Book Read Free

Close Proximity

Page 11

by M. W. Huffman

  “Sure. Whatever you say Abby. I’m not so shy, what about you? I don’t see a wedding ring on your finger. Do you have someone special you’re seeing?”

  “Just my team.”

  “Wow. That’s a little kinky,” he said and she hit him on the arm.

  “You are weird Dan Fowler.”

  “Thank you, thank you very much,” he said in his best Elvis voice.

  * * *

  “You are the consummate worry-wart Brian. How many times are you going to go over that calculation?” Ruth asked.

  “As many as it takes to know I haven’t forgotten one single thing.”

  “It was that guy on the news wasn’t it? The one going on about it being closer to the sun than the earth.”

  “No, that isn’t it.”

  “Yes it is. Just admit it,” Ruth said.

  “Okay. Maybe a little. I mean we are talking a 200,000 mile difference between what I project and what he projects,” Brian said.

  “Yeah and then there is the JPL and their calculations. Look Brian, no one knows for sure what is going to happen. Any small thing could throw everyone’s calculations off. Have you checked with Chili recently to see what they think?”

  “Yes. Theirs are closer to mine than either the JPL or that guy on the news.”

  “What’s the difference?” Ruth asked.

  “35,000 miles.”

  “Well that sure isn’t much in astronomical distances.”

  “Unless it would happen to hit the Earth,” Brian replied, putting down his calculator and rubbing his eyes.

  “Brian, we have all gone over your work. Every one of us is in agreement. Even Doctor Montgomery thinks you are right. This is just going to be one of those things that has to run its course. You have done all you can. Unless some drastic occurrence causes the position of KA5 to radically shift, your calculations are as good as anyone else’s. Better actually,” Ruth told him rubbing the top of his head.

  “You have a valid point. Going over this a hundred times isn’t going to make that big a difference. What will make a difference is the position of the moon when it does pass earth.”

  “You are borrowing trouble. What are the chances that the moon will be in its path? That’s got to be a million to one,” Ruth said.

  “Well so far, no one else has had to account for that. My calculations are the only ones so far that have KA5 going by 236,000 miles from Earth.”

  “You are worrying too much. Come on. We are all going for beer and pizza. The boss is off with that hunk so let’s go have some fun for a change,” Ruth said, tugging at his arm.

  “What the hell. Why not? What’s the worst that can happen?” he said putting his pencil down.

  He loaded his things in his back pack, turned off the lights and they went to join the rest of the team. Ruth was right about one thing. Worrying about it wasn’t going to change the outcome one bit.

  * * *

  It was near midnight when Dan dropped Abby off at her car. They had talked non-stop for the past two and a half hours.

  “Are you sure you are okay to drive?” Dan asked standing next to her at her car.

  “I’m fine. Really. I’ll make sure I am extra careful,” Abby replied.

  “Do you think I should follow you just to be sure?”

  She looked at him a minute. This was crazy. She wanted to say ‘yes’ but… but what?

  “Abby, I didn’t mean that like it sounded. I meant just follow you and then head to the hotel.”

  “No, I wasn’t taking it the wrong way. Listen I really should run. I have a conference call with Chili tomorrow at 7:20 a.m. I need to get at least a few hours of sleep,” she said.

  “Okay then. Just be careful.”



  “It would be okay to maybe kiss me goodnight. Just a little,” she said.

  Without another word he reached in and kissed her, holding it just a bit longer than a little.

  “Thank you Abby, I wasn’t really sure what to do,” he said.

  “Thank you Dan. I had the best time tonight in… heck, I don’t even remember how long.”

  “I’ll call you sometime if that’s okay with you,” he said.

  “I would like that very much,” Abby said and started the car.

  He was still standing there watching as she drove out of the lot. Dan finally got in his car and realized that he hadn’t even made a reservation at a hotel. He had planned on flying back much earlier. He smiled inwardly. That was so unlike him.


  The next two weeks went by quickly with most of the news and the attention of the entire world focused on KA5. New theories seemed to hit the media every day. Abby was on the news nonstop along with various other ‘experts’ who had made elaborate models to demonstrate just how the world was going to end. CNN ran 24/7 stories about the impact of KA5

  So many calls were directed at Abby that she had her secretary tell than that she not interested in talking to the media. Obviously this did not endear her to them and several wrote some rather unflattering articles about her.

  “I think you should talk to them,” the University President said.

  “Why? You know as well as I do that they are going to take half of what is said out of context. It happened to you just two months ago. You haven’t forgotten that already have you?” Abby responded.

  “Well that was a little different.”

  “Really? You mean you said that the freshman class was the dumbest in recent years?”

  “No, but I could see how he arrived at that now that I think about it a little more.”

  “Okay, so using newspaper logic you just admitted you said our freshmen were dumber than a box of rocks.”

  “Point taken Abby.”

  “You know I would talk to them if I thought for one minute they would report the facts, the real ones, not the ones they twist to fit their story. But the truth is, the chances of that happening are slim to none and you know it as well as I do.”

  “Would you consider holding an informal meeting with some of our state legislators? They are screaming that they want to know what is really going on,” he asked.

  “Oh for heaven’s sake John. The only thing worse than a reporter is a legislator. They will be holding a press conference on the front steps before they even leave the conference. All they will want to do is get their picture in the papers and be asked to be on television shows. I might as well run down the center of Phoenix yelling ‘the sky is falling; the sky is falling’,” Abby replied.

  “Perhaps that may be a little overly dramatic but I understand what you are saying. I’ve never know a politician keep his or her mouth shut about anything,” he said, cleaning his glasses absentmindedly with his tie.

  John Parker was a good University President. He suggested, mentored, and advised without pushing. He would simply put the idea in their head and then wait for them to think they had come up with it. He was one reason the meteorite study center even existed. It had been his foresight and ambition that had driven the program forward. Stealing Abby away from Cornell, where she was originally going to go, had turned out to be a benefit for both of them.

  “Abby all I am saying is that you should give some thought to sharing what your team is thinking. So many crackpots are on the news every night that real fear is starting to creep in. I hear it everywhere I go. It’s the same question, ‘what will happen to the Earth’. I can’t say I blame them much. If I didn’t know what your team had projected I would be pretty upset as well,” John told her.

  Abby was sitting on his overstuffed leather couch with her head on the back of it. She knew he was right but she also knew that they would only hear half of what they were told. She raised her head suddenly.

  “What if we released a statement? We could write it up and send it out as a update from the University of Arizona Astronomy Department. That way we could control the facts. They couldn’t change it without an outcry.
We could send it to all the major outlets at the same time,” she said.

  “I think that is a capital idea. That way you can control the entire content. Very good Abby. Yes, that is an excellent way of handling it. We could send an advanced copy to the legislators to keep them happy as well,” John told her.

  “Then I’m going to start on that immediately. I’ll get the whole team involved so we don’t mislead them in any way. It will be goods for the kids as well. Now that the initial excitement is wearing off they need something to keep them busy.”

  “Please make sure I get a copy as well.”

  “Of course. I’ll have an advanced copy over to your office before we even consider sending it out.”

  “Alright Abby. I would say you have hit the nail right on the head.”

  * * *

  Abby was immersed in writing the news release when her cell phone rang. She was a little surprised since she seldom gave out her number. Only her immediate family and a few close associates have it. When she looked at the number it said that it was blocked.

  “Abigail Montgomery, who is calling please.”

  “The man who gave you the best time in you can’t remember when,” Dan’s voice came across the air waves.

  “Dan. I wasn’t expecting you to call on this number. I didn’t think I gave it to you,” Abby said.

  “You didn’t but hey, I’m a big shot in Washington. I just snap my fingers and people get whatever I need.”

  “You mean they actually dug up my number?”

  “Well, not exactly. I sort of memorized it when you went to the ladies room at the restaurant.”

  “Just sort of memorized it.”

  “Okay, I wrote it down and stuck it in my wallet. Damn woman, let me have a little dignity,” he kidded.

  “So Mr. Washington Bigshot, what’s on your mind?”

  “Well, you for one thing.”

  “Really? Wow. Keep going, you’re on a roll.”

  “The kiss keeps coming to mind.”

  “Don’t stop now boy,” she teased.

  “I think I would like to do that again. Maybe a little better next time.”

  “Don’t think about it. Just do it. You have my expressed permission.”

  “Well that’s no fun but okay, I’ll take it.”

  “Dan, it really is great to hear from you. I wasn’t really sure if you would ever call.”

  “Honestly, I started to three or four times but sort of chickened out. I can’t stand rejection. It’s a character flaw. I tend to cry and throw tantrums,” he said.

  “Poor baby. Do you ever get a spanking for that?”

  “Humm. I guess I could be up for that,” he said.

  “Shame on you. You are making obscene remarks. Please, don’t stop however,” she joked back.

  “So, I guess you have been listening to the crazies on the news,” Dan said changing the subject before he said something really obscene.

  “I try not to listen to them. Where do all of these so called experts come from? I can’t believe some of the people they drag on those shows.”

  “Television at its best. Listen, I have a meeting with the President tomorrow. He is starting to get a little anxious about this KA5 thing. Unfortunately he does read the papers and watch television so I think his mind is getting bombarded with conflicting information.”

  “Okay. I can certainly understand that. How can I help?”

  “Well there is one thing that would really help if you’re willing,” Dan said.

  “Hey just ask. I’ll see what I can do,” Abby replied.


  “This is totally awesome,” Brian said looking out of the window.

  “Double awesome,” James added.

  Abby just smiled. It was probably one of the most exciting things that had ever happened in their lives. They were being flown on one of the government jets to Washington D.C. to meet with the President of the United States. It was mind boggling in so many ways.

  “Abby, will we get to see the Oval Office?” Ruth asked.

  “I don’t know. I don’t think so. The meeting is in the basement of the White House. The situation room or something like that.”

  “But the President is going to be there right?”

  “That’s my understanding.”

  “This is so unbelievably cool,” Andy and Jessica said in unison and then laughed.

  A man in a uniform stuck his head out of the cabin and told them that they were on approach and they needed to be seated and buckled up. Abby could feel the nose of the plane start to tilt down and she could hear the engines pick up in speed.

  Once off the plane, two SUVs were waiting for them and whisked them across the Potomac River. Twenty minutes later they were standing in front of the entrance to the East Wing of the White House. Two Marines searched through their belongings and they were scanned not once but twice.

  Once that part was done and the Marines satisfied, they were led to a large conference room. Another Marine was stationed outside of the door and quickly checked their backpacks, purses and briefcases.

  “I get the feeling they don’t like outsiders very much,” Jessica whispered.

  “Would you?” Brian replied.

  “You can set up in here,” the Marine said, “If you need anything at all, I am right outside the door. The others won’t be here for forty-five minutes.”

  Brian got his handouts, power point presentations, and thoughts together. He wanted to make sure he didn’t stumble at some point.

  “It will be fine,” Abby said as she was getting her material ready. The others really didn’t have much of a role but Abby wanted to impress that this was a team, not just one person’s opinion.

  The forty-five minutes evaporated like a drop of water on a hot car hood. It seemed that they had just taken a deep breath when the first few started to show up. Abby realized that she didn’t recognize a single person in the room except for her people. A few minutes later, Dan walked in and came over to her. He shook her hand, giving it a little squeeze at the end.

  “Welcome to Washington. Good to see you all,” he said and they all acknowledged him. They felt rather comfortable with him.

  “Look, this place is going to be pretty full. I don’t know how many handouts you have but don’t worry about it. As long as the President has one the rest can scramble,” Dan told her.

  “I brought twenty. Is that enough?”

  “Probably not but like I said. Don’t worry about it. We will have someone run off more and get them distributed. It’s really no big deal.”

  “Are you staying?”

  “Are you kidding me? You bet. I wouldn’t miss this for the world.”


  He leaned in and whispered, “It really is great to see you. I wish… well, it’s good to see you.”

  “Yeah, I wish too,” she said.

  “I had better go before the rumors start,” Dan said.

  He said goodbye to the team and went and sat down. The room was almost full. Brian did a quick head count and came up with thirty-one people.

  The conference door was opened by a Marine as he announced, “The President of the United States.”

  Everyone stood as the Chief Executive Officer entered the room.

  “Oh sit down for goodness sake,” he said and several people laughed as they all took their seats. Most of those present knew that President Strong was actually embarrassed by everyone jumping to their feet.

  A man in an impeccable suit stood up and said, “We are here to listen to the latest information from the source that discovered the asteroid now known as 2015 KA5, Doctor Abigail Montgomery and her team of experts from the University of Arizona. She was asked to come so that we can hopefully clear up some of the wild rumors that have been circulating. Some are by certifiable nut cases and others are more genuine. President Strong decided going to the source would give us a better insight to what was actually happening. Doctor Montgomery, we a
re all yours.”

  Abby felt naked as ever eye in the room turned to look at her. She walked to the front of the room and turned to face them.

  “Mr. President and distinguished guests, I won’t bore you with a lot of patting ourselves on the back but you do need to know just a little of the background. My team was attempting to either verify or put to rest the tenth planet theory that has been argued for many years. It was during this time that one of my team members, James Erwin, brought to my attention an object that seemed to appear then disappears. James, stand up please.”

  James slowly got to his feet and everyone looked back at him. He was glad when she started speaking again.

  “I then proceeded to verify his sighting. To my surprise, what he had spotted was there. Later we found that another of my team members, Ruth Billings. Ruth stand please.”

  She got up quickly and did a half wave before setting back down.

  “Ruth said that she had seen it as well but thought it just was her eyes getting tired. We were on twelve hour shifts at the time. Once we ran the initial data we were pretty shocked at what we were finding. How could something so large go unnoticed? We asked two other observatories to verify our results. The NNT near Santiago, Chili and the Isla de La Palma Observatory in the Canary Islands. They are two of the most modern and advanced observatories in the world. Within a few days, we got back the confirmation of our data. Once we were certain that we were actually seeing what we thought we were seeing, we notified the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Again, a few days later they also confirmed our data.”

  Abby was pacing back and forth just like she did in the classroom, making eye contact with various people. Reading expressions. So far only one or two were difficult to read.

  “You know from the papers and electronic media we are talking about a near planet sized asteroid. It is traveling at 35 kilometers per second. That equates to around 80,000 plus miles per hour. That’s almost two million miles every twenty-four hours. Okay, enough of that. We have some handouts that present our data. We have twenty copies,” she said, handing one to the President.

  A couple of people smiled.

  “What? You think I don’t know who to take care of first?” she said and got a good round of laughter.


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