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Page 22

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  Cole followed Marin through the small shop. While Marin flipped through one rack, he looked through another. He paused when he saw a beautiful off-white gown with long lacy sleeves. The dress itself was off-white satin with the same lace over-laid. There were tiny seed pearls scattered across the hem.

  “Marin, I think I may have found something,” he told her, pulling the dress from the rack.

  Marin turned to see what Cole had found. The dress in his hands was breathtaking. It was the most elegant wedding gown she’d seen. Most of the dresses she had found were either plain or so fancy they were almost gaudy.

  “It’s perfect, Cole.”

  Taking the dress from him, she carefully carried it to the fitting room. Inside, she undressed and gingerly stepped into the beautiful gown. It fit her like a glove. Looking at her reflection, tears came to her eyes. She wished that her parents could see her now.

  Thinking of her family made her remember her brother. What was he doing now? What would happen if she contacted him? Would he want to be here for her wedding? Was he still doing drugs?

  Sighing, Marin took the dress off and hung it back on the hanger. Dressing quickly, she went in search of Cole.

  “It’s absolutely perfect,” she told him.

  He smiled. “I figured it might be.”

  They walked over to the sales woman to check out. She rang up their purchase and told Cole the amount. Marin was a little stunned at the figure she mentioned, but Cole didn’t seem surprised. She watched as he pulled out a credit card and paid for the dress.

  They left the store and Cole helped Marin into the truck. Walking around to the driver’s side, he opened the back door and draped her dress across the seat. Then he opened his door and climbed into the truck.

  “Now that we have the most important task taken care of, where would you like to eat?”

  “I don’t care. Why don’t you surprise me?”

  Cole grinned; he knew just the place to take her. He’d noticed that Marin didn’t like it when he spent a lot of money on her. If they were going to get married, she’d just have to get used to it. After all, it was a man’s prerogative to spoil his wife.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The morning of the wedding, Cassie arrived at eight o’clock sharp to kidnap Marin. Walking up to the Andrews’ front door, Cassie didn’t even bother knocking or ringing the bell. Opening the door, she stepped into the front entry. Hearing voices in the kitchen, Cassie closed the door and headed in that direction.

  Sitting at the table were Colin and Connor. Marin was at the oven, pulling out a baking sheet of fluffy, golden biscuits.

  “Marin, what are you doing? You’re going to end up smelling like breakfast on your wedding day.”

  Marin turned to face Cassie. “Well, I just thought the guys might be hungry this morning. I don’t think the scent of biscuits will stay with me all day.”

  Cassie eyed her doubtfully. “Let’s hope not.”

  Marin arranged the biscuits on a plate and placed them on the kitchen table. Her stomach was tied in knots so eating one of the fluffy biscuits was out of the question. She wasn’t sure why she was so anxious today. She loved Cole and knew he loved her.

  “Are you ready to go to the salon?” Cassie asked.

  “Yeah, just let me grab my coat and purse.”

  Marin went to the living room to get her things. After putting on her coat, she grabbed her purse and met Cassie at the front door.

  “Are you sure I’m not being too much trouble? I mean, shouldn’t you be home resting or something?” she asked Cassie.

  Cassie rolled her eyes. “As if I’m going to sit at home and rest on your wedding day! Besides, I’ve been looking forward to the day that someone would catch one of the Andrews brothers. I wouldn’t miss this day for anything.”

  Marin smiled and followed Cassie out the front door. “Well, I’m happy to be of service. Although, I’m honestly surprised that none of the brothers have gotten married before now. It’s not as if they’re ugly.”

  Cassie laughed. “No, but they are extremely picky. None of them will marry a woman who isn’t their mate.”

  Marin shook her head in wonder. It still amazed her that she was destined to be with Cole. He was the most amazing man she had ever met; always putting her needs before his, always wanting to please her. Marin couldn’t have possibly asked for a better husband.

  When they arrived at the salon, Cassie had front door parking. As usual, Matt had rented out the salon for the occasion so his pregnant wife wouldn’t be around a lot of harmful fumes. Locking up the car, Cassie and Marin walked up to the shop and knocked on the door.

  Seeing the two women outside, the shop owner opened the door for them. “Welcome ladies! I trust you’re having a good morning?”

  Marin smiled at the man. “The best. Thank you for squeezing me in on such short notice.”

  “It’s not a problem,” he assured her. “I have the best stylists here to assist the two of you this morning. If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to ask.”

  They both thanked the owner and took their seats in the stylists’ chairs. Having recently had their hair colored and cut, they were only there to be styled and have their nails done.

  An hour later, Marin felt pampered and excited about her wedding. Her dress was stored at Cassie’s house so Cole wouldn’t see her before the wedding. The poor man had even slept in another bedroom last night.

  “Before we go to my house, do you want to drive by the church where the ceremony will be held? We can make sure the flowers arrived.”

  “That sounds good,” Marin responded.

  The church was near Cassie’s house and they arrived in no time. Outside, there was a sign announcing Marin and Cole’s marriage at ten o’clock. A red carpet had been rolled out down the front steps.

  The women parked and walked inside the church to make sure everything was in order. The first thing Marin noticed was the scent of gardenias… they were everywhere! Every flower arrangement contained at least a few gardenias. Marin had never told Cole how much she enjoyed their scent so she was pleasantly surprised.

  Glancing around the empty church, the women decided that everything looked in order. Marin knew that her wedding was going to be beautiful; she just wished that her family could be there to see it.

  “We should probably go to my house so you can get your dress. We need to be back at the church in twenty minutes for you to start getting dressed,” Cassie said, as they walked down the front steps.

  “Do we have enough time to go to your house and get back?”

  “I live just a few blocks away. We can make it back in enough time. No worries, it’s your wedding day.”

  Marin smiled. “Yes, it is. I can honestly say I didn’t think this day would ever arrive.”

  “You never thought you would get married?” Cassie asked her.

  Marin shook her head. “I didn’t date all that often and never really had a steady boyfriend. When my parents died and I had to take care of my brother, I just assumed that I would have time for a social life after he started college.”

  “Wow, that’s a long time to put your life on hold.”

  Marin hadn’t really thought about it at the time, but Cassie was right… it was a long time to put her life on hold. She was very lucky to have Cole and have a second chance at a real life.

  They arrived moments later at Cassie’s house. It was a beautiful two story on a quaint street. It didn’t take them long to get everything they needed and start heading back to the church.

  When they pulled into the church parking lot, Marin and Cassie gathered their items and trudged up the steps. The front doors of the church were already open in preparation of the guests arriving.

  Marin thought it was a shame for the church to be decorated so beautifully when there wouldn’t be very many guests. Cassie and Matt would be attending, as would Cole’s brothers and cousins, and Dylan. Marin hadn’t known of anyone else to invite.

  Cassie and Marin went into one of the side rooms to prepare for the wedding. It didn’t take long to get Marin into her dress and shoes. She made a radiant bride.

  The wedding passed in a blur. It seemed to Marin as if she had barely walked down the aisle before she and Cole were being pronounced husband and wife. Husband… just the thought of Cole being her husband made Marin smile.

  The wedding reception was small and was held at the Victorian. Marin looked across the living room to her new husband. He still had on his tuxedo and looked very dashing. Marin still wore her wedding dress. Every now and then she would see a flash out of the corner of her eye as Cassie or one of the other guests snapped a picture. Cassie had come up with the idea of planting disposable cameras around the house for the guests to use. It would be a good way for Marin to set up a wedding album without having to pay for a professional photographer.

  Cassie had ordered a beautiful three layer white cake with pineapple filling for the bride’s cake and a German chocolate cake for the groom’s cake. Both were absolutely delicious, which Marin could attest to after having eaten a slice of each.

  Cassie approached Marin. “Have the two of you discussed a honeymoon?”

  “Um, well… since we’re closing on the house tomorrow, we thought we would put it on hold for right now. I’d really like to get moved in before Monday if possible.”

  Cassie smiled. “I think that can be arranged,” she said, as she held out a key to Marin.

  “What’s this?”

  “That is a key to a cabin not far from here. Matt bought one up in the mountains a while back. Unfortunately, we don’t get a chance to get away from the kids very often so we haven’t used it in a while.”


  “No, buts. I had Matt go up early this morning to make sure you would have everything you need. You can stay just one night or the whole weekend, it’s up to you.”

  “I don’t know what to say Cassie. You and Matt have been wonderful to me.”

  Cassie hugged her. “You’re like the sister I never had. I just want you to be happy.”

  Marin blinked back tears. “I am happy; happier than I’ve ever been.”

  “Good. Now, why don’t you go share the happy news with your groom? I bet he’d like to get out of here about now.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  Cassie grinned. “Haven’t you seen the looks he’s been throwing your way? I’m surprised we haven’t had to put out a fire already.”

  Marin laughed. “You’re so bad.”

  Cassie hugged her one last time. “Go on. Go tell Cole the good news and then go pack a bag.”

  Marin made her way through their guests until she was standing by Cole’s side. Tapping him on the arm, she leaned close to whisper in his ear, “Cassie and Matt have a surprise for us.”


  Marin showed him the key. “It appears we get a honeymoon after all.”

  “Where does that key go exactly?”

  “To a cabin in the mountains. Cassie said that Matt went up there this morning to make sure it was stocked. We can stay the night or they said we can have it for the whole weekend.”

  Cole sought Cassie out across the room. Spotting her and her husband heading for the front door, he caught the wicked grin on Cassie’s face. He would have to remember to thank her later.

  “Well, why don’t we head upstairs and get some things together? I remember when Matt bought that place and it’s a two hour drive away.”

  “I guess we should get started then.”

  They made their excuses to their family and guests before walking upstairs. Marin and Cole quickly changed clothes and put a bag together. While Marin visited with her new brothers-in-law and cousins, Cole put their things in the truck.

  They made their farewells and started on the journey into the mountains. As they passed by the site of Marin’s accident, she shivered.

  “Are you okay,” Cole asked.

  “I’m fine. That accident feels like it was a lifetime ago.”

  Cole nodded. “Yes, it does.”

  Marin hesitated. “Cole… what do you think happened to my brother?”

  Cole had hoped she wouldn’t ask that question. Over the past two days he had done a lot of digging online. The one gift he had hoped to give Marin was having her brother attend their wedding. Unfortunately, it seemed that her brother had died of an over-dose a few days after Marin had been sold to Stefan.

  Marin watched the emotions run across Cole’s face. He obviously knew something and didn’t want to tell her. Bracing herself, she asked, “Do you know what happened to him?”

  Cole sighed. “Yeah, I do. I was hoping you wouldn’t ask about him for a little while longer.”


  “I didn’t want to ruin your wedding day. It’s supposed to be the most important day of a woman’s life, or so I’ve been told.”

  “Something happened to him, didn’t it?”

  Cole nodded. “Yeah, I’m afraid so. I didn’t want to tell you this honey, but your brother died of an overdose while you were at Stefan’s.”

  Marin could feel the tears gathering in her throat. She had known that her brother was heading down that path when he had confessed he had a drug problem. It was sad to think that he had died so young.

  “Honey, are you okay? I didn’t want to give you bad news tonight, but I didn’t want to lie to you either.”

  “I appreciate your honesty. It isn’t your fault that my brother was stupid and got involved in drugs. I only wish that there had been a way to save him. After all, if it weren’t for him, we would have never met.”

  Cole reached over and took her hand in his. “And I will always be grateful to him for that… you’re the best thing that ever happened to me.”

  Marin gave him a watery smile. “I feel the same about you.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Cole pulled up in front of the cabin. It was larger than Marin had expected, with a wall of windows over-looking a small lake. The scenery was breathtaking.

  Cole turned off the truck and pulled Marin closer to him. “Why don’t you wait here while I go open the door?”

  “Okay,” she said, leaning over to kiss him.

  Cole jumped out of the truck, grabbed their bag, and headed for the front door. The night air was cool as it ruffled his hair. Walking up the few steps to the cabin door, he sat the bag down while he opened the door.

  Thankfully, Matt had turned the heat on when he had been up here earlier in the day. The cabin was toasty and clean. Cole flipped on the light and sat the bag down on the floor. Turning, he went back outside to get Marin.

  Opening the door of the truck, he helped her out. Marin started to walk toward the cabin, but Cole scooped her up in his arms.

  “What are you doing?” she squealed at him.

  “What’s it look like? I’m carrying my bride across the threshold.”

  “I thought you were only supposed to do that when we entered our new house?”

  “Nope, I have it on good authority that it’s appropriate when you’re about to spend your first official married night together, regardless of where you’re staying.”

  Marin smiled and looped her arms around his neck. Nuzzling his neck, she let him carry her up the steps of the cabin and into the cozy warmth inside.

  Cole put Marin down and she looked around. The living room was small and held only a sofa and chair. A fireplace dominated one wall. The opposite wall faced the lake and was a sea of large windows.

  A kitchen was to their left and there were two doors off the kitchen. Marin assumed they led to the bedroom and bathroom. In the other corner of the back wall was a narrow staircase. The ceilings were easily nine feet tall with rustic beams. It was a really pretty place.

  Cole pulled her into his arms and kissed her. Marin melted into him and threw her arms around his neck. She could kiss him for the rest of her life and never tire of it.

  Lifting her into h
is arms, Cole carried Marin to the downstairs bedroom. Pushing the door open with his foot, he crossed the small room to the king size bed against the far wall. Setting Marin down on the bed, Cole followed her, pushing her down onto the mattress.

  “I thought this night would never arrive,” she told him.

  “What night is that? Our wedding night?”

  “That’s part of it. It seems like I’ve been waiting forever for you to make love to me.”

  Cole smiled down at her. “It feels that way to me, too.”

  Cole ran his hands up her arms and cupped her face. Leaning down, he gently claimed her lips in a kiss.

  Marin ran her fingers through Cole’s hair, pulling him closer. She wanted to feel every inch of his body pressed against hers. Skimming her hands across his shoulders and down his chest, she reached for the buttons on his shirt.

  Cole grinned as he felt her unbuttoning his shirt. Breaking the kiss, he gave her a heated look. “Are we in a hurry?”

  “No, not exactly; I just want to feel your skin against mine. I don’t want to have any barriers between us.”

  Cole raised an eyebrow. “None what so ever? Not even a condom?”

  A faint blush stained Marin’s cheeks. She shook her head no.

  Cole’s eyes roamed over her face. “Are you sure?”

  “I’m sure.”

  Cole reached out and grabbed the hem of her shirt. He pushed the shirt up over her stomach, over her breasts, and finally pulled it free of her body. She still wore the strapless cream colored bra she had put on under her wedding dress. Her breasts were practically spilling out of the top of the skimpy thing.

  Cole pulled the material down, exposing her nipples. Leaning down, he grazed her nipples with his teeth, until both of them peaked.

  Marin sucked in a breath. Heat instantly pooled between her legs. She felt Cole’s hand slide down her belly to the snap on her jeans. He popped the snap open and slowly slid the zipper down.


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