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Her Billionaire, Her Wolf--The Novel (A Paranormal Alpha Werewolf Romance)

Page 23

by Aames, Aimélie

  Boom, boom...boom.

  The beat carried them along with it as four hands wandered up and down two bodies pressed so tightly together it was difficult to undo buttons and slide zippers down.

  Boom, boom...boom.

  But their clothes fell away from them at last, the thin bits of fabric that most people wear like armor in their day to day lives, and they bared their bodies as they bared their souls to one another.

  Flair stood back to admire the woman who stared back at him with such intensity in her eyes.

  The way she looked at spoke of obstinacy and determination, as if she had singled him out and would accept no other outcome than what was about to happen.

  It spoke, he had to admit, of nothing less than unrepentant desire.

  Deep back in his throat he felt more than he heard the beginnings of an animal sound. Too late, he stifled the growl but saw the eyes of the young woman go wide while her nipples stiffened to hard points.

  "Your eyes..." she said.

  Flair ducked his head. He should have known better. The heat she drew from him was barely under control and the wolf within him had surely made itself known with the yellow sheen of moonlight where it had no right to be.

  He backed up, then said, "I'm sorry."

  But the young woman closed the distance between them and took his hand in her own.

  "No...don't be. I get it," she said, then put his hand to one of her breasts, "And I like it."

  She brought his fingers to her hardened nipples.

  "A lot."

  Despite himself, Flair smiled.

  He was the wolf and of that there could be no mistake. But suddenly he had the distinct feeling that he had been made the prey this evening and the young women whose body called to him in the oldest of all languages had surely been his huntress.

  He had heard of it. Certain humans, rare among their kind, shared knowledge about creatures who exist for most only in the world of the imaginary. Only a few choose to believe the unbelievable and among them there are those who seek legends out. Rarer still, there are a few who will stop at nothing to know what it is to feel a wolf's embrace.

  Suddenly, with no reason to hold himself back any longer, a growl of desire rolled up out of his throat and Flair knew that moonlight reflected in his irises.

  The woman moaned and instead of being frightened, she only held tighter to him as she ground her hips to the music's rhythm, her mound pushing tight against him and the scent of her damp and humid in the air.

  His hand still held her breast and Flair stroked his thumb across her nipple. It was at once soft and yielding yet hard and unrelenting.

  Her breath stuttered and it was as if she panted like a she-wolf in heat.

  The desire within Flair reared up as the savage beast within him rushed forward to clasp the woman to his hips and thrust himself deep inside her.

  Boom, boom...boom.

  She cried out and the werewolf growled, then she bent back from Flair, pushing him away hard with her hands upon his chest.

  "No...wait," she said, barely able to speak.

  Then she dropped down to her knees as if she meant to worship at the werewolf's feet, before she went to all fours.

  "Like this. Please."

  Her voice had risen high in pitch like a real wolf bitch would whine while at the height of her estrus.

  "Fuck me like this."

  Flair did not need to be told a second time.


  A howl drifted through the otherwise still night air. Another answered it, followed by two other sad notes that rose on wavering tones that sounded of loss and sadness.

  The vampire knew, though, there was no chagrin in this signal amongst his hunters. They simply called to one another so that their formation would hold while they could not see each other, running as they did down city streets separately yet together as a single beast made of four.

  Their hearts beat strongly in his ears.

  Boom, boom...boom.

  He raced down alleyway after alleyway, zigzagging as he went, sometimes doubling back before hearing the sound of his pursuers approach only to turn to race forward once again.

  Occasionally a domestic dog would answer their cries, only to stifle itself once the wolves and, by consequence, their scent drew near. They, too, knew that the wild beasts would make short work of them and that it was better to lie still and shivering in silence in the hopes that they would pass by.

  If only I should be so lucky, the blood drinker thought.

  He slipped round a corner to turn sharply to the left. As he did, he caught the odor of something smoldering. Something long dead and close to breaking into flame.

  Slowing just enough to avoid having his own feet skid out from under him, the vampire realized he was mere seconds away from having his hair take to veritable flame before the rest of him burst into a bonfire.

  A garbage can placed on top of another teetered as he burst by. With his preternatural vision, he glanced back over his shoulder in time to see it tip to one side then rock back.

  He waited to hear the metal clamor if it fell, but silence was the response as it stilled.

  With a supreme effort, he drew up short to listen for the approach of the hunters. He had no choice. Relent or burn.

  If only I had more time.

  The bargaining had only just begun. But he had been greedy and exasperated by his fellows own slow interest in what he knew, so he had turned to their foes and leaked just enough to pique their interest.

  It had been a risky move. Too risky, as it turned out.

  The blunt beasts cared nothing for subtlety nor for the politic of fair exchange. Instead, fangs had gleamed on both sides before he took flight.

  If they caught him, it would mean his doom. But not before they would wring everything he knew out of him.

  Names. Cellphone numbers. Addresses.

  A treasure not to be squandered, yet the thing that called itself the Journeyman had not even deigned to give him audience.

  Pompous, vainglorious fool.

  Smoke wafted up along his shirt collar and wisps sifted out from around his sleeves' cufflinks. But he felt the heat fueled by the young woman and child's blood within him die back just a little. It had dimmed as he had stopped to consider his situation.

  The threat of immolation had abated and it was just enough to allow him to run again.


  Flair held her hips in his hands while the wolf in him forced its way forward and he buried himself deeply there in the place she proffered to him like a bitch in heat.

  The scent of her desire left him no choice as he thrust deep inside her and felt the small muscles of her twitching around him.

  The thought that her body did its best to clasp him to her while her hands were flat on the ground only heightened his ardor and his rhythm.

  The music pounded in the background while he pounded into the woman whose greatest desire was fulfilled in that very moment.

  He felt her clench around him. Then her back arched up while he felt grey fur rise in velvet over his torso. His breath came hot and heavy and his tongue grew long as he pounded into her.

  Her orgasm stiffened her entire body. He felt it roll through her as he held her with hands that wavered dangerously between human and beast.

  Inside her, he felt himself grow longer and slick. Inside her, he knew he had become pink and slick as she shuddered around his cock.

  Flair growled. Then he roared as he fought back the animal that edgily paced the shadows between man and beast.

  Boom, boom...boom.

  He hammered into the woman who hunted wolves and gave her all that she wanted as his own back arched in hard and his cock drew up and up before he hunched over and pulled the woman's hips back, slamming her tightly against his abdomen.

  He shuddered, then growled again, deep and low, as he jerked in the throes of an orgasm.


  The vampire shuddered as he skidded to
a halt once more.

  The beasts were near enough he could hear them panting. He could hear the hammer strike sounds of their great hearts pounding as they came to course's end.

  The blood heat within him had spent itself and he had time to think that he would have liked to hear his own heart beat like that just once more before his end.

  Their claws clicked upon the macadam as they came and he shuddered again. Nothing would dissuade them. Nothing would give them cause for mercy.

  His time was up.

  Wide paws fell in syncopated rhythms of four multiplied four ways around him and as he drew himself back against a filthy brick wall, he readied himself for the last struggle he would ever know.

  Four great hearts pounded so loudly, so clearly in his vampiric ears.

  One second more and he would see them round a bend and yellow eyes would lock onto his own cold stare before a battle already lost would begin.

  Boom, boom...boom.

  They drew so very near.

  Then, they passed him by.

  The vampire's beaten, dull gaze at nothingness woke to narrow at the impossible.

  Without daring to truly believe, he understood that the wolves had overshot his position. The fact that he had stopped had let his trail run just cold enough.

  They had not expected him to do the one thing they would never do themselves. They had no idea that he had given up.

  Then, there is time enough, perhaps.

  He reached for the last of his strength, he stretched out a mental hand to grasp the fraying threads of his resolve...and he burst down the alleyway in silence and in the direction from which he and the wolves had just come.

  Time enough to flee....


  "Stop! Stop it!!!"

  The woman on her hand and knees reared up and smacked back against his fur covered thigh with a trembling hand.

  "You're hurting me!"

  Flair's vision had turned red and hazy and his tongue lolled from one side of his mouth as he pumped and pumped into the female within his iron grasp.

  He barely remarked the sound of her voice. He hardly felt the sting of her blows as she struck him.

  "Help! Help!!!"

  But the sound of her shrieking penetrated the bestial haze at last.

  With a heave and a final shriek from the woman before him, Flair thrust her away and staggered back against a wall. His chest rose and fell heavily as he forced himself to return to return to something recognizable as human.

  Someone whimpered not far away.

  He forced his eyes into focus and saw the woman on the floor. She was no longer on all fours with her bottom up in the air. Instead, she sat with her knees drawn up to her chin and her arms wrapped around them.

  Her eyes were wide and black mascara tears ran down her cheeks.

  "I'm sorry," Flair murmured.

  He took a step toward her with an outstretched hand.

  But, she shook her head violently and made no move to accept the help he offered.

  "Ok," he said, then shrugged.

  The woman was not so well informed after all. No matter what the rumors did or did not say, werewolves are beastly in all respects.

  "Sorry," Flair said again, "I lost control, I guess."

  She nodded, then hugged her knees more tightly.

  The young wolf looked about for his clothes. They were just beside him and he tossed the woman's to her first before he began shrugging on his own.

  Just as he was buttoning his pants, someone pounded on the door.

  Flair grimaced. Things could turn very ugly very quickly, he knew.

  He gestured to the woman's things and said, "Look, just get dressed and then get over it. And next time, think twice before you come looking for a good time with one of us."

  The pounding on the door continued and he knew the rest of what would happen hung in a delicate balance.

  Then, the woman got shakily to her feet with her clothes clutched tightly to her. She did not say anything but she started getting dressed and Flair nodded grimly.

  As she buttoned up her shirt, he pulled the door open ready for anything, but instead saw a young man with his own girl just beside him smiling back at him.

  "Hey buddy. You guys just about done in there? ' know."

  He grinned a fool's grin, a very human grin, and jerked his chin in the direction of the woman beside him.

  Flair smiled in return and did his best not to do so with a wolf's predatory mien.

  "Yeah...we're done."

  The couple exchanged even wider smiles between them, then pushed past Flair into the room. As far as he could tell, they did not notice the red eyed woman that left as they entered.

  But Flair did.

  He seized her arm and she spun around to face him.

  "Tell your friends. Tell them what to expect."

  She jerked her arm out of his grasp, defiance appearing in her eyes, then she spun on her heel and was gone in the next instant.

  The crowd just beyond the corridor's limits swallowed her up whole and Flair did not think he would ever see her again. He doubted, even, that she would search for anything remotely like a werewolf ever again.

  With a little luck, she might even convince her friends that they should not either.

  Flair hitched his jeans up, then went out to the crowd and let it take him with it, carried away upon the endless rhythm that never changed, yet never stayed the same. And he did not mind for his was a wolf's life and it was one filled with pleasures of all kinds, but most especially those of the flesh.

  The dance beat took him.

  Boom, boom...boom.


  The man stood before the city. And all that he saw lay beneath him, a twinkling, shining vista in the otherwise impenetrable darkness as the moon kept to her own devices this night.

  One might have imagined that he surveyed the cityscape below, or that the minutiae of tiny people's lives held his interest.

  But he looked beyond all these things as he stared out from his tower and his scrutiny was for nothing less than the future for all of his own kind.

  Only everything that he had planned suddenly hung from a thread thinner than any spider had ever spun. All that mattered teetered in unsteady balance as his hunters hunted a prey that had proved far too slippery.

  This time they must prove his trust in them was not misplaced or all might be lost.

  As he stared out over thousands of building tops and thousands of streetlights, the man clenched his hands into fists that trembled with anger and frustration.

  His knuckles grew white while darkness awoke to life upon his skin. He felt the prickle of it as patterns of long dead languages slithered over his skin like serpents from beyond the realm of the living.

  The man stood there and waited for the lifeless words that would pronounce sentence upon him and all that he attempted.

  Instead, the shrill sound of a cellphone broke the stark silence surrounding him.

  Two quick steps brought him to his desk where he seized the phone and keyed it on at the same time.

  He held it to his ear and listened without speaking.

  The man stood in darkness and did not move as he heard what was said, then he slowly placed the cellphone back on the desk before walking back to his earlier position.

  He surveyed the city below and it was as if all that he beheld contained answers to questions he had not yet asked.

  "They lost him."

  Dark patterns slithered over his body, a body that women would bow down before in worship if he so wished. But black runes rippled upon his skin and no woman's ardor could withstand the cold, unnatural presence that slipped into the room then and spoke with a voice from beyond the grave.

  I know.

  Brazier Abraxis nodded to no one.

  "Yes. Of course you do."

  He stood there waiting for the inevitable words of criticism to follow.

  Instead, the ghostly voice
took on a reflective tone.

  Your hunters may have lost the quarry, but the same cannot yet be said of us.

  "Oh, and how might that be?"

  Patience, my son. The mists of the future have not yet parted to reveal the end of our plans.

  Thus it would seem an alternative shall present itself and soon.

  "Can you speak more plainly?" Braze tried to hide his frustration with his father's usual cryptic pronouncements.

  I could, if it pleased me. However I will not have you rush in as you have with this ill advised effort by your hunters. Subtlety was called for. Instead, you strike with a bludgeon where a scalpel would have been far more effective.

  For the moment, know that some slim hope burgeons and that it comes from within your own inner circle.

  More than this, you do not deserve to know.

  Braze nodded his head and let out a long steady breath as if to calm the anger boiling inside. But his hands remained clenched and a few moments passed before a pattering sound penetrated his fury at being thwarted on all sides.

  It was only then that he opened his fists to see that his nails had driven deep into the palms and the sound came from blood that welled and fell to the floor in rivulets from his hands.

  The night was early yet. Even if his father, long since gone to his grave, kept his own council for the moment, Braze thought he might see blood weep from someone else's wounds before night's end. If he would have any say in the matter, he would make sure of it.

  Then, he would see to it that they burned.


  "The thing is that groovin' hicks rig buses."

  Flair cocked an eyebrow at the young man seated across from him and did his best not to laugh.

  Whatever Digger wanted to say was probably not exactly what he thought he had heard, except that the noise in the bar was just as loud as the rest of the club. Worse, maybe, since it was a confined space with an open ended entry that gave directly onto the dance floor.

  After his latest experience in human shifter sex, Flair had let the tidal pull of the dance floor take him for a time until he found himself washed up on the shore of the bar and the chance to sit down for a while.


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