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Erotica: Beyond: Dark Action Romance Paranormal Thriller (Adventure Demon Humor International Interracial Mystery Short Stories)

Page 9

by Iaz Grant

  Instead of moving aside, they stood their ground, albeit with different levels of confidence. Tyler was looking at everything else but his Captain while Karliah was coolly checking out her fully extended claws. If another lady was doing that, it might have seemed normal, but for Karliah, it was the ultimate sign of nervousness.

  Regarding the both of them with eyes clouded with suspicion, he walked toward them and parted them with his hands. The sight he beheld made him wish he didn’t overhear them talking, made him wish he didn’t even wake up that day. He had to hold on tightly to the control panel to steady himself, as waves of nausea washed over him and he lost all the color in his face.

  On the screen before him was a tall “thing” of at least 7’5’, having three eyes, and a grotesque appearance. But that wasn’t the part that broke his heart.

  What destroyed him was the image of the woman sucking him, albeit forcefully. His Helena.


  Zebb was pacing about the ship with strong, angry strides, his anger palpable. Broken pieces of ceramics lay about it, a testament to that anger. Not that that helped quell the rage that started out manageable but was now a fire that threatened to consume him from the inside out, not that he cared.

  Kill the bastard, kill the bastard, kill the bastard, was the chant going on in his head.

  “Will you stop pacing about like that Zebulon, it is not helping matters,” Karliah said in a tone only she could use when addressingZebb. “How about you settle down, and let Tyler and I explain what is happening to you.”

  After a drawn out silence, Zebb stopped the pacing and took a seat. Since he didn’t say anything, Karliah took it as a go-ahead to proceed.

  “Tyler, your show,” she said to the young man in a mild tone she reserved for people she liked and respected.

  When did that happen? An absent part of Zebb’s brain registered.

  Tyler stepped forward to address the group, which also included Joyce and the Brakoni woman -Sordara. This was not a position he found himself in very often, and he was very nervous at first. So nervous in fact, that he had to swallow hard a few times before he could string his sentences together into something meaningful.

  “Sir, Karliah did as you requested and asked all our trusted informants for any information about a Chubbob, the conqueror. She hit a dead end at each turn until she contacted the Zans. It is common knowledge that they know everything that is worth knowing but is very shy creatures, preferring not to mix with other species, humans and aliens alike. Ergo, getting any information out of them was like pulling a pin out of a porcupine.” he smiled ruefully at his joke but quickly continued when he saw that no one else saw the humor in what he said.

  “But, they owe Karliah a favor, and she cashed it. They don’t just know Chubbob; they also know his home planet, the coordinates, everything! And they gave it to her.” He paused a little here to allow what he said to sink in, and it had the desired effect. He had their undivided attention.

  “Using the information we got from the Zans, I was able to track Chubbob to a very far away mini-planet called Istor. Istor is ruled by Chubbob, who fortunately for us is exceedingly paranoid and suspicious. He has a fully computerized security system which I was able to hack into with a little something I programmed. From here, I have full access to all his surveillance camera and database. I can see everything going on in Istor. I must say that he is a very wealthy man, for such a security system doesn’t come at a cheap rate.”

  He sounded to himself like he was blabbing. Of course, nobody cared about that, but he was a man who appreciated technology, and this wasn’t a common one.

  “Anyway, that is how we were able to see that video of Helena doing...I should also inform you that I pulled that out of his recorded data.”

  The room went eerily quiet after Tyler’s speech.

  “Out, all of you,” Zebb said, his voice barely audible, and he finally let the grief he was feeling register as they all left the room.

  Chapter Three

  Lieutenant Dave was staring forlornly into space, his thoughts about his brother, Jamal.

  Over the last few days while tracking Captain Zebb, the adrenaline he had felt upon the assignment of this mission already faded away, and he had nothing to cushion his pains. The only comforting thought was that of killing the people responsible for his brother’s death. He was alone in one of the inner chambers of the ship, so he didn’t have to pretend to be strong, he didn’t have to pretend Jamal’s death didn’t tear him up from the inside.

  He heard a soft knock on the door, snapping him out of his thoughts.

  “Come in.” One of his men entered, raising his hands in a salute which he returned half-heartedly.

  “Sir, we have been able to establish correspondence with Juliet Seven. We radioed in, and the pilot responded. If you came with me sir, the captain, Captain Zebb would like a word with you.”

  Some good news, at last! Dave thought. To the soldier addressing him, he said: “I’ll be out shortly.”

  The man exited the room. He was invigorated by this newest piece of information, and he left for the operation room of the ship with a new spring in his step.All of his men were already gathered there. No doubt to know how whatever discussed would affect them. It was, after all, war.

  He picked up the radio phone and said: “Lieutenant Dave here, over, over.” He immediately got a response from the Juliet Seven.

  Zebb’sdeep voice filled the room “CaptainZebb here, over. I’ll be straight, Lieutenant, what exactly is your mission? Has the General asked you to stop me? Because I can assure you that your efforts in that direction will most definitely be futile and you might as well go back home.”

  “Quite the contrary sir, the Captain sent me to offer you backup in your mission. We have a tracking device keeping track of your vessel, but our job would be faster if you just gave us the coordinates of your destination, and tell us what we are up against.” Lieutenant Dave replied.

  The other end was quiet for a while, so quiet the lieutenant thought they had been disconnected. Then he heard Zebb say, “I appreciate your efforts, Lieutenant.”

  He then went on to relay all they had on Chubbob, starting with their encounter inPolentia. He gave him the coordinates, and promised to have Tyler send him the security details of Istor via a communicator the ships had for that purpose. They made immediate plans about a rendezvous point, an Island very close to Istor.

  “That’s everything you need to know, for now, Lieutenant. I’ll be in touch.”

  “Roger that Sir,” Dave replied.

  “Blessed be, Lieutenant.”

  “Blessed be, Captain.”

  The line went dead, along with Dave’s surroundings. But underneath that quiet, he could feel an undercurrent of energy coursing through his men.

  He felt it too, and he relished it.


  Zebb was staring hard at the radio phone as if it had suddenly grown a head.

  As if to answer the question he didn’t have the strength to ask, Karliah said: “Yes Zebb, it probably isn’t a suicide mission after all.”

  He looked up at her, and she was smiling. Not one of those condescending ones she gave to people, but a real smile. That certainly must count for something; he thought to himself. To his crew, he said “We just received good news; backup is on its way. Looks like we are not in this alone anymore. You should go and rest, get your strength up. We’ll all need it for what’s next.”

  To Joyce specifically, he said, “Let me drive her for a while, you also need to rest.” She must have sensed the desperation in that statement like he needed the distraction more than she needed the rest. She didn’t argue or even make a face. She simply stood up and said “Sure Captain. Thank you.”

  Zebb took control of the ship and turned her quite deftly towards Istor.

  The image of Helena on her knees in front of Chubbob played in his head. He couldn’t begin to imagine what she must have felt. The pain and the ang
er. He knew for a fact that she was as innocent as she was beautiful.

  What if the monster already slept with her? What if he hits her??

  He hadn’t told Lieutenant Dave about the footage, or about the fact that they could see every part of the Island via a security camera. Neither had he explained how they got their information and security details. He felt it was for the best. He couldn’t gamble with her safety and all of theirs.

  With the quiet in the room and the emotional battle in his head, he continued stirring the ship towards Istor, towards Helena.

  Chapter Four

  Chubbob was sitting alone in his office, feeling very satisfied with himself.

  He watched the recorded footage of Helena sucking him. Just watching the video made him stiff, and he lusted for her. The silly girl! She was trying to be difficult, but he had plans to break her in.

  He gazed at his reflection on the floor to ceiling mirror at the far end of the room and whispered to himself. “I will make her tame, so tame she will carry out my requests without questioning. I will kill the light in her, albeit a little gradually. Oh yes! She will be my very own sex machine. Oh, what plans I have for her, what fun I will have with her!” As if the thought excited him, he cackled maniacally, and rubbed his scaly hands together. He knew the woman was scared of him, but then again, so was everyone. He lived in that fear and thrived on it. He went quiet for a while, fantasizing about the numerous sexual acts he was going to carry out on Helena until the red light on his hologram radio phone interrupted his train of thought.

  This had better be good; he thought to himself. He clicked a button, and instantly a young man appeared in front of him. Well, the holographic form of him did.

  “What is it?” he asked the man maliciously.

  “I, err, sir, I just thought to inform you that some people are coming your way. We, no, they plan to attack your home sir, and take a young woman you have in your possession.” The hologram said, more like spluttered, for he couldn’t seem to string his thoughts together. Out of fear no doubt, for Chubbob was a very formidable man who inspired it.

  “And how have you come to know this?” he asked the hologram image, regarding it with a baleful look.

  The further agitated man continued, “I heard it being discussed on my ship, sir. You have been tracked from Polentia, and they, we are heading your way fast.”

  “They are coming for the girl, you say?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Very well then. Consider your debt half settled.”

  “Thank you my---” the hologram man started to say something, but Chubbob cut him off with the click of a button.

  He leaped up from his chair and began pacing the room with his eyes bugging from their sockets. He was boiling with rage. Somebody dared to think of coming to his house to attack him.

  “Coming to rescue Helena they are. My prized possession, my newest acquisition! Oh, but they can’t.” He muttered like a mad man to himself.

  Slowly, his face pulled into something that could be likened to a grin. He spoke to his reflection again “How about we seal the deal tonight? The bitch is done with her womanly issue; I can finally have my way.”

  As if something else had crossed his mind, he deviated, “No, my plan is to break her, to tame her. I must come up with something else. I will lose.”

  After his rant, he sat back in his chair and started devising a new mode of operation. He had to fortify his Island against an attack so that no matter what happens, no invader would leaveIstor alive. He contacted his chief security officer, a Malakia, one of the toughest aliens in the entire galaxy. He informed him about the guests they were expecting and gave him very specific instructions.

  After that, he rose to prepare his room for Helena. She was in for a treat.

  Chubbob stopped to admire his handiwork and smiled maliciously.

  He had fixed a pole in the room, as well as a disco light. On a shelf lay an array of whips and cuffs¬--hand and leg. A very magnificent video recorder stood facing the room, positioned to capture every angle. Of course, he had his security camera but he wanted Helena to know she was being recorded. Three women knelt at one side of the room, naked and waiting for his command.

  This is going to be so much fun, he thought to himself.

  He could have had one of his servants prepare the room for him; it wouldn’t be the first time. But he relished in the power he felt while gathering all of his ‘playthings.' It made him feel in charge- more in charge than the usual and as a bonus did amazing things for his libido.

  He had not always been such a despicable creature; he was milder at some point. But nobody liked him because of his looks. Nobody wanted him, period. He then decided to take out all his anger on women, beautiful women.They were so proud, so haughty and needed to be brought down a peg. At first, he would take any woman he could find. He would visit whore houses in the very far planets where such was available. But he never felt entirely satisfied as he couldn’t express the full extent of his rage and cruelty.

  Xander gave him a better option and because he was wealthy, he always bid the highest and could have any woman he so desired.

  I desire you, Helena, he thought to himself, and his massive erection was a testament of that.

  Chapter Five

  Helena was looking out the window when the little girl came with her food.

  I don’t even know her name, she thought to herself. She thought of the possible horrors the girl had faced in this realm of madness.

  “What is your name?” Helena asked the girl softly.

  The little girl raised her head up slowly, her eyes showing surprise at being spoken to in a kind manner.

  “Joel.” was all she said.

  Lovely name for a lovely girl, Helena thought, for the girl was stunning.

  She was not sure the girl would entertain any more questions, but it was nice having someone to talk to apart from Cora, so she tried, “How old are you, and how did you come to serve here?” she asked Joel. But she just went on with her task of setting down the dishes she brought in with her, ignoring Helena’s question.

  Just when Helena turned to continue looking out the window, accepting the fact that the girl didn’t want to talk, she heard her say “I am 15 years old, and I’m a cross between a human and an alien of a species I know nothing of.

  Helena was surprised at this extra bit of information, but the girl was not done.“The alien was my father, but I never met him and my mother never spoke of him. I was brought here when I was 13, along with my mom. We were kidnapped from our home planet. I was the only child who was taken; the others were killed.”

  She paused for a minute, probably to compose herself.

  “Master Chubbob bought I and my mother. You see, and then, I had a fire brand tongue, as opposed to my mom’s gentle demeanor. So, when he brought us here, I threw insults at him and called him every horrible name I could think of, which was a lot. You know what he did?”

  It was as if a dam had been and the girl had to say everything was taking residence inside of her. She regarded Helena with eyes full of so much anguish it took everything not to pull her in for a hug because she felt the girl might not appreciate it. So, she only shook her head and replied “No.”

  “He just smiled at me and said we are going to have to teach you some respect.And then he made me watch.”

  “Watch what?” Helena asked, slightly confused. Surely, it couldn’t be what she was thinking.

  “He made me watch him defile my mother. He forced me to watch every day for a year.”

  Helena gasped in surprise, and her hand flew to her heart “By the gods!” she said without conscious thought.


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