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When Rain Falls

Page 6

by Tyora M. Moody

  Candace opened her mouth to respond, but next to her, Rachel exploded. “Are you crazy? Why would you ask that now?”

  Placing her hand on her daughter’s arm, Candace spoke with strained vocal cords. “You don’t have to yell.”

  Rachel glared at Daniel. “He is so stupid.”

  “Rachel. You know better than that. That word is not tolerated.” This wasn’t a good time for Daniel’s inquisitions. But lately the venom Rachel spurted toward her brother was driving Candace crazy. So much for truces.

  “Daniel, it will probably be a while. Real-life investigations don’t work like CSI or Law & Order. Brunson’s on the case, and they’re working hard.”

  “Yeah, I saw Brunson at the funeral today. I hope they don’t take forever. You know, like with Dad.”

  Candace nodded. No words to say. They’d been down this road before. Waiting for the police, her husband’s colleagues, to bring her answers. Two years later. No answers. No justice.

  Right now she needed time to get her head wrapped around reality. She felt all cried out, but her tears weren’t finished flowing. Through blurred eyes, she reached into her purse to locate a tissue. None of them were very fresh, so she uncurled one to blot her face.

  “You sure we shouldn’t just go home?” Rachel asked, her voice barely a whisper compared to its volume a few minutes ago.

  Candace faced her. “We won’t stay long. You two grab something to eat.”

  “Sounds good to me.” Daniel rubbed his stomach.

  Candace couldn’t help but smile. Daniel never failed to find a bright spot, especially if food was involved.

  Glancing back out the window, she saw Victory Gospel Church. Modern and much larger than the old edifice, which had stood in the same spot for fifty years, Victory had grown in leaps and bounds over the years. Now sporting a membership of six thousand, the church had no intentions of stunting its growth. Pastor Jeremiah Freeman was the second pastor for the church, taking over the reins of the church his father had established.

  Rumors floated around about the pastor’s health. There would soon be a shift in the Freeman dynasty, with the longtime youth minister, Jonathan Freeman, stepping into his father’s place as pastor. As evident today at the funeral, the younger Freeman was stepping into the role swiftly.

  A member for only five years, Candace found the larger building a bit overwhelming sometimes. It was hard not knowing who sat next to her on the pew. Some Sundays being anonymous worked to her benefit. She didn’t have fond memories of her childhood church, where everybody knew her business, whether she liked it or not.

  One thing for sure, folks at Victory Gospel had known Pamela. She hadn’t attended church every Sunday, but when she was there, people noticed her. The Colemans had been cornerstones in the church since Pamela’s birth. Whenever Pamela had participated as a featured speaker for the women’s ministry conferences, Candace had supported her friend from one of the front pews. Practically sisters, both only children, they’d been attracted to each other like peanut butter and jelly.

  Her body shuddered as the tears flowed.

  God had snatched her husband away. After all the surgeries to mend Frank’s body from the gunshot wounds, at least she and the children had had the opportunity to say good-bye to Frank before the infections stopped his breathing.

  No chance for good-byes this time. Candace blotted her face. Then she did something she hadn’t been doing regularly. She prayed.

  Lord, don’t let Pamela’s killer go unpunished.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Darnell managed to bypass the funeral processional, arriving at the church in time to watch a line of cars slowly weave into the parking lot. The cathedral-like megachurch took center stage, with its stone exterior and glass front. Even more modern in design than the main church building, the Victory Gospel Community Center stood on the back side. Since the grand opening, the VG Community Center had become a hot spot for community events. To his own surprise, he had recently decided to sign up to coach the boys’ basketball league. Should be a nice breather from the job.

  Church was not always on Darnell’s agenda, but he had attended a few services at Victory Gospel since moving to Charlotte. The charismatic pastor seemed to have his hands on the pulse of the surrounding community, as evidenced by the growing church. The church was definitely different from the country church his grandmother had dragged him to every Sunday. And Wednesday. Oh, yeah, and Friday night.

  The first time he entered Victory Gospel, he couldn’t help but stare at all the people. When the choir entered the loft, the energy in the place crackled. He felt at home.

  Funny, despite all those years he tried to separate himself from his roots in the Carolinas, after the divorce he came right back. Even to church. His momma must be smiling at him from heaven. At least he hoped. After all, he was on the right side of the law now.

  As they walked toward the building, Darnell glanced over at Brunson. He stopped walking when he saw his partner pull a cigarette out of a pack. “Hey, man, it might not be too cool to light up one of those right now. You know what I mean.”

  “Ah, come on! Like church folks don’t smoke. We’re still outside.”

  Darnell grimaced. Unfortunately, Brunson was right, but this was not the time to argue. “Look, man, I’m sure this property is a smoke-free zone.”

  “Whatever.” Brunson stuffed the cigarettes back out of sight.

  The two detectives entered the community center’s foyer, which was full of people and the aroma of fried chicken. Darnell sniffed the air, remembering breakfast was a long time ago.

  “Detective? Detective Jackson?”

  Darnell cringed at the sound of the approaching female voice. “Man, don’t tell me that’s who I think it is.”

  Brunson reached his hand back into his coat pocket. “It is.”

  Darnell turned around and plastered on his best grin. He knew it oozed with phoniness. From the look on Serena Manchester’s face, he suspected the reporter didn’t care. That was a problem.

  “Detectives, it’s good to see you. Don’t tell me you’re gathering suspects here at the church? Although, I imagine a funeral makes a perfect spot to start.” Serena swept her hand through her dark brown tresses with honey highlights, directing a beauty pageant smile in his direction.

  It was no secret to him or anyone on the force, for that matter, that the seductive news reporter had a thing for Darnell. He still suffered from his temporary lapse of judgment a few months ago.

  Brunson’s already thin lips formed a straight line across the bottom portion of his face. His partner gave him a wary look and walked off with his hand in his suit pocket. Darnell’s smile faltered. Any other time Brunson would have stuck around to duke it out with the reporter. He didn’t appreciate having to deal with the woman alone.

  Serena plowed forward, giving him no time respond. “Just to be clear, I want to remind you how important this story is to the people. We definitely want to get to the bottom of this tragedy.”

  “Oh, I’m sure you do.” With all her Southern charm, he never figured Serena would use him to get a story. He expected that in L.A. but had learned an ambitious reporter had no state boundaries. Accused of leaking valuable information to the press in a previous case, Darnell wanted to keep his distance from Serena. What in the world was he thinking? Would he ever redeem himself? “Serena, what do you want, anyway? The woman was just laid to rest.”

  Serena snapped back, “Of course I realize that. I’m wondering if you know that. People want information. You don’t think these folks can sniff out a cop. You obviously are here to pay more than respect.”

  Darnell bent toward her, his face inches away from hers. “Just be patient. This is more than about being the first to get the story. We don’t need anyone messing up this investigation.”

  Serena puckered her lips. Darnell stepped back.

  “Now, Darnell, you know I mean you no harm. You’re not still mad, are you?”
/>   He glared at her. “The captain will have a press conference soon. You’ll get your information when everybody else does.”

  “You think?” She placed one hand on her hip and flashed that annoying smile at him. If he wasn’t careful, that same smile could suck him into a world of trouble. Darnell willed his mind not to react.

  “By the way, I have a good source that says Ms. Coleman was hot and heavy with someone powerful enough to want her dead. Sounds like you are in for a long, intense investigation. I’m sure you will need my help sooner or later. Have a good afternoon, Detective Jackson. I’ll be in touch.”

  Now, where did she get that information? The only person he could think of was Candace Johnson. Surely, the woman wasn’t knocking around Mitch Harris’s name to the media. She had been married to a cop and should know firsthand the importance of keeping a lid on information.

  Before Darnell could inquire about the source, Serena sashayed over to a group that included Pastor Jeremiah Freeman and several other official-looking people. Starting with Pastor Freeman first, Serena wasted no time shaking hands. To Darnell’s dismay, the next in line was Mitch Harris himself.

  A pair of eyes locked with his from across the room. Mitch’s glare was accusatory. Or guilty. Darnell loosened the knot on his tie and smiled. If Mitch Harris had something to hide, he intended on finding out and then nailing him.

  Chapter Fifteen

  As quickly as it came, the storm passed over. The limo driver entered the parking lot and stopped outside the community center. Candace and her children waited in silence as the driver walked around to open the door. Candace watched as Rachel and Daniel climbed out. She sat inside the limo a little longer, observing the streams of people heading inside the building.

  “Mom?” Daniel peered at her through the car door. He resembled his father more and more every day. His wiry body appeared strong and solid.

  “I’m fine.” Candace took his extended arm and stepped out on the sidewalk. The sun’s rays warmed her body, but she still trembled. She clung to her son’s hand for a moment and then let go.

  Rachel stood a few feet away, talking to a young man who looked familiar for some reason. Candace had become well acquainted with the North Valley High basketball teams over the past few years. The tall, athletic boy could’ve been a team member. With the new season starting in a few weeks, she looked forward to Rachel having a focus. Frank would’ve wanted his daughter to continue playing the game they both loved.

  She’d forgotten how Rachel’s eyes lit up when she smiled. The girl stayed so sullen most of the time. Typical teenage attitude laced with a deep sadness. Right now her daughter’s dimples were deep like her father’s as she grinned up at the boy. Candace tried to get a better look at his face, but all she caught was his side profile. Curious, she moved in their direction, but Rachel noticed her coming. The smile, along with the dimples, disappeared.

  Candace raised an eyebrow as her daughter shook her head slightly. She could at least introduce her friend. “Daniel, do you know who that is?”

  “Nope. I thought we were going to eat,” he replied.

  Not wanting to argue with a hungry boy, Candace eyed her daughter as she walked past. Someone had to keep the peace. She could almost hear Pamela saying, “She’s growing up. Let her go.” Rachel might be almost seventeen, but she was still Candace’s little girl. Her children were all she had. Especially now.

  Several folks nodded in Candace’s direction as she walked by them. Some people looked familiar from Sunday service, but she couldn’t put names to many of the faces.

  As she stepped through the doors, she stopped suddenly, causing Daniel to bump into her from behind.

  “Whoa, Mom. Whatcha doing?”

  The new detective stood out from the crowd. Candace wasn’t sure why. Maybe because he was so tall. No, there were several men similar in height. Many of them wore expensive suits, but Detective Jackson’s suit seemed to fit him in all the right places. He must have sensed her stare, because he looked in her direction. Candace pulled her eyes away from the detective. Déjà vu. They had had this same staring match at the graveside, for goodness’ sake. Hopefully, he wouldn’t think anything of it.

  She looked away. There he is again. The man that stood behind the detective. Once again she felt like he’d been watching her for some reason. Well, who is he? Why does he appear to be so familiar?

  She grabbed Daniel’s shoulder. “Uh ... why don’t you go inside and grab something to eat? I’ll be right behind you.” She needed to find out who this man was. Crazy to just walk up to a complete stranger, but they were in church.

  “Mom, are you sure you’re okay?” Daniel tilted his head, confusion written on his face.

  “I’m fine. Really, I will be right behind you.”

  Daniel stared at her a second longer and then shrugged. “If you say so.”

  After she watched Daniel’s back part from her, she looked around for the man in the crowd. She didn’t have to look far. He approached her, his eyes set on her face. Despite people being around her, Candace’s body tensed as the man stopped in front of her.

  He held out his hand. “I’m so sorry for your loss.”

  She looked down at his hand, which seemed oddly large. The man was not very tall up close, but his broad shoulders and big arms suggested he liked to hang out at the gym. “Thank you. Uh, do I know you?”

  The man’s smile wavered as he pulled his hand back. “I knew Ms. Coleman. I will miss her.”

  Either the emotional toll of the day was really getting to her or this guy was creeping her out. She sensed there was a reason to not dismiss this man, though. “What did you say your name was again?”

  Before he answered, she felt a light tap on her shoulder and spun around.

  “Candace, how are you?”

  “Hillary, you startled me.” She turned back around, but just as quickly as he’d appeared, the man slipped back through the crowd.

  Hillary reached for her arm, her eyes concerned. “Is everything all right?”

  She turned back, shaking her head. “Yeah. I’m still in shock, I guess. What about you?”

  Hillary glanced around; then she reached up and cupped Candace’s elbow. “Do you mind if we walk this way a little?”

  She glanced around one more time, hoping to see the man again. Candace answered, “Sure.” There was no way she would forget his face.

  Once around a corner, Hillary stopped. “You know, there’s talk at the office that Mitch Harris is a suspect.”

  “How do you feel about that?”

  Hillary sighed. “I don’t know. I’ve been the legal assistant for Mitch for three years now. I kind of figured out there was more than a working relationship between Mitch and Pamela. But he wouldn’t harm her. At least I don’t think.”

  Candace moved in closer to the older woman. “What do you mean by that? Did you see something change in their relationship for Mitch to want to kill Pamela?”

  “No. He admired her, and she was one of the best lawyers. He wouldn’t jeopardize the firm. I guess. I mean, what I’m trying to say is, people can do things in the heat of the moment.”

  Crime of passion. Maybe she’d listened to Frank too much or watched too many cop shows. But something had to have changed. “As her friend, I know Pamela tried several times to pull away from the relationship. Hillary, he had some type of stronghold over her. I mean, she could’ve worked for anyone. I told her many times she could’ve started her own firm.” Was that it? No, Pamela would have shared those details. Or was she going to? She hated to badger the woman, but she asked, anyway, “Are you sure you didn’t notice any animosity between them?”

  Hillary hesitated for a second. “No. I can’t say that I did, but ...”

  “But what?”

  “I don’t know. There was some tension there. Sometimes. But I really don’t try to get into people’s business.”

  Candace stepped back. She shouldn’t pressure the poor woman, but
the police needed to know these things. When Pamela had brought Hillary to the salon, she’d struck Candace as such a shy woman. Quiet and unassuming. She had never really had a professional do anything to her hair. She could tell that Pamela liked the woman and wanted to help her with the then partial makeover, so she’d offered a discount.

  “I’m sorry, Hillary. I know this must be hard on you, too. Kinda has you in the middle.”

  Hillary’s eyes watered. “But not as hard as it is on you. I understand you two have been friends since middle school.”

  “Yes. It’s going to be different without her.”

  “I’m so sorry.”

  Candace watched Hillary walk away, her shoulders hunched down.

  As she stepped back into the hallway, which was now less crowded, Candace wondered if Hillary knew more than she had chosen to reveal. The air around her seemed stagnant all of a sudden. Over in a corner she saw Mitch Harris talking to Pastor Freeman. Her inclination was to move closer to listen to the conversation. She moved forward. Her movement caught Mitch’s attention.

  Candace couldn’t read his eyes. There was sadness and something else. Pity. Surely, he wasn’t trying to empathize with her.

  She needed fresh air. Like now. Instead, as she turned, she bumped into one very solid body.

  Chapter Sixteen

  For a brief moment, Candace recognized an emotion she hadn’t felt in years. The hand at the small of her back and then the one on her shoulder brought back memories of dancing with Frank. Except this partner wasn’t her husband, nor was she sure why the thought occurred to her. Especially on church grounds.

  “You in a hurry, Mrs. Johnson?” Detective Jackson continued to look at her with concern.

  Her lips moved, but she couldn’t find her voice. What is going on? Okay, it’s been a long day, and you’re grieving. Regaining her composure, she stepped backward. The detective still held his hand around her waist, as though he thought she would tumble over.


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