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Black Light: Suspended

Page 6

by Maggie Ryan


  “He’s this Greek hotelier who spun me on Roulette Night. He’s sort of a switch, but then again, I might… oh, never mind. That story can wait for another day, too. So, back to your name? What do you want to use?” Martha grinned. “How about Alice?”

  “No,” Charlie said, a name coming to her that had her heart skipping another beat. “Not Alice… Rose.”

  “Okay, Rose it is. Are you ready?”

  “God no, but what the hell, lead on, but remember, if I decide to go… we go.”

  “After midnight,” Martha corrected. “Just stay with me, Rose, and I promise, you won’t regret it.”

  They walked down the flight of stairs, the purple light becoming brighter with each step. The stairs ended at another door. When they passed through the door, there was a small room where a man stood behind a desk in the center of the space, looking up as they approached.

  “Nice to see you again, Marty.”

  “Hi, Danny. I’d like you to meet my friend, Rose. Rose, this is Danny. He works security.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Rose. Have you got a guest pass?” Danny asked.

  “Um, no—”

  “She’s my guest tonight,” Martha said.

  “Great. Once you’ve signed in and have a pass, don’t forget to remove any electrical devices and put them in your locker.”

  “Will do,” Martha said, gesturing for Charlie to follow her to a frosted glass window in the middle of the right wall. While they waited for it to slide open, Marty explained. “Submissives who participated on Roulette night received a month’s membership and then Tony, well, Mr. Stravos, gave me a gift of an additional month’s membership. Tonight, I’m paying it forward.”

  Before Charlie had a chance to ask about what she’d meant by Roulette, the window opened and a woman said, “Good evening, Marty.”

  “Hi. This is my friend, Charlize, and she’s my guest tonight,” Martha said, handing over her credit card.

  “What happened to Rose?” Charlie whispered.

  “They need your real name when you sign in,” Martha explained and when Charlie pulled out her driver’s license and handed it to the woman, she was surprised to have it returned with a sheaf of papers.

  As she glanced at the top sheet, she looked up at Martha. “A non-disclosure agreement?”

  “Yes, remember I said the membership is very confidential? Well, I meant it. This club has very high standards of confidentiality.”

  “I can understand that,” Charlie said, reading through the document. In fact, despite Martha’s dramatics, she was pretty impressed with the entire operation. Choosing a fake name was one thing, but that was only good if no one actually recognized you. While it was highly unlikely that anyone would know her, she knew that D.C. was the home of a great many recognizable public figures. This wasn’t like the club above them. Granted, Runway was a fantastic club, but being seen dancing, watching a fashion show or a concert was pretty innocent. But if this subterranean club was anything like she was beginning to suspect, members would definitely not appreciate seeing their names splashed all over the news. However, with the guard at the curtain, the janitor’s closet, Danny at the desk checking to make sure no recording devices were allowed inside, and now being required to sign a legally binding agreement not to disclose anything that might cause problems for any guests, she found she appreciated the owner’s efforts to give more than lip service about security and discretion for those people who entered their club.

  Charlie signed the NDA and passed it back to the attendant who thanked her and wished her a great evening before sliding the window closed again. “Great, we’re good to go,” Martha said, moving towards the lockers. “All right, as Danny said, no purses and nothing electronic are allowed inside. No cell phones, cameras, etcetera.” As she was speaking, Danny pressed something that opened a locker. “We can share,” Martha said, slipping her purse inside before turning back to Charlie.

  When Charlie hesitated to hand over the small purse she’d borrowed from Marty for the evening, Marty tilted her head. “What’s the matter? I promise our stuff will be absolutely safe.”

  Charlie shook her head and gave a self-deprecating grin. “It’s not that,” she admitted. “I just can’t remember the last time I’ve not had my phone close. It’s like an extension of my hand. I feel a little naked without it.”

  “Not tonight it’s not,” Martha said, plucking the bag from Charlie’s hand and putting it away. “You’re on vacation. Oh, your watch too.” After Charlie handed it over, Martha shut the locker and grinned. “And, Rose, hopefully you’ll be a lot naked by the time the night is over.” Charlie rolled her eyes but felt a twinge of excitement run through her body.

  Once everything was stowed away, Danny smiled. “Welcome to Black Light, Rose. You ladies have a good time.”

  “Oh, we will,” Martha said, opening the door past Danny.

  Charlie just stared once she was in the club. Forget Oz. Forget Narnia. Hell, forget the looking glass. Black Light was more than all three combined. While she wasn’t a total novice or stranger to such clubs, never before had she felt… well, awed. There was an almost electric pulse in the air that was causing the small hairs on her arms to lift and her heart rate to speed up. She didn’t know where to look first, and discovered it didn’t matter. Everywhere she looked, she saw people in all states of dress and involved in scenes straight out of a BDSM lover’s bucket list.

  A woman, totally nude except for a collar around her neck, was kneeling before a man, his cock slipping in and out of her mouth. She would give a little yelp each time he’d slap the leash attached to the collar against her ass. From what Charlie could tell, if the pink stripes all across the woman’s ass were any indication, she’d been on her knees for a long time. And that was within two feet of the door they’d entered. The smack of implements against flesh was causing her blood to heat, and the soft cries of women writhing in pleasure had her pulse fluttering.

  “Oh my God, is that Jaxson Davidson?” Charlie asked, staring at a drop-dead gorgeous man whose face and body graced hundreds of magazines. “Shit, it is! And that’s Chase Cartwright!”

  “Yes, and the woman with them is Emma—the third person of their trio. She is a very lucky lady, but so incredibly nice that you can’t be jealous… well, not for too long. They are not only a threesome, they own both Runway and Black Light. Want to meet them? Cha… I mean Rose? Rose?”

  Charlie felt a nudge and looked over to see Martha grinning from ear to ear. “So, how are those carrots tasting?”

  “Pretty delicious.”

  Martha laughed again. “Come on. We can grab a drink and I’ll introduce you around. I don’t see Tony, so it looks like I’ll need to find another Dom tonight.” Martha had taken one step before Charlie’s hand stopped her.

  “My God, she looks like a piece of art,” Charlie said, nodding across the room. A crowd had gathered in front of a raised platform, but they didn’t obstruct the view because the woman was suspended in the air.

  “Ah, you’re lucky. It’s not often you can observe rope play. Not too many Doms are allowed to perform it. Jaxson and Chase enforce very strict safety rules. Come on, let’s get closer. See that man in the black leather on the platform?” When Charlie nodded, Martha continued. “That’s Owen. He must be giving a demonstration. He’s not only a dungeon master, he is a master of shibari.”

  As they walked across the room, Charlie was barely conscious of the other scenes she knew were occurring around her, but was very aware that her new panties were dampening. The suspended woman was gorgeous. She hung in the air, her body supported by nothing more than ropes. Intricate knots formed patterns along her arms and legs. Her breasts had been wrapped, both binding and enhancing their roundness. Pink nipples were taut, pointing towards the ceiling, and once they were within a few feet, Charlie could see more evidence of the woman’s arousal. Her legs were spread wide, her glistening sex displayed. Her arms were
bound together behind her back, long blonde hair cascading towards the floor.

  Charlie watched as a man stepped forward, his hands reaching for the woman’s breasts. As her nipples were plucked, the moan the woman gave caused Charlie to shudder. A second man moved between the woman’s spread legs, his hands stroking along her thighs.

  “Are you ready?” the man at her head asked.

  “Yes… oh, yes, please, Master.”

  It was like a choreographed dance, the two men entering the woman at the same time. One pushing his cock into her mouth, the other her pussy, moving in perfect synchronization as they thrust. Charlie’s breath caught in her throat as the men began to move faster. Not a single sound was made by the crowd of onlookers as they watched what was probably the most erotic scene she’d ever witnessed. Time seemed to slow as the men took their pleasure, cocks buried and hands constantly moving to caress the bound woman. Charlie felt her pulse pounding as with a roar, both men pushed deep, filling their partner with their release, again in perfect unison. When they pulled from her, one bent to kiss, suckle, and give her breasts little nips, the other to lick along her pussy, his tongue broadening to lap up her essence. Within moments, the woman’s body, even bound by the ropes, jerked as she screamed and exploded with her climax.

  “That was… incredible,” Charlie whispered, as the crowd erupted into applause.

  “Another reason why I love this club. They are always doing sexy demonstrations,” Martha said.

  Charlie was barely listening as she watched Owen take one side and another man, his back to her, working with him to begin undoing the knots. She smiled to see that the woman’s partners, stayed at her side, their hands never ceasing to stroke her body. It took several minutes before the woman was lowered to the floor, the remaining ropes removed. One of her partners lifted her into his arms, the other tucking a blanket around her as the trio walked away.

  “Lucky lady,” Martha said. “Aftercare with those two has got to be almost as good as the whole scene. Come on, let me introduce you to Owen.”

  Charlie turned her attention from the trio to see a man bending to pick up a piece of the discarded rope. Just seeing it in his hand, imagining it wrapped around her hands, her legs, her breasts, had Charlie’s nipples tightening inside her new bra and her belly filling with butterflies.

  But when the man straightened and turned, and his eyes met hers, Charlie’s gasp was louder than the woman’s moans had been. Forget her socks, she felt as if her entire world had been knocked out of alignment.

  Chapter 5

  The moment he looked up and met her eyes, his entire world tilted. It was Charlie, though a Charlie he hadn’t yet met. He’d thought she was attractive from the moment they’d met, and yet, the woman standing before him, green eyes as wide as saucers, her mouth slightly open, was the most stunning woman he’d ever laid eyes on. He didn’t hesitate, every instinct telling him that she was no more than a heartbeat from fleeing. Everything and everyone around him disappeared as he jumped from the platform and strode towards her. He was within a few feet when he saw her snap back into awareness and heard her speak.

  “Oh my God! It’s… it’s Dillon!”

  “What? Where?”

  “Go! Go!” Charlie’s voice sounded panicked.

  “Rose, wait!”

  Damn, he was almost there. If he had any doubts, the moment he heard the brunette call out the name, he knew Charlie belonged to him.

  Charlie didn’t wait. Dillon watched as she twirled around and began to run, blindly pushing through people. Dillon cursed, dodging around a couple, almost losing her in the crowd, but having a damned good idea of her destination. Changing direction, he maneuvered along the wall, catching sight of her as she cleared the crowd and made for the door. Increasing his pace, Dillon managed to get his arms around her waist, and well aware of her self-defense skills, pinned her against the wall, pulled her arms above her head and leaned his weight against hers, effectively caging her in.

  “Hello, Rose,” he said, her squirming doing nothing but causing his cock to stiffen.

  “Let me go!” she hissed, attempting to lift her knee towards his crotch. He pressed in closer, feeling her tense when she became aware of his erection against her stomach.

  “Not a chance in hell that’s going to happen,” he said. He might not understand how Charlie had turned up in D.C., on this night, in this club, but he had absolutely no intention of letting her get away.

  “Please, Dillon… I- I can’t-can’t think… please, God, just let me go.”

  Dillon shook his head. “Remember how I told you I kicked myself for not following my gut that night?” He felt her still as he bent his head down, to speak a fraction of an inch from her lips. “I’m not a man to make the same mistake twice.” With that, he crushed his mouth against hers. It only took a moment before she responded, her lips parting to allow him entrance. His tongue swept over hers, tasting, claiming, demanding as he deepened the kiss. He swallowed her moan, his cock protesting its confinement, her breasts smashed against his chest, her fingers moving to curl around the hands holding them in place. He didn’t break the kiss until he needed a breath, and even then, only pulled away far enough to take in air. It was a kiss that had his heart pounding and the fact that Charlie was panting, the tip of her tongue tracing her bottom lip as if to soothe, told him that she’d not been unaffected. Smiling with the incredible pleasure he was experiencing, he was about to kiss her again, but he saw tears shimmering in her eyes before she dropped her head and his impression instantly shifted.

  “Hey, look at me,” he said, only to see her shake her head, but she was no longer attempting to get away. In fact, she buried her face against his chest, pushing closer. “Look at me,” he repeated and when she didn’t obey, he dropped one hand to place two fingers under her chin, tilting her face up. “Talk to me, Charlie,” he said softly.

  “You saw me,” she said. “You saw me in a—a sex club. You- you think I’m—I’m a freak!”

  He couldn’t stop his bark of laughter. “Seriously? Where exactly do you think I’m standing?”

  “Wha- what?”

  Shaking his head, he bent to press his lips against hers in a gentle kiss. “Baby, I’m standing in the same club, and I sure as hell don’t think you’re a freak.”

  “You- you don’t?”

  For a woman he knew was incredibly fit, one who was physically able to defend herself against men twice her size, a woman so remarkably able to handle the stress of her profession, Dillon was surprised to hear the disbelief in her softly spoken question. Instead of speaking, Dillon bent to kiss her again, this time paying close attention to her reaction. Soft lips trembling beneath his own testified to her uncertainty but when her arms dropped to wrap around his neck, he felt her press her lips against his, giving him hope that he’d be able to assure her that he considered her to not only be an incredible woman, but one who stirred every cell in his body.

  His hands didn’t remain idle; he pulled her from the wall just enough to lift her, filling his palms with the globes of her ass, yanking her closer as her legs wrapped around his waist. She mewed into his mouth as he ground his cock against her. When he finally pulled back, he said, “Does that give you the answer? You are the most amazing woman I’ve ever known.” He kissed her again, this time her tongue dueled with his, her fingers woven in his hair. When they broke again, they were both panting. While he was ready to simply rip her panties off and push himself into her, he couldn’t. This was a woman he’d come to not only desire, but to admire. Tightening his hold, he carried her to the bar, setting her down on a stool before taking her arms from around his neck and squeezing her hands. Hyperaware of her every reaction, he saw the uncertainty attempting to creep back into her eyes.

  “Don’t,” he said softly. “I have every intention of showing you that I meant every word when I said I was your number one fan.” He again used his fingers to lift her chin, his eyes locked to hers. It was time to get
a bit of information. “This isn’t your first time in a BDSM club is it?”

  “Um, no…” she said, her face flushing so adorably. “Not my first, and I don’t want to disappoint you, but, well, to be honest, I’ve not played much. I basically went to take a few classes in learning protocol and how to be a…”

  “Submissive?” he offered when she didn’t continue. Her blush deepened as she nodded, and he couldn’t resist bending forward and giving her a quick kiss. “You are so gorgeous when you blush.”

  She gave him a quick smile and then offered a bit more information. “With graduation from college and then accepting a position with the DEA and all that involved, well, it’s been a while… a long while.”

  “I’m glad.” His instant response surprised him but was the absolute truth. Charlie was a grown woman who could certainly do whatever she wished, but when he thought about the astronomical odds of them being here, at Black Light, without any prior plans or even the barest discussion of their proclivities for a bit of kink, it again felt like fate had brought them together. “I’ll be honored to reintroduce you to all sorts of possibilities.” He loved the quick flare of desire that made her eyes sparkle. “Did you learn anything about hard limits?” he asked.

  “A little,” she admitted. “Those are things that you… I mean, I don’t like?”

  “Sort of but that’s not a complete definition,” Dillon corrected. “Unless you’ve experienced everything, then you really won’t know what you like. A hard limit refers to something that you either have tried and don’t wish to again, or it can be something that you have absolutely no desire to even try.” He took the definition one step further. “And, your hard limits don’t have to be chiseled in concrete. You might not want to try something now, but as you continue on your journey, you might decide to give a new experience a try.”


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