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Page 7

by Creator

  They walked quietly through the woods. The clouds were long gone and they could see every star in the sky. The moon was still full and illuminated everything around them, making it a beautiful night.

  Breaking the silence, Marin asked, “Cole, can I be honest with you about something?”

  “Sure. You can tell me anything,” he responded.

  Marin looked at him hesitantly. “I liked your brother, Gabriel, when I thought you were just a wolf. I don’t think of him the same way that I think of you, but I thought you should know. I guess I’m just worried that I’m going to screw up your lives by choosing the wrong guy. If I pick you but I was supposed to be with Gabriel, then does that mean he never finds his mate?

  Cole stopped and looked at her. “Marin, you don’t have to put so much thought into it. There’s no rush. You can stay with us as long as you want to. Get to know us before you try to make a decision on something like that. It’s not like there’s a deadline.”

  Marin looked miserable. “I know, but…”

  Cole placed his finger over her lips. “No buts. Just concentrate on getting better and getting back into the swing of things. The most important thing is you… your health and well-being. Everything else can wait.”

  Marin could feel her eyes starting to tear again. Here she was, the key to either his happiness or his brother’s, and he was worried about her. He was incredible. The more she was around him the more she felt that she had already chosen her ‘mate.’ She put her hand on his cheek and stood on tiptoe. Even then, she still didn’t have a prayer of kissing him; he was far too tall for that.

  Cole picked her up and pulled her against his body. Her face was mere inches from his and he wanted to kiss her more than anything, but he hesitated. Would she think he was taking advantage of her? She had just said she was confused and he didn’t want to add to her anxiety. Granted, she had appeared as if she were trying to kiss him, but what if he had misread the situation? He wanted her as his mate, but he also wanted to give her the time and space she needed. She’d had a rough week and he didn’t want to do anything that would make it any worse.

  Deciding that he was over thinking the matter, he lowered his head to Marin’s and claimed her lips in a gentle kiss. Marin gasped and put her hands in his hair, pulling him closer. Timidly she touched her tongue to his lips. Cole groaned and opened his mouth, deepening the kiss. She tasted so sweet; he felt as if he could drown in her kisses.

  Marin wrapped her legs around his waist and held on for dear life. She had never experienced anything like this before. Cole made her feel things that she never dreamed existed. She had dated a few guys in high school and a few more in college, but none of their kisses were like Cole’s. She could feel his kiss all the way to her toes. It felt as if his soul was speaking to hers… as if they completed each other, two halves of a whole.

  Cole pulled back and looked at her. “I didn’t mean to take that quite so far.”

  “I’m glad you did. I’ve never felt anything like that before.”

  “Which is why I shouldn’t have taken advantage…”

  Cole kissed her again briefly and buried his face in her neck. The thought of her kissing Gabriel like that made him crazy. If Marin decided that he wasn’t the guy for her, Cole would probably take his savings and move out of the Victorian. He wouldn’t be able to be around her day after day knowing that she was with Gabriel, or even Michael for that matter. It would be too painful. He had known from the first moment he had seen her that she was special. Even in his wolf form, he had felt a pull to her. He still hoped that meant that she was his to keep.

  He set her back on her feet. “We should probably head back to the house. You shouldn’t over do it.”

  “Okay.” Marin smiled at him, but the smile slipped from her face and she looked down at the ground.

  “What is it, Marin?”

  “I have an embarrassing question to ask you.”

  Cole lifted her chin so that she was looking into his eyes again. “You can ask me anything you want to.”

  “Would you … would you stay with me tonight? As a wolf?”

  Her question took him by surprise. “Like last night?”

  Marin nodded. “I felt safer last night than I have in a long time. It probably sounds strange that I’m asking you to change into a wolf to sleep in the same bed with me, but I’m not sure I’m ready for that step with anyone in human form.”

  She blushed remembering that she had woken up to find a naked man in her bed instead of the wolf she had fallen asleep with. “Well, not intentionally anyway.”

  He caressed her cheek. “I’d be honored.” The fact that she wanted him to stay with her gave him hope; knowing he made her feel safe thrilled him.

  Taking her hand, he led her back to the house. When they reached the back door, Cole stopped. There was an unfamiliar scent in the air. Cracking the door open, he listened to the conversation his brother was having with an unexpected guest.

  “Are you sure you haven’t seen her?” the man asked Gabriel.

  Gabriel looked at the picture of Marin, or rather what Marin had looked like before this man had terrorized her. “I’m sure. What makes you think she’s in this area?”

  “Poor thing was in an accident down the road a ways. I checked the area hospitals, but they said she wasn’t there.”

  “And you think she’s still in the area?” Gabriel asked the stranger.

  “She had to have been badly hurt. I’m sure someone took her in, but so far everyone I’ve asked has said they haven’t seen her.”

  “I wish I could help you, but I haven’t seen her either. Maybe she wasn’t hurt as bad as you think and she’s already moved on.”

  The man nodded. “Could be. Well, thank you for looking at the picture.”

  After Gabriel had closed the front door, Cole quickly ushered Marin in through the back. They were going to have to alter her looks a little if Stefan didn’t leave soon. Cole hated the thought since he found her attractive as she was… a little skinny at the moment, but attractive just the same.

  “Was that Stefan?” Cole asked Gabriel.

  “Yeah. Hopefully he won’t come back though. Just to be safe, maybe Marin should stay inside and stay away from open windows. I don’t want to take any chances with her safety.”

  “I agree,” Cole said.

  Marin was shaking. She pressed herself against Cole for support. Her legs felt like they would give out at any moment. The world started to tilt and she wondered if she was going to pass out. Even after being away from Stefan for the past week, she felt terrified.

  Cole immediately put his arms around her and picked her up. “I think I should take her back to her room.”

  Gabriel nodded and they both headed upstairs. When they reached her bedroom, Cole laid Marin down on the bed and pulled her shoes off for her. He brushed her hair back from her face, but she didn’t respond. She was staring up at the ceiling, but she didn’t seem to really see anything. Was she in shock?

  “Marin? Sweetheart, can you look at me please? You’re scaring me.”

  Marin glanced at Cole, but didn’t really see him. Stefan had found her. She wasn’t safe here anymore. How long would it be before he came back looking for her again? And how many people would be hurt, or even killed, when he tried to take her back?

  “Marin, do you want to change for bed?” Cole asked, hoping she would snap out of it.

  Marin just stared at him. Cole looked at Gabriel for help. He was getting really worried about her. They had to make her feel safe. But how? Then he remembered her request.

  “Hey Gabriel, I’ll be back in just a minute. Will you sit with Marin until I get back?”


  Gabriel sat on the bed beside her. It was like she was far away even though she was lying right by him. He could strangle Stefan for showing up here. She had been so vibrant and alive until a few minutes ago.

  He heard clicking on the stairs and looked toward the door.
Cole came trotting back in as a wolf. Since his wolf form had found Marin and had stayed by her every night, maybe this would work. She had seemed to respond well to him before.

  Getting up from the bed, Gabriel pulled the covers over her. She just stared up at the ceiling without really seeing it. It was like she was lost in another world; her eyes were open but unseeing.

  Cole jumped onto the bed and snuggled up next to Marin. He propped his head on his paws and watched her. Crawling further up the bed, he gently nudged her face with his cold wet nose. Marin blinked a few times and finally looked his way, really seeing him this time.

  Fear had completely taken her over when she had heard Stefan’s name. Cole’s wet nose had brought her back to reality and she smiled her thanks. She wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in his fur. In his wolf form, he smelled musky.

  Letting go of Cole, she looked at Gabriel and saw the worry on his face. “I’m okay now.”

  “Are you sure? You gave us a scare,” Gabriel said.

  Marin nodded. “I’m sure. For a minute, all of my feelings of fear came rushing to the surface, but I know that I’m safe here. Besides, I have a bodyguard with me,” she said with a smile at Cole.

  Gabriel grinned. “Yes, it appears you do.”

  Marin might not realize it yet, but she and Cole were meant to be together. It probably explained why his blood had healed her so quickly. For a moment, Gabriel flashed back to breakfast and remembered Cole telling Marin that he had known she was special. Was it possible that he had felt the pull to her? The pull that told Gabriel she was a mate for one of them? If so, what did that mean? Only the alpha should feel anything when one of their mates was present.

  “I’m going to let you rest while I fill Michael in on what’s going on. We’ll make sure we keep the doors and windows locked and set the alarm. It means that none of us will be running out of here as wolves anytime soon, but your safety is much more important,” Gabriel told her.

  Marin frowned. “It isn’t right for y’all to alter your lives just because you stumbled across me after my accident.”

  “Don’t worry about it Marin. I told you, you’re part of our pack and we’re going to do whatever is necessary to protect you. Regardless of how you might feel, you’re part of the family now.”

  Without thinking about what she was doing, Marin stroked Cole’s fur on his neck. “If you’re sure I’m not causing a lot of trouble…”

  “You’re not. And I think Stefan may have found way more trouble than he bargained for,” Gabriel said.

  Marin still looked uncertain, but she obviously couldn’t argue with him. She settled back against the pillows and sighed. Since she was destined to be here, she might as well get used to losing arguments with the brothers. She had a feeling it would be happening rather frequently.

  Gabriel looked from Cole to Marin. “Get some rest. Michael and I will take turns guarding the house tonight.”

  Gabriel stepped out into the hall, closed the bedroom door, and he headed upstairs to Michael’s room. He started to knock on the door, but his brother had music blaring. Even with werewolf hearing Michael wouldn’t be able to hear him through all of that!

  Opening the door, he shouted, “Hey, Michael! Turn that down!”

  Michael jumped and looked at Gabriel. “What’s up?” he asked as he turned down the volume on his stereo.

  “Stefan came by looking for Marin. Cole turned into a wolf and is staying with her for the night,” Gabriel said, getting right to the point.

  “Whoa. So, we’re patrolling the house tonight, then?”

  Gabriel smiled at him. “Yep. I was thinking we’d do this in wolf form. After all, people train dogs to attack intruders all the time, and a dog can’t go to jail.”

  Michael smiled back. “I like the way you think bro; want me to go first?”

  “Be my guest. I’m going to attempt to sleep a little so I can open the garage tomorrow. If you start to get tired, wake me up.”

  Gabriel left and went to his room while Michael stripped out of his clothes and shifted into a red and white wolf. The blue eyes would make people think he was a really large husky if anyone saw him.

  Gabriel headed across the hall to his room. He closed his bedroom door and went to lie down on the bed. Closing his eyes, he tried to drown out all of the noises of the house and all of the thoughts bouncing around in his head. It wasn’t long before he managed to fall asleep.

  Chapter Four

  On the second floor, Marin was facing Cole and was playing with the fur on his neck. Even though she knew he was really a six foot one well muscled man, she was comforted by the wolf lying beside her, who was watching her intently. She wondered what he was thinking. Did he think as a wolf would when he was like this? Or was he just the same Cole as any other time, but in a different body?

  Marin sat up. Looking down at Cole she said, “I’m going to head into the bathroom and get ready for bed. I’ll be right back.”

  She got up and walked into the bathroom. Turning on the light, Marin closed the door behind her and turned on the sink. She brushed her teeth and her hair. Her nightgown was on the floor. Removing her clothes, she slipped back into the nightgown. She washed the make-up from her face and used the facial moisturizer Cassie had bought her.

  Marin turned out the light and opened the door. Cole was still lying on the bed. When she stepped into the bedroom, he looked up at her. She couldn’t be sure, but she thought she saw his eyes widen slightly. Hopefully it was in a good way. It definitely answered her question about his thoughts being wolf thoughts or human thoughts.

  The bedroom was a little chilly so she quickly walked over to the bed and climbed under the covers. She was still shivering and tried to get closer to Cole for warmth. Cole figured out what she was doing and stood up. Using his paws, he pulled the covers back a little and wiggled under them next to her. He popped his furry head out from under the covers and propped it on one of the pillows.

  Marin smiled at him. She turned on her side and wrapped her arms around him. Pressing herself as close to him as possible, she breathed in his scent and kissed him on his furry cheek. Cole was wonderful whether he was in human form or wolf form.

  “Thank you,” she whispered in his ear.

  Cole rolled his eyes to look at her without moving his head. He would give anything to be in his human form and hold her in his arms, but he knew that in his wolf form he would be able to protect her better. If Stefan did manage to get into the house, he would not make it into Marin’s room! Cole would kill him if he came anywhere near her.

  Marin and Cole both drifted off to sleep. Both of them had troubled dreams about Stefan. Marin worried that Stefan would end up hurting one or all of the brothers and Cole was worried that Stefan would find a way to abduct Marin. In sleep, they clung to each other. Shortly after midnight, Cole shifted into his

  human form while he was sleeping. It hadn’t been intentional, but neither he nor Marin noticed. It was getting to be a habit… a bad one.

  Cole instinctively wrapped his arms around Marin and held her close. She wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her face against his chest. Neither of them moved all night. With Cole’s arms around her, Marin had peaceful dreams. It was the first night in a long time that she didn’t have nightmares most of the night.

  In the morning, Marin was the first to wake up. Her first reaction was to panic, until she opened her eyes and saw that Cole was with her. He was still sleeping soundly. Marin tried to wiggle away from him a little, but his arms tightened around her. She didn’t really want to move away from him, but she thought it might be for the best.

  Cole slowly swam back into consciousness after a really deep sleep. Realizing that he was wrapped around Marin made him open his eyes with a start. When had he become human again? Even if it was unintentional, he still felt bad about shifting during the night.

  He looked down at Marin and realized she was awake and watching him. “I’m sorry, Marin.
I swear I didn’t change back on purpose,” he swore as he started to pull away from her.

  Marin smiled at him. “It’s okay, really. I slept better last night than I have in a really, really long time.”

  Cole smiled, relaxing a little. “Me, too. I should probably change back into a wolf though.”


  Cole blushed. “Um. Wolves don’t wear clothes…”

  As the meaning of his words sank in, Marin’s eyes widened and a blush starting creeping up her neck to stain her cheeks a bright pink. She hadn’t thought about him being naked! Of course, now that it had been brought to her attention, she did seem to have something rather large and hard pressing against her leg. She put a small amount of space between her and Cole. Marin didn’t want to be completely apart from him, but she was a little embarrassed over their situation.

  Cole saw that he had made her uncomfortable and could have kicked himself. He should have just kept his mouth shut and shifted. He started to roll away from her, but she put her hand on his arm to stop him.

  “Are you leaving?” Marin asked, afraid that she had upset him by pulling away.

  He faced her again before responding. “No. I just thought I should put a little space between us, all things considered.”

  Marin hesitantly scooted closer to him. Cole held his breath waiting to see what she was up to… afraid that if he moved he would scare her away. She slowly pressed her body against his. She wrapped her arms around his waist and placed a kiss on his bare chest.

  Cole slowly put his arms around her, not really sure if he should or not. She looked into his eyes and slid up his body until they were face to face. With her hands pressed against his chest, she timidly placed a kiss on his warm firm lips. She started to pull back, but Cole grabbed a handful of her hair and plunged his tongue between her lips. Marin wrapped her arms around his neck to pull him closer. Without realizing what she was doing, she pressed her hips against him. Her body wanted him even if her brain wasn’t quite sure about it.


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