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Spears' Challenge (The White Dragon Series Book 2)

Page 5

by Bonnie Watts

  “It isn’t Avalon he wants lassie, he wants a meeting with the White Dragon.”

  I glance at Jeff, who shrugs his impressive shoulders.

  “He is a seer. He must’ve had a vision of some kind about you. We can’t go to him. Not until we decide what we’re going to do.”

  It was Dragon who answered the unspoken question. “The Council members rarely leave the Citadel. People come to them for audiences.”

  “Haven’t they heard of e-mail? I am not traveling all the way to Switzerland and risk falling into our enemy’s hands only to put myself into the hands of that bunch of do-nothings. Let them watch their Great Magics and stay out of our way until we get Tor out of this sword and kill this evil witch. It has to be done before he gets too powerful for even a soul-singer to take on. Jeff, can you please draft an email to Lorang and try to explain without any details except about this witch that killed my family?”

  I look at my Knight Protector in desperation. Wizard Council interference right now isn’t a good thing. That group had become entirely too hide-bound over the last century or so. My father had been the youngest seer to be voted onto the Council. It was considered quite an honor and was a lifelong position. He had resigned in disgusted protest four years later. The Wizard Council is supposed to govern all supernaturals as well as guarding the Great Magics that limit the uses of magic in the world. In their isolation, my father had felt they’d forgotten that other supernaturals even existed, let alone fairly regulating them.

  Jeff smiles and reaches over, stroking my face. “Of course I’ll deal with Lorang. I’m still your advocate.”

  Lord Cirwin takes over from there. “What was the message from the seeley Queen, Councilwoman Neverstill? Was it official with her seal of office?”

  “Aye, my Lord it was. She picked up on that magical contract everyone else in Avalon felt earlier when the island shook wi’ the strength of it. Pardon my sounding disrespectful, my Lord, but what was you thinking, pledging your fealty to the White Dragon here like you did, without letting your sister know what was coming? That magical contract between a seeley High Lord Duke like yourself and such a powerful magical creation as a White Dragon is gonna force all the vassals sworn to you as the Duke of Granger Saighn to the service of the White Dragon too. Or dinna you think about that when you did it, laddie?”

  If we all hadn’t been so startled with our mouths hanging open catching bugs, it would have been hilarious to see the tiny brownie shaking her finger and scolding the dignified elf lord.

  “But Maggie, all Lord Cirwin did was offer to go to meet Sir Frederick Gallows with us. There wasn’t any pledging anything.”

  Lord Cirwin finally speaks up, his face chalk white as he realizes what he has done. “No, my Lady, the Councilwoman is correct. A pledge of fealty is not in the words, it is in the heart and in the Will. In my joy after Lucifer touched my mind, I became an official part of your community. I was so happy that I fear I removed my promise of fealty from the King of the seeley and placed myself into the service of the White Dragon first and Avalon second. It was something I had never had the courage to do before, to cut my ties to court. I confess that I didn’t think about my vassals, which was criminal of me. Now all of those who fall under my house are bound by my word.” He put his face in his hands. “How could I be so stupid?”

  “Do you have any heirs, Lord Cerwin?” Dragon asked the distraught elf.

  “My sister’s son, but he’s the heir to the throne as well, and his birth rank supersedes mine already.”

  “What if we offered you a rank higher than the one you have now? If you took that rank, then by seeley law, your old rank would revert to the crown, and all agreements of fealty by vassals would be null and void, would it not?”

  Cirwin looked up from his hands. “I’m not aware of many other ranks higher than Duke other than Prince and King, Dragon.”

  Or queen. But he wouldn’t make a very good queen. Doesn’t wear enough makeup.

  Shut up, Tor, this is serious.

  “In China, we had a rank in the Emperor’s court called a Grand-Duke, who was a special magical advisor to the court. As it so happens, I was ranked an Emperor-God during the Ching Dynasty, and still carry that rank, since I still live. I can grant you the rank of Grand-Duke to the court of the White Dragon which my rank and power as Emperor-God of China allows me to do. Will you accept this and give up any other titles before it?”

  “I would be honored to accept it.”

  “Jerrie, stand with Tor in front of Cirwin.”

  I did as he directed.

  “Now Cirwin, kneel and give your pledge to the White Dragon.”

  “I, Cirwin Amaldion, accept the rank of Grand-Duke in the Court of the White Dragon. I give up all ranks that supersede this. I pledge my fealty and service to you gladly.”

  “I accept your pledge on behalf of our God-Emperor and welcome your advice and help, Grand-Duke Cirwin of Avalon.” I touched each shoulder lightly with Tor to finish the pledge. Thankfully the sword didn’t crack wise. Even he realized the momentous step that Cirwin was taking.

  This time it wasn’t just the island that shook. The entire continent of China had a small earthquake that showed up as a 2.1 on the Richter scale as well.

  The seeley mound and its King Guiddion felt the return of all of the pledges of fealty from Cirwin’s duchy of Granger Saighn, along with the reverberations from the magical contract.

  Dragon helps a very shaky Grand-Duke Cerwin up off his knees and says to the elf, “Now, you, me, and Councilwoman Neverstill are going to the seeley Ambassador’s suite and will make a formal announcement. Then we will visit your King and Queen and let them know as well. I plan on wearing my formal clothes.”

  Dragon’s formal clothes, of course, was his dragon shape. Since he could swallow the entire seeley court if they really pissed him off, it was an excellent choice of wardrobe.

  I have another idea.

  Lucifer, Houndmaster needs to go to his former home and take leave of them. I want them to know that he speaks for me now. Will you go with him and show all those elves that you are the best Hellhound in the world?

  My Familiar, who’d been napping with his ball next to his chin, got up and stood at his full height, looking at his new Houndmaster.

  I will go and show them what they have lost, and we have gained as your Familiar should. They were fools to let him go.

  From the look on Cerwin’s face, he heard the comment as well. I thought for a minute there that he might lose it and start crying in reaction to the words, but he was too politically savvy, and caught himself before they headed out the door.

  After they all left, Jeff and I look at each other. We are alone, well, except for Tor.

  Tor, would you mind?

  I think I’ll visit Fred. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.

  You’re a sword. You can’t do anything.

  Not for much longer, I hope!

  “We’re alone. Tor’s visiting Sir Frederick.”

  Jeff studies my face, and I study his. I reach out my hands, standing up. “Come on, let’s go check out the new bedrooms.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, at least we can try to get to the bed before another crisis hits. Come on, don’t jinx it!”

  Giggling like children doing something naughty, we head hand in hand straight for my bedroom and fall onto the bed, kissing and hugging each other like we’re starving. The sensation of his strong arms around me is heaven, and my body is kindling with the feel of him pressing hard and heavy against me. Gradually the kissing pace slows a bit as we take the time to leisurely enjoy the contact, getting to know each other’s bodies.

  I run my hands over his broad selkie shoulders, moving down to his chest.

  “Do you mind if I use magic to speed things up a little?”

  “Speed it up how?”

  “This way.”

  I use my Mover gift to disappear all of our clothes.

Nice. Come here.”

  I’ve seen his body before, usually when both of us were too beat up or exhausted to enjoy the peeks. But now I can really appreciate it. He isn’t a mound of muscles, but because of his selkie heritage he has luscious broad shoulders. Yet he is tall and on the lanky side from his witch father. All of him is muscle. Nice. He’d seen me naked or almost, too. He knows I’m lean and not so curvy. From the joy on his face and the laughter we share, he apparently thinks I am just perfect the way I am. He makes love to my body in such a way that lets me know how much he cares.

  We’d wanted to be together this way for so long that now that it is finally happening, neither of us wants to rush, despite my superstitious fear that something else might interfere. So we don’t. We take our time and make love to cement the bond that kept us going through all that we had been through. Unknowing, Jeffrey Siniocor became the Consort of the White Dragon in physical and magical truth in addition to the mental and emotional ones.

  When that blasted magical contract gong rings again and the house shakes, we both wake up from our post-coital doze.

  “What just happened?”

  “I don’t know.”



  What magical contract just got made? Do I have to worry about it?

  Well, considering that Siniocor has now become the Consort of the White Dragon, and the position can’t be overturned while he lives, if that wasn’t what you planned, I would say so.

  “Oh, no.”

  Jeffrey started throwing on his clothes. “What is it? What’s happened?”

  “Why don’t people tell us these things!” I can hear the whine in my voice.

  “What? What did Tor say? What was that contract?”

  It was hard for me to look him in the eyes, but I did. I was the one who got Jeff into this.

  “That contract was you, um, becoming the, um,”

  He put his hand on my shoulder.

  “Just tell me. It can’t be that bad.”

  “You’re the Consort of the White Dragon now. It’s a permanent position, for life. Tell me now it’s not that bad. That means no divorce, and we’re not even married! I am so sorry, nobody told me.”

  His hand moved to my face, pulling it up so I look into his eyes, those gorgeous desert-blue eyes so much like my mom’s and my brother’s.

  “That contract took two of us to create, Jerrie. You didn’t force me to be here and make love to you. Before you panic and start blaming yourself, let me do some research on the position. In a normal court, the position of consort can have several meanings. I can talk to Cirwin tomorrow too. Come on and lie down. You are exhausted after all that magic and other stuff.”

  He pulled me into those strong arms which always made me feel so safe. At first I am tense. Tor starts singing an ancient song in my mind about being safe in the night. To the gentle words from my Soul-Singer sword, the fatigue caused by the magic I’d used finally took its toll on my body and mind.

  It is morning when I wake up and Jeff is long gone.

  Thank you for your lovely song. Where did you learn it?

  I wrote it for Fred for when he had trouble sleeping. It always worked for him. Soul-singers don’t just sing spirits, you know. We’re fully trained bards as well, only without the druid religion crap. I didn’t mean to upset you. I was surprised you wouldn’t know that you were making a Consort. The seal’s been crazy about you for a while, and you feel the same about him, don’t you?

  I do.

  A sudden suspicion came to me.

  Wait, a minute. You said we were making a Consort. Singular.

  Right, good catch. White Dragons, like regular female dragons, have more than one mate and can have more than one Consort.

  OH NO! Promise me that when you’re alive or out again, you won’t say a word to Dragon about this.

  I’m sure he already knows, but you have my word.

  Thanks, Tor, you’re the greatest sword ever!

  Well it’s nice to know you care.

  How’s Sir Frederick doing?

  Excited. Worried. Scared. The zombie thing has got him concerned. He’s fought so many rotters in his life, he’s afraid that’s what he’ll turn into. I didn’t think anything could scare that thick-headed warrior. I’ve known him for over 10,000 years and he can still surprise me.

  We won’t do the transfer if his body has deteriorated. I wouldn’t do that to him. Maybe I can put him into another body if that happens. That’s more difficult, though.

  He knows. He trusts you. He figures anyone with the guts to tell him his nose looked horrible to his face is trustworthy.

  I smile at that. Oh well, time to get up and find out how the trips to elfland worked out. I need to face my new Consort. Sheesh, how embarrassing, like facing your dad with your mom telling him you started your period for the first time when you’re standing right there.

  I hop out of bed, shower, pull on some clothes, and walk out into the communal area. It is empty. Where is everyone? I hear noises coming from the kennel area outside.

  I step through the backyard to the kennel. Jeff and Cirwin plus two strange elves are all looking in the kennels where there’s a lot of commotion.

  “Jeff, Cirwin? What’s going on?”

  They both turn to look at me, and the smile on Cirwin’s face answers most of my questions.

  “My Lady, look what the King gifted you with this morning!”

  I smile back. “Let me guess. Hounds?”

  “Not just any of them! They chose five breeding age pairs of royal su sith, from dogs I used to breed. They’re the best in his kennel.”

  Lucifer is in with the dogs, rolling around on the ground with them and having a good old time play-fighting. He is bigger by half than the largest male, but they don’t seem to mind. These hounds are tall and leggy hunting animals that are shaped like Irish wolfhounds. Unlike Lucifer’s mastiff-like shape, they look like they are meant to be chasing stags through the forests at top speed.

  The Su Siths’ coats are also various shades of green.

  “They’re green. I’ve never seen dogs that color before. They are beautiful creatures.”

  My praise causes all three elves’ chests to expand in well-earned pride.

  I get another surprise when out of the kennel house comes two little black dogs that look kind of like Scott terriers, but with flat faces like pug-dogs. They both send looks towards the rambunctious larger dogs like they were low life white trash, or in this case, green and black trash, from the poor side of town.

  “Oh my goodness what are these little ones?”

  “Those are from the Queen, my sister Ceresa, directly to you. She breeds and raises these Daeargwn hud,or Magic Terriers, as indoor dogs to keep her and her favored ladies company at court. She says they are brave to a fault and can sniff out evil magic traps better than any witch in Faerie. Their names are Harddwch, which means Beauty, and Dewrder, Courage.” Cirwin looks at her. “Giving you two of her precious terriers is a message, my Lady. She’s warning you to expect magical traps and is giving you her support and the King’s if she can convince him of it when the time comes.”

  “When that time gets here, I’m afraid that the seeley King will face the choice of helping or getting destroyed.”

  “Have you seen this?”

  “No. It’s just a feeling I have. From her gifts, I think your sister Queen Ceresa has the same belief. So does Sir Frederick.” I smile at Cirwin.

  “The dogs are beautiful. I’ll get to know them better after I break my fast. And these gentlemen are?” I look at the two stranger elves.

  “These are Lords Soloman and Drumas, former assistant royal Houndmasters who have asked to join your staff and help with Avalon Kennels. They want to swear into the service of the White Dragon.” Both elves turn and bow deeply.

  I am starting to feel a little uncomfortable with all this swearing stuff.

  I face them. “I am honored that you wish to help. I need to co
nsult with my advisors regarding proper procedures on swearing of service before we can move forward. Please know you are welcome here.”

  “Jeff, have you had breakfast yet?”

  “Not a full one. I wanted to see the dogs, so I just grabbed a roll and a cup of coffee. I’ll come and eat with you if you want.”

  I smile. “I’d like that.”

  I wait until we are seated before I say anything.

  “Did you get a chance to look it up?”

  “I did it last night after you fell asleep. A White Dragon’s Consort is a permanent bond, as Tor told you. But it doesn’t have to be an intimate one if the choices change. There can be several Consorts, all of who act as spokespersons for the White Dragon herself when she can’t be there in person.”

  He grins. “So if you decide you’d rather have Dragon, you can just have me do your talking for you.”

  “Have me do what?”

  The heat in my face cued Dragon in that something interesting is being discussed. He sits down at the table and serves himself from the brownie-cooked breakfast.

  “Speak on my behalf, like yesterday. I gather from all the dogs outside that it went well?”

  “Well enough. The King seemed relieved to no longer have the burden of Lord Cirwin interfering in the peace of his marriage, I think. He was happy to let him go with us for the price of a few of his royal hunting hounds. I don’t believe he’s a dog person. It was the Queen who picked the animals out for us.”

  Dragon grins, lighting up his handsome Asian features.

  “I am never going to forget the look on Guiddion’s face when Lucifer walked right up to his throne, stared him in the eyes from less than four inches away, drooled on his royal robe, then telepathically told him and everyone else in the room that the King was a fool for letting such a talented Master of Hounds go, and that the White Dragon thanks him for his moment of foolishness.”

  “He’s going to start a war if he isn’t careful.” Jeff said crossly.

  “Actually, I disagree. I think it was brilliant. He is the White Dragon’s Familiar. That puts him equal to Kings until the crisis is past. Speaking of equals to kings… I felt a Consort being created last night.”


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