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His Heart's Desire

Page 22

by Julianna Douglas

  “Hey, are you cold?” Ethan leaned toward her, whispering as though they were in a movie theater. He couldn't imagine how she could possibly be chilled when the actors were practically setting the screen on fire.

  “Huh?” Becca seemed confused by his question. “Oh.” She glanced down at her arms, but only for a second. She couldn't seem to tear her gaze away from the love scene playing out in front of her. “Um...yeah, a little,” she finally replied distractedly.

  Ethan rose to grab a hand-knitted afghan from the back of an overstuffed chair, most likely one of Edna's creations. He was grateful for the momentary distraction from the sensual assault that the movie was wreaking on his desires. He glanced back over his shoulder to see Becca still enthralled by it all, and he grinned at the dreamy look on her face.

  Had he imagined that Becca's breathing quickened when he'd leaned over to ask if she was cold? Could she possibly be having the same kinds of fantasies that he always had when they watched one of these shows? And if so, who was starring in these fantasies with her?

  God, he hoped it was him.

  When Ethan turned back to the sofa, he was thrilled to see that Miss Kitty had moved to the windowsill, leaving the space next to Becca open. He sat down closer than he had been before, but still not close enough to touch. She leaned forward as he wrapped the blanket around her shoulders, then he allowed his arm to rest on the back of the sofa behind her. He breathed in her womanly scent, the one that never failed to arouse him. His heart was bursting at the thought of making her his forever.

  By the time the movie credits rolled, Ethan had no idea what else had happened on screen. His mind was far too wrapped up in the wonder of his love for Becca.

  She followed him to the door and handed him the books she'd selected earlier. “Don't forget these,” she said.

  “Nope, wouldn't want to do that,” he replied while tucking them under his arm. “I'll let you know what I think of them.”

  He was reluctant to leave, but he knew that if he stayed much longer, it might arouse her suspicions. Instead, he wrapped his free arm around her waist and pulled her into a warm embrace. His heart raced when her hands slipped around his back and her breasts pressed into his chest. He wanted nothing more than to lean down and claim her lips in a passionate kiss, but he also wanted the moment to be perfect, and this wasn't it. Only one more week, he reminded himself for the tenth time that night before grazing his lips softly against her cheek and bidding her goodnight.

  As Ethan disappeared into the darkness of the night, Becca's hand rose involuntarily to the cheek he had kissed. She closed her eyes, remembering the feel of his lips on her skin. She caressed the spot with two fingers, which she then slid to her own lips, imagining him kissing her there again.

  It wasn't unusual for Ethan to embrace her. He often gave her a quick hug at the end of their “dates,” but this time he seemed to linger a little longer and draw her a little closer. He also rarely kissed her, and when he did, it was typically a chaste brotherly peck on the forehead. This one had felt more like a promise of something more. The thought sent a shiver through her body that had nothing to do with the cool night air.

  Becca closed and locked the door, then crossed the room to straighten up. Placing their empty glasses in the popcorn bowl, she carried the dishes to the kitchen and returned. The discarded afghan lay in a heap on the sofa. As she neatly folded the blanket and draped it over the back of the chair, she recalled how thoughtful he had been.

  She smiled. He always was. Of course those goosebumps had had nothing to do with being cold either. It was the intensity of the romantic scene playing out on her television screen and her wild imaginings of it being her and Ethan that had caused her shiver. When he sat so close to her, resting his arm on the cushion behind her, it only added fuel to the flames of her desire. He had never done that before either, and it made her wonder again if Edna might be right. Could Ethan possibly love her as much as she loved him? God, she hoped so.

  Chapter 16

  Becca didn't see Ethan again before the trip. He had canceled their Tuesday lunch date, saying he was tied up with some important business. He bade her safe travel and promised to call after she was scheduled to arrive in Las Vegas. Becca couldn't help but be disappointed, but it only made her anticipation that much sweeter. She truly hoped he would join her there.

  The night before her flight, Becca pulled her suitcase from the closet in order to pack, carefully choosing the most flattering outfits she owned in hopes that Ethan would indeed come. Her spirits were dampened a bit at the realization that Ethan had probably already seen her in everything she owned with the exception of her underwear, but she refused to let it get her down. Maybe she could pick up a new outfit before he arrived. Or maybe if she got really lucky, modeling her pretty bras and panties for him would actually make it onto their agenda. That thought jangled her nerves, so she decided not to ponder it any further. After changing into her nightgown and brushing her teeth, Becca climbed into bed and finally fell into an exhausted sleep.

  She awakened, shocked to discover it was her wedding day. She was dressed in an elegant white satin gown with a sweetheart neckline trimmed with lace and tiny beads. She was thrilled to see that the cut of the dress showed a hint of cleavage, something that she was rarely able to achieve with her small breasts. The skirt gathered at the waist in back and fell into a stylish train trimmed in the same manner as the neck opening. She carried a bouquet of white and pale pink roses, accented with greenery and baby's breath, tied with a wide satin ribbon. The sweet scent of the blooms wafted to her nostrils filling her with delight.

  She stood at the back of a small chapel filled with fragrant flowers that matched her bridal bouquet. A minister and a man in a tuxedo waited for her at the front of the chapel. An organ began playing the wedding march, and she started her walk down the aisle. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach as the tuxedo-clad man turned to take her hand. Then relief spilled over her in a wave of ecstasy as she saw that he was none other than her beloved Ethan. He was wearing a brilliant smile that made his whole face light up. Tears of joy spilled down her cheeks as they both said, “I do,” and then the minister told Ethan he could kiss his bride. He placed one hand on her waist, drawing her close, and the other cupped the side of her face tenderly. He had a look of complete adoration in his eyes as his head tilted to the side and his lips lowered toward hers, making Rebecca's heart skip a beat.

  Suddenly an annoying beeping sound intruded on their moment of perfect bliss, and the entire scene faded away into darkness.

  Becca's eyes fluttered open to the sound of her alarm clock. She moaned in disappointment and smacked the button to turn off the noise that had ended her exquisite dream. Not quite ready to leave behind her cozy bed and the feelings the dream had evoked, she allowed herself to snuggle back into the sheets, hugging her pillow for a few moments longer. Maybe the dream was an omen of good things to come. Sighing contentedly, she finally threw back the covers and headed for the bathroom. With a smile on her lips, and humming the wedding march, Becca hurriedly showered and dressed. She'd slept in this morning, hoping to feel refreshed and energized for her big day of travel, and now she had several last-minute things to do before the ride to the airport Ethan had arranged for her arrived.

  Three hours later, Becca settled back into her airplane seat feeling happier than she had in a long time. She'd never flown first class before, and she was amazed at how much more comfortable it was than coach. The seats were larger, with lots more leg room, and the flight attendant had been very attentive, offering her refreshments even before the plane had taken off.

  She had also been stunned earlier this afternoon when a uniformed chauffeur had knocked on her door and led her to a big black limousine. When Ethan had said he was sending a car, she'd expected nothing more than a taxi or an airport shuttle service. She was already feeling like a fairy princess, and the trip had barely begun. What other luxuries might be in store for her upon he
r arrival, she could scarcely imagine.

  As the plane continued on its course for Las Vegas, Becca took a deep breath, leaned her head back and closed her eyes. Instantly, images from her dream of the night before filled her mind. She couldn't help herself from picking up the fantasy where it had left off. This time it didn't stop at the kiss.

  Desire coursed though her body, the very thought of making love with Ethan heating her core. She could only dream of what that might be like, since she had never truly made love to anyone. Ethan was such a sweet guy, she was confident that he would be a gentle lover, and that thought made her sigh with contentment.

  “Ladies and gentleman.” The captain's voice over the intercom intruded on Becca's daydreaming. “Please fasten your seat belts. We are about to begin our decent into Las Vegas.”

  It wasn't long before the plane landed and Becca was met in the transportation area by a uniformed chauffeur. As she sank into the luxurious leather seats of the limousine, she made a promise to herself that if Ethan showed up, she would put all the uncertainties to rest once and for all and finally tell him how she felt.

  * * * * *

  Ethan sat on his balcony, sipping a margarita and watching the sun slip behind the western horizon. Shades of red, orange and pink streaked the dusky sky. He had traveled around quite a bit and seen his fair share of sunsets, but he would always be partial to desert sunsets. They could be some of the most beautiful in the world. As the sun continued its downward trek and the stars began to twinkle in the gray of the eastern sky, Ethan's mind wandered to his beautiful Becca and marveled as her form took shape in his mind's eye.

  So much had happened in the last few days, he could scarcely believe that it had been less than two weeks ago that he'd finally made up his mind about his future with her. Since then, he had put into motion numerous detailed arrangements that he hoped would make this an unforgettable weekend for her. So far, everything was coming along very nicely. The construction workers had finished yesterday, and the decorator had left barely an hour ago. He'd paid them all a hefty bonus for getting the work done so quickly, but the results had been worth every penny. He couldn't wait to see the look on Becca's face when she saw what he'd created for her.

  Ethan rose from his chair and walked to the edge of the balcony. He leaned his forearms on the railing, absently studying the myriad of sparkling city lights below, then glanced at his watch. Becca was due to arrive any minute. A jolt of excitement flowed through him.

  The cell phone in his pocket chimed. He continued to take in the night lights of the city as he pulled it out and answered. “Hello?”

  “Mr. Montgomery, this is Juan from the front desk,” a slightly accented voice came through the phone.

  “Has she arrived?”

  “Yes, sir. Ms. Anderson is on her way up to the penthouse right now. She just got on the elevator.”

  “Thank you, Juan.”

  “My pleasure, Mr. Montgomery.”

  Ethan pressed the button to end the call, then immediately dialed Becca's cell number.

  “Hello.” Becca's voice sounded particularly cheery.

  “So you arrived safely in Vegas, and you're on your way up to the penthouse.” He said it more as a statement than a question.

  For a moment there was silence. Ethan could imagine Becca looking for the hidden cameras. She finally replied, “ do you know that?”

  “I'm psychic.” Becca's giggle on the other end of the line made him lose his own deadpan voice and break into a smile. “I have some people keeping an eye on you.”

  “Oh, so now you're spying on me?” she asked with mock indignation.

  Ethan laughed. “Just watching out for you. Plus I wanted to know what you think of the penthouse. Hear your thoughts when you see it for the first time.”

  “Well, I guess your timing is perfect. We're at the door right now.”

  Ethan could hear the bellboy opening the door for her in the background, followed by a gasp. “Oh, Ethan. You have way outdone yourself. This place is beautiful.”

  “I take it you're happy with your accommodations, madame?”

  “Are you crazy? Happy? I'm ecstatic. I never in a million years would have imagined this. There's a crystal chandelier. And a fireplace.”

  Ethan laughed at the enthusiasm in her voice. “Wait 'til you see the bedroom.”

  “Oh, hang on a sec.” Ethan heard the jangling of Becca's purse as she tipped the bellboy. She thanked him for his help and then closed the door. “OK, I'm back. Now what's this about the bedroom?”

  “Go take a look.”

  The clicking of her shoes on the tile floor indicated her compliance.

  “Oh my God! Ethan, this bed is huge.” She laughed. “I'm going to get lost in it.”

  “Don't worry, I'll come find you,” he teased, wanting nothing more than to share it with her.

  “Mmm, the carpet is so thick, I feel like I'm walking on a cloud.”

  “I bet you couldn't resist taking your shoes off.”

  “Of course not. Oh! What do we have here?” Another sharp intake of breath made him suspect she'd found the bathroom. “Oh, Ethan. The faucets are gold. That's not real gold, is it?”

  Ethan laughed. “No, I don't believe it is.”

  “Well, it sure sparkles like it.” Becca sighed as she moved back toward the bedroom. “And the bed is made up so pretty. And roses too!”

  “I was wondering when you were going to notice those.”

  “They're gorgeous, Ethan. Everything is. You're going to spoil me.”

  “That's the idea.”

  Becca was so excited, she could hardly take it all in. When Ethan had given her this trip, she had known it was going to be nice, but she never expected such luxury. The bedroom was decorated in a romantic Victorian style, her favorite. As she ran her hand over the thick floral comforter gracing the huge four-poster bed, a picture of herself and Ethan lying in it came unbidden to her mind. Heat rose in her cheeks. She walked to the bedside table, wiggling her toes in the soft, thick rug beside the bed as she went. The heady scent of the dozen red roses in a crystal vase filled her senses as she turned around to take in the entire room. It all made her feel like a pampered fairy-tale princess.

  “Becca, are you still there?”

  The sound of Ethan's voice reminded her that he was still on the phone with her.

  “Oh, yes, I'm still here. Sorry. I guess my mind is still trying to take everything in.”

  “If you like the inside, I bet you'll love the view from the balcony.”

  As Becca turned toward the sliding glass door, the sheer white curtains undulated like a gentle ocean wave. The soft breeze beckoned her to the open portal. When she crossed the threshold, she was met with a myriad of sparkling city lights as the last rays of the setting sun disappeared below the horizon.

  She walked to the railing while feasting her eyes on the beauty before her.

  “Oh, Ethan, you weren't kidding. The view is amazing,” she said.

  “I'm glad you like it,” came his husky reply from behind her.

  At the sound of his voice next to her ear, Becca whirled around. He was standing so close she nearly bumped into him, and she put out her free hand to steady herself. It connected with the solid muscle of his chest, sending a tingle up her arm and through her whole body, then settling low in her belly. She lowered her phone while her gaze locked with his, and she looked into deep-green eyes that reflected sparkles from the lights below. Her mouth dropped open and her jaw worked up and down as she tried to form words through her surprise.

  Ethan slowly lowered his phone too, and a huge smile lit up his face. “Hey, gorgeous,” he said softly.

  Becca squealed with delight as she threw her arms around Ethan's neck. His arms circled her waist, hugging her tightly. He lifted her feet off the floor and twirled her around before setting her back down again.

  It felt so good to be in his arms she didn't want to let him go. Becca gave him another squeeze
and a peck on the cheek before reluctantly pulling back a little to look up into his smiling face.

  “You little sneak,” she said, reprimanding him playfully. “You made me think you weren't going to be here when I arrived, and that you might not come at all.”

  “I wanted to surprise you,” he replied, not sounding the least bit contrite.

  “Well, you certainly did that. I never in a million years expected all this.” Becca slid out of Ethan's embrace to wave her arm around, indicating the suite and the view, then turned back to face him. “Much less the pleasure of your company.”

  “I'm delighted that you're pleased, m'lady.” Ethan took her hand and made a courtly bow over it before placing a light kiss on the back.

  The feel of his soft lips on her hand sent desire coursing through her entire being. Her breathing quickened. She wanted to know what it would feel like to have those lips elsewhere on her body...her face...her neck...her breasts...and even lower. She swallowed hard through the lump that was forming in her throat at the mere thought, and took a deep breath as she tried to gather her wits about her.

  Ethan lifted his eyes to meet her gaze, and his thumb rubbed over the spot he had just kissed, sending another wave of sensation through her. His touch made her want to moan, and she bit her lip to hold the sound in.

  When she thought she'd surely give herself away, he graced her with one of those mischievous lopsided grins that never failed to make her feel giddy. Then he released her hand to playfully tap her nose. “You think you're surprised now. Wait 'til you see what else I have in store for you.”


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