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Erotica: Beyond: Dark Action Romance Paranormal Thriller (Adventure Demon Humor International Interracial Mystery Short Stories)

Page 11

by Iaz Grant

  And with that, he threw her roughly on the bed,“How about we have our fun and invite the others later.”Helena’s heart did a double time. Whatever arousal she felt was immediately doused, and fear returned in capacity, to take its place.I will not cry, I will not cry, I WILL not cry. Like it was a lifeline to hold onto, she kept on chanting it in her head.She didn’t even realize that she had shut her eyes until she heard a snarling sound and her eyes flew open.

  “You will keep your eyes open, and watch what I do to you.” he breathed into her ears, burning her face slightly with his hot breath.

  She watched in horror as he used one hand to stroke himself, and the other to spread her legs wide. He looked at her with a smile on his ghoulish face as he guided the head of his penis into her vagina. Helena held her breath, for a time no longer held meaning for her and waited for the pain that was usually talked about by ladies who had taken men before.But, it never came. Chubbob didn’t fully penetrate her yet. No doubt he was trying to prolong the moment of her humiliation. Just as he was ready to penetrate again, a man barged in, and Helena could hear a scream.

  “They are here!!” Right before Helena’s eyes, a bullet hit Chubbob in the side, throwing him off balance.

  A burst of hope went through her. She knew without a doubt it was Zebb. He had finally come to her. She wasn’t going to roll over and die now; she was never going to let that beast touch her again. The tables had turned, and it seemed like the odds were in her favor now! Seizing on the opportunity that presented itself with Chubbob being distracted, she kicked him hard in the groin and struggled to get out of the bed. The blow had the desired effect, and he yelped sharply in pain but unfortunately for her, he was quick on his feet. A lot faster than one would expect from a man of his build.

  “You bitch,” he snarled, “I will teach you not to do that ever.” With that, he flung her hard against one of the walls in the room.She lost consciousness the moment her head connected with the wall. As the light died from her eyes, she felt a strange peace wash over her and went with it.

  “Damn it, damn it, damn it!!” He screamed out loud and went to his inner chambers to ready himself for battle.

  I will make them all pay.He thought to himself. I will litter the whole galaxy with their corpse!

  Zebb and his crew got more than they had bargained for. It was not a walk in the park as Tyler had predicted and it seemed like they were expected. The ground security had been tight, and it looked like he had hired mercenaries.Well paid ones, at that, judging from the type of weapons they had.

  “How could he have known we would be coming?” Karliah ground out between her teeth, her frustration with the situation evident in her voice.

  Zebb replied through the device in her ear. “I think we have a leak, someone from the inside. That is the only plausible explanation for this.”

  “Well, that better not be the case because if I lay my hands on such a person, he would wish he had never been born.”

  At that moment, Zebb heard a voice scream in agony. There was no way a human or even a member of a recognized species would make such a sound, so it had to be Chubbob himself. With sheer force of will, Zebb fought through the sea of human obstacles between him and the source of that sound. The path took him through a hallway straight to a room he knew no doubt Chubbob’s private chamber. He remembered it from the footage he saw. The memory of that footage sent fits of white hot rage over him, and he was fueled with even more hatred.

  His mind was on the numerous possible ways to kill the monster and make it last for a long time when his eyes fell on Helena’s limp body on the floor. He felt like he could hear his world shatter at his feet. He couldn’t move towards her body, neither could he move backward. He just stood there, frozen in time, hoping it was some terrible joke, and any moment now, someone would jump out from behind the curtain and call the bad joke.

  But, nothing of such happened. This was real, and he felt more than hear Karliah and Sordara arrive on the scene. He heard their sharp intake of breath when they saw Helena. His world was over, that much he knew. Even though they hadn’t been together, at least, he could see her, breathe the same air as her and touch her. But now…, she was just gone.

  “Well, well, well…kind of you three to join the party.” Chubbob announced as he entered the room through a hidden door that wasn’t immediately seen on entering the room.

  Immediately, three vaporizers were pointed at him. Any wrong move and he could lose his head. Smiling at a private joke only he understood, he clicked a button on his wristwatch and disappeared. He went poof. The disappearing act happened so fast that the three of them didn’t have enough time to process it.

  “Damn it,” Karliah erupted “he has a teleportation device. I didn’t see that one coming; there is absolutely no way to know where he went to.”

  Zebb ignored her and every other thing happening. All he could think about was Helena. His fight had been for nothing, and his hope was buried. He walked towards her body, lost and bereft. As he lowered himself beside her and held her, he felt a fluttering pulse on her wrist. She wasn’t dead! The shy fluttery pulse was the most beautiful thing he had ever felt for his wife. And it re-birthed his hope. All was not lost yet.

  Chapter Nine

  Helena heard her name as though it were coming from a very far distance.

  She recognized the voice, but her brain was too mushy to place it. Now, the voice was pleading with her to open her eyes. Even she desperately wanted to open her eyes, if only to ease the pain she heard in that voice but try as she told herself to, she just couldn’t. She felt as if lead bars were holding her lids down.There was so much tranquility here and she felt peaceful just floating around in her present state.

  “Helena? Please, baby, wake up.” The voice was always needling her and disturbing her found peace.

  Finally, Helena came to. When her eyes cleared, she found herself gazing into Zebb’s eyes, eyes like melted caramel and the most beautiful she had ever seen. He had been crying, she could tell. As she stared into his eyes and him into hers, she finally found her anchor- Her reason to live.

  “Let’s go home baby,” he said as he lifted her into his strong arms. Then, they were back on the Juliet Seven and home bound.

  Zebb didn’t lose any of his men, but Tyler was severely injured. He had been fool enough to find a crack in the security allowing him to find his way to Chubbob’s room ahead of the rest of them. That single shot fired might have saved Helena’s life and for that, Zebb would eternally be grateful. They had lost five men who came to Dave. The good men whose sacrifice would never be forgotten. Lieutenant Dave’s ship had gone ahead of the Juliet Seven, so as to make preparations to give the dead a befitting burial.

  Even with the pall, the death of some of their men cast at the moment, Zebb was undeniably a happy man. He finally had her back, safe and sound. The general mood on the ship was that of relief, now they were done with this terrible occurrence and could move on to something else.

  The only thing that threatened to destroy his feeling of happiness and peace was the thought of Chubbob. After retrieving Helena and making sure she was safe, he had taken a couple of men and raked the entire area in search of him, but their search had proved futile. He knew without a doubt that wasn’t the last they would of him. He would make a comeback, men like them always did. But that was a worry for another day, and he wouldn’t dwell on it now.

  The other thought that kept nibbling on his mind and wouldn’t let go was the thought of where the leak had emanated from. He trusted his men with his life; they wouldn’t betray him. His gut also told him it wasn’t Sordara; there was nothing in it for her, and moreover, she didn’t come across as that kind of a person. That left him with Dave’s men, which of them could it be? Such persons had no space in the military.

  He would save the thoughts for later, and do something about it.

  With that, he closed his eyes to sleep. And for the first time in what felt like for
ever, he didn’t have nightmares.

  Chapter Ten

  It had been a week since she was rescued from Istor.

  It had been a week rife with agonizing nightmares, panic attacks, and a general unsafe feeling. Her father had brought in the best doctors to tend to her, but it didn’t do her a lot of good.

  She couldn’t bear to look at herself in the mirror; it brought back unpleasant memories so she had all her mirrors boarded up. She wasn’t eating much, she wasn’t sleeping much and the resulting effect was a thin and pale lady, the shell of the former Helena. It didn’t help matters that Chubbob was still at large and very much unaccounted for. Her father had increased her security details with men handpicked by Zebb.

  Zebb, who was her knight in shining armor. The only one who didn’t give up on finding her even when it seemed everyone else had, and who had taken it upon himself to help her get through this time in her life.

  “Come in,” She said in reply to a knock on the door.

  “Captain Zebb is here to see you ma’am.” the maid said.

  “Tell him I will be with him shortly.” Helena said to her.

  When the door closed behind the lady, she pulled a shawl over her thin shoulders and her hair into a ponytail before she went down to meet Zebb.

  He was waiting for her, and he wasn’t alone, Sordara was with him. This was the first time she would see her friend since Polentia as she had been swept off to training camp upon their arrival at Station 582 in preparation for her joining the military. She had decided to stay and build a life here. Sordana could not contain her joy at seeing Helena, and she rushed forward and pulled her into a hug. Helena returned the hug; she was happy to see Sordana too.

  “I’ll leave you ladies to it then.”Zebb interrupted, excusing himself.

  Helena and Sordara spent the entire day together talking about everything, including their experience. Helena related how angry she was at herself for the lustful feelings she felt during the whole roller coaster journey.

  In reply to her confession, Sordara said, “Lust and commonsense don’t necessarily go hand in hand. There are times when we have no control over what our body desires, and I’m not just talking about sex now.” Then, going to the heart of the matter, she took Helena’s hands in hers and looked her in the eye, “You cannot continue to hate yourself for your actions, or inactions. You shouldn’t give Xander and Chubbob such control over your life. If you do, you continue to help them win. You are made of more than a single happening in your life, Helena, so much more.”

  That was probably the most she had heard Sordara say at once and her words resonated with Helena. They had taken her pride; they couldn’t have her self-respect too.


  Tyler was recovering well and had already been declared past the critical stage by the doctors. Zebb went in to see him as much as possible. Surprisingly, even Karliah did.

  On a particularly good day when he was with Tyler and they were chatting, he mentioned the suspected leak back at Istor.

  “You are certain there was a leak, Captain?” Tyler asked skeptically.

  “Well, how then do you explain the fact that Chubbob knew of our coming and the prepared welcome he had in wait for us.”

  Tyler mulled over this piece of information and indeed, it made sense to him. There really was no other way Chubbob could have known they were coming.

  “I fear he will launch an attack here, and the only way to do that successfully would be with inside help, considering he has no army anymore. I cannot have that snitch in here; the consequences would be far-reaching. I need you to fish out the traitor as soon as you’re well enough, Tyler.”

  “Certainly, Captain.”


  Helena and Zebb were outdoors taking a walk in the garden.

  She was filled with a renewed sense of purpose. He could tell from the rosy tint of her cheek and the light that was beginning to return to her eyes. The visit from Sordara had been good for her. He didn’t know what the woman had said to her to get her out of the funk she was in, but he was grateful nonetheless.

  “Sordara said she joined the military.” He had been lost in his thoughts. They both had in, just reveling in the pleasure of the garden and nature.

  “Yes, she did, she is an incredibly courageous woman.” he replied, his admiration for Sordara evident in his tone.”

  “That she is,” Helena said, nodding her head in the affirmative. “Let’s sit by the pond, it is a beautiful day.”

  The day was perfect, and he had Helena sitting next to him, her face turned up to the sky and a rather contented look on her face. He ached to pour out his heart to her, to tell her the true extent of his feelings for her, tell her how beautiful she was and how his life held no meaning without her in it. He wanted to open the floodgate of all the emotions he had kept bottled up for a long time. But one look at her and he knew he couldn’t, not at the moment anyway. He couldn’t do it, not because he was afraid to tell her how he felt but because he was afraid she wasn’t ready, and he didn’t want to hurt her. She had been through so much already. And well, there is tomorrow.

  “Zebb, how do you move on from doing something despicable? How do you build your life back and live with yourself afterward? Helena’s voice broke into his reverie.

  He wished he could take away her pain physically and bear it. She was hurting so much, and it killed him there wasn’t anything he could do about it. “I don’t think it’s possible to simply move on. Most probably I did what I did as a means of survival, and if the need arises again, I would probably make the same choices. You just have to own mistakes, and take a stand against them dictating your life. You just have to let things go.” He was awkward with advisory roles, but he wanted to help her. Even to his ears, his reply didn’t make a lot of sense, but it seemed to make sense to her because she smiled.

  Maybe she couldn’t be his today, but she would be someday. He would be with her every step of this journey to recovery. Perhaps, in time, she would see how much he loved her. One thing was for sure, this love was worth fighting for, and he would give his life to protect it, and her.

  ----- END OF BOOK 3 -----

  Werewolf Shifters

  Werewolf Shifters Series

  Vivia Fleckenstein

  Copyright © 2016 by Vivia Fleckenstein

  All rights reserved. No part of this guide may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  Published by Grant Publishing

  Possessed by Him

  Most people loved her because of her kindness and sweet innocence. This is why she couldn’t understand who could hate her that much to do this to her. It was only by chance that she was still alive.

  Jenny woke up on the wet ground. One of her friends, Tom, found her there and brought her to the hospital. The last thing she remembered was walking back home from work when she felt a strong blow behind her head. Her clothes were all wet because of the rain and she had mud mixed with blood in her hair. All she wanted was to get home under a hot shower. She suspected it was one of the werewolf shifters. Everybody knew of their existence but they used to stay hidden. Whenever a human saw one of them, he had a good story to tell for years. Lately though they want their own place in the society and they often make their presence known. This is not without conflicts between humans and these shifter clans. The acts of violence that took place lately in Chicago made Jen suspect one of them attacked her too. She had absolutely no enemies.

  Meeting the Shifter

  All her neighbors and friends loved her bubbly personality and kind spirit. It took a few days for her wound to heal but she was still not ready to get back to her waitressing job. She loved her work because she got to be around people. Both her parents died in a car accident when she was a baby. Her grandparents raised her but now they were gone too. She was alone in the world and this is why she tried to fill her time with w
ork. It felt less lonely. Since she got attacked however, she was too scared to leave the house. Not knowing her enemy was worse than anything. Jen didn’t want to look over her shoulder every time she left the house.


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