Book Read Free

Runner Up

Page 3

by Leah Banicki

  I met his gaze and he smirked a little.

  ‘I caught you.’ I told him with my eyes, he winked his reply. He wanted to be caught. My stomach did a triple back flip and I could not tear my eyes away from him. This was it… I was in deep trouble now.

  After Randall’s instructions we could relax and enjoy the evening. We had a few hours to mingle and then Anthony would leave and we would get settled in for the next four days before the dreaded ceremony. It reminded me of the days of old when a girl had a dance card. This was a date card. If Anthony does not have a date card for you, you go home, your dance was over.

  I was hoping to get to Anthony first after the speech but the flock of women vying for his attention was serious competition, and a bit menacing. I let the first group of women get their turn to chat with him, and avoided any claw marks. I was hoping to get my turn to talk to Anthony soon, though.

  I relaxed and moved to the kitchen in search of something to drink besides wine. I found some lemon-lime soda, poured it in my empty wine glass, and rejoined the party. I saw Anthony seated on a large couch chatting and laughing with a group of five women. He looked comfortable and calm, with the experience of being one of twenty-five contestants on last season’s show. I walked by slowly. Listening to the conversation, I hoped to glean more about him. Perhaps I was eager to get his attention a little, or a lot.

  I saw his eyes slowly turned to me as I walked by. His black hair swept back formally, his dark eyes grinning.

  “Pardon me ladies.” He said in a low voice, he stood up and walked to me. He took my arm and led me wordlessly outside.

  “Hello again, Anthony.” I said, in a near whisper. He was taking me to the far side of the terrace. There was a railing that overlooked the valley. I could not care any less about the view of the valley. All I could see was Anthony. His presence was more intimidating in person, the pictures looked good, the real man was intoxicating.

  “Who are you, Hannah? Are you real?” He asked and I felt the same way. This seemed like a fantastic dream.

  “Well I think I am real, not sure today, though. I am pretty sure tonight is very different from anything I have ever experienced before.” I was trying to be myself. I didn’t want to pretend to be anyone but me.

  “I feel nervous around you Hannah. I am not sure if I am breaking some kind of dating rule by feeling what I feel after knowing you for a full two minutes. I don’t even know you. What’s happening here?” He took my hand and held it over his heart. I could feel it pounding as hard as mine.

  “Well, my mother would say its called attraction and she would get all giddy and giggly. My dad would say that it’s a spark and that God gave us the spark and it’s our job not to burn the house down.” I said, practically.

  “That is wise, and just what my father would agree with.” Anthony took my hand off his heart and held it for a minute at his side. His fingers wrapped around mine easily. It felt like heaven on earth. “The show’s producers told me there were some girls who shared my values here on the show. I hope you mentioned what your father said as your cue to me that you watched the last season of Soulmate?”

  “I did, I admitted, bravely, that you were the reason I came on the show. I was only interested because you were good Christian man.” I was shaking a little as I spoke, overwhelming emotions were obviously taking over my nervous system.

  “I am so glad to meet you Hannah. Tell me about you.” He said in a low voice that calmed me.

  “Well I work as a professional photographer for magazine and also freelance commercial work.” I said, watching his eyes as they stared into mine. It was making me a little self-conscious but I was trying not to be bashful and look away.

  “Wow, not an easy career to maintain unless you are very talented. I like that you are in a creative field, you know how to face competition. The challenge is to capture a vision for the client.” Anthony said.

  I knew from the show last year that he was an architect.

  “As an architect do you mostly work with pen and ruler or are you a computer graphics guy?” I asked, hoping he knew I was sincerely interested.

  “I do a mixture, there is nothing quite like seeing the project come to life on paper, but the capabilities to transform it on computer with new software is also something I find thrilling. Wow, sorry I don’t mean to talk about work tonight.” Anthony laughed. “Lets try this, where are you from originally?”

  I shared with him moments from my childhood, my love of photography and my eventual move to New York. He told me about his family and then I noticed a few girls stalking us nearby. It was a reasonable part of the show that everyone wanted a chance to talk to Anthony. I let him go with a wave. After a few steps he bolted back to me and leaned in close…

  “To be continued, Hannah.” He smiled and winked which left me breathless. I said a little prayer. Dear Lord… Can I keep him?

  * * * * *

  I found Janette and we parked on the couch and chatted with a few other girls. Several of the girls, we both agreed, were nice. I was now wishing we could wear nametags. I would never remember all these girls’ names. I felt a small twinge of pity for Anthony, and hoped he had a good memory.

  I was starting to tire from the long day and with no one that I knew really well I was running out of chitchat. I spent a quality hour going over the conversation I had with Anthony again and again, trying to find a flaw or something that could talk me out of butterflies in the stomach. No luck yet…

  I saw a few girls yawning and looked at the time, 11:43 showed on the face of the ornate clock above the fireplace. The night would end soon. I wondered if anyone had received the broach. I glanced around nervously. I stood up and stretched as well as I could in the tightest dress imaginable. The under layers of starchy things designed to make the bell of the skirt stay puffy, was beginning to poke through the expensive nylons and cause a slight itching sensation near my knees. My feet were starting to protest the high-heels, as well. I began a mental pep talk with my body about the lateness of the hour and very, very soon I would be free to escape the evil confines of fashion. I regained my focus back on the room just in time to witness Anthony coming back into the house. He ran into Randall and they talked a minute. Randall handed him something and Anthony smiled and thanked him.

  Twenty-five women and five cameras zoom in on Anthony Capriccio. He turned and for the second time tonight I saw him ignore everyone else as he walked toward me. This was a very good day.

  “Hannah, will you be my first full date on Soulmate? I am very taken with you. I would love to find out more about you.” His voice was smooth and low. Those dark eyes were swallowing me whole.

  “Yes Anthony, I would be honored.” I hoped my voice didn’t crack. I suddenly remembered that I was not alone in the room with just Anthony, but had an audience of millions. The thought sent a weird sensation up and down my spine and after a few trips around it stopped in my stomach.

  Anthony placed the velvet box in my hands a moment later. I opened it and saw an antique emerald broach. Every year it was different and this one was stunning. I knew the show would have a television clip of him actually shopping with a family member or close friend for the broach. They used that trip to talk about the guy’s hopes for finding a Soulmate. Usually the broach brought up the question about love at first sight.

  Did he fall in love at first sight with me? I asked myself.

  I watched Anthony say his goodbyes to the crowd and Randall gave a few more speeches about what would happen now regarding the ladies.

  I was only half hearing Randall, I was still dwelling on the broach and the talk Anthony and I had out on the terrace. He was easy to talk to, and I was very pleased that he was not arrogant about his good looks. He seemed a little shy.

  “I was hoping to share a room with you Hannah, you seem funny and non-catty. So unless you hate the idea we should be roomies.” Janette was speaking to me. I tried to shake off my romantic thoughts and forced myself to focus o
n show survival.

  “That sounds perfect. I was day-dreaming I apologize.” I said sheepishly. I had no idea what I needed to do now.

  “Well, I would be day-dreaming, too. My goodness, I think in this race you just made it around the first corner, and the rest of us are still waiting at the starting gate.” Janette took a look at the broach and smiled.

  “This is not a race, just a first date. Everyone gets to have their time with him. Anyway my feet hurt too bad to run anywhere tonight.” I remembered all the discomfort the night had brought. My nerves were coming down fast and the thud was coming soon. I just hoped to be in bed before I collapsed. I followed Janette like a puppy. We found our luggage and weaved through the mansion. We found a small room with only two beds and a small private bathroom. We quickly claimed it and signed for it with the clipboard lady who wandered the halls.

  After a few minutes I was out of my fashion prison and comfortable in cotton pajamas. Janette and I spent a little time chatting about nonsense and Anthony but we fell asleep quickly.

  Chapter 3

  That night, though I hated to admit it, I had a fairy tale romantic dream. Before I was fully awake I had a fleeting memory of my dream with someone strongly resembling Anthony. I lay in bed for a few minutes exploring the room; it was very Victorian with black and burgundy accents and lovely little details around the room, a shelf with a few books and an oval mirror next to the window. Light was streaming in and Janette’s hair unwound and draped over the edge of the bed. Her hair was very long and I was impressed. It was all one length and had no telltale signs of having extensions added on by the salon people.

  Janette turned and stared at me for a second before making a silly face.

  “You reminded me of my brothers just now, it makes me nervous to have someone staring at me, usually it means something bad or embarrassing is about to happen to me.” Janette laughed and sat up. She wore a baggy nightshirt that could hold at least four of her. Her face was lightly freckled and pixyish.

  “I promise no foul play intended, just admiring your hair.” I said and stretched out my tired muscles.

  “Well thanks, I kind of like it myself.” She was very witty and that made her extremely likable. She wasn’t prideful at all, just a bit smart-alecky, in a good way, I thought.

  Janette stayed in bed and I got dressed and hurried out to see what was happening in the TV wonderland I had entered.

  * * * * *

  The signup sheets were in the kitchen and by 8:30 a.m. a few lists were already full. I read through all the lists.

  Saturday 10 a.m. Brunch

  I saw that one was taken for today. The lunch date for one o’clock in the afternoon was taken, too. I found myself perusing the different options. All four dinner dates were filled in and I didn’t want to steal any other contestant’s time with Anthony. I would get an all day session plus dinner. I felt so lucky. Hmmm. I saw an open evening slot on Sunday. It wasn’t dinner, it just said outdoors nine p.m. I wrote my name in that time slot, hoping it might work for a moonlit walk, though even sitting next to him and talking would be ideal, as well. That done, I got my simple fruit and cereal breakfast, sat at the table quietly, and wondered what in the world I would do with myself. My hour date with Anthony was a day and half from now. I missed my laptop, a lot!

  The mystery girl with the shawl sat down next to me with her bowl of fruit. I noticed she had dark features and very exotic eyes. She met my gaze for a half second, then focused on her fruit, and ate silently. I was at a loss on what to say. She was either very shy or anti-social. My curiosity kept me occupied for a few minutes wondering how she would date Anthony.

  The house was still quiet as there were a majority of late sleepers in the group. I expected to see girls heading out of their beds as the dates started. I wanted to be up to see what the competition was up too. I figured if I sat here long enough I would see everyone readied for their hour date with Anthony, not sure why I cared to know what they all looked like on their dates, but somehow I did.

  Janette wandered in at five minutes to nine to save me from boredom.

  “You get a date sign up yet?” I asked. I took my plate to the sink, rinsed and put it in the dishwasher. I didn’t feel the need to be a slob just because I was on vacation, sort of…

  “Yes, I signed up for the lunch date on Monday. That gives me time to get up and wake up properly before I have to be perky.” Janette said. I sat down next to her.

  “Mine is listed as a Sunday evening, outdoor date. Not sure what it entails but hoping for a moonlit walk.” I wiggled my eyebrows and saw her smile in response.

  “Good thinking. I have decided not to hate you because you got the broach. Pretty sure the others will not be as forgiving of your major flaws.” Janette smiled, as she began eating her cereal. Her manners were perfect while eating, but I could hear her crunching on her cereal.

  “Flaws?” I was trying not to laugh. “I know I have them, but I do hate being so transparent to strangers.”

  “Well, let’s list them shall we…” Janette said, after she swallowed.

  I nodded and chuckled, as she began listing my “flaws.”

  “You are stunningly beautiful, with eyes that show wisdom and wit. You are extremely likable, poised and the most important flaw is that Anthony has already noticed all of the above. You are now enemy number one.” Janette said it all with a simple smile and I genuinely felt her friendship.

  “Wow I am impressed and flattered, you are very eloquent about my flaws. But I have to say I am none of those things. I am just a simple girl from Indiana. The makeup team did a nice makeover on me and I admit to feeling like a stranger when I look in the mirror.” I felt a little uncomfortable. I tried to shift the focus off me. “Are you some kind of writer?”

  “I am a freelance journalist. I dabble in all sorts of writing projects. It keeps my spaz brain busy.” Janette admitted.

  “Well that explains the prolific prose. I am a freelance photographer. No wonder we get along so well, even with my horrible flaws.” I grabbed a grape from her fruit bowl and stuck my tongue out at her playfully.

  “What in the world are we going to do all day? The idea of staring down all the competition has its merit, but it will be seriously boring to lie around all day. I suppose the pool in the back of the property might pass a little time.” Janette and I agreed, sitting around all day seemed a bit dull.

  “When I made my pros and cons list for the show I didn’t add boredom to the list.” I frowned at Janette, she nodded.

  “I miss my computer.” Janette muttered, as she got up to clean her plate.

  I couldn’t agree more.

  We put on our swimsuits after breakfast and spent one hour swimming until swimming became so popular or else boredom had spread. Once the pool filled up with a few thrashing women I moved to the far side of the patio and found a lounge chair. I draped my towel over a chair and headed indoors for a paperback novel. When I got back to my lounge chair my towel had been moved. I saw the curvy blonde from last night sitting where my towel had been. I saw the six other identical lounges on the patio and wondered what would possess her to move my towel. Maybe she saw me put it there and she wanted to play games.

  Oh, good grief. I adore high school drama games.

  I felt her watching me through her mostly closed eyes. I recognized her as the bombshell from last night. She looked just as lethal in her itsy-bitsy bikini as she did last night in her non-existent dress. I searched the patio and found my towel in a wet pile, stashed in a potted plant. I reasoned that she threw it in the pool first then rolled it in the dirt.

  I was not sure what to do next.

  Should I claim the towel? I paused in thought. Yeah I have to, I don’t want to leave it for the staff to clean up. I sent a happy, slightly sarcastic, wave to the bombshell, who propped herself on her elbows to watch me stoop down and try to grab the filthy, wet towel. It wasn’t anything that would end the world, but still drama I would rather

  The towel was too filthy so I dropped it, went inside, snatched a pair of kitchen gloves and a garbage bag, then retrieved the muddy mess. By then the lounges were full of sunbathing beauties. I tried to be swift to avoid any attention.

  “What happened to your towel, Hannah?” Janette sat up from her lounge. Her red hair was still wet from the pool.

  “It got relocated.” I wanted to keep this brief.

  “Oh, I see…” Her eyes scanned the women nearby. She rested her eyes on the one woman not looking up from her lounge. The bombshell seemed to have fallen asleep or was trying to ignore everyone while she soaked up the morning sun.

  “The cats will play.” Janette finished her thought out loud. She stood up and wrung out her long red hair with her towel.

  “Wait Hannah, I will join you.” She wrapped her own towel around her thin waist and joined me as I walked into the house with the dirty towel in the bag.

  “I will try and find a way to get this to the laundry. I have no idea how she got my towel this muddy in the short time it took me to get a book, without getting dirty herself. She wasn’t wet at all.” I shrugged. I did not want to waste one more second thinking about her.

  “I know the way to the laundry room. I’ll show you the way.” Janette said and pointed to a hallway I hadn’t been down yet.

  I followed Janette and we quickly got the deed done.

  * * * * *

  A soft dinging sound interrupted my reading. Janette and I were camped in our room each reading quietly on our beds. We chatted for a while about home life then we both got quiet and switched to reading. The dinging startled both of us and Janette was the first to jump out of the bed to open the hall door.

  “Attention Bachelorettes- please come to the grand foyer by 12 noon. Thank you from the staff of Soulmate.” The message repeated five more times before the intercom system was silent. Janette and I wordlessly shrugged and went into a flurry to be dressed and cute by noon. Fifteen minutes later we were ready and we made our way through the mansion to find the room we had the party in last night. Thank goodness for the little arrows on the wall.


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