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Page 19

by Rebecca Zanetti

  Zane studied her. Intelligent and hopeful was a sexy combination. More than that, he wanted to see that smile on her face again. “I can try,” he said slowly.

  The smile bloomed. “Excellent. Peace is not only the right solution, it’s the smart one. We all need to work together to cure this virus.”

  He finished his stew and leaned back to study his stunning mate. She’d pulled her sable hair up into a messy bun, and no makeup covered her pretty face. She didn’t need makeup. “Dinner was wonderful, and I appreciate your feeding me. Now would you like to tell me what’s on your mind?”

  She blinked and set down her water glass. “How did you know?”

  He smiled. The woman should never play poker. “You have several tells.” He flipped his hand over hers, trying to warm her chilly skin. “You can tell me anything. No matter what, I’m on your side, Belle. I promise.” Whatever was bothering her would be a pleasure to fix, even if it meant reaching out to his damn uncle. “What’s going on?”

  She took a deep breath. “We ran a full blood panel on me today in the lab.”

  “Of course.” He frowned and leaned closer. “Did the results concern you?”

  She barked out a quiet laugh. “Concern? No, but they surprised me.”

  “How so?” He rubbed his thumb across her knuckles, trying to offer comfort.

  “I’m pregnant.”

  Adrenaline roared through his blood, while his entire body froze in place. He jerked his head. Had he heard her right? “You’re what?”

  Janie stiffened and then let out a rolling laugh. Her face scrunched up, and her eyes watered as mirth overtook her. Deep, belly-rumbling laughs rolled from her. She tried to cover her mouth with her free hand, but she kept laughing. “Pre-pregnant,” she gasped out.

  Zane remained in place, his mind spinning. Was she getting hysterical? As she wound down, he tried to keep his voice calm. “How in the hell did this happen?”

  Her eyes widened, and then she let loose another round of laughter. “I can get you a book on how babies are made,” she finally coughed.

  He frowned and tried to make sense of the situation. First, he had to calm Janie down. “Are you all right?” he asked.

  She yanked her hand free and leaped to her feet. “All right? Am I all right?” Her eyes widened, and her arms swept out, all humor gone. “No. No, I am not all right.”

  Ah. Okay. “Janie, let’s—”

  “I’ve been mated for all of a second, and I’ve only had sex twice. In addition, I’m now being attacked by a virus that wants to turn me into turd slime, and I’m pregnant. Pregnant with a demon, vampire, shifter, human baby who probably doesn’t want to catch the damn virus.” She took a shaky breath, her chest hitching. “And I don’t even know you.”

  Faced with her crisis, he calmed. “Okay.” He slid back his chair and stood, quickly reaching to lift her into his arms. She gave a half-hearted struggle, and he tucked her closer, striding into the living room to drop onto the sofa. Pregnant? She was pregnant? God. He was going to be a father. His heart swelled while his fears exploded. “Let’s take a deep breath and tackle each issue at a time.” He forced a reasonable tone into his voice before he started yelling, too.

  She tucked her head into his neck, igniting every protective instinct he had. “I’m sorry to freak out.”

  “You’re entitled.” He ran a soothing hand down her back, marveling at the fragile bones. Concern softened his touch. Was she strong enough to birth a vampire-demon son? “First of all, are you sure you’re pregnant?”

  “Yes.” She splayed her hand across his chest and above his heart. “Our medical procedures are eons ahead of humans, and Kane performed the test three times. Plus, I guess once he knew, he could actually scent the baby.”

  Zane closed his eyes and opened his senses. Fresh rain and honey dew. He cleared his throat. “I can smell the baby, too.”

  Janie sighed. “I know it’s rare for a mate to become pregnant so quickly.”

  Rare? “It’s unheard of,” Zane said. Vampires and demons took centuries to procreate.

  “Except for my parents. Mom became pregnant with Garrett right away,” Janie said. “So maybe it runs in the family.”

  “Maybe.” Zane tried to keep his head from blowing off. “What will the virus do to him?”

  Janie snuggled closer. “I don’t know, but my mom contracted the virus when pregnant with Garrett, and he’s okay. Besides, what makes you think it’s a boy?”

  “Vampires only have boys.”

  “You’re part-demon.”

  “Doesn’t matter.” Zane kissed the top of her head. “Through all history, vampire males, regardless of cross-species, have boys. We don’t shoot X chromosomes.” The raw need to make the world safe for his family heated his breath and weakened his knees. Drawing on strength, and drawing deep, he slowly fortified his thoughts. “Everything is going to be okay, Belle. You have my word.”

  She kissed his neck, sending emotion through his veins. “That’s good. Because we need to tell my dad now.”

  Chapter 23

  Janie drew a deep breath in as Zane knocked on the door to a suite in the main lodge. Would Zane’s mom hate her? Their people were technically still enemies.

  “Come in,” came a throaty female voice followed by a series of loud thunks.

  “What in the world?” Zane pushed through first, keeping Janie behind him. “Oh.” His shoulders straightened as he pulled Janie to stand next to him. “Janet Isabella Kayrs, please meet my mother, Felicity Kyllwood.”

  Janie forced a smile. Zane’s mom stood an inch or two above five feet tall, dressed in workout gear, her chest damp and her white-blond hair pulled back from her face. Black eyes sparkled in a finely boned face. The woman was beyond beautiful to truly stunning. Two wooden sticks rested easily in her hands, while her bare feet slowed to a dance on workout mats spread across an empty living room. A quick look confirmed all the furniture had been shoved into the kitchen.

  Felicity smiled. “Nice to meet you, Janie. You’ve met Logan, right?”

  Logan lay on his side, two sticks by his feet, a low groan erupting from his chest. He pushed to his feet. “Hi.”

  Zane snorted. “Mom being too rough on you, kid?”

  Logan shoved his brother. “No. We were just training.”

  Felicity dropped the sticks and grabbed a towel to wipe her hands. “I’m sorry for the lack of sitting area. Can I get either of you anything?” She peered at a sofa end sticking out from the kitchen. “Logan can probably make it to the fridge.”

  “No, that’s fine. Thank you,” Janie said, her knees weakening. A flush heated down her back, and she swayed. Even so, she wanted to stay strong in front of the purebred demonness. A real demonness. They were so rare they were almost just legend.

  “Whoa.” Zane clasped Janie’s elbow and helped her to the mat before feeling her head. “You’re feverish.”

  She nodded. “It’s all part of the initial stages of the virus. I’m fine.”

  Felicity bustled forward. “You poor woman. I heard all about the new form of the virus, and it’s such a disaster. Logan, go get her some water.” As a full demon, Felicity wasn’t subject to contamination by the virus.

  Janie shook her head. “I’m okay. Sorry to be a pain.”

  Felicity slid down to sit on the mat in a move beyond graceful. Her symmetrical nostrils flared. Then she lifted her chin, her gaze narrowing on Janie. “Oh my. Um, well—”

  “We know she’s pregnant,” Zane cut in.

  A stunning smile lit up Felicity’s face, and she grabbed both of Janie’s hands. “Pregnant? That’s so wonderful. Congratulations.”

  Janie finally relaxed and returned the smile, even though she still wanted to throw up. “Thank you.”

  “Oh, I can’t wait to meet my grandson.” Felicity threw back her head and laughed. “Although, you might be feeling ill from the pregnancy as well as the virus. I was sicker than three dogs on meth while pregnant with Z

  Janie chuckled. “Why doesn’t that surprise me?”

  Zane’s phone buzzed, and he glanced at the face. “The king is summoning me to Conference Room A.”

  Janie frowned. “That’s the strategic room. What’s going on?”

  Zane shrugged. “No clue.” He looked toward his mom.

  Felicity nodded. “Go ahead. Janie and I will stay here and get acquainted, and Logan will fetch us refreshments.” She turned toward her youngest son. “Think of it as an obstacle course toward the fridge.”

  Janie faltered and then nodded. “Let me know what’s going on, please.”

  “I promise.” Zane ducked and kissed the top of her head. “You just relax, and maybe my mom will give you some tips on being pregnant with a demon-vampire son.”

  Felicity smiled. “Boy, do I have some tips.”

  Janie nodded, a ball of concern unfurling in her stomach. Conference Room A meant something was either happening right now or the vampires were planning a raid. Either way . . . danger.

  Zane found Sam and Nick lounging against the entrance to Conference Room A. Sam looked pissed, and Nick looked bored. Which meant Nick was pissed, too. “What’s up?” Zane asked.

  “Damn vampires won’t let us in,” Sam said.

  Oh, hell no. “Where I go, you go.” Zane shoved open the door, the demons on his heels.

  Dage, Talen, Kane, and Garrett Kayrs sat around the table.

  Dage frowned. “I asked you to appear, Zane. Just you.”

  “Too bad.” Zane had about had it with the Kayrs family as a whole. They needed him more than he needed them at the moment, and he’d include his men.

  Garrett snarled. “Need an entourage, do you?”

  “I am a rock star,” Zane returned amenably. Apparently the young vampire had found out about Janie’s pregnancy. “You have something else you want to say?”

  Garrett began to stand, and his father placed a restraining hand on his arm. The kid settled back down.

  Zane focused on the king. “What’s going on?”

  “Suri has requested to speak with you.” Dage jerked his head toward a massive screen on the wall.

  Zane exhaled a heated breath. “Sam, take the right, and Nick the left.” At his quiet order, his men fanned out to form a triangle around the table. “Can anybody here shield from a demon mind attack?”

  Kane Kayrs nodded. “I mated a woman who can shield, and I’ve acquired the ability. Somewhat.”

  Dage lifted an eyebrow. “I can shield as well. Do you think Suri is strong enough to attack via a teleconference?”

  “Yes.” Zane shook his head. “You still don’t understand the extent of his power, do you?”

  Talen shrugged. “His power ends when we cut off his head.”

  “Actually, his power will be released at that point.” Nick shook his head, his gaze on Zane.

  Zane nodded. The vampires truly couldn’t comprehend the issue. “Let’s see what Suri wants.” Zane widened his stance and tried to center his thoughts just in case he needed to shield. Though he’d never admit it, his full mental strength hadn’t returned after his multiple jumps the previous day. Still, between Sam, Nick, and him, they should be able to protect the vampires.

  Dage pressed a button, and Suri took shape on screen. He’d dressed for battle, medals decorating his chest. “Traitor,” he said without much heat.

  “Asshole,” Zane returned evenly.

  Suri’s black eyes glittered. “That’s the thanks I get for raising you?”

  Zane forced a smile. “You didn’t raise me. The woman who did raise me is currently training to find you and kick your ass to hell.”

  Suri growled. “I’d like to see my sister try.”

  “Oh, you will.” Zane kept his face expressionless. No way was his mother going anywhere near the psycho, regardless of the demonness’s strength. “Why are you reaching out to me?”

  “Well, it’s apparent you’ve turned your back on the demon nation,” Suri said.

  “No.” Zane stepped closer to the table. “I’ve turned my back on you, only. The demon nation is mine.”

  Dage’s eyes sparked at the proclamation, but otherwise, he didn’t move.

  Suri flashed sharp canines. “Are you challenging me?”

  Lava flowed through Zane’s blood, while a rock the size of Texas landed in his gut. His uncle was crazy and needed to be stopped. “I am.”

  Satisfaction lifted Suri’s lip. “I always knew you’d try to take me out.”

  “I didn’t,” Zane said honestly. “In fact, if you weren’t such a sociopathic bastard, I’d be fine leaving you in place. But we both know you have to be stopped.”

  “I look forward to the day you try.” Suri glanced around the Kayrs conference room, and the air wavered. Little mental sparks popped throughout. “You’ll need your vampire allies, now won’t you?”

  Zane kept his stance tall and nodded to his men to shield against Suri’s mild mind attack. The ruling demon seemed to be just playing. “No. It’s between you and me. Always has been.”

  “Very well. For now, how about you take care of a mutual problem?” Suri withdrew his mental attack.

  Zane relaxed. “The Kurjans aren’t happy with you?”

  Suri sneered. “When you mated that human, you set into motion events that will destroy everyone you care about. Now Kalin has a price on my head.”

  “How much?” Zane asked, flashing his own fangs. “My bank account could use some storing up.”

  “Funny. Kalin and his troops are stationed thirty miles outside of San Francisco, preparing to descend upon Kayrs headquarters. I’ve emailed you the location. Do the job I trained you for and take him out.”

  “And then?” Zane asked.

  Suri sent out a shock wave of pain. “Then you and I will finish our business. Oh, and feel free to decapitate any demon traitors still with Kalin.” The screen went black.

  Dage Kayrs grabbed his head, swore, and jumped to his feet. “What the hell just happened?”

  Zane sighed. “Welcome to a true demon mind-fuck, King. That was Suri just playing around.”

  Dage nodded to Talen, who was digging a pinkie into his ear. Probably checking for blood. “Get troops ready to go. It’s time we took out Kalin.”

  Zane lifted an eyebrow. “This might be a trap.”

  Dage sighed. “Trap or not, the risk is worth it if we capture Kalin. We need more information about the new version of Virus-27, and it’s time to take that bastard into custody.”

  Zane shook his head. “You believe Suri’s Intel?”

  “In connection with the Intel I received a half an hour ago from our shifter allies in northern California, yes.” Dage began striding toward the door.

  Zane grabbed his arm. “We’re going with you.”

  “Hell, no,” Talen muttered, striding toward his brother.

  “Hell, yes,” Zane countered, standing toe-to-toe with the equivalent of a father-in-law in his world. “If demons have aligned themselves with Kalin, you’ll need shields. We’re the best there is.”

  Talen glanced at Dage, his eyes flashing when Dage gave a short nod. “Fine, demon. But you’d better be as well trained as you think you are.” Shoving past them, Talen disappeared through the exit.

  Dage clapped Zane on the back. “In Talen speak, that meant welcome to the family.”

  The helicopters stayed low and under the radar, even with a blustering wind whipping around as dusk fell. Rain slashed down into the forest as the helicopters hovered above a small clearing, and a small contingent of soldiers dropped from air to land in a graceful dance. Zane leaped down to the muddy ground next to Talen, pain ricocheting up his legs from the impact. The chilly wind bit into his face. “The humans will notice if we cause too much damage,” Zane said.

  “Got it covered.” Talen ducked low and headed into a dense thicket of dripping trees.

  Zane followed, keeping Sam and Nick in his peripheral vision. He’d make sure they re
turned home. The mantle of responsibility always choking him tightened its hold, more oppressive since declaring his intention of taking over the demon nation. In addition, Zane wouldn’t let Janie’s father die on his watch.

  Talen turned. “Stay on my six. I can’t let you die.”

  “Back at you.” Zane leaned against the trunk of a cedar tree while the scents of rain, mud, and wet pine filled his nostrils. “How is this covered?”

  “Allies in the USA military.” Talen signaled a group of soldiers to the west.

  Zane glanced back toward the meadow where the helicopters continued to hover full of soldiers. “Why aren’t they dropping?”

  Talen kept his gaze forward. “They will. For now, keep your head in the game, and get ready to go in.”

  Zane cocked his gun, his gaze on a temporary camp of rough cabins and tents littering the forest. “Why didn’t we take them during daylight while they’re trapped inside?” It was time to use the Kurjans’ aversion to sun as a tactical advantage.

  Talen shook his head. “Kalin always has an underground escape route, and the cabins are usually booby trapped. Better to draw them out and kick their asses.” He shot Zane a hard look. “As much as I hate it, we take Kalin alive if possible. We need to know more about the new version of Virus-27.”

  “Understood.” Zane nodded at his brother to stay close, and then closed his eyes to take stock of mental vibrations. “If there are demons present, they’re shielding well.”

  “Is that possible?” Talen asked.

  Zane opened his eyes. “Yes, but I should be able to sense something. Maybe once we go in, I’ll be able to tell you how many demons, if any, are here.”

  Talen hand-signaled to nearby soldiers. A soldier fired a missile into the middle of the camp.

  Without warning, the entire forest detonated all around them, land mines and explosives igniting. Trees all around them burst into flame, and fire roared.

  “Get down!” Zane yelled, tackling Talen to the ground. Damn Suri had invited him to his own death. Lying piece of demon dung. “It’s a trap,” he muttered.


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