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Void Page 11

by Cassy Roop

  It would have to happen. For the first time in my life, I was feeling feelings. I was experiencing normal emotions that I had never felt before until this point, and it was all due to two different men. One, my doctor and person who was paid to help me try to get past all the vacant shit inside of me, and the other one who paid me to get past the bad shit that seemed to be inside him.

  When I finished my long, luxurious soak in the tub, I threw on some more comfortable clothes and climbed back into bed. Most of my clients were night time customers, so I wasn’t used to being up during the day, but seeing as how contractually I am not allowed to see any other clients, I might as well enjoy the benefits of leisure time. I grabbed the remote from my nightstand and turned on the TV, mindlessly flipping through the channels. I don’t remember when I fell asleep, but I did know that when I did, all of my thoughts and dreams were filled with two men. Two men, who both did things to me I couldn’t explain. One of the men fucked the hell out of me, while the other one gave me a climax of a very different kind.


  I haven’t heard from Andris nor Link in four fucking days. The last images I had of either of the men were of them walking away from me, and I didn’t like it. Had Link decided he no longer wanted to fulfill the terms of the contract? Surely he would have called Alexandra and let her know, wouldn’t he?

  I got dressed methodically this morning, working in robot mode like I normally did, trying to go about my days like I would under normal circumstances, but it was damn near impossible. Every time my mind had an idle moment, which was a lot lately, my thoughts strayed to my two men.


  Two men.

  Well, if I weren’t already a fucking escort, people would think I was a whore. The thought made me laugh.

  I ventured downtown to the flower shop to meet with Lexie. We had a weekly meeting where all of the girls came together to discuss clients, tips, tricks, and etcetera. Ten women in one room resulted in a lot of hen talk and too much clucking for my taste, so I usually sat back and just let it all go by. If I spoke up, that meant that we would be there longer, and then we would be there until nightfall.

  I had my bi-weekly appointment today with Andris. If I said that I wasn’t nervous or excited to see him that would be a fucking lie. That was the thing. Most of the time, my appointments were just another robotic thing I did during the week, now, they gave me something to look forward to.

  “Jericho,” Kiki said coldly as she hobbled in on crutches and took a seat next to me.

  We all sat around an oblong table, something that Lexie found necessary, saying that it helped us all to “connect.” Well, more often than not, I wanted to “connect” my foot with each of their asses. The meetings were basically a bitchfest, with each girl having to complain about their clients. If you didn’t like the business, get the fuck out.


  Kiki was shorter than me, by several inches. Where I had long, blonde hair, she had shorter dark hair. Whether Kiki was her real name or not, I didn’t know. Hell, I didn’t even use my own name to my clients. They all knew me as Jericho Lane. Only Andris, and probably Link, knew that I was Nicola Forbes. Kiki’s last name was chosen, because only a girl who had tits that looked like they would consume her face would call herself “CHESTfield.” The dumb bitch probably fell forward from the weight of her medically enhanced frontal balloons and that is why she was on crutches.

  “I hope you are taking care of my client. I will be back to normal soon and he will want me back. I appreciate you filling in for me, even if it isn’t what he is used to.”

  She tried to make her comment sound pleasant, but I heard the disdain dripping from her voice. She was always one to try and get a rise out of me, but once again that was a benefit of not giving a fuck.

  “I’d take all the time you can to recover. He’s covered for the next twelve weeks.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “I’m under contract with him for twelve weeks.”

  She huffed out a disbelieving breath as she let her crutches slide down to the floor, landing in a metal thump.

  “That’s absurd. He only pays a session at a time. I should know. He’s been my client for the better part of two years.”

  “Maybe you don’t know him as well as you think you do.”


  Lexie started talking to the group as we all sat and listened. I was restless, eager to get out of there so that I could make it to Andris’s office on time. I still had plenty of time to get there, but the thought of being close to where I knew he was made me feel better. The closer I was to Andris, the closer I felt to Link.

  After our meeting, Lexie retreated to her office and I watched Kiki follow her. I made small talk with some of the other girls who I didn’t really mind being around while I gathered my things. As I ventured down the hall to prepare to head to Andris’s office, I heard Kiki’s voice coming from Lexie’s office.

  “But he’s my client, Lexie! She was supposed to only fill in for me until I recovered. The doctor said I would be fine in another week, and you are telling me he has her for another eleven?”

  “It’s out of my hands, Kiki. That is what he wanted. I can’t go against the client’s wishes. He wants Jericho, so she signed a contract with him for the next eleven remaining weeks. We can renegotiate after that, but until then, what’s done is done.”

  “This isn’t fair. Why the fuck does she get all the good clients?” Lexie’s door burst open and Kiki came stumbling out on her crutches, giving me an evil glare before she retreated down the hall. I tried to walk past Lexie’s door unnoticed, but I didn’t have that much luck.


  I turned around and smiled brightly at her, sarcastically of course.

  “Cut the shit, Jer. Antagonizing Kiki is uncalled for. That contract was supposed to remain quiet and you told Kiki about it.”

  “Well, she was the one who started in on me. I was just putting her in her place.”

  “Well, stop. Now she knows and if she goes running back to your client, he may nullify the contract. Do you want that? Do you want to lose out on all that money?”


  “Good. Now go to your appointment. Maybe your therapist can talk some fucking sense into that head of yours.”

  I left, wishing that were true. The last thing on my mind was talking to Andris, and more among the lines of fucking the hell out of him.


  My fucking ten o’clock appointment would be here in a few minutes and the last thing I wanted to deal with was Barbie Cardinelli.

  The clinic was now mine. I owned it. Signed the papers and sent my dickhead uncle on his way to happy retirement. Now, I needed to get things together. I had to pull this clinic out from under the Cardinelli family if I wanted it to be a respectful, moral environment for my employees as well as my clients.

  I walked out into the waiting room to retrieve my client. She sat, like she did the week before, in the same chair but with a different fashion magazine in her lap. Her grey eyes turned to me and smiled with a silky seductiveness as she placed the magazine down and retrieved her purse before rising and walking in my direction.

  “Good morning, Dr. Gunn.”

  “Mrs. Cardinelli. Right this way.”

  She walked into the hallway ahead of me and proceeded into the direction of my office. I shut the door behind us and walked around my desk to sit facing her, trying to exude a sense of authority. I was sick of feeling pushed around by her and her husband.

  “How are you doing today, Mrs. Cardinelli?” I asked in fake sincerity.

  “We can skip all the pleasantries, don’t you think, Andris?”

  “Then what do you want?”

  “The usual. With extra this time.”

  “I can’t do that and you know it. It will flag the pharmacists if I write over the amount normally subscribed. Do you want to tick them off as well as the authorities
? I don’t think so.”

  She tapped her overly long, manicured nails against the soft cushion of the chair in which she sat. Even though it was padded, the sound was still like nails on a chalkboard to me. Everything from her posture to the tone of her voice was irritating, like an annoying little tick that wouldn’t go away.

  “I’ll just have to make sure that Antonio’s boys make an appointment then. The demand is up, and the normal supply we are getting from you isn’t cutting it anymore.”

  “I can only write prescriptions for thirty days at a time, Barbie. You know that. I won’t give you anymore.”

  She rose from her chair, rounding my desk, walking perfectly in her sky-high stilettoes and sat down on the edge of my desk facing me. She crossed her legs and leaned in to grab the silk of my tie and threaded it to through her fingers.

  “Maybe we can work out an arrangement then. Maybe you could prescribe me a different medication that will help me get through my days.”

  “You don’t have any medical issues and you know it, Barbie. It’s all in your fucking head. The only reason you are here is because your husband sends you to do his fucking dirty work for him.”

  “Maybe so, but he is just trying to protect the family name by sending me instead. We all know women are better at negotiating anyways.”

  “I’m not negotiating anything with you.”

  “Oh, I think you will,” she said as she leaned in closer. “See, I’d hate for people to discover your little side business you have going one. One that involves a pretty little blonde and her services.”

  My head snapped to meet her eyes with such force, I could have given myself whiplash. I saw determination and also victory in her eyes. There was no use in denying her accusations. Her husband had the means to find out anything on anyone. It would ruin me, and Nicola both if anyone were to find out about my side ventures.

  “So, this is what is going to happen. You are going to make both me and my husband happy. We’ll send in a few extra ‘clients’ a week to you to get the extra we need, and in the meantime, you will give me what I need.”

  She stood up, slowly unbuttoning her blouse and letting it fall from her shoulders before unbuttoning her skirt from the side and allowing it to fall to the floor at her feet. She stood before me in nothing but her stilettoes, bra, and panties. Her bones nearly visible beneath her overly tanned and malnourished flesh. She had nowhere near the amount of sinful curves that Nicola possessed. She didn’t have the same sexual radiance as the woman who invaded my dreams. But I had no choice right now. I was being blackmailed and at risk of losing both my clinic and Nicola.

  I stood. Grabbing the skeletal form of Barbie Cardinelli, I dropped my pants, rolled a condom on, and proceeded to fuck the hell out of her there on my desk, the entire time trying to imagine Nicola long enough to keep a hard-on.

  BARBIE LEFT AFTER I gave her not one, but two orgasms, sealing the deal in the fucked up hand of cards I was dealt. This game was a gamble, and the odds were against me. It wouldn’t matter so much if I were the only one affected, but the livelihoods of all my employees as well as Nicola were at stake and it wasn’t a chance I was willing to take. I had to comply with the Cardinelli plans until I found a way to get the fuck out from under them.

  I sat at my desk after Barbie left, trying to calm my racing mind and my body. I was painfully hard, not able to climax into the plastic form of Mrs. Cardinelli even with thoughts of Nicola. The room still reeked of her overly floral perfume and I could still smell the sweat of her body coming from my skin. I tried to put some order back into my desk as the intercom on my phone buzzed.

  “Andris, Nicola Forbes is here for her appointment.” Laura Lee stated.


  My dick was still swollen with no relief in sight. There wasn’t any way I would be able to walk out into reception to greet Nicola, so I buzzed Laura Lee back.

  “Could you send her to my office, please? I am just finishing up a few things.”

  “Yes, doctor.”

  I scrambled, trying to get everything back into place before she arrived. How the hell I was going to sit through a session with her with my cock as hard as granite, I didn’t know. How was I going to face her after four days of silence between us? I hadn’t called her, nor had I made any other forms of contact with her via Lexie like Link would do. I would probably have to speak to him soon. Regardless of whether he needed her tonight, I knew I was going to.

  I COULDN’T GET TO Andris’s office fast enough. I practically raced into his building and waiting room with an eagerness too strong to describe. I checked in with his receptionist when I arrived, fully expecting Andris to meet me at the door like he had prior, to escort me back to his office. Instead, his receptionist instructed me to head back by myself.

  I began walking down the hallway as a woman approached from the other direction. I recognized her immediately from Dr. Gunn’s retirement party.

  Antonio Cardinelli’s wife.

  I walked a little taller and pulled my shoulders back as I continued down the hall. Our last interaction wasn’t too pleasant and I didn’t feel up to dealing with her shit today. She had a smugness about her, a sly smile out of the corner of her mouth. She looked slightly disheveled, different from the perfectly put together appearance that she portrayed at the retirement party.

  When we were close enough to see eye to eye, she lifted her hand to swipe at the bright pink lipstick I had noticed was smeared across her mouth.

  Then the bitch winked at me.

  Fucking winked.

  If I weren’t on a mission to get to Andris, I would have followed her out of the building and did some facial augmentation on her myself with my fist, but instead I chose to keep walking. What the fuck was that all about anyway? Why the hell did she see it fit to fucking taunt me when she didn’t even know me?

  I knocked on Andris’s door just before I pushed it open to find him arranging papers on his desk. He wore a dark, steel colored suit that showcased the broadness of his shoulders and a blue silk tie that matched the darkness in his eyes. His hair was slightly disheveled, like he had been running his hands through it repeatedly. He didn’t look at me right away, which was strange considering he heard me knock and enter the room, so I closed the door and took a moment to take him in, sighing silently as I did so.

  “Come in, Miss Forbes, and have a seat,” he directed as he shoved some papers back into a file and placed them into a file holder on his desk. I rounded one of the chairs, having a seat in front of him and placed my bag on the ground, while he silently went on about his task. When he finally finished, he sat down in his chair and folded his hands together in front of him before he looked at me for the first time. I noticed the strong floral scent that lingered in the air of his office and knew that Mrs. Lipo-Fanatic had to have been in here. It made me sick to know that he was behind closed doors with that heap of wanna-be plastic and my lip snarled up in distaste.

  “How have you been?”

  “Why haven’t you called?”

  He let out an exasperated breath, something he looked like he had been struggling to catch since the moment I walked in. His restless posture and fighting hands made me wonder what was going through his mind. His body language hinted at unease, or anxiety, and he kept staring at his desk in distaste as if recalling an unwanted memory.

  “I figured you might ask that when you got here today. Things have been busy for me here at the clinic since I took over. I’m sure you can understand that.”

  “Okay, then why hasn’t Link called? I was under the assumption that with the contract I would more than likely be engaging in more than one session a week.”

  “Link has been very busy as well.”

  “Let’s talk about you, Nicola. Obviously the sessions you have had with Link thus far have flipped a switch within you somehow. How are you doing with this new onset of feelings?”

  I licked my lips as I recalled those two sessions. The first time was amazing, but
the second one was overwhelming in the best possible way. In a weird and twisted way I always felt blessed for not experiencing some of the shit other people had to deal with on a daily basis. But if I had known I was missing out on the intense feelings that I had with both Andris and Link, I would have done everything I could to seek out the cure or whatever the fuck it was I needed, to get past the giant wall inside of me.

  “I feel full. Like he climbs inside of me to help me feel. When I am with him, with you, I feel like you both are a glitch in the process that stops me from expressing or being involved in feelings I had never been able to understand before. I’ve always felt pleasure. I’ve always been more in tune with the physical side of things. But with you and Link, it isn’t just physical arousal. It is emotional arousal as well.”

  His eyes darkened if that were even possible. I noticed the slight tick of his jaw and watched as he adjusted his position in his seat. He was aroused by the idea of me telling him that he aroused me.

  “Why do you think that is?”

  “I don’t know. What I do know is that the connection between us could not only be felt, but grasped. I can put my feelings into words. I understand them, even if I don’t understand what is happening at the moment.”

  He nodded and cleared his throat before leaning back in his chair as if to put distance between us. I’ve always been an honest person. Saying what comes to my mind first had always been easy for me, but somehow my next words were a little harder to pass through my lips.

  “I’m afraid of what I will lose once the twelve weeks are over.”

  He stilled and I looked up into eyes that were just as eager as mine. Heat pooled in his orbs as his gaze made my body feel like it was on flames. It felt almost like a betrayal to Link for me to feel that way about Andris when he wasn’t with us, but the thing about that was I have had Link. Link had been inside me. Andris has touched me only once physically and that was when we danced. It wasn’t even a touch of seduction or one of pleasure, but only the pleasure of being in his company while we moved on the dance floor. Yet, I clearly felt the same things with Andris that I did with link without as much as one orgasm.


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