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Spears' Challenge (The White Dragon Series Book 2)

Page 15

by Bonnie Watts

  “Wow!” Jeff said, filled again with awe at the dedication of these men, to spend eternity protecting their Founder’s body.

  A gruff spirit with the face of a prize fighter spoke. “Why have you come here, necromancer? This sacred ground is not for the living. Leave!”

  Almost behind me, I hear Sir Frederick’s voice respond, even though I hadn’t called him. Tor must have contacted him. It is weird to hear the hollow timbre of death associated with that voice. He always sounded so alive whenever we’d met in the otherworld.

  “Fortine, they are here at my request, my old friend, and this is Lady Jerrie Dragon-Spears, this time’s incarnation of the White Dragon.”

  The ghosts bow heads to their leader, and to me, which I didn’t expect.

  “Founder! White Dragon.”

  Fred turns and said, “You need to find the counterspell for the sword confinement conjure. It’s in the left pocket of Tor’s robe. First remove the stasis spell on his body, or you’ll get trapped inside the stasis spell yourself.”

  “Right, thanks Sir Frederick.”

  I approach Tor’s bier and send out my senses to look at the magic that kept the body inside from decaying. The stasis spell is lit up with a light blue ambience. I follow the light threads down to where the spell had rooted itself to the bier. It would take a lot of energy to lift the spell.

  Jerrie, put me through the stasis field and it will disappear.


  I pull Tor out of my back harness and run him through the stasis spell. Singing starts up in my mind, and the glow protecting the body dies down to nothing.

  “It’s gone.”

  Jeff goes to Tor’s body and fumbles through it awkwardly to find the paper that holds the spell that will free Tor’s spirit from the sword.

  Are you ready for this, Tor?

  Yes. Thank you for everything, White Dragon. I’ve enjoyed being your sword.

  I’ve enjoyed having you, my friend. Will you please power me up one more time as much as you can before I free you?

  It would be my pleasure.

  Tor gives me so much magical power that I’m sure I’m glowing with it. I spell him to levitate next to me where I can touch him and move to stand between the sword and Tor’s body. Touching both, I chant the words of the spell from the paper Jeff found. I have a little trouble saying the old English, but since conjuring is primarily focusing your Will, intent is the most important part of magic. The witches who’d placed Tor into the sword had known what they were doing. The words I chant now circumvent the normal complexities of a 20th level containment spell. I feel the magic in the sword unbind, causing the sword to shatter into pieces. The unbinding process sucks most of my energy into it.

  When it is over, Tor’s spirit stands in front of me. I start a joint mind and body spell to put his spirit back into his still living body. His spirit flows into it like iron filings towards a magnet.

  We all hold our breaths until Tor opens his eyes, green eyes smiling up at me. He is a very sick man, and it’s obvious from the pallor of his skin and the dark circles under his eyes.

  He tries to sit up, but I push him back down.

  “Wait until I heal you, Tor.”

  I shoot all of my physical and mental healing into his body, following the path of the cancer to destroy it. He also needs general healing because of the body’s long sleep. Because my gifts had grown more powerful, I am able to destroy the cancer that riddles his body with just my magic. Unfortunately, by the time I finish, my healing magics are completely drained.

  I sway when I finish, lightheaded and feeling like I’m ready to pass out. Dragon catches me in his arms before I fall.

  “You need to eat and rest before you try to bring Sir Frederick back.”

  “No, there isn’t enough time. I can feel our enemy moving closer to us as we speak. He’s made it to Europe already!”

  “You don’t have enough magic left to raise Sir Frederick, Jerrie.” Jeff points out.

  The lead ghost steps forward.

  “We will give the White Dragon the energy from our souls so she can raise Sir Frederick.” Fortine says, looking at me with trust in his silver gaze. “You are a necromancer, so you can take energy from the dead.”

  “No! Doing that will destroy you!” I shake my head.

  “We serve the Founder, my lady. Using us to return him to the world is the fulfilment of our oaths of service. All of us would gladly sacrifice our souls for that end.”

  I slump, giving in with sadness in my heart. One by one, the spirits move through my body while I use a much-hated necromancy spell to steal their life forces and replenish my batteries. As each one passes through me, I know them. I celebrate their lives, dedication and love for their Founder.

  “Fortine Heldascu, Order General of the Knight Protectors, I thank you for this sacrifice. Know that it won’t be in vain. I will use your gift to raise your Founder so he can fight against evil once more.”

  I thank each soul as they pass through me, saying each name aloud and celebrating who they were. By the time I’d absorbed them all, I am again filled with magical power. I also have tears running down my face at the loss of such good souls.

  A recuperated Dragon has broken the stasis spell around Sir Frederick’s body as I was healing Tor and recharging. I smile my thanks at him, then turn to the Founder’s body. Massive amounts of energy move through Fred’s corpse as I heal his shattered heart and start it beating again, circulating blood to the rest of his body. I cause his many wounds to knit just as I’d done for his spirit when I’d first met him in the otherworld during my Gallows Test. I even fix his smashed nose, remembering Tor waxing mellow about the shape of his husband’s nose.

  Finally, Fred’s body is ready to be possessed by his spirit again.

  “Okay, Sir Frederick, its time.”

  He nods, and I chant the necromantic spell to push a spirit back into its dead body and create a zombie. I can feel Fred’s pain as the unnatural force moves his spirit and send tendrils of magic to ease some of it. Unfortunately, I can’t use much of my magic to ease his passage because every bit is needed to complete the zombie-making.

  More tears roll down my cheeks as I empathise with this great man’s pain. Finally I’m finished tying body and spirit back together.

  “Okay, Sir Frederick, try to stand up now.”

  The lion-like head turns towards me, amethyst eyes opening to see the physical world again.

  Tor had moved beside the bier to watch, his green eyes never leaving the face of his husband.

  “How do you feel, Fred?” he asks, trying to help him up. He is still pretty weak himself, so he isn’t much help.

  Jeff steps forward to assist, his blue eyes happy to meet the Founder in the flesh.

  “Welcome back, Sir Frederick.”

  “I feel...” He grins. “I feel alive!”

  Fred makes fists with his hands, then looks back up at me.

  “Thank you for this, My Lady.”

  I smile. “You’re welcome, Fred. You’ll need…” A rash of dizziness catches me, and I put my hand to my head.


  I feel consciousness leaving me because I had used up so much magic so fast. My body finally gives up the fight. I had ruthlessly overused it and now it is time to pay the price.


  I wake up with my head lying on someone’s lap. I notice we aren’t in the crypt any longer, but instead are outside under the stars.


  My Consort smiles down at me, his blue eyes tender.

  “Hi babe.”

  Sitting up, I ask, “How long was I down?”

  “Twenty minutes.”

  “Where is everyone?”

  “They’re with the Order General setting up to face our enemy.”

  “We should be heading back to Avalon, not fighting him! I need to go to them.”

  “You need to eat first. Liam set up a picnic meal for us.”

sit up, shaking my head. There’s no time! My stomach gives an audible growl, disagreeing. Jeff’s right. The only way to rebuild my magic is to eat. So we have our picnic there by the crypt, just the two of us.

  After we finish, I call Lucifer to come and get us. He transports us to the battle headquarters where our friends are standing around watching the two Order Generals.

  I hurry over to Sir Frederick and Order General Borger.

  “Gentlemen, we need to go back to Avalon now. We have to wait until Tor and I are stronger before taking on that monster.”

  Sir Frederick looks at me, a condescending look on his face. “Lady Jerrie, this bastard needs to be taken out now, before he can become even more powerful.”

  I really hate it when these hard-headed warriors talk down to me because I started out as a healer. With all that I just accomplished, you’d think they would learn some respect. Wooden - headed things!

  “My magic is completely drained, Fred. It will take both me and Tor at full strength to stop him.”

  Borger spoke up. “Can my Knights give you some magical energy to boost your batteries, my Lady?”

  Jeff objects to that so I don’t have to. “And leave them defenceless against the creature? You have to be out of your mind.”

  “Know your place, Knight!” The Order General snaps in his battlefield voice.

  Jeff’s chin firms even more than normal when he grits his teeth. “I do know my place, Order General. I’m a Consort of the White Dragon, which makes me equal to both of you in rank.”

  I glare at Borger, though the culprit in this madness is Sir Frederick, I’m sure of that. He is eager to start cleaning up the evil in the world now that he is back.

  “You promised to abide by my decision as long as no one is directly attacking your men, Order General. Tor and I are in no shape to go against this person right now. You will just be throwing away your people for no reason.”

  Sir Frederick looks around for Tor, then gestures so he will come over.

  Once Tor’s with us, Sir Frederick asks him, “Can you soul sing the enemy now, Torlean?”

  Tor gives his husband a frown. “I already told you that I’m too weak right now to soul sing someone that powerful. But you just told me to rest up and it would be fine. You’re an idiot, Fred! Not only will it not be fine, but the guy will probably be able to take my magic. I’m with the White Dragon here. We need to get our asses back to Avalon now so we can recuperate.”

  Both of us stand side by side, hands on hips, glaring at the two warriors.

  Sir Frederick doesn’t like that answer, and it shows in his amethyst eyes. “The time to fight him is now. He’ll get away and we won’t be able to find him if we let him go.”

  “Sir Frederick, Jerrie has her brother’s world-class Finder magic. She can find him no matter where he goes. And he won’t be hiding. As soon as he senses that she’s back in the world, he’ll come for us. I should know. He chased us through several continents before we got to Avalon.”

  “No! We do it now.”

  I don’t want to say this, but I have to get them out of here before the enemy gets here. “Sir Frederick, you do know that I can make you obey me, don’t you?”

  Eyes glowing with magical power, the Founder glares at me. “What do you mean?”

  “You’re a zombie and I’m your Maker.”

  His face screws up in his rage. “You wouldn’t dare!”

  I cross my arms over my chest. “Try me. I’m the White Dragon, and will do what I must to protect these Knights and my court.”

  Fred conjures up a ball of offensive magic, ready to throw it at me.

  Tor surprises me by stepping in front of me, crossing his arms over his chest and mimicking my stance.

  “You’ll have to go through me to get to her, Fred.”

  Jeff joins the soul-singer to stand between me and the Founder.

  Fred sucks his missile back inside his body.

  “God damn it Torry! I never can win an argument with you.”

  Tor gives his husband a breathtaking smile, his green eyes bright with unshed tears. “You would walk right over anyone else but me, you oak-head! You know we’re right, but you’re too keyed up with battle fervor to listen.”

  The larger man looks at Order General Borger.

  “Well, what do you think Borger?”

  “It’s up to you, Founder.”

  “Of course it is. Okay, I give up. Scatter your men into the towns of this area, Borger, then we’ll head back to Avalon. I’ve just got my annoying husband back, and I’m not going to piss him off because I don’t want to listen to common sense.” He glares at me. “Don’t ever threaten me that way again, Lady Dragon-Spears. You won’t like the results.”

  Dragon, who has come over to see what the argument is about, hears that last sentence and growls, “I would kill you for that threat, Gallows, if you weren’t already a dead rotter. She is saving your stupid skin and doesn’t deserve your rudeness. I’ve eaten many zombies in my time. One more won’t be even noticed.”

  Jeff groans. “Please, no comments about zombie long pigs!”

  Dragon bares his teeth in a not-friendly way at his fellow Concert. Jeff just smiles at him.

  “Dragon, you aren’t eating anyone. But thank you for standing up for me.” I look around at them all. “Okay, that’s enough of that, gentlemen. Here’s Lucifer to take us home. Tor and Roc will have to wait for a second trip, there will be too many to transport.”

  “I’m going to stay with my men, my Lady.” Borger said. “We’ll be waiting around here when you need us.”

  “Thank you, Order General. It won’t be a long wait. We’ll be back in a day or two. This place seems as good a spot as any to take him on. Who knows, we might even have some good luck doing it here, considering its glorious history.”

  I look at everybody. “Let’s head home people.”

  We arrive back in Avalon in the middle of a scene of abject confusion. Everywhere we look there are Hellhounds and demons milling around. At the head of the gang stands Cirwin, who is shouting nose-to-nose with a female demon.

  I sigh, feeling too tired to deal with any more drama, but head over to my Grand Duke’s side.

  “What’s going on, Cirwin?”

  “This demon refuses to take my orders!”

  “We are here to work under the White Dragon, not some seelie lackie!”

  “I’m the White Dragon. And you are?”

  “I’m Celeste Lillin, My Lady Dragon-spears, succubus demon and Kennelmaster to my Lord Demon-Prince Ezekiel Hammerfist! King Lucifer assigned me to lead this project as Chief Kennelmaster. This… dog trainer is trying to separate the demon riders from their Hellhounds. I’ve been trying to tell him that the pairs need to be housed together to minimize fights among the alpha hounds.”

  The succubus demon is exquisite, with skin so translucent that you can see the delicate blue pattern of her veins underneath it. Her smoky grey eyes glow like fine pewter underneath a head of silver hair she had fixed in a braid down her back. She is as tall as Cirwin, over six feet. I admit that I feel like a dowdy pea-hen next to this demon who feeds on the life energy of human and supernatural men alike.

  “Ms. Lillin, Grand Duke Cirwin is in charge of getting you all situated, but we will bow to your experience in this. Did Lucifer tell you about my rule regarding no tolerance for cruelty here in the White Dragon’s court?”

  She looks affronted, grey eyes glaring at me now.

  “No hound under my care will be abused by anyone, my Lady. I’m not like most of the Kennelmasters in the Hell dimension because my hounds are not abused during their training. That is why His Majesty gave me this assignment.”

  “Excellent!” I look at Cirwin. “Cirwin, please move the dogs’ bedding to the barracks. This seems like just good common sense to me.” I look at Celeste. “Grand-Duke Cirwin is in charge of all the canine guests and resident dogs here. I must ask that you abide by his wishes unless the disagreemen
t involves the safety and health of your charges. Then you both can come to me with your concerns and I’ll make the decision.”

  She bows her head. “As the White Dragon requires.” It is obvious she doesn’t like this arrangement at all. But she does follow Cirwin to the new buildings with no more comment.

  Yawning now, I turn to Fred and Torlean next.

  “I think you two will be fine regarding healing for tonight. I’ll take a look at both of you tomorrow to make sure everything I spelled today takes. Liam, can you please show Sir Frederick and Lord Torlean to a room and make sure all their needs are met?”

  “Aye, my lady.” The brownie eyes the zombie and the wizard with concern. “Do dead folk eat, Sir Frederick?”

  I answer that question. “Only Sir Frederick is dead, Liam. Lord Tor will need food and rest to rebuild his magic, among other things.” I wink at the two of them, causing both of them to blush.

  “Now I’m going to bed to rest. I’ve done a ton of magic and am absolutely exhausted. Please go to my Consorts for anything you need until tomorrow.”

  “Aye my Lady.”

  When I enter my bedroom, Beauty watches me from the bed, lazily snorting a greeting. I’m glad she isn’t still mad at me for not bringing her along. I crawl under the covers and snuggle her a little before falling asleep.

  When I wake up, I take a shower and head to the dining room to get breakfast. Beauty follows me, expecting to get some food herself. She never eats dog food anymore. Cirwin has come up with several recipes for human food that meet her expanded nutritional needs.

  As soon as I sit down, I start scarfing my meal when it appears on the table. My magic is still low, but much better than before I’d rested. Give me another day, and I will be back to normal, and ready to fight the fiend who killed my family at last.


  After breakfast I head out to the expanded kennels. I can hear Cirwin and Celeste arguing again, but it doesn’t sound too antagonistic. I sense stimulation vibes more than irritation ones coming from both of them.


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