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Submitting to Her

Page 16

by Max Sebastian

  She cocked her head as she peered at me. "You're a strange one, sweetie, you know that?"

  Her hands drifted down, and I heard her quietly gasp as she found that I was actually hard again.

  "You really did get off on it, didn't you?" she said.

  "Part of me," I said cautiously, more than a little wary of giving her the idea that I was all right with her inviting Brandon over for another session. "It was an adventure, I guess. It was shocking, and yet somehow the shock made me feel… alive. And when you were looking at me, and I got the impression you were only coming because I was there to watch - that was hot."

  "That was the only reason I came," she said, her fingers squeezing me now, slowly pumping my cock once again. As I looked down at her doing it, I noticed her nipples were rock hard. "I told you Brandon never made me come before, right?"

  I nodded. "I figured that really, it was me making you come - Brandon was just a prop. Like a sex toy or something."

  "But it did hurt - you were jealous?"

  "I guess. After a while, it seemed to all blend into this weird mix of emotions," I said, probably not making myself entirely clear. "I thought at first it was because I should be able to please you by myself. But then, I guess I figured that actually, you're better than that."

  "You're crazy."

  "What can I say? You're my goddess - and I guess I believe all men should worship you."

  Zoey giggled, echoing in the shower. It was quite the most heavenly sound. "I like your ambition, sweetie, but I don't think I could handle all men."

  I smiled, my hands now finding their way to her breasts, as she continued to use one hand to pump my cock, the other to cup my sac. I said: "I felt like you deserved that much pleasure, after what I'd done to you. And realized that the only thing I really feared was losing you, because you guys used to go out."

  "Oh, hey, you know there's no chance - "

  "I know," I said. "But that was my only real fear."

  She nodded, looked up at me with that pretty mouth curled upwards in a wry smile. "So you'd feel better if it was a guy I'd never met before?"

  "And one you'd likely never meet again," I shrugged.

  Zoey laughed. "Maybe we should have invited that pizza delivery guy in earlier, huh?"

  "Oh, you liked the look of him?" I laughed. "Maybe we should dial out for another pizza."

  * * *


  He was weak, and I was strong — then —

  So he let me lead him in —

  I was weak, and he was strong then —

  So I let him lead me — home.

  - Emily Dickinson, He was weak, and I was strong — then

  * * *

  Chapter Twenty-One

  We were awake really early - Zoey had said previously that for Ms Jenkinson, first thing in the morning meant 7am sharp.

  I dressed in my clothes from the previous day, but figured that a slightly crumpled shirt and jacket was not going to be the key issue that would either save or end my job at the company. Zoey looked immaculate, of course, in a suit that appeared rather conservative compared to the racy outfits she'd been displaying about the office recently.

  We were both nervous as naughty schoolchildren as we arrived outside our CEO's office at the duly appointed time. It made me feel like standing at the school principal's door again, waiting to be punished for flicking rubber bands at the back of Olivia Markam's neck in math class - only in this case, it wouldn't be a sharp rebuke and ten weeks of Saturday detentions, it would be a complete change in our lives - out on the street, chasing shelf-stacking supermarket jobs. I'd never even been up to this floor of our building.

  "Come," we heard Ms Jenkinson's voice clearly. It sent an icy shiver through my whole body.

  Our chief executive had an office you could have fit almost our whole department into. Taking up much of the floor space between the door and her desk were two expansive yet minimalist white leather sofas either side of a long glass coffee table. At the end, Ms Jenkinson appeared poised and almost regal behind a desk that could have controlled the Starship Enterprise, her blonde hair tied neatly back, her elegant face perfectly made up, her suit as immaculate as Zoey's.

  The views from the windows out over the Inner Harbor were breathtaking - how anyone could get any work done with such a panorama available, I'd couldn't ascertain.

  "You've been getting good results," Ms Jenkinson said as we lined up in front of her. "I like that. I happen to be of the opinion that good results justify the means, even if those means are somewhat unconventional."

  Somewhat unconventional. I mulled those words around in my mind for a moment, and a tickle of hope flickered within my chest. I glanced over at Zoey, but she was faced firmly forwards, the picture of attentiveness. I took my lead from her, and snapped back to attention.

  "But - I do have my concerns," our CEO said, looking at us each in turn as we hung on her every word. "Of course, my first concern is with the company. If your relationship changes for the worse, or breaks down in any way, it will affect your work."

  "No, Ms Jenkinson," Zoey said quietly, carefully. "I don't believe it will."

  "You're saying it won't affect your work at all?"

  "I'm saying our relationship won't change," said Zoey. I felt a little warm tremble of contentment at that, I can tell you.

  Ms Jenkinson nodded, considering. From this distance, I couldn't really read her eyes. I wonder if that was one reason why her office was so large - keep visitors guessing.

  She said, softer this time: "I worry about you personally as well, Zoey. After what happened with Brandon…"

  I flinched at the name as soon as it passed our CEO's lips, my chest flaming up in shock, jealousy and a little hurt that whatever it was to which Ms Jenkinson now referred, Zoey had kept from me. What had gone on between her and that blond meathead?

  "It's not the same," Zoey said. "I'm not like that any more."

  Our chief nodded again, in her slow, pensive manner. "I thought we decided you weren't going to get hung up on a particular guy again for a while, Zoey. You were so badly hurt the last time."

  "It won't happen this time," Zoey insisted.

  Ms Jenkinson sighed, then actually laughed. She said: "I thought you were going to have a little fun, Zoey. Not start anything too serious. But the way you two are, I can see you getting really hurt again."

  "That won't happen this time, Ms Jenkinson."

  "Because you're in control of the relationship?"

  "Because I'm not consumed by the relationship."

  I felt burning resentment toward Brandon, though I tried not to react visibly to it. Whatever had gone on, it had affected my relationship with Zoey. She seemed to be projecting an image to our CEO of a young woman protected from vulnerability, which made me feel she was closed off to the kind of love I felt for her. Had everything that had happened the previous night been an act?

  Zoey seemed so cold standing there in front of our chief executive.

  "I want to believe it, Zoey," Ms Jenkinson said, gazing at my vice president as though the two of them were the only ones in the room.

  I had no idea what was going on. I realize I'm not the brightest bulb in the box, but it was as though there was some deeper conversation going on telepathically between these two razor-sharp women, and I simply did not have the super powers to engage.

  But were our jobs saved? Ms Jenkinson's softer tone did lead one to suspect that they might be. Nevertheless, Zoey's face was not filled with relief in the way that might confirm that the worst was over. She seemed pale, yet there was also a slight pink flush in her face.

  Then Zoey looked at me and said: "Take off your clothes, Jones."

  I gasped, and at first, thought I'd misheard. Zoey turned to give me a stern glare, her arms folded, exuding authority. I glanced over to Ms Jenkinson, who offered only a half smile, and a slight nod to suggest her consent, but gave the impression under the surface of being quietly pleased
that I had looked to her for confirmation, that I recognized her ultimate authority in this room, in the corporation.

  Was this a test? Zoey showing her boss the level of control she had over me?

  I had no choice, of course, and let's face it: it wouldn't be anything our CEO hadn't seen already, considering her recent intrusion into our coupling. I had a mild sense of deja vu as I began unbuttoning my shirt, recalling the first time in Zoey's office, trying to save my own job. Well, this time it was both of our employments on the line. And my sense of humility was somewhat different, after what I'd been through since that first time I'd stripped down within this building.

  It was suddenly so very cold in there, I was struggling to breathe as my nerves returned with a vengeance.

  Oh God - the first time I'd really been in the presence of the chief executive, in the hallowed ground of her office, and I was having to strip naked. Despite our previous exposure, pulling off my shirt, and then unfastening my pants, I felt a flush of humiliation wash over me. I had to remember that at any point, at a moment's notice, this attractive 40-something blonde in her power suit could probably fire us, and leave our careers in tatters.

  My underwear dropped to the floor, leaving my semi-erect cock bobbing slightly in the conditioned air, and I felt as though I was living an old childhood dream of diving into a public swimming pool only to find I hadn't brought my trunks. The huge office seemed distressingly vulnerable with its floor-to-ceiling windows, although relatively high up, there weren't any obvious windows in buildings nearby that might be able to see inside.

  "Very good," Ms Jenkinson said, and leaned forward to get a better view of my nudity.

  Zoey stood up, and ordered me down on the floor with a single sharp: "Down."

  I dropped to my knees, trying to conceal any sign of shivering, though there was nothing I could do about the goose bumps.

  "Try him," Zoey said. "I can handle it."

  Why did I start feeling like some kind of peace offering?

  Ms Jenkinson gazed at me, and I felt her steely eyes brutally penetrate me. After what seemed like an age, she gave a simple nod, then rose from her chair.

  "Very well," she said, stepping around the desk toward me.

  Zoey stepped back, but from my position I couldn't easily turn to look at her, gauge her expression - and feeling the importance of being obedient just then, I wasn't going to move so that I could see her.

  The blonde woman circled me, examining me. I felt like a piece of meat, a prize bull on show.

  "I can see why you like him, Zoey," she said.

  Then she stopped in front of me, stooped, reached to cup my genitals. I felt my cock throbbing at her cool touch. Jesus - was Zoey just going to let her boss maul me? How far was this peace offering to go?

  "I think he likes it when I touch him," Ms Jenkinson said.

  I couldn't help it. The way she stooped so close to me, the top few buttons of her shirt undone, the material parted to reveal a glimpse of her small but noticeable cleavage. I could also detect her perfume, and a feminine scent had always been one of my biggest turn-ons. She was seriously attractive, despite having a good 10 to 15 years' seniority to me. She had those crisp, elegant good looks that along with her straw-yellow hair parted at the side and tied back in a loose ponytail, meant Amy Jenkinson could have just about passed for a cheerleader.

  She appeared to have a cruel streak as far as Zoey was concerned, or else she was testing her vice president, pushing her to see how far this would go. She now gently pumped my hardness, and said: "I like touching him, too."

  I wanted to turn to Zoey, see what she wanted me to do, read her expression for any kind of clues - but I couldn't. I was frozen to the spot. Was my beautiful Zoey angry with me for responding to this woman so visibly? My cock was obscenely hard in her soft yet strong hands.

  "Lie down," the blonde ordered, and I did as I was told, spreading myself out on the carpet before these two women.

  I did snatch a glance at Zoey, but the pretty brunette offered only a neutral, impassive look that told me nothing.

  Now our chief executive stepped over my chest, then crouched, so that I could see she was wearing thigh-high stockings, not pantyhose, and then she kept on moving so her knees were either side of my head, one hand lifting her skirt to reveal a pair of black satin thongs just about covering her pussy.


  "Will you be a willing servant for me as well?" she asked me, only it didn't seem to be much of a question.

  I felt her other hand now encircle my head, and she was pulling my face up to her, pressing me to her flesh. I could feel intense heat through the soft satin material, smell the strong scent of her arousal along with her elegant perfume.

  Ms Jenkinson let out a low moan as she felt the heat of my mouth through her panties.

  "You like it?" she asked me. "You like my scent?"

  "Yes, Ms Jenkinson," I replied, and she pressed me to her panties again, pressing my nose to the damp material to inhale her spicy aroma.

  I couldn't help but suspect that Zoey had learned more than just business from this woman. Even from her movements, the way she handled me, I caught the impression that Amy Jenkinson was the one I could thank for some of the thrilling experiences with her former intern.

  Ms Jenkinson pulled my head away from her, and now stood once again, looking over at Zoey, trying to read her.

  "You're sure about this, Zoey?" she said.

  The pretty brunette walked over to us, and now knelt beside me, beside her boss. She gazed up at the blonde woman with what appeared to be reverence and deference. "I'm sure," she said. "You can see I'm not hung up on him."

  Zoey now reached up under Ms Jenkinson's skirt, and I caught my breath as she now slipped the woman's panties down over her thighs, and helped her to step out of them.

  Then our CEO was returning to her position over my face, and as her bare pussy now touched down on my lips, I could see that Zoey was holding up her boss's panties to inhale her scent, perhaps demonstrating her own submission to the top dog, perhaps seeking a clue as to how I was feeling with the attractive blonde now nestling her pussy over my mouth and nose. Or perhaps, I wondered, even remembering a previous encounter with our company chief.

  Ms Jenkinson tasted different than my Zoey - a little saltier, a little sharper. She had a soft sprinkling of hair all around her pussy, though her bikini line was tidy, and it tickled my face a little as she rubbed herself over me. All this felt so wrong - but who was I to object? This attractive woman was our CEO, no less, and I was only following Zoey's orders.

  Nibbling on her pussy lips, delving my tongue inside her folds, I worked every little trick I'd learned in the service of my vice president. I couldn't see Zoey - the blonde woman filled my sight, hogged my focus.

  At last, our chief was picking herself up again, sitting back against the edge of her desk, and I wasn't sure what was happening. Had I performed well enough? Would this save our jobs? I just lay there in confusion as Ms Jenkinson stepped back, leaned up on the edge of her desk, and Zoey was now kneeling in front of her. What was she…

  Oh, my.

  "You too," our chief said to me, and Zoey was making way for me to join her between the blonde woman's thighs.

  It wasn't the easiest thing to perform, though after a few moments we found a position whereby one or other of us licked and sucked towards the bottom of Ms Jenkinson's pussy, with the other sucking on her clit, our faces positioned almost as though we were kissing each other between the blonde woman's nether regions, except that we tilted our heads a little sideways to pair up on our CEO's pussy,

  It was hot to see my Zoey worshipping her boss as I usually worshipped her. So sensual, so soft and graceful - I felt there were lessons I could learn. But there was something about it that did slightly unsettle me. As we continued to service our chief, Zoey having to hold back her hair to keep it out of the way, I was getting the idea that what Zoey was trying to prove to her chief execu
tive was that although she was having fun with me outside office hours, I did not mean everything to her.

  That hurt, although I knew it was still early days in our relationship.

  There was jealousy inside me, I realized, feeling a touch pathetic about it. Somehow, the sense that I meant nothing to her felt worse to me than even when she'd been with Brandon. At least with him, I had the sense that she didn't love him. She'd dated him for a long while, and saw him as nothing more than a physical lump on which she could get herself off, only to enjoy an orgasm if I happened to be watching.

  With the elegantly sweet Ms Jenkinson, even trying to affect a neutral expression, it appeared to me that Zoey was somewhat enamored.

  Her hands on both our heads, Ms Jenkinson was getting really wet from having us wrestling each other's tongues via her pussy. I tried smiling at Zoey, as if to gauge whether she was really okay, but she remained in a neutral expression.

  Was she all right?

  Ms Jenkinson gently patted our heads to end our combined cunnilingus, and told me to lie down on the floor again.

  Then as she told Zoey to hold my cock up for her to ride on, I did hear a little gasp from my head of department.

  Ms Jenkinson smiled, as though this had always been her number one goal, to find the point at which she could genuinely test the devotion of Zoey Schoenberg.

  Perhaps there was a limit. Perhaps there would come a moment where it all proved too much for my cocoa-haired goddess. But I didn't have the luxury of waiting to find out. I lay down as ordered.

  Ms Jenkinson now paced around us as Zoey knelt next to my right hip and started slowly pumping my cock again, ensuring I was fully hard. The chief really was an incredible sight, and must have virtually lived in the gym, looking nothing like how I would imagine a 40-something might appear.


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