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Page 47

by Creator

  “Michael just infuriates me.”

  Kiera laughed. “He does that to a lot of women I would imagine.”

  The reminder of how many women he’d been with stung. “He seems really hung up on the fact that I’m renting an apartment from Ramsey.”

  Kiera glanced at Chloe. “Is that all?”

  “He thinks I’m doing more than renting an apartment from Ramsey.”

  “Ah,” Kiera said with a grin. “So, he’s jealous.”

  Chloe’s hands fidgeted in her lap. “His temper today in the garage… I’ve only seen him lose his temper one other time. Does he do that often?”

  “Michael?” Kiera asked softly.

  Chloe nodded.

  “I don’t know. I’ve heard that he can have a wicked temper, but Gabriel swears that he and his brothers would never raise a hand to a woman, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  “And Gabriel hasn’t?”

  Kiera shook her head. “He may shout every now and then, but I know he’d never hurt me.”

  “I wish I could be as certain of Michael. The night Ramsey came to pick me up Michael and I had been arguing. He grabbed my arm when I walked past him. He didn’t leave any marks on my arm, but it was hard enough that it worried me,” Chloe said. “And now today at the garage… he

  scares me, Kiera.”

  “And yet you’re attracted to him?” Kiera asked.

  “Yes,” Chloe whispered. “But I don’t want to be.”

  “If you could choose who to be attracted to, who would you choose?”

  Chloe looked out the window. “Ramsey. He’s been so kind to me. He never raises his voice to me, he’s gentle with me. I get the feeling he’d be a good father and a good husband.”

  “So what are you waiting for?” Kiera asked.

  Chloe looked at her. “What do you mean?”

  “If you think Ramsey would be so perfect for you and your baby, what are you waiting for?”

  “You mean I should flirt with him?” Chloe asked.

  “I mean that if you think Ramsey could make you happy, then you should do whatever it takes to make sure he knows that.”

  “I’m not very good at flirting. All of my past boyfriends have made the first move. I’m more of the wallflower type,” Chloe said.

  “Then it’s about time we released your inner vixen,” Kiera said with a smile. At Chloe’s horrified expression she laughed. “Don’t worry. I was a wallflower, too. But the attention of a hot guy can do wonders for you. Trust me on this one.”

  “I’m not too sure about this, Kiera. Besides, I’m pregnant. Why on earth would Ramsey want me? He’d not only be taking on me, but he’d be stuck with Michael’s baby, too.”

  Kiera reached over and squeezed Chloe’s hand. “Honey, trust me. Ramsey won’t mind one bit. He’s the kind of man that will love that baby regardless of who the father is.”

  Chloe smiled at her. “Do you really think he might be interested in me?”

  Kiera laughed. “Trust me, he’s interested. You show him the slightest bit of attention and he’ll be at your beck and call.”

  Chloe chewed on her lip. “But what about Michael?”

  “Don’t worry about Michael. If he gets out of hand, his brother will take care of him. You just worry about you and the baby.”

  Chloe nodded. As Kiera pulled into a parking space in front of the real estate office, a flock of butterflies erupted in Chloe’s stomach. She’d never been so nervous in her life.

  “I’ll come back and pick you up when you get off work,” Kiera said as Chloe got out of the SUV.

  “If I get fired before then, I’ll call you,” Chloe said.

  Kiera shook her head. “You’re going to be fine.”

  Chloe sighed and nodded her head.

  As she watched Chloe disappear inside the office, Kiera wondered what she could do to push the couple together. It was obvious they were both interested in one another, but she got the feeling they needed a little help admitting it. There was no doubt that Ramsey would be good to Chloe, and she felt that Chloe was just what Ramsey needed in his life. There was just one problem – Michael. How was her brother-in-law going to react to all of this? It was apparent he felt proprietary toward the redhead, but did he feel strongly enough to act right and do what was necessary to be the man she needed and wanted? Kiera had her doubts that Michael could grow up enough in time to be any good to Chloe. But she knew her husband was pulling for him, and she couldn’t blame him. Michael was, after all, his brother. What to do…


  Later that afternoon, Kiera picked Chloe up from work.

  “So, how was your first day?”

  Chloe smiled. “It was actually a lot of fun. Matt was great!”

  “See, I told you!”

  “He even said that I could show some houses after the baby’s born,” Chloe said. “He said I’m a natural.”

  Kiera smiled at Chloe’s enthusiasm. “It seems you’ve found a new career.”

  “It was a lot of fun, but a little bit tiring. I’ll be glad to go home and take a nap.”

  “Do you want me to take you home? Ramsey probably won’t be finished for another few hours.”

  “I think I’d rather wait for Ramsey. I promised him I wouldn’t go up and down the stairs by myself,” Chloe said.

  “Well, if you’re tired, you’re welcome to take a nap in one of the guest rooms,” Kiera offered.

  “Thanks. How are things coming along for the party?”

  Kiera smiled. “Everything should be ready in time.”

  “I’m looking forward to meeting everyone,” Chloe said.

  Kiera was certain that everyone was anxious to meet Chloe too, but for different reasons. If Ramsey or Michael didn’t claim Chloe by Saturday, she’d find herself being courted by every single male in the pack. It wasn’t often a female came along, and when one did, she was highly valued and cherished by whichever wolf was mated to her.

  As Kiera pulled in the driveway of the Victorian, she glanced across the street at the garage. All

  three bays were open. It looked like the guys were staying busy.

  “Are you hungry?” Kiera asked as she got out of the vehicle.

  “Always,” Chloe said with a smile.

  “Let’s go see what’s in the kitchen. Maybe we can make something to take over to the guys,


  “Kiera, are you trying to help me along with Ramsey?”

  Kiera smiled. “Maybe a little.”

  She’d decided earlier that she would nurture the blossoming relationship between Ramsey and

  Chloe, and if her newfound friend was destined to be with Michael, maybe jealousy would prompt

  him to do the right thing.

  Chloe laughed. “Well, I could certainly use the help.”

  An hour later, Kiera and Chloe had baked a few dozen cookies, made finger sandwiches, and

  had set out a few two-liters of soda.

  Kiera had made a plate just for Gabriel, and Chloe had done the same for Ramsey. Loading

  everything into a large box, Kiera and Chloe called the garage and asked if Hunter would come over

  and help them with something.

  A moment later, the doorbell rang. Kiera hurried to the door and let Hunter in.

  “We have a surprise for you,” she said with a smile.

  “I thought you needed help with something,” Hunter replied.

  “We do. We need you to carry this box across the street,” Chloe said, inclining her head toward

  the large box on the counter.

  Hunter sniffed the air. “Are those cookies I smell?”

  “Mm-hmm. And the sooner you help us, the sooner you can eat some,” Kiera said.

  That was all the urging Hunter needed. He grabbed the box and with long strides headed for

  the door.

  Kiera and Chloe were on his heels, scurrying after him, each with a plate in their hands. Kiera

lled the door shut behind her, not bothering to lock it.

  As they entered the garage, every eye focused on them.

  “We thought you might be hungry,” Kiera said. “Snacks will be in the office.”

  Hunter proceeded through the bays to the office area and placed the box on the counter.

  Stepping back, he let Kiera pull everything out of the box.

  “Did I hear someone say snacks?” Ramsey asked as he stepped into the office.

  “I brought this for you,” Chloe said softly as she handed him a plate.

  Ramsey looked surprised, but he accepted the plate. “Thank you, Chloe.”

  She nodded and blushed. Stepping over to Kiera’s side, she helped unload the box. Once everything was set out, she grabbed a plate and selected a sandwich and some cookies for herself. Even though there were several empty seats, she decided to sit beside Ramsey.

  “Did you enjoy work today?” Ramsey asked as Chloe settled into the seat next to him.

  She smiled. “Very much. I think I may have found my calling.”

  “I’m glad. I know you were nervous earlier.”

  She nodded. “I was, but Matt was great. He spent the first hour just getting to know me and helping me calm down.”

  Ramsey smiled. “That sounds like Matt.”

  “I just didn’t expect to be so tired afterwards.”

  Ramsey’s smile slipped from his face. “Chloe, you don’t need to over-do it. You know what the nurse said.”

  She placed a hand on his arm. “I’m fine, Ramsey. I just need a nap is all.”

  “Promise me that you’ll get some rest. I don’t want you to work too hard.”

  Chloe rolled her eyes. “I doubt that working a few hours a day is working too hard. I’ll be fine.”

  Ramsey reached out and gently took her chin between his thumb and forefinger, forcing her to look at him. “I’m serious, Chloe. The nurse said you needed to be careful. If I thought for one minute that you were working simply to pay rent, I’d refuse to accept your payments.”

  “I’m not working just to pay rent. I have other responsibilities, too,” she said softly.

  He caressed her cheek briefly. “Just promise that you’ll be careful.”

  “I promise.”

  He nodded. “That’s all I can ask.”

  “I think I’ll walk back over to the house with Kiera and take a nap until you’re ready to go home.”

  “I’ll come over and pick you up when it’s time to go.”

  “Okay,” Chloe said, smiling as she stood and brushed the crumbs from her dress.

  Dropping her plate in the trash, she followed Kiera from the garage and across to the Victorian, completely oblivious to the murderous look on Michael’s face as she passed by.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Saturday arrived swiftly. Chloe stretched as she woke and took in the beautiful morning. The day of the party had finally arrived and she couldn’t have been more excited. She’d spent the last few days getting to know Ramsey. She wouldn’t say they were dating exactly, but things were definitely progressing nicely.

  Pushing back the covers, she struggled to sit up. Her stomach seemed to grow almost daily. The baby was getting bigger and bigger and was becoming more and more active. Pushing to her feet, she selected a three-quarter sleeve white muslin dress with an aqua cardigan and matching ballet flats. Even though the party wasn’t until later in the day, she was spending the morning with Ramsey.

  Chloe laid her outfit out on the bed and walked into the small bathroom. Turning on the shower, she brushed her teeth and untangled her hair. When the water was the right temperature, she undressed and stepped under the warm spray. The small shower seemed to be shrinking with her ever-growing stomach, but she enjoyed her morning showers just the same.

  When she was finished, she dried off and moisturized her skin. She had already noticed faint stretch marks along her hips and the undersides of her breasts. Chloe knew that no amount of lotion would stop the small vein like marks from marring her skin, but she hoped the lotion would add the elasticity her skin needed for the changes her body was going through.

  Toweling her hair dry, she combed it free of tangles. Walking into the bedroom, she slipped on her clothes and shoes. Putting on the silver hoop earrings Kiera had given her the day before, she went back into the bathroom to put on her make-up.

  Chloe usually just put on mascara and lipstick, but today she decided to go all out. She put on a little blush, eye shadow, and eyeliner. Adding her customary mascara and lipstick, she pulled her damp hair back in a decorative clip and looked at her reflection in the mirror. The woman starring back at her was glowing. Chloe couldn’t believe she was looking at her own reflection.

  She stepped into the bedroom and picked up her purse and cell phone. Flipping the phone open, she dialed Ramsey’s number, but she paused before hitting send. It was hard to surprise him if he knew she was coming over. It wouldn’t hurt just this one time to not call, would it? She cleared the number and closed the phone. Making a decision, she grabbed her key and headed out of the apartment.

  Locking the door behind her, she held onto the railing and carefully descended the stairs. When she reached the bottom without incident, she heaved a sigh of relief. If anything had happened, she would’ve never heard the end of it from Ramsey.

  Ramsey had always said she was welcome in his house anytime, but she felt strange walking in uninvited. What if he had company? She stood outside of the kitchen door uncertain. Coming to a decision, she used the key he’d given her and went inside.

  “Ramsey?” she called out as she closed the door behind her.

  The house was quiet, a little too quiet. His monstrous SUV was still in the driveway so she knew he was home. She only hoped he was home alone. He hadn’t been seeing anyone that she knew of, but that didn’t mean he hadn’t been taking anyone to his bed.

  Chloe swallowed down her uneasiness and continued through the house. Room after room was quiet. When she came to a closed door, she knew it was his bedroom. Glancing at the clock on the hall wall, she saw that it was nine o’clock. Surely he was awake.

  “Ramsey?” she called through the door.

  Pressing her hands and cheek to the door, she tried to listen for any sounds within. The room sounded as quiet as the rest of the house. Turning the knob, she quietly pushed the door open a crack and peeked inside.

  A large bed dominated the middle of the room. Ramsey was still asleep, buried under a mountain of covers. Chloe’s breath caught in her throat. He looked so peaceful. She slowly backed out of the room, not wanting to disturbed him.

  “What time is it?” Ramsey asked in a husky voice, eyes still shut.

  Chloe gasped. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to wake you.”

  Ramsey rolled over and opened his eyes. His sleepy half-lidded gaze took in her neatly coifed hair and nice outfit.

  “If you’ll give me a few minutes to shower and dress, I’ll take you out for breakfast.”

  “I didn’t realize you were still sleeping,” Chloe said quietly. “I wouldn’t have come over so early if I’d known…”

  “Speaking of that, how exactly did you get down the stairs?”

  She fidgeted and looked down at her feet. “I was really careful.”

  Ramsey groaned. “You’re going to be the death of me.”

  “I’ll just wait in the kitchen,” she said, backing out of the room.

  “No, come here.”

  Chloe hesitantly stepped further into the room. She walked to the edge of the bed and stopped, unsure what he wanted her to do.

  Ramsey pushed himself into a sitting position, the covers dropping to his waist. Reaching out, he pulled her down onto the bed. “I know you probably think I’m a tyrant, Chloe, but I worry about you. If you had fallen, I wouldn’t have known.”

  She tried to respond, but the feel of her hand in Ramsey’s was robbing her of her thoughts. The sight of his bare chest wasn’t helping much either.



  Ramsey tipped her chin up and looked into her eyes. “Do you understand why I worry? I know we haven’t known each other very long, but I care what happens to you.”

  “You do?”

  He caressed her jaw. Chloe whimpered and opened her mouth. Pulling her into his arms, he deepened the kiss. The feel of her tongue sliding against his, the taste of her was driving him wild. He felt his inner wolf surging to the surface and had to tamp the beast back down. When he felt Chloe melt against him, he knew he had to put a stop to things before it was too late.

  Breaking the kiss, he said, “Chloe, we should stop.”

  Chloe tried to mask the hurt she felt, and she merely nodded. She wasn’t sure if he was stopping because he just wasn’t interested in her that way or if it was something else. If he didn’t want her, she didn’t know what she would do. She didn’t think she could handle rejection right now.

  Ramsey caressed her cheek. “I meant that we needed to stop because I don’t want things to go further until you’re sure you want to be with me and only with me.”

  She looked at him uncertainly. “I don’t understand.”

  “I want you, Chloe. But if we’re together, then I want the whole package… you, the baby… I want us to be a family.”

  Chloe stared at him in wide-eyed wonder. “But we’ve only known each other for a week.”

  “I know, which is why I said we needed to stop. I know it’s too soon. I wasn’t stopping because I don’t want you, Chloe. I’m stopping because I want you too much.”

  Chloe looked at him in confusion. “What if I hadn’t wanted you to stop?”

  Ramsey groaned. “You aren’t making this easy.”

  “The last man to kiss me was Michael, and we know how that ended,” she said with a pointed look at her stomach. “I lied to myself and let myself believe that he was different. Every guy I’ve

  ever dated was a jerk. Is it so wrong of me to want to know what it’s like to be held by someone who actually cares?” she finished quietly.


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