Runner Up

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Runner Up Page 22

by Leah Banicki

  “Oh it’s heavy.” She lifted the sack by the handles, the bag was emerald green and tissue paper was shooting out the top.

  Allison settled it on the coffee table in front of me and she impatiently waited for me to open it.

  “The note says this is first.” She said.

  The bag opened after I untied the bow at the top.

  It was a small pot of hyacinths, all different colors. Both Alli and I gasped a moment with an ‘awe’. I have always thought hyacinths were such a happy reminder of spring flowers. I was already excited about replanting them at my new home in Michigan. What a lovely thought.

  “What a sweetie.” I squeaked out. I tried not to cough but failed.

  “Now for the second.” Allison repeated the process.

  Number two involved several DVD’s, mostly the romantic comedy variety, followed by a card.

  ‘I bought all these movies here, too. If you like we can watch them together. Text me and we can chat through the movies together. Sounds fun. - Zee’ was written on the card.

  Number three was a bag of books. The note included said, that these were some of his favorite. Number four was a bag of miscellaneous sick accessories. Kleenex, throat lozenges and a photography magazine, etc.

  The last item was a bag of Hershey kisses. The card attached said simply, ‘Cannot wait!’

  I knew I was blushing when Allison read that one out loud.

  “What’s he mean by that?” Allison was enjoying my embarrassment.

  I shrugged and blushed a bit more. I opened the kisses bag and grabbed a handful. I was not so embarrassed that I could not enjoy some chocolate.

  * * * * *

  The next day I got a chance to ‘watch’ two movies with Jackson, long distance. My throat hurt terribly but the texts kept me distracted. He was good company even from far away. That was a good sign to me.

  I spent some time chatting with my parents online, my mom was busy with the spring planting and told me all about her gardening plans. Her typing was cracking me up because every other word was misspelled and she used absolutely no punctuation. A few times I would just stare at what she wrote in bewilderment.

  ‘Got a new bench for the garden to set on the neighbors dog sniffing through my bushes may ruin the new shoots father is planning another vacation.’

  After chatting a while I took another nap then spent some time going over wedding plans with Alli. This was going to be a beautiful party and I was glad I got be a part of it for her. I knew I was a little jealous at first, when she found love while I was on TV wasting time and emotional energy, but I have let some of that go. Having the attention of a handsome author wasn’t hurting anything either.

  Chapter 23

  “I was hoping to come to the wedding but it’s simply impossible. I am so sorry Hannah.” Jackson sounded so forlorn.

  “I have no need for you to hold my hand for Allison’s wedding. I will be so busy it won’t matter. My dad came by two days ago and all my earthly goods are already gone, including all my camera gear and laptop. I feel strangely empty without all my gear. I cannot wait to come home.” I shared. My brain was thinking about the hundred different things I had to do.

  “I hope you know that if I didn’t have grandma’s birthday party in Chicago tomorrow that I would totally be your date. Since I set up and planned the event it would be really bad form for me to skip it.” His laugh was warm and somehow sent a shiver through me.

  “I wish I could come really, dinner on Lake Michigan in a rented yacht sounds pretty fun. You certainly know how to throw a party.” I said, I really wished I could somehow attend both events. It was just impossible.

  “Well I have learned to throw private parties since the author thing. The secret is to get away from the city and popular hangouts. No worries. I will teach you all my paparazzi avoidance skills. It has a ninety percent success rate.”

  I laughed.

  “Ninety?” I asked, wondering if he was just making it up.

  “Well round a-bouts… nobody’s perfect, and those hounds have good noses. Sometimes they foil even the most brilliant schemes I have concocted.”

  “I cannot wait to hear all about your schemes. I must go now though. Got a mani-pedi with Alli in a few minutes and then a million things to do before the wedding tomorrow.” I hated to let him go, but counting down the hours until I saw him made it easier.

  “Airport 3 o’clock, two days. I will be there. We will have the drive from Chicago to talk and catch up. Then we can meet up with your parents and get you settled in.” Jackson was counting down the time, too.

  “I will be there, Lord willing and the creek don’t rise.” I said before I ended the call.

  I headed out the door the same minute and arrived a bit winded to the salon just five minutes later. The street was crowded and I nearly ran the entire way.

  All the wedding party was there, even the guys. The men protested to it before, but didn’t have any issues once the pampering started. They didn’t get the pedicures but the massage and steam room was quite pleasant, everyone agreed. We all headed to the rehearsal with smiles and relaxed attitudes. This wedding was planned well, so far no drama or stress.

  While waiting for dinner I heard my phone dinging for my attention.

  I checked it while I had a free moment and saw Anthony’s name with a text. Oh my. Now what?

  ‘Need to talk.’

  My first thought was ‘no thanks’ but I replied quickly to stop this in its tracks.

  ‘Bad timing, busy week. At friends wedding and then flying home.’ I texted back. I turned off my iPhone when I was done. I was not interested in any more reminders of that part of my life.

  I got through the rehearsal dinner with a thousand thoughts going around in my head. Thinking about Jackson and my parents, wishful dreaming about staying with his family over the holiday, just glad to finally have everything done. This past month had been a rush of things to do. I got my Alaska project done with a big bonus and a promise of more work for next year’s Travel Alaska campaign, the idea of going back was a very pleasant one, they were a great client. It was good to be back on top of my game.

  The rest of the night passed in a blur with details and errands around the city with Allison and her maid of honor. This was my chance to say goodbye to my friend and roommate and wish her well on her new life. We both shed some happy tears but we were glad that we were moving on with our lives.

  * * * * *

  Once the wheels were down my nerves hit a new level of jittery. The engine noise and people fidgeting on the plane added to my anxiety.

  I had survived the long wedding day, in high heels and a few stressful moments that came with every large wedding. The dressing room where the wedding party would be changed was locked and no one could locate the key. A tier of the wedding cake was leaning when the bakery delivered it. All catastrophes were overrated but the stress was felt by all, except the bride and groom, which made it a job well done, according to me.

  First class was overbooked so I was refunded the first class price, but my coach ticket had me sitting next to a high school cheerleading squad returning from a conference. There were several phrases repeated by the flight personnel aimed toward the high-schoolers, but they seemed to have gone deaf during their event because they never complied with the rules.

  “If you could keep your voices down that would be appreciated by the other passengers,” was one announcement.

  “If the students in the back of the plane would please be seated and keep the aisles clear…” was another.

  I tried to tune them out and think of pleasant things. I was very irritated and ready to land five minutes after the plane took off.

  After the plane was settled and the cheerleaders weren’t clogging the aisles with giggling and short skirts, I got my purse and carryon out of the overhead compartment. It wasn’t heavy, since most of my belongings were in a U-Haul at my parent’s house, but my best hair straightener and makeup that I
used for the wedding was in that bag. No way was that getting lost in baggage. A good hair straightener was worth its weight in gold.

  I was finally back in the Chicago airport, this time with butterflies in my stomach and my eyes searching. It had been a slow time building but somehow Jackson was worming his way into my every thought. I wanted to know what he was doing and checked my iPhone every minute for a text, just in case. I saw the carousel and my small piece of luggage being pulled around, basically it was just the bridesmaid dress and one outfit remaining of my New York life.

  I pulled my luggage off the belt and strapped my carryon to it artfully so I could pull it along. My heart did a trip-trop and a flip when I thought about seeing the tall guy who’s been helping me lose sleep. I walked through two sets of sliding glass doors when I saw him.

  Had it been only seven weeks since I saw him in person? He was taller than I remembered. I could feel my ridiculous smile pulling at my face, the one that made me look cheesy, but I could not help it. Watching him walk toward me filled me with just a little too much happiness to contain, it had to bubble out in any form it could.

  I didn’t want to say anything. His strides were long, his eyes were happy but intense. I dropped my bags just in time for him to grab me and kiss me silly. There was nothing to do but kiss him back and I gladly returned the embrace.

  “I missed you Hannah,” He said, his voice a bit husky.

  “I can tell. I have been thinking about you.” I said, my bravery around him shocked me a little. I guessed that must be a good thing. Being shy and quiet never did me a bit of good in the past.

  “I nearly flew to New York every week. You kept convincing me not to.” He grabbed my luggage and gently led me toward the door.

  “Well, I was still dealing with photographers parked outside my building. I just didn’t want you pulled into my drama. It was purely selfishness on my account. I wanted you all to myself.” I said, I stopped in my tracks one step ahead of him on a staircase and he gave me a curious look then stopped himself.

  “Did you forget something sweetie?” His endearment was nice to hear.

  “Yes, I did.” I stood up to my toes, leaned in, and kissed him quickly. “That was all me.”

  He sighed. He ran a free hand through his short brown hair. “You are gonna be trouble now aren’t you?” He grabbed my bags and caught up with me after a few strides.

  “I hope to be only the best kind of trouble from now on.” I grinned and held his extended hand.

  We made it to his SUV and headed out of the airport. Both of us were light-hearted and we talked about anything and everything the hour and a half trip to my parent’s home in Indiana.

  As we pulled into the driveway a thought came into my head and I had to spill it.

  “So, are we officially dating now?” I asked nervously. I am guessing that the kissing meant more than friendship but I wanted to know for sure. My last guy was a lot more complicated; I am through with not knowing where I stand.” I was nervous but his eyes were helping me to trust him.

  “I hope so!” He grinned and grabbed my hand. “How about I just be blunt and say what I want?” He gave me a second to nod.

  “I would like you to be my girlfriend. Exclusively! Just you and me finding out how that will be. Cool?” He was trying to be casual but I could see that tiny bit of vulnerability again. Like that night I kissed him and then pushed him away. I never wanted him to feel that way again.

  “I would love to have you as my boyfriend.” I laughed a little. “Though it’s hard to see you as a boy. Forever, I will have to keep a step stool nearby if I ever want to kiss you.” I leaned toward him and we kissed again. Just checking to see if the sparks were still there. Yep. Wow, they were.

  “Starting tomorrow there will be a step stool in every room of my house. Okay let’s go before I kiss you in front of your parents again.”

  I looked out and saw my parents in the driveway. I knew I was blushing but I didn’t care this second. I was a bit giddy. It had been a beautiful drive and I had a new boyfriend.

  “I am thrilled you two are…getting along.” My mom said, as she pulled me inside and with a deft move got me alone in her bedroom. The men were still outside moving luggage to the U-Haul.

  “So what’s the scoop, Han…?” My mom had a grin and a twinkle in her eye that was beguiling. Her short hair was puffy around her face and she had a dirty gardening smock over her summer shorts and t-shirt.

  “Well, he basically asked if I would be his girlfriend, exclusively.” I said grinning as foolishly as I was earlier. “It was adorable, and I guess maybe I needed it, too. After the last one, and the many girlfriends and dates he had, I feel kind of lucky…” I felt a happy tear escape. Not sure where that emotion came from but felt another few tears escape while I was standing there.

  “He is lucky too, sweetie. I think you both will do quite well.” She nodded and handed me a tissue from a nearby box. You are never too old to need advice from your mom.

  “Thanks.” I sniffed and wiped away the evidence of tears. “Haven’t done happy crying in a while, it’s nice. Better than the other kind.”

  The happy group gathered quickly in the driveway and a plan was organized. I saw Zee texting someone on his phone. I gave him a wink when he looked up at me. His eyes were smiling, he looked happy. I was hoping that glow he had was similar to the happy buzzing in my own heart today,

  “Ruby will have dinner all ready at my place when we are done unloading the U-Haul. I was just texting her the particulars.” He said as he opened the door to his SUV. We were going to follow my parents in the U-Haul. The drive went quickly while Jackson and I made small talk about the holiday week with Ruby’s family. My parents were going to be in the Upper Peninsula camping for most of the week but promised to come home in time for the last day. Jackson had a surprise in store.

  My cute little cottage sat just offshore of Stone Lake. It was on the road that led around the lake to the Bliss House, it was a few minutes away by car. Even less by boat, Ruby claimed. It was just as the pictures showed, cute and cozy. Jackson gave me the key and I unlocked the door and was pleasantly surprised to see a few bouquets of flowers and presents on the table. She said there were a few furnishings but I now realized she had understated it. It was almost completely furnished! Even a new teapot on the stove.

  “It’s darling. My very own place.” I exclaimed, unable to contain myself. I let everyone in and my mom and I went arm-in-arm through the whole place. It had two bedrooms, decent closets, a bathtub and an enclosed shower. The kitchen opened up to the living room and it had a large window facing southwest, overlooking the water. If I stood at the window and squinted I could see Jackson’s house tucked into a piece of the lake that jutted out and created his own little peninsula.

  “You can spy on me all you like.” Jackson snuck up behind me. “Actually I may find it very distracting to know you are so close by. I will be tempted to visit you constantly.”

  “Oh let me visit you instead, I do love the Bliss House so much.” I realized the mistake of allowing the pet name of his home to escape.

  “The bliss house?” He laughed. “When did you start calling my house the bliss house?”

  “Well, the first day I met you.” I tried to hide my face in shame. “I decided it was perfectly situated, the fireplaces and the red chair…and well everything.” I shrugged and he gave my shoulders a squeeze as we looked out the window.

  “It shall be the bliss house from now on.” He planted a kiss on my cheek then we got serious about getting my stuff out of the U-Haul and unpacking.

  * * * * *

  I woke up to a ding from my iphone. It was charging on the nightstand and truthfully it scared the sleep right out of me. I didn’t expect anyone to be texting me this early. It was still dark.

  I glanced at my phone through sleep-weary eyes.

  I groaned when I saw Anthony’s name.

  ‘We need to talk!’ Anthony wrote.

/>   “No we don’t.” I answered out loud to the empty room. “It’s over, finite’, done, kaput…” I staggered from my bed to the kitchen, trying to think over any more words for ‘done’ that I could mention. It amused me while I started the coffee pot. Ruby had set up my kitchen well with a few groceries, and staples, like gourmet fresh ground coffee and creamer in the fridge. I found a coffee mug in the cupboard and pre-loaded my cup with cream and sugar while I listened to the song of the coffeepot dripping and steaming.

  Why would Anthony be texting me this week? I suddenly remembered he had sent me a text two days before the wedding too. Ugh, what now? Some new drama to try and ruin my current happiness, I mused. Sorry Mr. Caprricio, you had your chance, now it’s my turn to be happy and out of the spotlight.

  I heard my phone ding again. Argh… I saw he was going to be persistent.

  “Not gonna happen. I am leaving for my vacation in a few hours.” I was talking to my empty house again. Maybe I need a cat or a goldfish so at least I would be talking to something. Should I text that I was leaving?

  Well leaving was relative since it’s just across the lake, but it’s still MY holiday and I was going to enjoy every second of it without spending a single second thinking about Mr. Soulmate heart crusher.

  I spent a little time that morning, while sipping my coffee, just being thankful, as I looked out at the still water. I prayed a bit and let the peaceful morning fill me up. My hopes were high; my time for happiness was finally here. I was starting to fall for a great guy, and I had the notion that his feelings were mutual. I had made some good changes and I was ready to put the depression and anxiety aside now. I prayed about that for a while, just asking God for complete closure on the past.

  The morning slipped by me after breakfast, a shower and then I went through a few boxes to find the summer clothes I wanted to take with me for the Bliss House holiday, a few swimsuits, for dipping in the pool, several pairs of shorts, jeans… I had a pile forming on the bed and realized I was probably over-packing. I now lived a few minutes away. It would be easy to come back and grab anything, should I run out.


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