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Spears' Challenge (The White Dragon Series Book 2)

Page 9

by Bonnie Watts

  Cirwin thought about it. “One bitch is pregnant, I found out this morning. She’ll be in fighting fettle for at least six more months before she is too vulnerable for it. I’ll bring her over to your house and get the two of you settled together this afternoon, all right?”

  “A female? The large one with the dark green sock on the left front foreleg, llawn gras?”

  “Yes, her.”

  Lainn’s face lit up. “She’ll do, she’ll do indeed. And pups!”

  I had seen Lainn playing with that hound and gazing at her like a child with no money staring in a candy shop window. I sensed the two of them bonding. She, her name is llawn gras, meaning ‘full of grace’, has had the same look on her face whenever Lainn enters the kennels that I’ve noticed.

  Cirwin doesn’t want to lose any of the hounds from the kennel, but Grace has chosen her person, as is the way of dogs everywhere. This way our dog-loving Guardian Commander has someone to watch his back and fill a hole in his heart at the same time.

  I turn to go back in the house to eat and then rest when my mind becomes filled with a tremendous presence. I seem like a pebble in a mighty river to the personality that fills me. Heat and a heavy metal tang fill the air around me and in my head, which is a really odd feeling.


  “Uh, you’re welcome. I’m sorry if I made assumptions, but I’ve never dealt with a God before. I’ve heard you all can be kind of testy at times, you know, floods, locusts, your wife Morrigu’s battles, that sort of thing.”

  The Dagda’s laughter pounds in my mind like his blacksmith hammer on an anvil, but it makes me smile all the same.


  Just as quick as he came, he left again.

  “Who were you talking to? Tor?”

  “Um, no. I think I just had a God in my mind. The Dagda just thanked me for watching out for his son.”

  Jeff’s eyes bulge. “The Dagda came to you? I’ve never heard of that happening, at least not for hundreds of years. I wish I could have talked to him.” That last is said wistfully.

  I walk over into his arms.

  “Are you missing your nice calm world of archeology about now?”

  He kisses me. “Are you kidding? I wouldn’t miss this for the world! Studying dead races has got nothing on raising the Founder and reviving a 10,000-year-old soul-singer. But I can do without people trying to kill you all the time.”


  “See, even Lucifer agrees with me. If Dragon was here, he would too.”

  “I’m glad he isn’t here. If he called humans long pig, what would he call that poor hobgoblin after he ate him for attacking me?”

  “God, I can’t even imagine.”

  We ask for a meal so I can recharge my magic and energy, then wander over to the dining room table.

  “So, what is it like talking to a god?”

  “It’s kind of deafening, and I got the feeling he was toning it down in order not to hurt me.”

  “What else did he say, other than thanking you?”

  “That he wouldn’t destroy Avalon if something happened to Lainn without checking the facts first.”

  “That makes sense. He is the ancient Celts’ god of justice.”

  “Oh, that’s good to know.”

  “Besides, Lainn can take care of himself pretty well. He is a demigod after all.”

  When Beauty and Courage come in to beg food, I ask Cedric, our replacement brownie, to set up two chairs with pillows for the dogs and give them some chopped up meat and cooked vegetables on their own little plates at the table.

  “I’d say they’ve earned a little spoiling today, don’t you?”

  Jeff grins. “They really turned into bigger dogs?”

  “They sure did, with big pointy ears and their eyes turned red. I have the paw-shaped bruises to prove it.”

  I lift my shirt, and there on my stomach were two perfect paw bruises that would fit a dog the approximate size of a mastiff.

  “Why didn’t you heal them?”

  “I wanted them as proof to show you so you would believe me.”

  “Cirwin’s sister must be a seer. She sent you Courage and Beauty for a reason, like she knew you’d need their magic.”

  “Do you think it would be safe for me to visit her in the seeley mound? Her gifts saved my life. I wish I can think of something to give her in return.”

  “Actually, there might be something you can help her with.”

  “What? Tell me.”

  “Cirwin told me she desperately wants another child. Since she has had a son by the King already, he can’t put her aside for being barren. But procreation isn’t easy for elves, they aren’t a fertile race. The rulers have to show fertility or the ruled get antsy. Do you think you might help her with that?”

  “I don’t know. It would depend on the issue. What if the problem is the King?”

  “She can get a sample of his semen for you so you can check it, nasty as that thought is.”

  “We’ll rule out any problems on Ceresa’s side first before we even think about doing that. I should invite her here, instead of me going there. Too many enemy spies at her court. Can Cirwin get a message to her to arrange to come to Avalon alone, without her ladies? We can ask Lucifer to bring her if we have to.”

  “Let me go ask before he heads over to Lainn’s house to deliver his hound.” He wipes his mouth on a napkin and goes to ask.


  The brownie pops in with his hands dusty with flour.

  “Aye, Jerrie?”

  “Do you think Miss Aggie might have time to visit soon? I have a project to talk to her about. By the way, your meal is a hit with my little heroes here.”

  Both terriers had fallen to sleep on their pillows on the chairs. Courage was on his back with all four legs sticking up, a doggy smile on his face, snoring.

  The brownie’s face softens as he looks at the two sleepers. “They worked hard today. Even the smallest heart can have the courage of a lion-dog with the right person to love and protect. That’s who these little ones came from, you know. Sidhe lion-dogs. Their ancestors were a lot bigger. Her Majesty just put a magic control in them so that the gene of their ancient ancestors triggers when whoever they give their loyalty to is in danger.”

  I ran my hand over Beauty’s soft black head in wonder. “My Sidhe lion-dogs. Thank you for telling me that story. She’s one of my generals, you know. Since she got here, I can’t keep her out of the strategy meetings. Somehow she always manages to get through closed doors and windows. I wonder if Queen Ceresa hasn’t managed what all the seeley and unseeley Houndmasters haven’t been able to do yet by breeding in a little of Lucifer’s dimension-walking skill into her magic terriers?” I smile at the brownie. “Whatever you do, don’t mention that thought to the Grand Duke. He’ll take them away and study them.”

  “Ach, no, Jerrie, that one is totally wrapped around your little queenie there’s paws. He pretends to act like he thinks they’re little nuisancy flutterbies when they come around him, but as soon as little Harddwch here looks at him, he’s opening the door for her, or giving her a treat or offering to brush her.”

  “Dragon’s the same way with her. Both are total suckers. My little brother Chaz would have loved these two.”

  Tears come to my eyes at the thought of my lumbering teenage brother. I’d happily give up all the magic in my body to have him back with me again. Even if it meant the end of the world.

  I feel a hand on my shoulder. “It’s all right to cry for the lost, lassie. But remember, he died a hero. He didn’t let that bastard take his power to use it to find you, though he was only a lad. He protected the White Dragon, and you can’t leave a much better legacy than that in this world, now can you?”

  I squeeze his hand in thanks for his kind words. “No you can’t, Cedric. Y
ou are right about that.”

  “Miss Aggie says she can come in a few minutes, if that’s all right with you. She has a design she saw in a dream to show you after she finishes drawing it.”

  “Knowing Miss Cleareyes, she saw exactly what we need.”

  Jeff comes back right then. “Cerwin can mind-speak the Queen sometimes in short messages, because they’re twins! She will arrange for a trustworthy lady to be the only one in her room with her in two hours. Cerwin will go get her with Lucifer and bring her back here for you to examine.”

  “Twins, huh? No wonder they both like dogs. Cedric, can you please set up my healing suite for the queen’s visit? We won’t want to be disturbed. And this needs to stay between us four.” Beauty, who had awakened and is listening, barks imperiously. “Sorry, your majesty, between us five.”

  “Aye Jerrie.” The brownie looks around a perfectly neat house, panic on his face. “Ach no, the seeley Queen’s coming and this place is a mess!” He disappears with a squeak of dismay.

  Tor, can you give me enough energy to replenish my two healing magics?

  Sure. How’s that?

  WOW! Thanks, dilithium batteries full, Keptain. How did you like the Dagda?

  He scared the living daylights out of me! Why do you think I didn’t make a peep? That’s The Smith, Jerrie. He could take a look at me funny and I’d be a pile of bronze goo with spirit flown wherever.

  I’ll protect you, scaredy-cat. What did you expect from someone married to the goddess of war and death? A wimp?

  Be quiet, he might hear you, woman, and come back.

  Thanks, by the way. For saving my life until Lucifer and Cerwin got there.

  I think you need to learn how to use me, Jerrie.

  There isn’t time to learn well enough to win against an experienced warrior. Besides, I don’t want to learn to use a sword, Tor. Killing with my magic is bad enough, but doing it with a sword, I don’t think I can.

  It would be to delay enemies until the warriors can get to you when you have to go against magic-resistant people like hobgoblins. All of us witches had to do that when I was alive. Fred insisted and taught me himself. I wasn’t very good, but I could keep someone busy for a few minutes.

  I’ll talk to Jeff about doing it.

  Erh, I suggest that you get someone you’re not sleeping with to do it, Jerrie. Trust me, it’ll be better. They’re harder than they need to be on you because they’re afraid they’ll be too soft on you.

  I guess that makes sense, in a weird way.

  Okay, then I’ll ask Dragon to do it. Jeff’s got enough to do, anyway, and is taking the lead on the Belgium mission. Dragon’s been feeling a little left out.

  Good choice.

  Great, one more thing to take me further from who I had been. Learning to fight and kill with a sword.


  Agatha Cleareyes is unique in the fey world. She is an immortal brownie who can create original works of art in paintings, rugs, clothing and tapestries. All other fey can just copy art and music, not having that inner spark one needs to make it. The fey claim that creativity is limited to the mortal species because the fire of their souls burn bright for such a short time. I know that’s a load of crapola because Jeff’s immortal selkie uncle is a brilliant painter whose seascapes hang in several of the top museums in the world. It sounds like an elven excuse to me.

  When I first came to Avalon, I found Aggie in a catatonic state from a vicious attack by another fey, a treeman, a kind of male version of a dryad. The assault had shattered her precious one-of-a-kind mind into tiny pieces. Her twin sister Maggie Neverstill (Brownies’ surnames are descriptive and given to them by a seer midwife at birth.) and I managed to put that mind back together using my spirit healing magic. We also made sure her attacker was convicted and punished for his crimes. During the treatment process, Aggie and I had developed a kind of permanent “dream rapport,” meaning that her unconscious mind became attuned to the needs of the White Dragon’s campaign. She’d woven my battle banner and held it during my duel with Morgana Le Fey, the former High Priestess of Avalon. She’d also created many of my ceremonial clothes, passing the patterns to the other brownies to make using their homey magic.

  When my brownie decorator comes, she shows me what she’s designed. My genius fey partner had dreamed the designs for the Canine Corps’ vests! Both are perfect and exactly what we need to protect Avalon’s security forces. For the two-footed partner, the vest resembles the Kevlar vest human cops wear, only infinitely more graceful looking. It has pockets that won’t bulge, but instead contain openings to deeper magical containers to hold a large amount of useful objects. The four-legged vest is much sleeker and more like a harness for a leash if needed. Of course the fairy hounds are too intelligent to need leashes.

  “Oh, Aggie, artistry with complete functionalism as well. You’ve outdone yourself this time, girl.”

  The brownie blushes with pleasure at the complement.

  “Do you think Lainn will like it?”

  Aggie and the head guardian love each other, but so far they have just been dancing around the issue.

  “I think we’re going to make our prototypes for him and his new hound Graceful, and for Lucifer and me, of course. Now, Grace is pregnant, so hers will have to be expandable. Cirwin is afraid that these would hamper the dogs if they have to fight, so the material has to be hearty as well as not grab able in a conflict. In fact, I want them to be spelled so that if our heroes have to use force, a Knight Protector battle shield comes up around them. Now Jeff and I can supply the magic for the shield, but I’m not sure how to set a trigger spell into the vest.”

  “That’s brownie magic, that is. T’is our specialty, Jerrie. I’ll go get Lainn’s and his hound’s and Lucifer’s measurements, use some dark linen, that will do for the fabric I think, and we’ll make our prototypes with the trigger spell set into the vests. Then we’ll bring them here for you and the Consort to magic.”

  “They’ll need to test them out. I wonder if Dragon and Lucifer might enjoy planning a sneak attack on Lainn and Graceful?”

  She grins at me, her brown eyes sparkling, making her even prettier than she normally is. Brownies had blunt and usually homely features, with short barely there noses, large brown eyes, small mouths with thin lips and slightly receding chins. But Maggie and her twin sister Aggie were quite attractive ladies by either human or brownie standard.

  She answers my question, the grin getting even wider, if that is possible. “They’s men, aren’t they? Of course they will.”

  After the brownie left, I went to shower and change into something nicer for the Queen’s visit. Beauty follows me into my bedroom and to the closet afterwards.

  “Okay, Beauty. Help me pick an outfit that will be good enough to receive your old Mistress. Remember, I have to still look like a healer, since I’m going to be in that capacity. That’s important for the patient to have confidence that I can treat them.”

  I don’t know when I’d started talking to Beauty like I would to anyone else, but she always seems as though she understands me. The little terrier looks me up and down, barks a command, and I began fanning through the outfits the brownies had made for the White Dragon’s use.

  I like that one. It is elegant, yet understated.

  “Tor likes this one.” I hold out a simple princess-waist dress of a turquoise blue material.

  Beauty snorts her derision and gives the sword on the bed a look that says in no uncertain terms, “Pathetic!”

  How rude!

  I almost laugh at the two of them. Even Tor is treating the little bitch dog like she’s human.

  I start the outfit fanning again until Beauty barks imperiously. The pantsuit she chooses is one I haven’t seen before. It is a pale pink form-fitting silk Chinese-style tunic with gold embroidered dragons on it and white pants to match.

  “Beauty, this is absolutely perfect. It gives off calm vibes yet reminds people of what I am.”

p; I slip it on and tidy my hair as much as my rat’s nest-like mop can be tidied.

  Lucifer’s coming back with the elves.

  Ask him to go directly to my healing room, okay?


  Don’t be grumpy, Tor. The dress you chose is beautiful too.

  A gay man being out-styled by a dog. I’ll never live it down after you revive me!

  She’s spent her entire life in the Queen’s court. She’s had a lot more practice than you. I think your fashionista reputation is safe.

  I pick his harness up and carry him to my healing office. I’m not going to put the harness on, because that would be rude, greeting the seeley queen with Excalibur on my back. But I might need a boost of power from him, so I’ll keep him close.

  Once my Hellhound comes, Cirwin and my Familiar leave the room to give us some privacy. Queen Ceresa and I look each other over. She looks a lot like her brother, but the magical power I see in her aura is much greater than Cirwin’s moderate-level earth magic. Her magical aura has a small white band of color indicating a seer’s gift, with a huge green strip of elemental earth magic. A smaller blue band of water magic is there as well. This lady is no slouch in the magical department.

  “Your Majesty, I’m Jerrie Spears.”

  She smiles, which makes her beautiful face light up. “Call me Ceresa, Lady Dragon-Spears. You have brought my twin and only sibling back from fading and made him happier and safer than he has been in millennia. That puts me in your debt.”

  “Safer? He’s the brother of the seeley queen. I wouldn’t think of any position that could get much safer than that.”

  “You do not know my court. Cirwin has never been that good at playing the politics necessary to survive and thrive at court. Fortunately, as Royal Houndmaster, he was under my protection and close enough so I could, um, give…”


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