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His Heart's Desire

Page 5

by Julianna Douglas

  The sight made Ethan burst out laughing. Finally aware of his presence, Becca glared at him.

  He crossed the enclosure to the tub. “You look like you could use a hand,” he said, stating the obvious.

  She extended her bottom lip to blow a piece of hair out of her face. “I think I could use about five,” she quipped.

  He held his hands up in front of him. “Sorry. How about two?”

  “I'll take them.” When she finally smiled, it lit up her entire face.

  He extended a hand to help her up. “I'm Ethan, by the way.”

  Once she was upright again, she returned the introduction. “Rebecca.”

  It was then he allowed his gaze to roam over her body. A crown of soap bubbles sat atop her head. A smudge of dirt slashed across one cheek. Her soaked t-shirt and shorts were tantalizingly plastered to her petite curves. She looked like something the dog had dragged in. And yet she was still utterly adorable.

  Becca scowled at the cause of her state of dishabille. “You're on my hit list today, buddy.”

  The dog merely continued to look at her with wide, innocent eyes, his tongue comically lolling out one side of his mouth.

  Ethan and Becca instantly hit it off as they tamed the unruly beast into submission. By the time they were done with him, the dog's coat gleamed, and Ethan was a goner for those big brown eyes. He adopted “Buddy” on the spot and took him home.

  As for Becca and him, they'd occasionally gone out together on platonic “dates” and continued to spend their weekends together, playing with the homeless animals and participating in pet rescue operations. She loved the animals and found the volunteer work every bit as rewarding as he did. She had even told him about her amazing idea for a free animal clinic and no-kill shelter that she wanted to start after graduating from vet school. Unfortunately, she'd had to give up all those dreams when her mom had fallen ill.

  Ethan wasn't sure how long he sat there, quietly staring into the fire, but the patter of a few raindrops against the glass brought him out of his daydream. Glancing out the window, he saw that the moon and stars were now completely obscured by heavy clouds that looked as if they might unleash another torrent of rain any moment.

  A soft moan drew his gaze back to the bed. Becca's eyes were still closed, but her face no longer held that sweet, angelic look. Instead, it was knitted with tension. Her body twitched, and her legs moved restlessly, as though she were trying to run away from whatever monster had invaded her dreams.

  Unable to bear watching her discomfort, Ethan left his cozy seat and returned to the bed. Sliding in beside Becca, he gently gathered her into his arms. She continued to whimper and shudder but didn't awaken.

  “Shh... It's all right,” he whispered against her hair while rubbing circles on her back. “I'm here now. I won't let anything hurt you.”

  Almost instantly, she curled into his chest, and her body relaxed. He placed a tender kiss on her forehead. For a long while, he continued caressing her back, her arm, her hair. Until he lay down, Ethan hadn't realized how exhausted he was. Soon he was drifting off himself. The thought that he should move to the sofa surfaced briefly, moments before sleep claimed him and he was lost in dreams...of everything he wanted to do for, and with, the best friend who had somehow stolen his heart.

  Chapter 3

  Becca awakened slowly. Ethan's familiar scent filled her nostrils, bringing a feeling of safety...and something else she couldn't quite identify. She raised her hand to rub the sleep from her eyes and bumped it into something warm and firm. Her hand began to touch and stroke whatever it was as her sleep-addled brain tried to make sense of it.

  A sharp intake of breath startled her eyes wide open. Taking in her surroundings, Becca remembered that she was in Ethan's bed, not her own, and apparently he had never left last night. The vivid dream she'd had of a strong man rescuing her from a flooded wash and wrapping her safely in his arms must not have been entirely a dream. She was cocooned in Ethan's arms, her head pillowed against his firm shoulder and her nose only inches from his chest. And it felt magnificent.

  Now fully conscious of what she had been doing, Becca stilled the hand that had been caressing Ethan's chest and tentatively peeked up at his face through her lashes. He gazed back with dark, heavy-lidded eyes that seemed to speak of things she was too afraid to think about. They remained like that, staring at each other for what seemed like hours.

  Then, as quickly as it had begun, the moment was over, and whatever Becca thought she had seen in Ethan's eyes disappeared, replaced by a mischievous sparkle and a wide grin that lit up his face.

  “Morning, gorgeous.”

  Becca was momentarily taken aback by his greeting. Her brows drew down into a frown. “Are you making fun of how I look in the morning?”

  Ethan looked surprised by her question and his smile faded a little. “Not in the least. You ought to know I'd never make fun of you, Becca. I think you look very pretty this morning–even with a little bed head,” he teased, his big smile returning.

  Becca smacked his shoulder, but with him holding her so snugly it didn't make much of an impact. Ethan merely laughed at her puny efforts before reaching out to smooth down a few hairs. For a second, Becca thought she caught that special something in his gaze again, but it was gone before she could be certain.

  “I thought you were going to sleep on the couch last night,” she said.

  Ethan suddenly looked uncomfortable. He loosened his hold on her and nervously cleared his throat before answering. “I'm sorry about that. I didn't mean to fall asleep here.”

  “Oh. No,” Becca was quick to reassure him. “It's all right. I was just wondering, that's all. For the record, I'm glad you stayed. I think I slept better with you here.”

  Ethan appeared relieved. “I was hoping that was the case. I stayed for a while to make sure you were sound asleep, but you started tossing and turning and making distressed noises in your sleep. I think you were having a nightmare. I didn't want to wake you, and tried holding you instead. It seemed to work. You calmed down pretty quickly. I guess I was so tired I dozed off too.”

  “Yeah, I did have a nightmare.”

  Now that there was some space between her and Ethan, Becca played anxiously with the folds of the bedcovers as she remembered her frightening dream.

  “Do you want to talk about it?” Ethan inquired with concern.

  “No, not really. I only remember bits and pieces anyway. It felt pretty scary, but I think it was just the stress of yesterday coming out in my subconscious. I do recall hearing my mother's voice, though.” For a moment, her thoughts turned inward as she wistfully remembered how hearing that gentle voice had given her such a sense of peace.

  Ethan raised up on his elbow and looked down at her, drawing her attention back to him. “Are you OK with that?”

  Becca gave him a wan smile as she nodded her head against the pillow. “I think it was the turning point in the dream. I felt peaceful after she spoke, not sad.”

  “That's good.” Ethan smiled back. “I'm glad.”

  They looked at each other awkwardly for another moment before Becca sat up in bed.

  Ethan's eyes suddenly glinted brightly as he seemed to have a brainstorm. He placed a hand on her leg to still her movement. “You stay right where you are. Don't move a muscle. I'm going to treat you to breakfast in bed.”

  “Ethan, you don't have to do that. You're spoiling me.”

  “And what's wrong with that?”

  “Well...” She searched her brain for a good comeback. When nothing came to her, she flopped back against the pillows again.“Aargh!” she exclaimed.

  “That's a pretty weak argument, if you ask me.” Ethan grinned as he climbed out of bed and padded toward the kitchen in his bare feet. “Oh, and by the way, Talk Like a Pirate Day was six months ago,” he said over his shoulder with a laugh as Becca growled and flung a pillow at his retreating back.

  She shook her head but couldn't help but laugh with hi
m. She'd always liked the way Ethan teased her, and if she was completely honest with herself, she actually liked all the wonderful things he was doing for her too.

  Ethan hummed a happy tune as he turned bacon in one skillet and stirred scrambled eggs in another. Buddy watched with rapt attention, hoping for a tidbit to fall on the floor. Ethan couldn't think of a better way to spend the morning than having breakfast in bed with the woman he loved. Waking up with her snuggled in his arms was a dream come true. Only one thing could have made it better, but that would have to wait.

  He was glad that he'd slept on top of the covers, because he'd awakened partially aroused. Holding Becca close, breathing her scent, and watching her sleep with her silky hair fanned out over his shoulder only added fuel to the fire. When she'd sleepily stroked his chest, he'd almost come undone. Thank goodness the comforter was bunched up between them, concealing the evidence of his desire. Still, he wasn't sure how well he had masked it on his face. He was grateful that their banter and more serious talk of her dream had distracted his male parts. Otherwise, it would have been impossible for him to get out of bed without giving himself away.

  Setting aside those thoughts, Ethan served up the bacon and eggs on two plates. He added slices of buttered toast and poured glasses of orange juice, then placed everything on a lap tray. He broke off a small morsel of bacon and tossed it to Buddy, who deftly caught the treat in midair.

  Ethan carried the tray to the bedroom with Buddy hot on his heels. He found Becca propped against the pillows with her reading glasses perched on her pert little nose. She looked absolutely adorable sitting in his bed perusing the latest mystery novel he'd been reading. He felt like his heart might leap out of his chest at the sight of her. She was so engrossed, she didn't notice him standing in the doorway.

  Buddy ran ahead of him into the room and placed his front paws on the bed to get her attention.

  “Hi, Buddy,” she crooned at the dog as she scratched his ears.

  “Breakfast is served, m'lady.” Ethan smiled as he crossed to the bed. He placed the tray over her legs and ordered Buddy to lie down on the rug.

  “Mmm, that smells so good,” Becca said as she breathed in the delicious aroma. “My stomach has been growling ever since you started cooking.”

  “We can't have you starving. Better eat up before it gets cold.”

  Ethan sat cross-legged at the foot of the bed. Facing her over their makeshift table, he was intensely aware of the intimacy of the setting.

  Becca set the book and her glasses on the bedside table before taking up a fork and eagerly digging in. After the first bite, she smiled blissfully. “Oh, Ethan, it tastes as good as it looks.”

  “It's only scrambled eggs. No biggie.”

  “Well, my taste buds are in heaven right now,” she said with a giggle. “You know, my mom said that if you cook the simplest dishes with love, they always taste better.” Her laughter faded to a rueful smile. “You have the same knack she did for making tomato soup and scrambled eggs taste like a gourmet meal.”

  “I'm glad you like my cooking,” he answered, feeling a bit embarrassed by Becca's praise.

  “I really appreciate everything you've done for me. The weird thing is you've been acting more like my boyfriend than Jay ever did. I always thought that he didn't really consider me his girlfriend, because we know.” Her eyes dropped to her lap, and her cheeks pinkened.

  “Becca, you don't have to have sex with a guy to be his girlfriend,” Ethan replied gently.

  She nervously wrapped the belt of his robe around her finger. “Sometimes you seem like the only guy on the planet who thinks that way. I know I haven't dated all that much, but most of the guys I've been out with act like it's all part of the deal. You know...dinner, movie, sex. A lot of my friends from college said the same thing, although some of them didn't get why I wouldn't put out either.”

  “Well, you know me. I have respect for the women I date. There's no point in pushing them to do something they're not ready for, because it won't be enjoyable for either one of us. Besides, I'm not really into meaningless sex either. I'm more of a relationship kind of guy. A rare breed, I know, but I'm definitely not the only one out there.”

  “Rich, handsome, and a relationship guy? Ethan Montgomery, I'm amazed that no woman has snatched you up yet. I might have to ask you out myself,” Becca said, chuckling as she teased him.

  Her flirtatious words hit a little too close to home, leaving him wishing she'd do just that. Needing a distraction, he decided to change the subject. “You seemed pretty absorbed in my new novel when I walked in.”

  “You know me. I love books. I was curious what you were reading. I don't usually read mysteries, but this one sounds good.”

  “My brother, Nathan, recommended it. He and I have similar tastes. So far, I'm enjoying it. So what have you been reading lately?”

  “Lately? Not much. I haven't had the heart for it,” she replied sadly. “Maybe I should try again to help take my mind off everything.”

  “You should. Reading a good book always helps me to relax. It lets me escape for a while.” Ethan paused to take a bite of bacon. “Since you aren't reading anything right now, tell me about the last book you read.”

  Becca's eyes dropped to her plate. “It was just a romance,” she mumbled while pushing her remaining eggs around the plate with her fork.

  Ethan's brows drew down. He reached across the space between them, gently lifting her face with a finger crooked under her chin. “Hey, you aren't embarrassed about reading romance novels, are you?”

  “Not exactly,” she said, shrugging, “but most people I know think they're silly. Mom always loved them and so does Edna, but other than them, I don't really know anybody who reads them. Even my old college girlfriends thought they were...well, I believe the word they used was 'trash.' Either that, or they made fun of me. I never know how people will react to my reading preferences.”

  “I already knew you read romances, Becca. After all, I've been to your apartment lots of times. I've seen what's on your bookshelves.”

  “Being a guy, I didn't think you'd notice or care enough to look.”

  “It has nothing to do with being a guy. Hello, I'm a fellow book lover. Of course I'd be interested in what's on your shelves. Besides, even if I didn't already know what you read, I'd never make fun of you. Not for your book choices or anything else. As to your girlfriends' opinion, I say they don't know what they're missing.” He grinned at her.

  The look on Becca's face was one of pure skepticism. “I bet you've never read a romance novel in your life. How would you know?”

  “I know, because if you're reading them, they have to be good,” Ethan replied in a serious tone. “Not to mention I think it's good for women to have a healthy fantasy life. After all, men do too, but in a different way.”

  Suddenly looking shy, Becca's gaze dropped back to her plate. Knowing that he'd embarrassed her, Ethan sought to lighten the mood again. “Come on. Tell me about your last book. Did a knight in shining armor ride in on his trusty steed to rescue the damsel in distress?” He brandished his knife in the air like a sword.

  His theatrical flair had the desired effect, bringing a smile back to Becca's face. “On the contrary, it was a kilted Highlander carrying the fair maiden off to his castle on the loch.”

  “Oh, do tell. Was Nessie there?” he inquired with wide eyes. Then he added with a waggle of his brows and a mock Scottish accent, “And what was the bonny lad wearing beneath his kilt?”

  Ethan's heart swelled as Becca's laughter pealed throughout the room, even as a lovely shade of pink rose in her cheeks. He then became her rapt audience of one as she proceeded to regale him with highlights from the story while they finished their breakfast.

  After enjoying a leisurely morning meal accompanied by an entertaining discussion of books, Becca insisted on helping Ethan clean up this time. For once, he relented. While Becca loaded the dirty dishes into the dishwasher and tidie
d the kitchen, Ethan gathered her clothes from the laundry room and went to change into some respectable-looking garments of his own, ones that weren't rumpled from sleeping in them.

  Becca returned to the bedroom as Ethan was tying his athletic shoes. Indicating the clean clothes lying in a neatly folded pile on the bed, he gave her a quick smile before leaving her to dress in private.

  Fifteen minutes later, Becca approached the doorway to Ethan's office. He was sitting in the leather chair behind his desk, his head bent over a manila file folder. Becca leaned against the doorjamb, covertly watching him. His expression indicated he was lost in deep thought as he pored over the documents in the folder. A lock of hair the color of dark chocolate had fallen down over his forehead. She longed to go smooth it back into place, and wondered what it might feel like to run her fingers through his thick locks. His hair looked soft and silky to the touch. Ethan wasn't an athlete like Jay, but Becca knew he worked out at the gym a couple of times a week. Her eyes were drawn to his broad shoulders and muscular biceps, which filled out his navy t-shirt. How good it would feel to have those strong arms wrapped around her again. The memory of his rugged chest beneath her fingertips brought a shiver to her body despite the pleasant warmth of the room.

  Why hadn't she ever noticed how incredibly handsome Ethan was before? Inwardly, Becca sighed. She had been too caught up in the illusion of what she thought Jay was to realize the true man of her dreams might be right in front of her face. A rueful smile curved her lips as she thought of the mistake she'd made. She knew that Ethan was right about Jay being a pig who'd taken cruel advantage of her in a weak moment, but she still couldn't help feeling that she bore some responsibility too.


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