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Theirs to Treasure (Beyond Monogamy Book 1)

Page 17

by Marissa Dobson

  The day had gone unlike anything Paris expected. When Mom arrived back from the hospital, she seemed like a whole new person. For the first time in months she wasn’t sick, she had a little more energy, and she finally had color in her cheeks. Paris wasn’t sure why the cancer was just gone. Could it have been the chemotherapy and radiation combination? Or was this an honest miracle?

  Even the doctors couldn’t understand what had happened. Either way, none of the family was willing to look a gift horse in the mouth. They’d take this blessing and be thankful. If there was one thing cancer taught them, it was to cherish every moment as if it was their last.

  They had spent much of the day together as a family, chatting in the living room, with a raging fire going. It was a perfect day together with the snow falling steadily outside. Aiden, Kain, and Cody had fit perfectly into her family as if they were always supposed to be there. Even London had joined them, his attitude diminished. They couldn’t have had a better day together, without any of the pressures, if they had planned it that way.

  She had even used that time with her family all together to bring them up to speed on Schwartz’s situation and to ask Mathew to draw up the needed paperwork for her to have guardianship of Mya if something should happen to Schwartz. Everyone had the same reaction as she did, that he should have told them from the beginning. In the end, it had worked out, just as everything else had lately.

  Now that her fathers had forced Mom to their room in order to rest, Paris sat curled up with her laptop. Aiden was on one side of her, his arm around her shoulders, while Kain worked on his laptop on the other side of her. Her sweet exhausted Cody had fallen asleep on the chair across from her.

  “I thought you had work to do? Instead I find you eyeing Cody,” Aiden whispered, so not to wake him.

  “Oh, you mean these dozens of client emails? Hmmm, here I thought they’d answer themselves.” She slipped her finger over the mouse pad and brought up the next email. It was a message from Carter about the match she had set up for him. It explained how wonderful things were going and that they couldn’t have been happier. He’d also mentioned an invitation to their wedding in June, while the official invitation would be sent out later. Things had worked out for them—another successful match.

  “Paris.” Mathew stood in the doorway.

  “Dad, come in. Everything okay?” She leaned forward, placing her laptop on the ottoman.

  “Mom’s fine, she’s having ice cream in bed with Paul. I need to discuss the company with you.”

  “Okay, we can go into my office.” She started to get up before he stopped her.

  “This is something that will affect them as well so we might as well do it here.” He sat in the only other chair, his elbows on his knees. “Paul and I haven’t been involved nearly as much as we should be with the company.”

  “That’s understandable, Dad, you needed to focus on Mom.”

  “I could have sworn I wasn’t finished.” He shook his head, but smiled at her. “Paris, you’ve shown that you have what it takes to run the company. You have ideas to keep it fresh and attractive to all generations. While we still want to have a part in the company, we also want to do more with Amy. Therefore, we want you to step into the position of vice-president of Beyond Monogamy.”

  Completely stunned, her jaw slacked open and she had to blink away the tears of joy to focus. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Say yes. You’ve worked long and hard for this company. It’s time you begin to take it over. Our goal all along was for you to take the company someday, and for London to be vice-president. These are the first steps to it.” Dad leaned back in his chair. “With you taking over the day to day operations, and other vice-presidential duties, that means London will need to step into the roles of some of the things you used to handle. It will give him the chance to prove himself and grow up. I’m not giving you this VP promotion because you’re my daughter, but because you deserve this opportunity.”

  He glanced at Aiden and Kain before looking back at her. “It doesn’t mean you have to stay here. If they’re your destiny and you wish to move to Wyoming, you can do everything you need to there. However, there is one stipulation to this promotion.”

  She rose an eyebrow at him. “What’s that?”

  “You have to hire an assistant. No deal without one. You were overworked before and I won’t see you that way again as VP.” He ran his hands down the armrest and stood. “You don’t have to give me an answer now.”

  “I’ll take it, and I know the perfect person for the assistant position.”

  Dad stood in front of the chair and shoved his hands in the pocket. “Who?” When she told him, he gaped. “Schwartz?” The surprise was clear in his tone.

  “He’d be perfect at it. In the past he’s done a few things for me and it makes sense with this new development,” she explained.

  “He’s your best guard.” Aiden’s teased his fingers along her shoulder.

  “True, which makes it an even better idea to have him by my side as my assistant. It also allows him to have more reasonable hours to care for Mya. It’s best for both of us.”

  “You expect him to do double duty? To be your assistant and your bodyguard?” Mathew asked.

  “Yes, somewhat. If something happens, wouldn’t it be better to have him by my side? It would also make the clients feel more at ease if they think he’s just my assistant instead of a bodyguard.” She tipped her head to look at Aiden. “There’s also the other two guards you brought in, so it’s not like I’ll be unprotected. We can see how they work out and Schwartz can train them to take over as my lead guards.”

  “Talk to him and find out if he’s interested, but you damn well better be safe.” Mathew looked to the guys. “I trust the three of you can make sure she thinks this through completely before she talks to Schwartz.”

  “Leave it to us.” Aiden nodded.

  “Why is it that men always stick together?” She shook her head. “Dad, you know I can take care of myself.”

  “I also know that without Schwartz you’d have been in worse situations in the past. He’s kept some of the shit at bay to keep you safe.” Mathew paused for a moment before finally nodding. “I can see some benefits to having him as your assistant.”

  “I agree there are some benefits to it.” Kain didn’t even look up from his laptop.

  “I’m glad someone is on my side. Schwartz—” Her words were cut off by a loud explosion, the house shaking. “What the hell was that?”

  Cody practically flew out of the chair where he’d been sleeping. “What the fuck was that?”

  “Paris, where’s your pistol?” Mathew snapped, stepping toward the window but keeping his body low.

  “Locked in my nightstand.” She stood and went to him, only to be pushed back.

  “Shit. Stay the hell away from the windows.” He reached over and turned off the light. “Get your gun, and keep low. If the guys don’t have their own and know how to use them, give them one.”

  “Everyone okay up there?” Paul called out.

  “They’re fine. Don’t you dare go out that door, Paul!” Mathew looked to Paris who was grabbing the weapons she had and handing them to the men. “Don’t leave this damn room for any reason.”

  Kain peaked out through the curtain and mumbled something, but all she caught was, “Because of me…”


  “It’s Kings. He blew up your main entrance.” He stepped away from the window and looked at the pistol she had handed him.

  “Don’t think of it.” Mathew stepped into his way. “There are security guards dealing with the situation. I won’t have you risking yourself.”

  “He’s here because of me. I won’t have Paris or any of you harmed because of me. Don’t stand there and tell me you wouldn’t do the same.” Kain and Mathew glared at each other.

  “Kain, please…” she begged, not wanting him to get hurt because of this.

  “Cody, sta
y with Paris,” Aiden ordered before shoving a loaded magazine into the handgun she’d given him. “We’ll be fine.”

  “This is insane.” She tried to reason, to hold back the fear that was blooming inside of her. The gunfire, and screams from outside, neared the house.

  “Paris, whatever happens, stay here.” Mathew left the room with Aiden and Kain on his heels.

  “Don’t!” She cried out one last time but they were gone.

  “Shh, love.” Cody wrapped his arms around her. “It’s going to be okay. They’ll be fine.”

  “You don’t know that.” Her legs gave out from under her. If it wasn’t for Cody easing them down onto the floor, she’d have collapsed.

  Two manly figures stepped into the doorway causing Paris and Cody to point their guns in that direction. “Aiden sent us.” Oliver stepped into the room, his hands in front of him.

  “Shit. You could have gotten yourself killed.” Paris lowered her gun. “What the hell is going on downstairs? Is my family safe?”

  “Paul and London are with your mother. Mathew said he was going to check on them.”

  “What about Aiden and Kain?” she snapped when Oliver left them out.

  “They were going out the front door as I came up.”

  “No!” She tried to wiggle from Cody’s embrace to get to the window, in case she could see anything.

  “Love, just stay here. I don’t want you any closer to the windows, it’s too dangerous.” He kept the gun in his hand but wrapped both arms around her. “Has anyone called the police?”

  “A guard came in from outside and called when things started to go down. We were protecting the main entrance when Aiden assigned us up here,” Oliver explained. “Miss Nelson, I’d prefer if you’d come farther away from the windows. From where you’re sitting you could be a target for a stray bullet, and you’re in perfect eyesight of the doorway if anyone should make it this far.”

  She let Cody move her across the room near the bathroom door, so they were more protected. The farther she got from the door, the harder it was to understand what people were yelling downstairs. She thought she could hear Kain’s voice but she couldn’t be sure.

  “Paris…” Cody used his finger to turn her head toward him and she realized he had been calling her name for some time. “Look at me.”

  “What?” She tried to focus but everything seemed to be happening in a haze.

  “Love, I’ve got to go help them. You’re safe here.”

  “No, please.” She grabbed a handful of his shirt. “Don’t go.”

  “I have to. I can’t sit here and do nothing when they’re in danger. I’ve spent too many years as Aiden’s guard to stop now.” He pried her fingers from his shirt and kissed the top of her hand. “I promise all of us will be back safe.”

  Tears poured from her eyes without an end in sight. The three men she loved with everything in her were in danger and she was unable to do anything. She clutched the gun she’d placed on the floor beside her, and pushed herself off the floor to stand. “I won’t sit here doing nothing.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Paris took a deep breath, trying to loosen her muscles. If she needed to use her weapon, she had to be relaxed. If every muscle was tight from stress she’d be off target. Being off target was the last thing she needed.

  “Miss Nelson, don’t do this.” Oliver came closer, shoving his gun into his holster.

  “I’m not doing anything but going to the aid of my family. I won’t sit up here. My whole family, the men I love, they’re all downstairs.”

  “I’ll keep you here by force if I have to. I have direct orders not to let you out of my sight.”

  “You’ll have to knock me unconscious or kill me to stop me.” As soon as she moved, his arm shot out, wrapping around her waist. He lifted her completely off the floor with barely any strain.

  “I told you, you’re not leaving.” Even as she fought, he held her tight, her feet off the ground.

  “Damn it put me the hell down.”

  “Do I have your word you won’t do anything stupid?”

  “Since when is saving your family stupid?” she snapped.

  “There are ten or twelve guards on the property since the reporters began to show up, yet they’re not enough to protect your family, and somehow you’re going to stop them. Is that what I’m supposed to understand?”

  “Would you do the same if it was your family?”

  “No.” He lowered her to the ground but didn’t loosen his grip around her waist. “I’d put together a plan of action before rushing off hot-headed. Otherwise, someone will get hurt.”

  “Plan.” She nodded, his words finally making her think clearly. Sirens echoed in the distance, coming to the rescue.

  Gunshots reverberated through the house as Oliver let go of her and stepped in front of her. The other guard, whose name she couldn’t remember at the moment, turned toward the door as if expecting someone. With the echoes of gunshots, the fear raced inside her, making her stomach turn. Screams echoed and her heart broke knowing something had gone wrong.

  Without thinking, she pushed Oliver back. She must have startled him because he wasn’t able to catch her before she could make it out of the room. She checked the hall, easing down the steps with her gun pointed in front of her, ready to shoot before she could be shot. Nothing. The living room was empty, giving her a chance to make it down the steps without any problems.

  “Paris, get back here.” Oliver had caught up, fear and anger evident in his whispers.

  She ignored him, descended the last step, and peeked around the corner. The front door was wide open, giving her a clear view outside, and the security lights cast a yellow glow. That was when she saw it. Kain’s blood coated his white dress shirt while Aiden applied pressure to his shoulder.

  “What the hell happened?” Without looking to make sure it was clear, she rushed out of the house to his side, tears rolling down her cheeks.

  “Where’s…” Aiden looked behind her and his eyes burned with anger. “This is what you call protection? Oliver, you were supposed to protect her.”

  “Instead of ripping me a new one, how about a status update. There’s plenty of time to chew me out later.” Oliver glanced around the room, his gun held at the ready. “Is she in danger now?”

  “Kings is dead.” Cody took the gun from Paris’s trembling hand. “You two can join the guards and police outside keeping the reporters at bay. We’ll discuss this later.”

  “You’re hurt.” She laid her hand over Aiden’s and pulled the towel back. “How bad is it?”

  “The damn bastard is lucky, it’s just his shoulder. Kings was a lousy shot,” Aiden answered.

  “You didn’t know what you were walking into. Damn it, Paris you should have stayed upstairs,” Kain bitched.

  “I’m glad to see you too.” She pressed a little harder on his shoulder, making him grunt in pain. “I knew something happened and I could hear the screaming. I knew someone was hurt.”

  Cody rubbed her shoulder. “We’re fine, love.”

  “Fine! This is not fine.” She pulled the towel away, instantly regretting it as she could see the hole in his shirt, blood pouring from it. Her hand shook until she almost dropped the towel. Aiden placed his hand over it and pressed it against Kain’s shoulder again.

  “I’m fine, Paris, really. It’s just a scratch.” Kain tried to convince her, but he was failing miserably. He slumped on the porch bench, appearing pale, as the blood seeped from his chest.

  “We’re all alive, that’s what matters.” Aiden placed his free hand on her back. “Come on, beautiful, deep breaths. It’s over now.”

  “Until next time.” She glanced from each of the men before looking down at the blood soaked ground. “What am I supposed to do if something happens to one of you?”

  “Darling, we can’t think like that,” Kain said, his eyes closed.

  “Remember, cherish every day.” Cody repeated her words from earlier.r />
  “At least the threat of Kings is over,” Aiden reminded her.

  “There will be something else to take its place.” If it wasn’t Kings, it would be the next lunatic out for blood because of her family’s reputation.

  “What the fuck happened here?” Schwartz strolled toward them, leaving the cops outside and a few lingering in the kitchen. “I leave to go home to check on Mya and you not only have an explosion, but there’s blood everywhere. Paris, are you hurt?”

  “It’s not my blood…Kain’s.” The last bit of her energy gone, she sank down onto the bench next to him.

  “We’re going to have to answer questions. Don’t let her out of your sight.” Aiden glared at him. “Do you hear that Paris? You stay with him and listen to him. I don’t want to see you running through whatever trouble finds us next because you think something has happened to us. It’s not okay to get yourself hurt or worse yet, killed. We’ll take care of this, watch each other’s backs, and when it’s over we’ll come back to you. I promise.”

  “That’s not a promise you can keep,” she whispered but the argument was cut off before it got started when a police officer approached them.

  “The paramedics will be right over.” The young officer looked over each of the men. “We’re going to need everyone’s statements while we try to determine what happened here and who fired the fatal shot.”

  “That was me,” Cody stated, gaining the officer’s attention. “After he shot Kain I had no choice but to return fire.”

  “Very well, the detective will want to speak with you first. We’ll get to all of you.” He turned to Kain. “I’ll have an officer meet you at the hospital for your statement.”

  “He’s not going anywhere.” Mathew stepped out of the house. “I have our family doctor on his way to attend to him. No one will be giving statements without legal representation, either. My partner Mr. Harmon has just arrived and he’ll sit in with everyone.”


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