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Birthday Surprise: A Hotwife Fantasy

Page 3

by Lexi Archer

  Justin moved his hand down to just above my bottoms and stopped there. I arched my back again, tried to move so that his hand would finally be exploring that spot in between my legs that so desperately needed another man's touch, but he smiled and it didn't take much for him to move out of the way. For him to pull his hand away from the touch that I so desperately needed to feel.

  "Not yet," he said with a laugh. He turned his attention to Brett.

  "So I had a pretty interesting conversation with your wife last night," Justin said.

  "I bet you did," Brett replied. His eyes were glued to the spot where Justin's hand was almost, but not quite, in between my legs. I wanted to groan in frustration at the almost contact. Why in the hell had I ever thought it was a good idea to tie myself up and remove myself from the equation completely?

  Of course it was providing one hell of a bit of added stimulation. I suppose that was a plus.

  "She told me that you have a fantasy that I didn't quite believe, but I figured that I had to at least check out what she was offering and see if it was true," he said.

  His hand started to move down as he said that. Down to the waistband of my underwear but not quite to the goal. I strained against my bonds, let out a quiet gasp and a whimper, but he didn't play along. He stopped right there, his fingers dancing along my waistband but never moving lower to my pussy. It seemed like he was waiting for something. His eyes were on Brett rather than on me.

  Of course. He was waiting to see if the story checked out. To see if the crazy things I'd told him the night before were actually true. I suppose I couldn't blame him for wanting to be absolutely sure he wasn't on the verge of having a jealous husband with a shotgun chasing him out of the house, but come on! I was tied up here on the bed. He was running his hands up and down my body and Brett wasn't doing anything to stop him. If anything Brett was leaning forward and staring at us like a kid in a candy store who's just spotted his favorite treat.

  I mean seriously. How much more did this guy have to know? Yet it seemed like he was intent on getting full permission before he moved forward.

  "So it's true? You really are into watching me with your wife here?"

  Brett licked his lips. He looked at Justin and then he looked back to me. It seemed like he was asking me for unspoken permission, of all things. As crazy as that seemed. I just smiled and nodded. If that was what he needed to get things going then I was all for giving him that unspoken permission that he already fucking had. I swear. It was like the two men in front of me were completely losing all control of their faculties and their ability to think.

  Then again considering how hard both of them were, how much blood was probably vacating their brains to make its way down to their cocks, I suppose I could forgive them for not thinking straight. Goodness knows I wasn't thinking very straight with Justin's fingers dancing on the edge of inevitability down there between my legs. No, I would do or say just about anything short of murder to feel him touching my pussy already!

  "Yes," Brett said. "God yes. I want to watch her with another man. We talk about you when we..."

  Justin cocked an eyebrow and looked down at me with a huge smile on his face even as I felt a blush coming to my face. Damn it Brett! Why did you have to go and reveal that particular detail to him! I'd covered my husband's fantasy when I talked to him last night, but I hadn't covered anything about how we talked about him, basically used him as an imaginary extra in our sex life, when I was spinning out some dirty talk while we were fucking.

  "Oh really? Rachel told me you were turned on by the idea of her getting with another man, but she never told me that you talked about me like that," he said.

  He looked down to me and his fingers moved down. They were just brushing against the top of my pussy. Almost to the point of grazing my clit which would've sent one hell of a jolt running through me considering how sheer this underwear was, but he wasn't exactly on target. Something about the way he was smiling down at me told me that was entirely deliberate, the cocky asshole.

  And yet.

  Just having him that close to me, that close to my throbbing engorged clit, was enough to send electric fire shooting through my body. It was enough that I tossed my head back and let out another gasp. It was as though being tied up like this, being denied the direct pleasure that my body craved, was forcing me to take any pleasure that I could get and amplify it to the point that it was more or less the same as the direct stimulation that I so desperately needed in the moment.

  Fuck. If this is what it was like being tied up like this then we were going to have to try it more often! Damn!

  "Tell me more about this Rachel," he said. "I'd like to hear all about what sorts of things you say about me."

  I let out another gasp as his thumb almost made contact with my clit but didn't quite hit the spot. Damn him. He was far more skilled than I ever would've imagined. He was damn good at this! The way he was teasing me and driving me wild made me wonder what it would be like, how good he would be, when he was really letting loose on me instead of doing this tease.

  For the moment I'd take the tease though.

  "I talk about all the naughty things I do with you at the office," I said. "All the things we do when I have to work late and it's just the two of us in my cubicle."

  Justin's eyebrows shot up at that and for a moment he seemed genuinely surprised. For a moment he seemed to lose control and that loss of control meant that his thumb actually did move down and graze my clit and holy fuck there was the stimulation that I needed. It was just a quick touch, just the briefest brushing of his thumb against my body, but it was enough to drive me wild. It was enough to send me over the edge for the first time that night.

  I couldn't believe that just his thumb was enough to do this to me, but I was having my first orgasm of the evening and he'd barely touched me! Fuck!

  I squeezed my eyes shut. I bit my lip for the briefest of moments and then I was opening my mouth and screaming to the heavens. It was a good thing that our house was a good distance from the neighbors and we weren't in an apartment anymore because otherwise everyone near us would know exactly what was going on in here.

  Well, not exactly. They'd probably assume it was my husband who was causing me to make these noises and not another man, but that was neither here nor there. The point is that I was making a hell of a lot of noise. My body was bucking under his touch, only it didn't have very far to buck considering I was hitting the restraints at every turn. It was slightly painful to the point of pleasure and it was driving me wild.

  I gasped. I saw stars. My head tossed back and forth and I saw first my husband and then Justin until the two of them blended together in a sexy orgasmic blur as fire raged through my body. As my clit used that barest of contact from Justin as an excuse to throw me off the cliff of one of the most intense orgasms I'd had in a good long while, with apologies to my husband for thinking of it in those terms.

  Then it was done. I crashed back to reality as my body crashed back against the bed. My breath was coming in raged gasps. It was as though I was trying to suck in all the air in the room with deep breaths. It was all I could do to hold onto the edge of consciousness.

  Fuck! I didn't realize that it could be that good with that little contact. It seemed that the scenario, the restraints, and more than anything the way Justin had been teasing me was enough to really do it for me.

  "Holy shit Rachel," Brett said.

  I looked over to him and gave him a weak smile. It was all I could muster considering how I was feeling. I was still feeling little aftershocks after that first orgasm. I turned to look at Justin. If he was surprised at how I reacted then he wasn't showing it. No, he was looking down at me with a thin satisfied smile on his face as though he expected nothing less than for me to come at a moment's notice when his finger grazed my clit.

  Whatever. I'd take it. Besides, him being a little cocky, a little arrogant, was part of the attraction.

  "Was it good for you?
" he asked.

  "Fuck yeah it was," I replied.

  "I'm glad to hear that, because we're just getting started!" he said.

  And then he was on me as I let out a delighted whoop. As Brett breathed in sharply to the side, and I caught him leaning forward out of the corner of my eye so he wouldn't miss a moment of the show.

  It was time for the real fun to start!

  5: Office Flirt to Office Fuck

  In a flash he was down next to me on the bed. I wanted to give him some words of encouragement. I wanted to use one of the lines that I used when I was making up some dirty talk for my husband, but I didn't get a chance. No, before I could get a word out his mouth was on mine.

  My eyes widened in astonishment, but his eyes were closed. He had a look of pure bliss on his face, and it looked like he was fulfilling one hell of a fantasy with this kiss. Of course why not? We'd had our flirtation, our forbidden office romance, for some time now. This was just fulfilling all of that promise, all of that heat, all of that sexual tension that had been building between us for so very long.

  And it was fulfilling it in one hell of a way! That look made me even hotter, even more turned on. It sent heat radiating out through my body, and in particular it caused waves of delicious pleasure to move out from my pussy to the rest of my body. My body which was already primed thanks to that earlier teasing demonstration.

  I sighed and melted into the kiss without realizing what I was doing. I was so turned on, my mind was on fire. All I could think about was that I was tied up, primed to go, and there was a gorgeous muscular stud eager and willing kissing me.

  I moaned into his kiss as his hand moved up to cup one of my breasts through the lace lingerie. He pulled himself on top of me and I felt his cock grinding through his dress pants, pressing up against my swollen pussy lips. I had to have that thing inside me. I was already so ridiculously turned on from earlier that I couldn't stand any more waiting. Besides, that was the main event that Brett wanted to see, and I'd never wanted to give him a birthday gift more than in this moment!

  Justin pulled away from the kiss and looked down at me tied up. I was completely helpless before him, and that was adding to the deliciously naughty turn on of the moment. I needed this. I'd needed it for so long. Ever since the first time he walked past my cubicle and then did a double take and came in to talk to me even though he saw the ring on my finger. I wanted him in the worst way.

  “I need to feel you Justin," I whined. "Please. I've waited for so long and my husband is probably so turned on waiting for us to just do this!"

  "Fuck yeah I am!" Brett intoned from the side, though neither one of us really noticed him interjecting.

  “Holy shit Rachel!”

  Yeah, it looked like for all his cocky swagger Justin was still having a little bit of difficulty believing this was actually happening. Well it was happening, and I needed more of it to happen right now. Tied up I couldn't do much but use my words, and so I was going to seduce the fuck out of my hot young fresh-out-of-college coworker. He wasn't going to know what hit him!

  “Do you want me Justin?”

  “I’ve always wanted you Rachel! You’re so fucking hot.”

  “Then get that tongue of yours down between my legs and show me how much you want me.”

  There was another gasp from Brett over to the side. I looked over at him and smiled, but it didn't look like he was paying much attention to me. Typical. Here I was doing this wonderful thing for him, though admittedly there was a lot in it for me as well, and all he could focus on was Justin who was following my command like a good little boy.

  It was weird. I was the one tied up. I was the one presumably completely at Justin's mercy. And yet taking charge like this was so hot. Playing the role of the experienced married woman. Knowing that he wanted me, that he’d probably been fantasizing about me ever since the first time he saw me at the office and had probably been fantasizing about this moment for at least as long, was such a turn on.

  Justin moved down between my legs and I realized we had a little problem as I lifted my ass up and he tried to pull my panties down. With my legs tied up and splayed out there wasn’t any way for him to pull my panties off, or down much past my thighs for that matter. He tugged a couple of times, and then he moved and started working on the knots around my ankle. Only he had no experience with those, and I was pretty good with a knot. If he didn’t know the trick to untying them then it could take him awhile to figure it out.

  Of course I could just ask Brett to move in and take care of business, but that would take some of the fun out of it. After all, the whole point of this was that he got to watch. Not participate. I saw him shifting out of the corner of my eye and knew I had to take control of this quickly before he got involved and this went from a wife watching fantasy to a plain old threesome.

  Not that I'd mind that, necessarily, but I wanted to give my husband what he wanted and that included preventing things from spiraling out of control. So I improvised a bit.

  “Fuck Justin!” I moaned. “Just rip them off.”

  I didn’t need to tell him twice. His hands went to my panties and yanked. With a rip they pulled to the side and then his head was down between my legs.

  I moaned and let out a quiet gasp of pleasure. Feeling of him down between my legs, how primed I already was, made it feel fucking amazing. He had plenty of skill and more than enough enthusiasm, and I was already so close to the edge from his teasing, from the intense explosion that had come moments ago, from the forbidden pleasure of having another man down between my legs licking my pussy. The combined feeling of all of that coming together on the tip of his tongue meant that before long I was seeing stars. He must’ve realized what was happening because his tongue snaked up into my pussy as he parted my lips with his thumb and started rubbing my clit.

  Well damn. If I thought it was hot earlier when he just brushed my clit that was nothing when I got a little bit of direct contact!

  I arched my back, though it was difficult with my wrists chained to the headboard and my legs tied up. Arching like that caused my ass to raise in the air which pressed my pussy even farther into his face. I looked down between my legs and saw his messy mop of brown hair, and then I threw my head back and let out my second scream of the evening while his mouth continued working its magic on my pussy as my husband watched on in amazement.

  I was so loud that this time I genuinely worried the neighbors might be able to hear me despite our house being a decent enough distance from others in the neighborhood that it would be otherwise unlikely, but I didn’t care. Let them hear me. Let them wonder what the hell was going on in here to make me scream out in undeniable pleasure like this. I didn’t give a fuck. The forbidden pleasure of having another man's tongue buried in my pussy, of feeling his eager mouth on my lips, of glancing over and seeing my husband staring transfixed at that spot where another man's mouth made contact with my pussy, was too much.

  I strained at my handcuffs. Strained at the ropes holding my ankles in place. If they weren’t there I probably would’ve jumped straight off of the bed with the overwhelming explosion of pleasure that was coursing through my body.

  Once more it was over all too soon. I came down from my high and looked down to Justin. He grinned at me, his face slick with my pussy juices, and then got up on his knees. With a quick motion his shirt was over his head revealing his gorgeous muscular body. A body that I'd imagined, a body that I'd fantasized about both in private and later while I was engaging in a little bit of dirty talk with my husband to fulfill his fantasy. Brett kept in shape, but it was nothing compared to the delicious muscles Justin had as he stood there looking absofuckinglutely incredible. He fumbled at his belt buckle and then his dress pants fell down in a motion that I'd imagined many times but never really thought I'd see until it was happening right before me. He nearly fell over on top of me as he yanked his pants off and kicked them to the side where they landed with a clatter against the wall and fell
to the ground.

  I licked my lips in anticipation as his cock sprang free. The thing was incredible! A little bigger than Brett's, but we're not talking porn star huge. Decent girth as well. The point I'm trying to get across is the thing looked absolutely perfect as far as cocks go while at the same time not looking so huge that the thing would be banging against my cervix or something while we were fucking. Ouch.

  Justin climbed over me and all I could do was look down. Down at his perfectly muscled body. At his biceps rippling as he made his way up the bed. At his massive cock hanging down in between his legs. Moving closer and closer to my pussy. I looked over to Brett and for a change he actually looked at me as this young stud moved up between my legs. My husband gave me an encouraging smile and I grinned back at him.

  When Justin reached the top he had the same problem as with my panties. I was still wearing that lingerie that was translucent but still covered my tits from his hungry eyes, and from the way he was looking down at me he definitely wanted to remedy that situation. Even as he was looking down at my chest I could feel the head of his cock bumping against my pussy. Could feel that warmth, that massive monster pressing against me. I gasped even at that light touch. At the electric jolt that went coursing through my body where his cock made contact with me.

  With a growl he reached down and came up with the same solution he had with my panties. He yanked down and I heard her ripping, tearing. I didn’t even care. The nightie was expensive, only the best lingerie for my husband, or rather for the man who my husband was going to watch fucking me, but it was still ridiculously flimsy. It wasn’t a match for Justin and his strong arms. His strong hands.

  I gasped as my tits spilled free. I was proud of them. I might be a good decade older than Justin, but I’d bet my body stacked up nicely against any of the airheaded sluts he met at the parties he talked about from time to time. He was still young enough that he had friends in college and went to parties on campus, but from the way he was looking at me it seemed I was easily equal to any of the girls he met at those parties. I might have that decade on him, but I also still spent plenty of time in the gym. I still had a pair of tits that stood out proudly and refused to give in to gravity. And on top of that I had experience. I knew how to give a man what he wanted.


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