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Fudge, Films and Felonies (A Chocolate Centered Cozy Mystery Book 7)

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by Cindy Bell

  Fudge, Films and Felonies

  A Chocolate Centered Cozy Mystery

  Cindy Bell


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Also by Cindy Bell

  About the Author

  Chocolate Pecan Fudge Recipe

  Caramel Popcorn Chocolate Cupcakes

  Copyright © 2016 Cindy Bell

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and locations portrayed in this book and the names herein are fictitious. Any similarity to or identification with the locations, names, characters or history of any person, product or entity is entirely coincidental and unintentional.

  All trademarks and brands referred to in this book are for illustrative purposes only, are the property of their respective owners and not affiliated with this publication in any way. Any trademarks are being used without permission, and the publication of the trademark is not authorized by, associated with or sponsored by the trademark owner.

  Chapter 1

  The fringed edge of Ally’s skirt tickled the skin just above her knees as she shifted one way, and then the other. It was fun to wear something different. The flapper style dress that was reflected in the mirror reminded her of how much she looked forward to her evening with Luke. He’d been busy lately on a few hard-to-solve cases, and she had been busy with the chocolate shop as new chocolate flavors and recipes were tested and introduced. Despite their demanding schedules, they managed to see each other as often as possible, even if that meant chatting on the porch for an hour or so. But that night promised to be a few solid hours of uninterrupted time together. It seemed to her that the entire town of Blue River would be attending the special event in Geraltin, which was a couple of towns away. The town still had a drive-in theater that had been transformed into a more elegant setting to honor a local celebrity’s birthday. It was an opportunity to go back through time and honor a woman who starred in the very movie that would be shown on the big screen. It was a bit of history, a bit of Hollywood, and a great chance to spend a romantic evening with Luke.

  When the doorbell rang Arnold began to snort and Peaches tore through the house. She was better than a watchdog when it came to greeting strangers at the door. Ally took one last look in the mirror, then left her bedroom. She fought her way through the squealing pig, and leg-winding cat to open the door.

  “Luke.” She smiled at the sight of him dressed in a fine suit. It wasn’t something that she often had the chance to see, and she loved it. “You look so handsome.”

  “Do I?” He smoothed down his hair and grinned at her. “That’s good, because I’ll be walking in with the most beautiful woman on my arm.”

  “You think?” She touched the thick strap of her dress. “It’s not too much?”

  “It’s perfect.” He swept his arm around her waist and pulled her close for a kiss. Just like in the old movies one of her feet popped into the air. She put it back down fast, hoping that he hadn’t noticed. When he broke the kiss he looked into her eyes. “You’re perfect, Ally.”

  “I’m not so sure about that. But I am looking forward to tonight.” She picked up her purse. He caught her hand in his.

  “I’m sure of it enough for the both of us.” He glanced down at the animals that lingered near their feet. “Are you ready to go?”

  “I just need to feed these guys so they won’t get into the cabinets while I’m gone.”

  “They’re still breaking in?”

  “Oh, they’ve teamed up! This morning when I woke up I caught Peaches on the counter knocking some treats onto the floor for Arnold. All because I was five minutes late with breakfast.”

  “Well, you were late.” He shrugged. “You can’t blame them.”

  “Ha!” She laughed as she filled up their bowls with food and water. “Let’s see how they like it when I get them cat and pig kennels.”

  “You wouldn’t.”

  “No, I wouldn’t.” She stroked Peaches’ fur and scratched behind Arnold’s ear. “I do love them.”

  “And they love you.” He put the food away and turned back to face her. “We better get going.”

  As Luke led her out of the cottage to his car, her heartbeat quickened. This was it, this was the happy life she’d envisioned. When her marriage didn’t work out, she realized that there might never be that one right person out there for her. Now she couldn’t help but wonder if Luke might be him. She was still cautious, afraid to be hurt again, but Luke seemed comfortable with the casual pace of their relationship.

  “Don’t forget we need to stop by the shop to pick up the chocolates, cupcakes and fudge.”

  “I can’t wait to taste a piece of that fudge.”

  “Don’t worry, I set aside a few pieces for you as well as a couple of caramel popcorn chocolate cupcakes just in case it all gets snatched up before you get to some.”

  “You’re so good to me.” He patted his stomach. “My waistline on the other hand.”

  “Stop, you’re as fit as a fiddle, a little indulgence now and then isn’t going to change that.”

  “As long as there are criminals to chase, I guess I’ll burn it off.” He laughed.

  It was just about sunset when they pulled into the shop.

  As Ally packed up several boxes of cupcakes and chocolates she kept a mental count of everything she needed. “So what’s going on at work? Anything dangerous and exciting?”

  “Ha. Only if you call a few shoplifters and a dog with a bad attitude dangerous and exciting.”

  “That depends, was the dog one of the shoplifters?”

  “Not this time. Turns out he just needed a little play time. There’s one more bag on the counter here, did you need that?” He picked up a small, white paper bag with ‘Charlotte’s Chocolate Heaven’ printed on the front.

  “No, those stay. We gave one of our regulars, Shane, some fudge when he bought some chocolates before we closed up today. He’s going to be so busy running the film tonight he asked to leave them here until he gets his coffee in the morning.”

  “I can see why he would be nervous, with everyone attending, making sure everything runs smoothly is going to be a big job. I’m so glad that Geraltin is doing this. It’s always good to have a strong community connection, even between towns.”

  “Everyone has the chance to get to know each other and of course, to get to know Charlotte’s chocolates.”

  “Speaking of Charlotte, are we picking her up?”

  “No, she’s attending with a date. There’s a shuttle bringing quite a few people from Freely Lakes so she wants to take that.”

  “Sounds like she’s enjoying the social life at the retirement community.”

  “I’m just hoping to get the chance to grill her date a bit.”

  “Now, Ally.” Luke raised an eyebrow and did his best to hide a smile.

  “Now, Luke.” S
he met his eyes. “She’s my grandmother, I have to keep her safe.”

  “I’m pretty sure Charlotte is capable of choosing a man to date.” He held open the door for her as she carried the boxes to the car.

  “I’m sure she is, too. But that doesn’t mean I don’t have some questions to ask.”

  “Like what?” He popped the trunk and helped her stack the boxes inside.

  “Like what his intentions are, whether he knows how to treat a woman.”

  “Ouch, those are some harsh questions. Remember Ally, your grandmother is an independent and intelligent lady. I don’t think she would be with anyone that she couldn’t trust.”

  “I do trust her instincts, but you never know what someone’s motives might be. I just want to keep her safe. Is that so wrong?” Ally frowned.

  “I understand, I feel the same way about you. And I know that you feel the same way about me. But neither of us respond well to being told what to do, now do we?”

  “Uh, well, no.” She grinned. “Not at all.”

  “And I don’t think Charlotte does either. Let’s just make this a nice evening, and later we can run a deep background check. Hmm?”

  “You know just how to make me smile, Luke.” She grinned.

  “You too.” He smiled and looked into her eyes.

  The drive to Geraltin was a quiet one which allowed Ally to think through some of her expectations of the night. She would get to spend some time with Luke and hopefully have the chance to meet a local celebrity. Although she’d always known that Clara Davis was born and intermittently lived a couple of towns over when she was growing up, she’d never had the chance to meet her. Now that she might, she was excited.

  “Do you think she’ll make an appearance?” Luke asked.


  “Clara Davis.”

  “I hope so. I’d love to get a look at her. I’ve seen some of her movies.”

  “Really? I didn’t know that you liked old movies.”

  “Sometimes. Not all the time. I have to be in the right mood for one,” Ally said.

  “Well, next time the mood strikes, be sure to let me know. I’d love to join you.”

  “I will keep that in mind.”

  When they arrived at the drive-in, Ally was surprised by the size of the crowd. A wide grass field where cars would normally park was filled with small round tables, chairs, and long buffet style tables. Waiters were already making their rounds with trays of wine. Ally and Luke set the fudge, cupcakes and chocolates up on one of the buffet tables, then took a look around. One area was set up as a dance floor beside a small stage where a band played instrumental music.

  “The weather is perfect for this tonight.” Ally glanced up at the star-filled sky. “I wonder if the stars will be too bright for the movie.”

  “No way to turn those down.” Luke laughed. “I guess we’ll just have to make it work. Maybe we can spend a little time stargazing after the movie?”

  “I’d like that.” She slipped her arm around his waist. As they explored more people arrived. Ally glanced around for the bus, then checked her watch.

  “I wonder why the bus is running late.”

  “Maybe they had some trouble getting everyone on board. Give it a little time.”

  “I’ll try.” Ally watched the driveway for any sign of the bus. While they waited, the music grew louder.

  “Ally, look isn’t that Clara Davis?” Luke pointed to the small stage where the band was playing.

  As Ally turned to look towards the stage she caught sight of the most elegant woman she’d ever seen. She glided onto the stage in a dress that grazed the wood beneath her feet. Though she was seventy, according to the party in honor of her birthday, she looked not a day over fifty to Ally. Her hair was perfectly curled right below her cheek bones. As Ally watched she took her position in front of the microphone and smiled at the audience. But it wasn’t just a smile on her lips, it was as if her entire presence lit up with the attention focused on her.

  “Welcome everyone. I’m honored to be a part of this celebration tonight. Although I’ve been told that I was invited here because of my birthday, I don’t think that is really what this night is about. It’s about the movie that you’re about to see, and the values it stirs in all of us. It’s about love, and the simplicity of enjoying life for what it is. I don’t want to waste another minute on myself, let’s all enjoy this amazing movie, which never would have existed without the writer, director, and all of the wonderful actors that took part in it.”

  The lights that surrounded the grassy field dimmed in time with the round of applause that followed her off the stage.

  “I can see why you like her so much.”

  “Hmm?” Ally glanced over at Luke.

  “She has an enrapturing presence. I almost forgot where we were when she stepped on stage.”

  “Yes, it shines through every movie she’s ever been in.”

  “I guess we should settle in.”

  “Not until Mee-Maw gets here. I want to make sure she doesn’t have to look for us in the dark.”

  “Okay. I’m sure she’ll be here soon.”

  Ally tried to distract herself by spotting people in the crowd she recognized. There were quite a few familiar faces. After several more minutes slipped by she glanced at her watch again.

  “The movie is going to start soon. I’m really starting to get concerned.”

  “Try her cell phone again, maybe you’ll get through this time. If not, I’ll call for a patrol car to search the route of the bus.”

  Ally frowned as she dialed the number again. The phone rang three times then went to voicemail just like before.

  “Ally! Ally!” Charlotte waved from across the grass field as she hurried towards her granddaughter.

  “Oh good, there she is, Luke.” Ally sighed with relief and met her grandmother halfway. “Mee-Maw, I was just about to send out a search party! What took the bus so long?”

  “I might have caused a bit of a problem.” She glanced over her shoulder then looked back at Ally. “In my defense, the driver was being quite reckless. He almost hit a squirrel.”

  “What did you do, Mee-Maw?” Ally locked eyes with her.

  “I made him pull over so I could drive. For the safety of everyone on the bus, and all of the squirrels of course.”

  “Seriously?” Luke laughed as his eyes widened. “He actually gave you the keys?”

  “Once I rallied everyone behind me, of course he did.”

  “It’s like an hour drive. How in the world did you stage a takeover in that short amount of time?” Luke asked.

  “I have my ways.” Charlotte fluffed her hair. “I had to protect the squirrels.”

  “I have a feeling I’m going to be hearing about this at work tomorrow.” Luke shook his head. “What did you do to the driver?”

  “He’ll be fine. Nothing a little walk can’t cure.”

  “Oh, Mee-Maw. You are something.” Ally grinned.

  “I got us all here safe and sound, didn’t I?” She shrugged.

  “Speaking of all, where’s your date?”

  “He’s entertained, and will remain that way until you’re distracted.”

  “But I want to meet him.” Ally smiled.

  “No way. I’m not ready for our worlds to collide.”

  “Mee-Maw, I’ll be nice, I promise.”

  “I’m not sure I can trust you. What do you think, Luke?”

  “Well, uh.” He scratched his cheek. “You might want to prepare him.”

  “Luke!” Ally swatted at his arm. “You’re supposed to be on my side.”

  “I have to tell the truth, Ally.”

  “I’ll remember that.” She crossed her arms. “Mee-Maw, I promise, I’ll be nice. You know that you can trust me.”

  “I do know. I’m just teasing. He has his own table to run. He sells custom-made, costume jewelry.”

  “He makes jewelry?”

  “See?” Charlotte held out her ha
nd to display a large amethyst ring surrounded by tiny rough crystals. “Isn’t it gorgeous?”

  “It’s beautiful. Don’t you think, Luke?” Ally turned to look at him.

  “Sure, it’s pretty.” Luke smiled.

  “What happened to honesty?” Ally elbowed him in his side.

  “What? I like it.” He laughed.

  “Good, because they have a men’s version, that I thought you might like. He’ll have it ready for you in just a few days,” Charlotte said.

  “Oh, how nice.” Luke’s smile faded.

  “Don’t worry, Luke, I’m just joking.” Charlotte laughed. “Anyway, I’d better go catch up with my date before he sits with someone else.”

  “Mee-Maw, we can get a table together.”

  “Not a chance, Ally. Sorry hon, but I don’t bring my granddaughter on my dates.”

  “But Mee-Maw…”

  “Ally, don’t fight it.” Luke pulled her close. “This means we get time alone.”

  “Hmm, that’s an interesting point. I guess you’re right.” She turned to watch her grandmother walk away. “I’m being a little too overprotective. It’s just that she’s older, and some people take advantage of older people.”

  “I may not know your grandmother as well as you, Ally, but from what I do know of her, she’d be the last person I’d call older. She may be a bit more advanced in age, but when it comes to a sharp mind she could compete with anyone younger than her.”

  “You’re right, I’m always turning to her for advice. I should just trust that she knows what she’s doing with this guy.”

  “Shall we?” He pulled out a chair at a nearby table.

  “Yes, we shall.” She sat down beside him and took his hand just as the movie began to play on the screen. As the artificial light flickered among the natural moonlight it created a surreal sensation. She’d seen plenty of movies in the theater, but this was different. The warm air that fluttered her hair and against her skin provided the illusion of being right there with the heroine on a summer night as she walked down the beach with her new love. Luke shifted closer to her and soon she rested her head against his shoulder. As the movie played it was easy to forget about anything that weighed on her mind. It seemed that only minutes had passed, but when there was a break in the film she realized that about half of the movie was already over. She stared at the screen for a moment then sat up and settled back in her chair.


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