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Page 17

by Rebecca Zanetti


  Pain ricocheted through her ass, and she gasped. She bucked and struggled, but he held her easily in place, one hand flattened across her upper back, while the other one smacked her butt. Smack. Smack. Smack.

  He didn’t go easy on her, and he sure as hell didn’t hold anything back. Her thin yoga pants weren’t any match for his hard hand.

  A dangerous warmth spread through her extremities. She fought against him as long as she could, finally going limp. Then, and only then, did he cease.

  She remained in place, panting, tears filling her eyes.

  He caressed one hand over her rear, spreading a warmth that made her moan. Then he lifted her up onto his lap and rubbed his nose over hers. A tear slid down her face, and she batted it back.

  “No.” He pulled her close and tucked her head under his chin, his broad hand sweeping down her back. “Let the tears out, Belle.”

  At the soft command, her body ignored every blazing warning from her brain and started to cry. Hard. Sobs racked her, so out of proportion to the silly spanking he’d given her.

  Through the storm, Zane held her, rubbing her back.

  She wound down with a small hiccup, exhausted and maybe a little embarrassed.

  “Were you scared by the cyanide or when Garrett got shot?” Zane’s warm breath brushed her hair.

  She snuggled closer into his rock-hard chest. Over-the-top vulnerability swamped her, and she needed to draw some protection around her. “Yes.”

  “Hmmm. If I hadn’t been here, what would you have done after the attack?”

  Janie wiped her eyes. “I don’t know what you mean. I guess I would’ve gone back to work.”

  “So you would’ve hidden your fear from everybody?” Zane’s voice remained low and soothing as he caressed her back.

  She shrugged. Why talk about all of this?


  She sighed. “I guess.”

  He leaned back and tried to lift her face. She struggled against him, burrowing deeper. Strong fingers tangled in her hair and tugged, pulling her head back.

  God, he was stubborn. Janie knew full well she wasn’t a pretty crier, and she really didn’t want him to see her blotchy, swollen face. She blinked against his tender green gaze. “What?” she asked.

  He frowned. “Why do you hide your emotions? You’re completely justified to be terrified of cyanide.”

  She didn’t have time for fear. Thinking about it, she sniffled. “We’ve been at war for so long, and everyone has too much to worry about. I don’t need to be coddled like some . . .”

  “Human girl?” Zane finished for her.

  “I guess.” The vampires had moved heaven and earth to keep her safe, and the least she could do was not burden them with a bunch of emotion.

  “When was the last time you cried?” he asked, brushing a soft kiss across her forehead.

  She thought about it. “I have no idea.” There just wasn’t time for crying.

  “We’re mated, and we’re going to give this a shot, Belle.” While the tone remained gentle, an underlying thread of steel wound through his low voice.

  Her breath caught, and her abdomen tingled. “What about Suri?”

  “I’ll kill him, but maybe there’s a way to end him without getting myself killed. I’m working on it.” Zane’s fingers unfurled to rub her scalp. “No more hiding your feelings. They’re mine, as are your fears.”

  She shook her head, suddenly feeling fragile.

  His slight smile failed to mask the intent in his dark eyes. “You might want to just learn to share without having to be spanked first, but I’m fine with the alternative.”

  She scowled. “I thought vampires were bossy. Demon vampires are far worse.”

  “You’d do well to remember that.” He brushed hair off her face. “So how are you feeling right now?”

  She breathed out. “Well, my ass hurts, my head hurts from crying, and I’d like to punch you in the face.”

  “What else?” he murmured.

  She sighed and her body relaxed as she gave in to him. “Calm and at peace. I’d forgotten how a good cry can help.”

  “See?” He kissed her nose. “I wonder if I can take your pain away yet.” Reaching out, he brushed two knuckles across her forehead.

  Her skin tingled, and the pain melted away. Her eyes widened. “You did it.”

  He closed his eyes and then reopened them. A full smile curved his lips. “Excellent.”

  She played with the top of his T-shirt. “How about you take away the pain along my butt?” She’d love for him to take that pain into his own body for just a moment, even if he could dispel it.

  He grinned. “I think I’ll let you live with that one. Keep it in mind next time you put yourself in danger or try to smother your feelings.” He stood, keeping her cradled in his arms. “For now, how about we head to the bedroom and I show you what I’m feeling?”

  Janie softened in Zane’s arms as he strode toward the bedroom. How could he be such a hardass one minute and a sweetheart the next? Her new mate had layers of complexity she’d never imagined. Bringing him into the real world, into her world, would take time and patience.

  And a big baseball bat if he ever tried to spank her again.

  Although—and she’d deny it to her grave—she did feel much better after letting it all out. Her fear, her fury, her fate . . . she’d forgotten how cathartic a good cry could be.

  He entered the bedroom and kicked the door shut behind them.

  She’d seen that move in a movie once, and it had given her tingles. Having Zane do it so casually as an afterthought while he carried her to bed? Full-on wings flapping through her abdomen. She reached up to tangle her fingers in his hair as the dark waves curled over his nape. “I like your hair this length.”

  He set her down as if she was made of breakable china. “Then I’ll leave it this length.”

  She smiled. “Now you’re being agreeable?”

  Strong hands tugged his shirt over his head. “I’m always agreeable.”

  She gasped at the pulsing black bruise covering his abdomen. “What in the world?”

  He glanced down and winced. “My fault. I teleported too many times, and my internal organs decided to bake themselves.”

  “Does it hurt?” She leaned closer to determine the bruise was more deep purple than black.

  “Hurts like hell.” He took advantage of her movements to remove her shirt. “In fact, I can’t teleport now.” His brow creased.

  She shook her head. “Why aren’t you in the infirmary?” Scooting toward him, she tried to stand.

  He grasped her waistband and tossed her back, easily removing her pants. Pure sin lifted his grin. “I’ll heal.”

  “No.” The man was crazy. “If you’ve damaged your internal organs, you need rest. Not lifting me, not fighting, and certainly not sex.”

  He kicked out of his cargo pants. “Sex heals. Didn’t you know?”

  She snorted and scrambled away from him. “That is a dangerous bruise.”

  “So be gentle with me.” He came over her, a massive, muscled soldier, and flattened her on the bed.

  Her eyes wanted to roll back in her head, and her legs really wanted to part. But he was her mate, and she needed to take care of him, too. “Zane, we can’t do this.”

  He brushed her lips with his. “I need you, Belle. Make me forget the pain.”

  The drugging kiss and whispered plea softened her very bones. Lightly, she skimmed her fingers over his upper chest, marveling at his strength. Heat fluttered through her along with a surge of emotion that swept more tears to her eyes. One escaped to roll down her cheek. “You’re sure I won’t hurt you?”

  Zane caught the moisture with one finger. “I promise, baby.”

  Biting her tongue, she tried to stop crying. “I’m sorry.” She shifted beneath him, groaning when her nipples scraped across his chest.

  “No apologies and no hiding emotions,” he said, pressing at

her entrance. “You’re wet.”

  “Maybe a little.” She opened wider to take him.

  Amusement creased his cheek. “You’ve been wet since I spanked you.” He shoved in a couple more inches.

  She rolled her eyes, her heart thrumming. “Not even.”

  “Nothin’ wrong with a little kink, darlin’.” He held himself off her with iron-hard arms that clenched as he took it slow.

  She dug her nails into his chest, and fireworks detonated inside her. “That wasn’t kink.”

  He nipped her nose. “No, it wasn’t. That was my making a point.” As if to make another one, he shoved all the way home.

  Janie gasped, her body rioting. Slowly, she forced herself to relax and adjust to his girth. “Your point?” she breathed.

  He studied her. “You need to stay safe. This is home. Finally.”

  The words wound right around her heart and dug deep. Another tear rolled down her cheek.

  He kissed this one away. “I love you, Janet Isabella Kayrs. Always have and always will.”

  She gasped, so full of him she couldn’t breathe. “Why?”

  He grinned. “You’re stubborn, sexy, brilliant, beautiful, kind, determined . . . and mine.”

  She returned the smile as her body accepted his. “That’s a large list.”

  “You have a big presence in a tiny body.” He kissed her, taking his time, making her head spin. “Your sense of duty and loyalty intrigue me as well.”

  She ran her hands down his flanks. “You’re just as loyal as I am, but you don’t like to admit it.”

  He frowned. “I’d do anything for my family.”

  “What about your people?” She saw beneath his anger and hurt, and it was time he did as well. “You care about them and want the war to end.”

  “Of course, but I’m not a demon.”

  She lifted her head and kissed him again. “Then what are you?”

  He frowned. “Yours.” His shaft pulsed inside her, a constant reminder of his strength and masculinity.

  She inhaled through her nose, trying to concentrate. “You’re also theirs, and if Suri is as crazy as he seems, the demon people need you. There’s nobody else.”

  “Don’t talk to me about fate, baby,” he whispered, sliding out and then back in.

  Her eyes wanted to roll back in her head from the devastating friction, so she blinked to concentrate. In about two seconds, she was going to beg him to move. For now, she needed to get her point across. “Screw fate.” She gasped as he slid out and then back in. “I’m talking about loyalty to people and duty. That you have to choose.”

  He leaned down and nipped her lips with his. “The demons aren’t my people.”

  “You’re part demon, like it or not. And who else do they have?” She leaned up and kissed him hard.

  “Enough talking.” He started to move. Slowly at first, with long desperate drags. Then faster.

  Flash fire uncoiled inside her, and she tried to climb the cliff just to fall over. Definitely enough talking. He either understood her or he didn’t. For now, her body completely took over. “Harder,” she moaned.

  He reached under her to clasp her chest against his and started thrusting deep. Hard and deep.

  She shut her eyes, lost in the incredible sensations.

  A tiny explosion rocked inside her, and then the world blew up. She arched into him, crying out his name, pleasure capturing her and throwing her back into Zane’s body. He growled her name, grinding against her as he came. Finally, the pummeling waves lulled, and she flopped back onto the bed, her body satiated.

  Her hands shaking, she pushed his hair away from his damp face. The guy was a throwback who needed to learn how strong she was, who had to learn to trust her to take care of herself. She could teach him. For now, all she could do was feel and have faith. “I love you, Zane Kyllwood.”

  Chapter 21

  Zane paced the large conference room, an itch of warning tingling down his back. Sam sat at the conference table with Dage, Talen, Moira and Simone, who represented the witch nation. Nick Veis leaned against the wall by the door, staring at Simone, who pointedly ignored him.

  The damn place was overrun with witches and vampires.

  Moira Dunne Kayrs sneezed. The witch was pale compared to her cousin.

  Zane wondered again if witches sneezed when irritated. Shrugging off the question, his gaze focused on the map projected across the entire wall. Several demon landholdings and outposts were marked . . . but even more were absent. “What do you want, King?” he asked.

  Talen answered for his brother. “We want it all. Finish the map for us.”

  Zane’s mind whirled. While Suri was an asshole who deserved to die, the demons were still his people. His shoulders straightened and he stood taller as the mantle of responsibility nearly knocked him on his ass. “No.”

  His brother lifted his head in a subtle acknowledgment of support. Sam always supported him.

  Nick Veis smiled wide, lacking anything subtle. “Good to hear.”

  Dage rested his elbows on the table. “I thought we decided to be allies.”

  “We did.” Zane kept an eye on the witches in case one of them started throwing plasma balls. He’d been burned once, years ago, and he still had the scar.

  Talen leaned back in his chair. “So give us the Intel, and we’ll take them out. That’s what allies do.”

  Zane shook his head, and destiny filled him. His mate had been correct, and it was time he followed her lead and stepped up. Duty and loyalty mattered. “You became allies with the demon nation. Not just with me.”

  “Hell no,” Talen said. “Suri has too many supporters, and we need to take them out now. We finally can get the Intel to take him down.”

  Zane nodded, fully understanding Talen’s anger toward the demon nation. “You have to remember that Suri kidnapped your brother, and Suri tortured him. The majority of the demon nation still doesn’t even think it happened.”

  “Oh, it happened,” Talen growled.

  It’d be a miracle if Zane survived the day without Janie’s dad punching him again. “The majority of demons are good people and shouldn’t be attacked by you—or betrayed by me.”

  Dage studied him, silver eyes thoughtful. “You’re stepping up to rule?”

  “I am.” God, he didn’t want to. Not in the slightest. But Suri had to be stopped, and to prevent further bloodshed for both of his species, Zane would do what had to be done. Janie had shown him that.

  Talen pushed away from the table. “The only way you step up is if you kill Suri.”

  “I know,” Zane said.

  “That will leave my daughter as good as a widow.” Talen stood tall and formidable across the table.

  Zane exhaled slowly. “So you know how much power Suri will release upon death?”

  “I’m the fucking strategic leader for the fucking Realm.” Talen nearly vibrated with irritation. “The second you talked about Suri’s power, I began researching everything I could find. Of course I understand the power.”

  But he didn’t, not really. Zane could barely comprehend the power, and he lived with his own. “For years, Suri hasn’t been able to pierce my mind. I’ve practiced and I’ve trained mentally. If anybody can contain him upon death, it’s me.” Yeah, it was a damn long shot, but it was all Zane had. “Janie understands.” But did she? Really?

  Simone smoothed back dark hair. “This is the closest I’ve sat to three demons in over a century, and I’m not even twitchy. While Nick has had eons to perfect his ability to refrain from harming the brains around him, you and Sam aren’t even a century old. Do you not have the power?”

  “We have the power,” Zane answered. “I think our vampire lineage gives us more ability to control our impact on others.”

  Simone leaned forward. “I do not think you have the power. Prove it.”

  “Zaychik moy,” Nick muttered, shoving off from the wall. “He’ll hurt you.”

  “Little Bunny?” Z
ane lifted an eyebrow at his friend. The dangerous, rather bitchy witch was nowhere near a bunny.

  “Shut up, Zane,” Nick said.

  Simone’s black eyes flashed. “I doubt the fledgling demon can harm me. Let’s see what you’ve got, boy.”

  Zane couldn’t help smiling. The woman might be over a century old, but she appeared twenty-five, and he looked every single one of his thirty-one years. And he felt ancient sometimes. “I won’t hurt your lady, Nick.”

  “I’m not his,” Simone hissed.

  The lady definitely protested too much. Zane smirked. “Of course you’re not.” Taking a deep breath, he centered himself and allowed an energy to flow from him toward Simone. Contained and nearly gentle, he probed into her brain and gave her a slight electrical shock.

  She jumped.

  Nick growled.

  Besides the physical pain, demons could conjure nightmarish scenes to plague their prey. Zane eschewed images of death and destruction to create a very sexy make-believe scenario of Nick kissing the hell out of Simone. Then he put Simone in a bunny outfit and Nick nude as could be.

  Her mouth dropped open. “That’s enough,” she said, her voice going hoarse.

  “Of course.” Zane calmly closed his mind and shut off his power.

  Nick focused on the witch. “Are you all right, Simone?”

  “Fine,” she said, not looking at him.

  Nick turned his rigid attention on Zane, who nodded and winked. He’d never hurt his buddy’s woman. Any woman, really. Nick gave him a look that clearly said he’d be expecting an explanation later.

  Moira stood, her gaze on the table. “Um, we could practice shielding by twisting quantum physics. Kane and I have been working on something similar in the lab for years, and perhaps our research could help Zane when the moment comes.” She sneezed. Her eyes widened, and she swayed. All color slid from her face, and even her lips lost their pretty pink. Her eyelids fluttered shut.

  Talen reached her just as she started to go down. “What the hell?” he asked, lifting her high.

  Dage jumped to his feet, quickly reaching the door to swing it wide open. “Somebody call Conn and tell him to meet us at the infirmary.”


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