aware of her breasts against his back.

  "Lean with me," he yelled into the wind.

  The road turned to the left and he took the curve aware of Taylor's position. He glanced at Rain, grinned, and kept riding. His girl was a natural. She moved with his body and remained relaxed. Even her legs stayed in position.

  The sun broke away from the clouds at the same time the back road appeared in front of them. He put his hand down and waved off the others right before turning down the asphalt lane. He slowed the bike, and took his time. The lane was only three miles long, but it was the only way he could ride alone with her while the club's safety was in question. Alone and without any witnesses, he stroked the outside of her leg with one hand while controlling the Harley.

  Taylor hands came off his stomach and rubbed the top of his thighs. She spoke, but he couldn't hear her over the engine.

  He turned his head to the side. "What?"

  "Can we stop?" she asked.

  He nodded, slowing down. He should've known she wasn't used to riding. It took weeks to get used to the seat and she'd worked the afternoon shift. The excitement of taking time for only them, to propose she join him in a lifetime ride was asking too much.

  He brought the bike to a stop, toed the kickstand, and leaned the bike over as he killed the engine. Her hands went to his shoulders, and he steadied himself while she swung her leg off the bike and stood beside him. He remained seated, studying her.

  She bit her lip and looked behind them into the distance. He hooked her finger with his, and pulled her close. "I—"

  She leaned over and captured his lips, shutting off his apology. Her tongue was in his mouth and her arms wrapped around his neck before he could kiss her back properly. However, he was quick on the signals. His woman was hot and bothered.

  He reached down and lifted her leg, propping her knee on his thigh. Then he circled her waist and lifted her, setting her down in front of him on the gas tank. Her legs hung over his, and he braced her face in his hands and kissed her thoroughly.

  The heat and sweetness from her mouth urged him on. He tasted, nibbled, and made love with his tongue. A stroke here and suck there, and she squirmed on top of him, getting closer to him inch by inch. His cock hardened and pressed painfully against his jeans, until he couldn't take anymore.

  He pulled his mouth away and stared into her eyes. "Wish we had more time, baby girl. The other riders will come looking for us, and the last thing I need is them seeing you with your pants off and your legs wrapped around me."

  "There will be other times," she whispered, and then kissed him softly one more time. "Thank you so much. I can't even tell you how much this ride meant or how many times I laid in bed after you rode off, imagining getting the chance to hold on to you and feel what you experience every time you go on a run. In all of my imaginations, it was never this wonderful."

  "Yeah?" He moved his hands up her ribs and cupped the sides of her breasts.

  She sighed on a quiver. "Yeah."

  He used his thumbs to circle her nipples. As the nubs stood up to his attention, he swallowed. "I don't know what I would've done if you would've told me no. Can't live without you, baby girl. I think about you constantly, and when I'm not with you, I'm jonesin' to leave work to check on you. You do something to me, and thinking about not having you eats me up inside."

  She tilted his head and waited until he looked into her eyes. "I'll never leave you."

  "After today, I think I'm starting to believe you." He dropped his hands between them and looked at her.

  Other men had pretty words and a grasp on their emotions to describe how they were feeling. He had sex. Taylor deserved the romance, the commitment, the security of knowing how he felt.

  "Stop," she whispered. "I get it. I really do. I feel what we have between us too, and having that inside here—she patted his chest—is all I need."

  He closed his eyes briefly, and then looked up into her face. He believed her.

  "I love you," he said.

  "Of course you do," she said, ducking her chin and looking at him out of the corner of her eyes. "Because I'm your old lady in every way and old ladies love their man until he lays down—"

  "His bike," he said, finishing the saying. "You've been hanging out with the Bantorus women too long."

  She laughed. "How else was I going to get your attention?"

  He kissed her laughing mouth. "Hop off and get on back. It's time to go home, baby girl."

  "All right, honey." She clambered off him and got into her position on the seat. "Oh, before we go…I love you too."

  He chuckled and started the Harley. He cruised ahead, until he found a spot wide enough in the road to turn around. Some people believed in karma when something good happened in their life, but he knew who was responsible for today. Taylor stuck with him, never giving up, and always loving him no matter how big of an asshole he was to her. He'd never take her for granted. If it took him a lifetime, he'd show her everything he felt inside his heart and she'd never go a day wit
hout knowing how much he loved her.

  Chapter Twenty Six

  After several days with no drama in her life, Taylor's energy level soared. Between the lunch crowd and the dinner flood of customers, she spread her happiness around to the Bantorus men who hung out at the bar.

  "Dance with me." She grabbed Bruce's hand and held it up, dancing underneath his outstretched arm.

  "Dammit, woman, knock that shit off." Bruce's grin softened his words. "Some people have to work and I've told you before, I don't dance."

  She rolled her eyes, knowing her excess oomph more than worked to her advantage. Her tips were twice as much from the daytime customers and her service was excellent. Not a spilled mug all day.

  "I'll give you a twenty spot to dance again." Ronny wiggled his brows and held up two twenty dollar bills between his two fingers. "Forty bucks if you strip."

  Slade approached Ronny from the back and snatched the money out of his hands. Ronny made a wild grab for his cash and missed. Taylor stepped over to Slade, enjoying the teasing.

  "Here you go, baby girl, buy yourself something pretty." He tucked the money into her pocket and kissed her hard.

  She leaned into his side, hand to his stomach, and head to his chest. "You boys are too nice to me."

  Slade turned his attention to Ronny and stared him down. "Really, man? I almost thought I heard you asking Taylor to dance for you."

  "Selfish bastard," Ronny muttered. "Everyone around here is settling down. You're making me lose my mojo with the girls."

  Slade chuckled, holding Taylor tighter and motioned toward the door where Ginger walked in with Torque escorting her. "Hey, Ginger. Ronny needs some attention."

  Ronny groaned. 'I'm going to kill you."

  Slade laughed and walked away with Taylor. She gazed up at him, wondering if she was missing some joke.

  "Ginger's become a little preoccupied with Ronny lately. Serves him right to sweat a little." Slade turned her around and trapped her against the wall.

  She spread her hands out on his chest. "You're cruel, honey."

  "Right." He focused on her. "What time do you get off?"

  The amusement over his choice of words had her lips curving. He growled and kissed her hard. "In a mood, huh? Want some of me inside you?"

  She nodded and kissed him back, tasting him, pressing against him. "I have two more hours."

  "Shit," he muttered, dropping his forehead down. "I need to run an errand for the club anyway, but tonight after the boys are asleep…you and me."

  Her nipples peaked and her lower stomach quivered in anticipation. "I can't wait, but it's the floor. I want it hard and fast, and your bed sucks."

  "I can do that." He leaned back, letting her go from the cage of his arms. "Remember, stay inside the bar, and wait for me to pick you up."

  She nodded, watching him walk across the bar and out the front door. Her adrenaline rush over, she went back to work. Even Ginger lap dancing on Ronny, who appeared anything but annoyed, failed to entertain her. She was tired and her feet were killing her. A few days off work had spoiled her.

  "Table two wants another round." Bruce eyed her carefully, setting two mugs of beer on the tray. "Everything okay?"

  "Yeah." She picked up the order, bent her leg, and lifted her high-heeled shoe off the ground. "Six hours on my feet, and I forgot how uncomfortable these pumps can be."

  "A woman's punishment for looking sexy," Bruce said. "Men everywhere owe you."

  "Damn right." She smiled, shaking her head in amusement. "The pain of being eye candy to a motorcycle club is damn hard work. Don't let anyone tell you differently."

  She serviced the customers at the table and carried the tray back to the bar when her phone went off in the pocket of her jeans. She set the tray in the tub, and pulled out her cell and read the text.

  Out back. Need to talk.

  She glanced at the number, her heart racing. Ray? No way.

  She told him as much in her reply. Her stomach flipped, and she turned away from Bruce and worked her lip in worry. Why would he be contacting her? She'd told him that was all the money she had. It wasn't as much as Slade gave him, and—she pressed her hand against her stomach. He was a gambler.

  "Shit," she mumbled, looking around the bar. He'd go to Slade or inform Jodie's lawyer about Slade taking the boys back without permission. Spotting Torque, she hurried over to the end of the bar.

  "Can I talk to you for a minute…privately?" She motioned behind her to the hallway.

  Torque frowned and looked around the bar. "What's up?"

  "Not here. Please." She tugged on his vest. "I don't want anyone to overhear."

  Torque followed her quietly. In the hallway, she showed him her cell. "It's Ray…Jodie's Ray…Slade's ex-wife."

  "I know who the asshole is," Torque said. "The question is, does Slade know the guy is texting you?"

  "No, and I swear I'll tell him tonight. I don't want to bother him now, because he's out on a run. I also don't need him stressing out about the next drama Jodie and Ray bring down on him when it's something I can probably take care of. I just need to talk with Ray for a few minutes in private, and make sure everything is okay and they're not making trouble for Lee and Kurt."

  "Fuck no." Torque used her phone to scroll through her contracts. "I'll call Slade."

  She grabbed her cell before he could find the key to contact Slade. "Please don't contact him. It'll only frustrate him, and he's been through enough with those two. Let him concentrate on his boys and his club. I can take care of this. You can make sure I'm safe, while I get rid of Ray."

  Torque rocked back on the heels of his boots and his gaze went to the ceiling. "Slade's gonna kill me."

  "No, he won't." She lowered her voice. "Please. Just walk outside with me. It'll take a few minutes, and then we can come back in. Ray's scum. He's not going to do anything to me. He probably wants to try to get visitation with the boys for Jodie, and I'll remind him of Slade's deal. That's all."

  She was lying through her teeth. Ray probably wanted more money to keep quiet, but she was broke. Slade was broke. They'd expended their resources.

  "Two minutes and then if he gives you trouble, you're back inside and I call Slade. Hell, I'll call every Bantorus member and we'll take the asshole out." Torque grabbed her upper arm and marched her toward the back door. "You don't leave my sight either."

  "I promise." She pushed through the back door, spotted Ray pacing by the dumpster, and hurried over.

  A quick glance behind her let her know Torque had his eye on her and was giving her room to talk with Ray without being far away in case things got ugly. She stopped in front of Ray. "Are you crazy? Slade's going to kill you if he hears you stopped by the bar and contacted me."

  "I need more cash." He rubbed his arm. "Today."

  She shook her head. "I gave you everything I had."

  "Then get some from the club. Don't you work the cash register in there?" He jerked his chin toward the building. "I need everything you can get your hands on."

  "Steal from the club? You're insane." Her lip curled in disgust. "Never."

  "He's going to kill me," Ray said.

  She nodded. "Yeah, Slade will, and because you contacted me at Cactus Cove, there are twenty bikers in there that will also kill you if they learn why you're here."

  Ray's eyes rounded. "Not Slade. Banjoey. He's put a hit on me."

  "Didn't you pay him off?" It dawned on her what had happened when Ray shook his head.

  He hadn't paid off his debt with Slade's money, and he hadn't let Jodie in on how he'd blackmailed her for more cash. Even worse, the boy's mother couldn't give a shit about her kids or figure out what her husband was doing behind her back. Disgust rolled through her, making her angry. She fisted her hands.

  "If I had a gun, I'd kill you myself," she said. "You've got two seconds to get out of here, before I have Torque—she stuck her arm out and pointed behind her at the Bantorus member watching her back—blow your st
upid head off."

  Ray shook his head, pain etched around his mouth, and jogged to his car. She folded her arms across her chest. Unbelievable. What an asshole.

  She waited for Ray to drive away, and then took a deep breath. After that episode with Ray, she'd have to come clean with Slade. Her deal with Ray went too far. He was a sick man and no matter what, Kurt and Lee didn't deserve to be around someone with a deadly gambling habit and a mom who couldn't find the energy to give a damn.

  She turned around and walked back to Torque with a heavy heart. Tonight, Slade would find out she tried to pay off Ray. He'd call her all kinds of a fool. She deserved whatever he said to her, because she'd messed up big time.

  Torque cocked his head to see her face. "Everything okay?"

  "It will be." She lifted her chin. "Everything is—"

  Gunfire peppered the area. She screamed, jolting from the noise. Torque fell to the ground. The next shots came, and she hunkered down beside him, jerking his vest to try to move him.

  "Torque," she screamed, watching a reddish black stain rapidly color his upper shoulder.

  At first, she thought his bandage had come off when he fell, but more blood dribbled out of the corner of his mouth. His eyes closed, and in a panic, she pushed to her feet.

  "Help!" She stumbled toward the backdoor of the bar. "Somebody help us."

  An arm went around her waist and a hand covered her mouth. Her feet left the ground and she kicked out, scratching at the fingers making it hard to breath. She bounced like a ragdoll.

  She stared intently at Torque, the backdoor, willing someone to come out and help her, help Torque.

  Then she sailed through the air, her head banged against something hard and pain flashed through her body, and all went black.

  Chapter Twenty Seven

  Slade toed the kickstand and swung off the bike. If he timed things right, he could plant himself between Taylor's legs and feed his craving for her before escorting the boys home from Janice's house. Seeing her flustered and her panties damp earlier had sent him speeding on the run, wanting to go home. He was damn lucky a badge hadn't pulled him over after rolling through every yellow light he hit.


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