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Jesse's Girl

Page 2

by Karen Erickson

  Well, no more of that. Thank goodness, she hadn’t moved in with him like he’d begged her to do a couple of months ago, right after he’d lost his job. Secretly she’d thought he was after her money to cover the rent though he had denied it over and over again.

  “How was your dinner? Still hungry?”

  Blair shook herself from her thoughts to find Rick smiling at her. Licking her lips, she shook her head, noticed the flare of awareness that lit his eyes when he spotted her tongue dragging across her lower lip. “No, not at all. I’m stuffed.”

  Arousal hit her swift and hard. She’d wanted Rick for so long though she’d always pushed the feeling away, knowing it wasn’t right. Nothing could stop her now from pursuing him.

  And she wanted to pursue him. Not for just a one night romp in the sack but a real, bona fide relationship. Though his financial status wouldn’t thrill her parents, he at least was kind and respectful. The one time she’d taken Jesse to meet her family he’d made a complete fool of himself, which in turn made her look foolish as well.

  She’d never taken him back. Her mother had called periodically asking when she was going to dump the buffoon.

  Her mother had never been happier than when Blair called the day after she’d broken up with him to let her know the moment had finally arrived.

  Rick’s friends had already wandered off, leaving the two of them alone sitting at a picnic bench. The wind had picked up, whistling softly around them and Blair shivered inside of her light sweater, wishing she’d worn something thicker.

  “Cold?” His low voice close to her ear made her shiver, but not from the weather.

  “Yes.” She snuggled deeper in her sweater, drawing the collar up as much as she could. “That wind is chilly.”

  “Come here.” Rick held his arm out and she slid closer, molding herself firmly against his side. His arm came around her shoulders and his warmth seeped into her, easing her chills. “Better?”

  Blair nodded, her head nudging against his chin. Her nipples tightened painfully beneath the confines of her bra. She swore her panties dampened when she felt his fingers grasp her shoulder. “Much.”

  Was he interested in her or was he doing this out of friendship? Yes, he’d liked her in the past according to Jesse but that was a while ago. Things change, maybe he’d moved on.

  Of course, Rick was here alone tonight, a Friday night, and not with another woman. That tiny fact gave her hope. Probably too much hope.

  “You want to walk around? Check out what’s going on?”

  “Yes, let’s do it.” She disentangled herself from him, instantly missing his closeness.

  They left the food area and started milling through the various booths. Local vendors were hawking their food items or crafts, much of it Halloween or fall themed. The place was full of children running and squealing, trailing balloons and with colorful artwork painted on their cheeks. It was very much a family event.

  Blair wasn’t feeling family-like at all. No, all of her thoughts were focused on the man walking beside her, and they were rather lusty. She hung back and studied him, pretending to check out a booth full of dried flower arrangements.

  She loved to watch him walk. He had a definite swagger, a way of moving that was confident, utterly male. Not a too cocky, look at me walk like someone who would remain nameless. No, Rick moved in a smooth, sexy way. His jeans were worn and appeared soft, stretching across his firm ass, his muscular thighs. The jeans were so old she spotted a few holes. The urge to smooth her hands over his ass, to feel the soft denim was overwhelming.

  He wasn’t obviously handsome, not in the big brawny, golden way such as Jesse. Rick was tall and muscular but more lean than bulging. His shoulders were broad, his hair dark, thick and silky looking. She wanted to bury her fingers in that hair, draw his lusciously sensual mouth down to hers and kiss him until they both couldn’t breathe. He was focused and radiated a quiet strength she found innately sexy. And she wanted to get to know him better.

  In a deeply personal, intimate, naked kind of way.

  Rick turned as if he could feel her eyes upon him and he smiled, flicking his head, indicating he wanted her to follow. She did, her gaze never leaving his. She saw his eyes heat, turning a warm golden color as his bold gaze raked over her body.

  “Find anything you want?” he asked once she stopped in front of him.

  The question was innocent enough. The many ideas that danced across her thoughts were dirty and raunchy and involved the both of them. Naked. Mouth to mouth, skin to skin.

  Blair nodded slowly, reached out and rested her hand against the center of his chest. The fabric of his worn, pale blue T-shirt was soft, the skin beneath firm and hot. So hot, her palm felt as if it was burning. “Yes.”

  He cocked a brow, his mouth quirking in a little smile. God he was cute. “What is it that you want?”


  Rick’s every freaking dream was coming true right here, right now. Blair standing close, offering herself to him. Her hands rested on his chest, her touch set him aflame and he breathed deeply, trying to gain some sort of control.

  After she’d hooked up with Jesse, he never thought this moment could happen. He thought he’d lost his chance with Blair forever. Even after hearing about the break-up he figured there was no way she would be interested in him.

  Guess he’d been wrong.

  “What do you say?” Her soft voice wafted over him, caressing him much like the brisk fall breeze and he inhaled sharply, marveling at the gift she offered him.

  Herself. She would be all his. For tonight at least. Did she want more? Would she want more from him?

  He hoped like hell that answer was yes.

  When he didn’t answer, her brows lowered, her sexy mouth turning downward. She looked perplexed, confused and he reached out, trailed his fingers over the soft skin of her cheek. He heard her sharp inhale, let his gaze drift to her chest and saw her breasts lifting with her every breath.

  He’d seen her breasts in the skimpiest of tops, dreamed of having his hands all over her countless times. He couldn’t wait to get her naked, explore her soft skin, suck on her hard nipples, taste her creamy cunt.

  His cock grew even harder if that was possible. If he didn’t watch it, he’d burst his jeans.

  “Rick? Are you all right?” She sounded upset and the last thing he wanted was for her to be upset. What had started out as just another Friday night was going to end hopefully as one of the best nights of his life.

  No way did he want to fuck this up.

  “Sorry.” His fingers drifted along her jaw, then up to trace her full lips. He loved her mouth, the plump fullness of her lower lip, its berry pink color. She wore no lipstick that he could tell and still her lips looked juicy. Delicious. “I’m thinking how much I’d rather be anywhere but here.”

  Those brows furrowed even deeper and he leaned in close, brushed his mouth against hers. Just once. It was the barest of touches and his entire body went on high alert, his cock straining against the fly of his jeans. “I want to be somewhere else. Alone. With you.”

  “Oh.” Her breathless answer told him she felt the same way. The blaze in her beautiful blue eyes told him that too. She was so fucking beautiful he could stare at her all night. “Let’s go then.”

  “Are you sure?” Once they made this next step there was no going back. He wasn’t about to let her walk away from him now that he knew her relationship with Jesse was really over and had been for a while.

  This wasn’t going to be a one-night thing. With Blair, he wanted the real deal.

  “I’m sure.” She nodded, her hands curling into the fabric of his T-shirt. He wanted to feel her touch his bare flesh, stroke him into oblivion, those delicate fingers curling around his cock. Just the thought of Blair giving him a hand job nearly had him ready to explode in his jeans.

  Rick took her arm and they started toward the parking lot. “Let’s go then.”

  He linked his fingers wit
h hers, clutched her hand tightly as they moved through the crowds and toward the parking lot. Grim determination led him on, didn’t allow him to be deterred despite the fact that he saw people he knew. A few of them waved and looked ready to stop and talk.

  Nope, he didn’t want to talk. He had other things in mind. Like getting this woman alone and fucking her until he couldn’t see straight.

  “You didn’t drive your car did you?” He turned to look at her, saw that she was a little out of breath, no doubt due to his eagerness to get to his truck.

  “No.” She shook her head and squeezed his hand tight. “I came with my friends, but they ditched me when they saw Jesse.”

  Some friends. They were all rich girls like her and though they could be fun to hang around with, they were also obsessed with designer clothes, handbags and spending money. Not necessarily in that order.

  “Right.” He ignored the jealousy that swirled in his gut, unnecessary jealousy over Jesse.

  “Hey.” Blair caught up so she wasn’t trailing behind him, and they both stopped walking. “Are you okay?”

  He nodded, his mouth tight, his mood almost ruined. “Fine.”

  Was Blair with him right now to get revenge on Jesse? Was he just an I’ll show you fuck? She could be using him. It made complete sense.

  Slipping her arms around his waist, she stepped closer to him, snuggling herself against him. “He told me what really happened.”

  Confusion filled him. “What do you mean? Who are you talking about?”

  “Jesse. About that night I first met you. How you went home and told him all about me. How much you liked me.” She paused, shook her head. “How he went back to the bar the next night and purposely picked me up.”

  “He told you that?” Ah, shit. He’d never confessed that to anyone else, certainly not her. He had never thought she would care.

  “Yes, he did.” She smiled, the beauty of it nearly making him dizzy. “You want to know the reason I was at that stupid bar that night? Because I was hoping I’d run into you again.”

  Rick didn’t say anything, he couldn’t. Her confession shocked the hell out him.

  “When Jesse told me you thought he and I would make a good match, I was so disappointed. I swear I slept with him only because I was sad I couldn’t be with you.”

  “No way,” he said softly, as he allowed his fingers to drift across the top of her head. Her hair was soft, pulled back into a loose ponytail and he longed to undo it. To thread his fingers through the silky strands, make her moan with pleasure.

  “Mmm, yes.” She leaned into his touch, her eyes sliding closed for the briefest moment. “It’s true.”

  He kissed her again. He couldn’t stop himself. Her lips opened beneath his, allowing his tongue easy entry and he took it, searching her mouth, teasing her own curling tongue when it met his. A little gasp of pleasure escaped her and she clung to him, her arms tightening around his waist.

  It felt good to have her in his arms. Too good. His hands slid down her back, over her butt, cupping her lush flesh and he wished like hell they were already at his place, naked. In his bed.

  “We need to go.” He broke the kiss first, whispering in her ear and she nodded, her hair brushing against his cheek.

  “Your place or mine?”

  He pulled away from her. “I don’t care.”

  Blair studied him, her gaze intense. “Can we go to your place?”

  “Sure.” He hoped like hell his place was clean. He wanted to make a good impression.

  “Let’s go then.” She kissed him again, soft and slow, turning him inside out and he yanked away from her. Had to before he did something really stupid.

  Like strip her buck naked in the middle of the dirt parking lot and fuck her brains out on the hood of some stranger’s car.

  He didn’t need any more reminders of Jesse. With his luck, the asshole would call Blair while they were together.

  A chance he’d just have to take. She was worth it.

  “Let’s.” She smiled, looking so eager he couldn’t help but smile in return.

  This was going to be good.

  Chapter Three

  The second they entered his apartment Rick had Blair pinned against the wall, his hands all over her, his mouth taking full possession of hers and she melted. Gave in willingly to him and her hands went weak at her sides, her mouth opening wide to his passionate assault.

  One big hand cupped her cheek, the other slid down the side of her body, her skin sparking with heat everywhere he touched. His work-roughened fingertips stroked along her cheek, along her jaw, making her sigh against his mouth, forcing her hands to settle on his hips. The overwhelming need to touch him, to bring him closer took over and she tugged on the belt loops of his jeans, bringing his lower body flush against hers.

  An unmistakable bulge pressed between her hips and she broke the kiss, staring at him in wonder. Good Lord was that all him? Was he really that big, that thick, that long?

  Her heart fluttered. Soon she would find out.

  “Let’s take this out,” he murmured reaching around her to yank the rubber band out and causing her ponytail to come apart. Her hair fell around her face in a messy tumble, and she held her breath at the tender way he brushed the loose strands away from her face. “There. That’s better.”

  “It’s a mess.” She watched him, saw the warm glow in his eyes as he searched her features and she wanted to melt.

  “It’s beautiful.” Never had a man looked at her with such reverence, such want. It made her weak. She wondered if there was more going on here than just sex and she clung to him, tipping her head and pursing her lips, hoping he got the hint.

  He did. But instead of consuming her mouth like she thought he would, his kiss was tender, his lips brushing against hers once, twice, three times. Arousal sizzled through her, making her limbs heavy, her mouth swollen, her nipples hard. She slipped one hand between them, resting her palm flat against his chest and felt the rapid beating of his heart. His skin was hot, searing her flesh even through his T-shirt and she reached for his shoulders, pushing the unbuttoned flannel shirt down his arms.

  With a rumble of surprise, he broke the kiss, tossing the shirt off with a quick twist of his arms. She watched him with greedy eyes, the dim light from a lone lamp in the living room casting him in a soft golden glow.

  It was intimate, being with him alone in the quiet of his apartment, watching him undress. She wanted him to take off more but he didn’t. Instead, he reached for her, holding her close, his big hands splayed across her back, cradling her as his mouth descended upon hers once more.

  The man certainly could kiss. His lips were soft and warm, his tongue slick and searching. He tasted delicious, his hands gentle yet the hard thrust of his cock against her belly reminded her exactly how much he wanted her.

  Would he fuck her against the wall? God she hoped so.

  “Undress,” he whispered against her lips, his husky voice vibrating against her like a caress. “Now.”

  She thrilled at his demanding tone and he shifted away from her, giving her room. Without a word she did as he bid, shrugging out of her sweater and letting it fall to the floor. Tugged her T-shirt over her head and added it to the pile. He ran his gaze over her, drinking her in yet he never reached out to help her.

  No, his hands were clutched into fists at his sides as if it took every bit of his power to keep himself in control. Just seeing his tense stance sent a little thrill through her, knowing he wanted her.

  That thrill fizzled, though, as nervousness buzzed through her and she nibbled on her lower lip, her fingers slowly undoing the snap of her jeans. The sliding zipper rippled through the night air, loud and obvious. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath.

  “Take them off, Blair.” His strong, quiet voice made her shiver, made her pussy slick with want and she shoved the thick denim down her legs, removing them as quickly as she could, her flip flops flying along with the jeans.

he stood before him in her bra and panties, her underwear nondescript since she’d had no plans of getting naked tonight. How she wished she had on some sexy black lace or that flesh colored thong she’d recently bought. Instead, she had on her plain white bra and cotton panties.

  Boring, boring, boring.

  “You’re gorgeous,” he breathed and she startled. She lifted her head, her gaze meeting his. She knew he meant every word. Saw it in the spark in his eyes, the expression on his face.

  All self-consciousness floated away and she held out her arms, inviting him to come to her but he shook his head, his sensuous mouth in a tight line.

  “I said everything. You’re still dressed.”

  Barely, but who was she to argue? Reaching behind her, she undid the clasp of her bra, shrugging out of the utilitarian fabric and letting it flutter to the floor. Her fingers went to the waistband of her panties and she bent, tugging them down, over her hips, her thighs, her calves until they dropped to the floor.

  Now she was completely naked, vulnerable, unsure of what to do next. Giving her no time to think Rick rushed toward her, pressing her against the wall, his mouth fused to hers, his hand cupping one breast, his thumb flicking the nipple.

  She groaned against his mouth, loving the feel of his rough hands on her sensitive flesh. He flat out groped and stroked her and she arched against him, wanting more, wanting his hands and mouth everywhere. As if he could read her mind, he broke their kiss, his mouth sliding down her neck, nipping and licking, across her collarbone, downward until he was brushing hot kisses on her breasts.

  “Oh, yes,” she murmured, her hands moving to clutch his head, fingers curling into his thick dark hair. It was soft, silky as it curled around her fingers and she held him to her, released a shuddering breath at the first contact of his mouth upon her nipple.

  His damp lips wrapped around the turgid peak, tugging and sucking, his tongue swirling and she closed her eyes, her head thumping against the wall behind her. His hands gripped her hips and held her pinned against the wall, making her writhe with every tug of his mouth. She cried out, wanting more.


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