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Erotica: Beyond: Dark Action Romance Paranormal Thriller (Adventure Demon Humor International Interracial Mystery Short Stories)

Page 19

by Iaz Grant

  Since Serena was getting closer to him and was actually talking to him about things other than her family, he got his hopes up. Maybe, just maybe, she was falling in love with him too. Stephan was sure she was the one. At first, he promised to tell the truth in court and not send her husband to jail. That was a lie though. It was his way to make her give him a chance. He wanted to show her how good he could be to her. Letting her husband free though was not an option. He was actually getting anxious that the trial was taking so much time. With Liam in freedom, Stephan did not trust Serena. He would always have to check on her and make sure she wasn’t planning to get back to him. Her love for him was obvious.

  The one thing that made him really happy was that she didn’t mention his trial anymore. She almost gave the impression that she didn’t care very much what happened to Liam. This made him finally talk. Luckily, the recorder was on too. While he was talking about how he framed Liam, Serena could hear her heart beating faster and faster. She finally did it. The proof to save her husband was in her purse. Serena did not waste a minute more with Stephan. She made up an emergency with her kids and hurried back home. When Liam saw the big smile on her face he knew she succeeded.

  “Call the lawyer honey! You are saved!”

  As soon as Liam was in the clear, Serena had the chance to tell him exactly what she thought about him. He was so sad to lose her that he even cried and begged her to forgive him. He promised to give her millions of dollars only to accept to be his wife. Serena told her she was not for sale and that was the last time he ever heard from her.

  After this experience, her mom offered to help more with the children and Serena decided to look for a serious job too. She wasn’t going to let the heavy burden only on her husband’s shoulders. With two full time jobs they could have a decent life. In the mean time they had to move into a small apartment. After experiencing life in that huge villa, Serena was happy to enjoy a small cozy home together with her family. Stephan’s house was almost like a small castle. He had a lot of servants and he was always surrounded by people but yet he was so lonely. All those people were paid to be there. He did not have one person in his life that cared about him. Her first instinct would had been to pity him. However, now she knew he was lonely because he chose this. He was used to get his way and to buy people. If it wasn’t for her, he probably would had sent an innocent man to jail. She wondered if it was the first time this happened. Liam didn’t like to talk about him and in time, Serena forgot all about Stephan.

  It took Stephan a couple of months and a lot of women to get over Serena. In the end though, something good came out of this. He could see how much love a woman can have for a man and he decided to find what Liam and Serena had. It was time to say good bye to short-term relationships and to start a family. Two years later he found what he was looking for. By then he changed a lot. The moment he stopped treating people like objects he was amazed by the love he received back. He had Serena to thank for all this. She never replied to his messages anymore and to clear his conscience, he sent a letter to Liam.

  “Dear Liam,

  I am so sorry for everything I did to you and your family. I admit it was all out of jealousy. I wanted what you had and I thought I could just take it. I never really had to work for anything and now I see how wrong I was. I hope that you can forgive me. I also want to thank you both because you taught me an important lesson. Now I am ready to find real love and start my own family. I wish you all the happiness in the world.

  Please let me know if you ever need anything,


  Of course they never reached out to him to ask for something but it was nice to read that letter. They were glad he had something to learn from his mistake. Liam could had sued Stephan too for what he did to him but he refused to do so. His family had been through enough already. He feared a new trial could hurt them even more. Another reason for his decision was that he didn’t have the heart to do it. After reading that letter he hoped that Stephan really changed. If he had the power to change a person in good, that was more than enough reward for him. Serena agreed with him in that matter. She wasn’t the type to look for revenge either. She was too happy to have everything back to normal and her husband safe at home. All the other things seemed so insignificant.

  ------- The End -------

  The Louvre

  The Louvre Series: Book 1

  Vivia Fleckenstein

  Copyright © 2016 by Vivia Fleckenstein

  All rights reserved. No part of this guide may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  Published by Grant Publishing


  The sweet smell of the flowers and the sweet music of the night creatures was a powerful aphrodisiac. There was a mystery in the air that defies tackling. Perhaps, because tonight was a full, round, blue moon. The mist was thick and the breeze was gentle. Enough men were about to apprise one of their existence in this land. And Tanya was well aware of them.

  Tanya so loved the world of men. It was the world where all kinds of creatures could be seen; the Sidhe, the Fairies, Tiens, Duende, Goblins and even earth-loving Encantados like herself. The earth was a harmony of creatures come together as one and living side by side, one complimenting the other instead of the other way round.

  Not only did Tanya love their world, but Tanya also loved men. As she strolled around in the woods, listening to the fairies' music as they worshiped the night, she made sure to walk near the edge where a few men and women were sure to come by. It wasn't that Albion was not safe, far from it; Albion was as safe as Encante, her homeland. Tanya walked close to the edge of the woods so she could always encounter a man or two with whom she could exchange pleasantries.

  In her if-somewhat-biased opinion, men were the best of creatures. They were not selfish with their world and allowed all other creatures to dwell with them. Unlike her own world where all were strictly Encantados; not that any other being could survive there anyway, not without the special intervention of their supreme ruler. The secret of this was unknown to any other race. A protective measure so to say. How hypocritical, Tanya thought disdainfully, turning up her pert little nose. The Encantados were wont to come out of their underwater home to earth and become beautiful women but didn’t want other creatures in their home. Selfish too, she silently added.

  Men were also friendly. Tanya had watched them since she had been coming to earth and she knew her love for land was mostly based on the attribute that men had no hierarchy of existence. They treated each other and other creatures alike. In her world, there was a hierarchy she never understood. Shaking her head, she sent this thought flying out of her head. There is none of that here, she thought. Here, men greet and welcome you like you were part of them; they gave a bed and meal to the hungry wayfarer and homeless, like herself. You could talk to them and expect to be heard.

  She could go on and on about their wholesome qualities and never be tired. Unlike the Goblins who loved nothing more than a good laugh at the expense of others; the Duende, who seeks only to destroy all things good. The Erlking whose power to lure to destruction is as high as to cause them being hunted and caged down, men were ever hospitable, chivalrous and accommodating of all. Here on earth, Tanya found succour.

  Another aspect of the human world Tanya fell in love with years ago was the yearly tourney that usually had a fair mix of humans and other curious creatures, battling for the excellent price of the Louvre. The Louvre is the only potion in the world of human and fairies that could make a man or any other creature live on earth for eternity, and more useful is it that it can be shared by two lovers. To Tanya, the Louvre is a must get, for with it alone could she continue her existence here on earth without the necessity of going back to her homeland underwater.

  The tourney usually had participants of a male fighter and a female cheer that assisted her male in all ki
nds of dangerous tasks until the ultimate goal of victory is achieved. The tasks in the tourney always involved having to kill a malevolent Duende and Erkling breed who is a monstrous goblin-like creature that lures the fighters to sleep until he can eat them raw. Suffice is to say that in all the tourneys, no victory had ever been achieved.

  This would be my fourth year as a spectator, Tanya thought as she kicked up a few fallen petals with her bare feet. Not that she was willing to be a spectator this year around. No, that wouldn't do. This year, Tanya wanted the Louvre too. She wasn't in love, and she wasn't meaning to go around falling in love but she was willing to prove everyone wrong that the final stage could be passed without that little 'love' glitch. Knowing quite well that no one had ever reached the final phase of the tourney, she was at a loss at how her goal could be actualized.

  What she needed was a plan; one that was already taking shape in her head.

  As Tanya arrived at the little cottage where the young farmer and his wife lived, she put a little jog in her steps. She had been staying with them for a quite a while. It was a beautiful night, and she made good use of it, strolling and listening to the music that came with the night. She had soon lost track of time and now hoped the good couple hadn't retired for the night. It was time to leave, and she wanted to bid the couple a good night and appreciate them before she hit the road. The call of the road was one she couldn't ignore for long. She wondered if she would ever be domesticated and docile like the wives she had encountered on her sojourn through the earth.

  As she entered the cottage, she saw the lit fire and relaxed; they hadn’t retired for the night. Staying with the couple for well over two weeks and she could already dictate their routine. This was one serene couple who never longed for adventure or travels; they had eyes only for each other. They should be out in the back, she said to herself.

  Going from the cottage and out back, she heard the farmer talking to his wife, Maya. She heard her name and inched closer to hear.

  "She is such a restless one," He said.

  “I am sure she would want to leave sometime soon.” Said, the wife. “I wish she would find a good man and settle down. It would do her wandering spirit a whole lot of good.” She added wistfully.

  Tanya craned her neck around the door of the kitchen where she stood and grinned. They were in each other’s arms like she imagined they would be.

  “Should we introduce her to your cousin, Marvin? Set them together? He would love her good nature and humour.”

  Tanya could see Maya was already nodding her head in the light of the full moon, and she decided she has heard enough. Set her with a man? She almost laughed out loud at the thought. Those two only thought of love for all, such wonderful couple, bless their kind soul. However, such was not made for her.

  "There is no need for that, I am afraid," She interjected, walking smoothly towards the couple.

  They were in their lush garden, seated tightly on the green grass to each other that if one did not look closely enough in the dark, one would think them to be one individual. Maya was a short, dark woman and her husband, Tan, was very tall and fair making them the odd couple. Tonight, it seemed like they felt the magic of the night too and had ventured out into the garden to bask in it.

  “Tanya. Have you been back long?” Maya asked guiltily, making no move to leave the embrace of her husband.

  “I only just got here.” She lied.

  “We think it would be good if you met with Marvin. He is a good man and maybe…” Tan said, letting the rest trail off. He was a man of few words who wasted no time in going to the heart of the matter.

  Tanya rolled her eyes, grateful for the cover of the dark and the safe distance she stood from their love nest.

  "That would be a lovely suggestion. But I came to tell you that I leave on the morrow." She chirped. Thankfully, she already decided to leave, this would have spurred her to if she hadn't.

  "Oh! So soon? We were only starting to feel like you were one of us." Maya said. Her disappointment was evident in her voice.

  "Maya," Tan chided, "Don't sound so disappointed. We knew she was the restless type the moment we set eyes on her. It is to be expected that she would soon leave."

  “But couldn’t you just stay a bit longer?” she asked, turning soulful eyes to Tanya.

  Tanya sighed and dropped unceremoniously down on the lush carpet of grass beside the couple. This was going to be hard. She had come to like and respect the couple, especially the good-natured young wife who saw life and good in everything.

  “I can’t, I am sorry. I feel like I will fall ill if I don’t get going soon.”

  This was true. Whenever she felt like wandering and ignored the feeling, she soon fell ill. She always wondered at this and thought to ask other Encantados if she happened to meet any one of them here on earth. They could recognize each other quickly enough even in the human flesh. Only the humans couldn't understand they were none other than human.

  “Well, we can’t hold you down here forever, can we?” said Tan.

  He was rubbing the length of Maya's arm and was whispering into her ears, probably to console her. Maya was soon nodding her head and agreeing to whatever it was he was saying.

  Tanya rolled her eyes a second time tonight. She hoped the couple would always be this happy. They were sweet to watch and sometimes gave her a bittersweet feeling. Shaking herself, she set her mind on her journey tomorrow. If the fates were kind, she would meet someone else like this couple where she could rest her head when the night falls.

  And if the fates were to actually help her, she would meet a man who would fits her requirements perfectly. She wondered if such man even existed and if he actually does, where would he be found?


  The voices in the tavern were boisterous. There were men and women alike in the large round hut that mostly catered to wayfarers. The inn, simply called The Hut, was set right in the middle of the road that it would take only a blind creature not to see it. Its location was on the outskirts of Albion; a prime point of intersection to about four other counties. Due to this convenient location, it had a steady flow of customers.

  This time was no exception. All kinds of creatures were currently at the tavern, mingling and fraternizing. Even the members of staff were of various races. The bartenders were goblins mixing drinks and chatting up those at the bar. The servers were beautiful female humans who delighted the male clientele with their exposed bodies and natural ways. There was a music band at the corner, and this was the central attraction of the tavern; delightful music always emanated from this corner from the sonorous voices of the Fairies.

  At The Hut, there was more than a little bit of everything, thereby creating a jamboree of sorts that attracted customers like flies. The atmosphere was always one of friendly companionship as you would always find your kind, no matter the breed or race; all sorts of half-breeds and cross breeds which can be found in a respective location can be found exclusively at The Hut. Another potent attraction was that at The Hut, one could catch up on the news, gossips and rumours going on in all parts of existence. Simply put, you couldn't have it any better anywhere else.

  Tonight, the predominant words on the lips of all were ‘tourney’ and ‘Louvre’. This year’s tourney was coming by and everyone was preoccupied with either being a spectator or being one of the participants. Abel Dante was not concerned in one way or the other. He couldn’t see a reason to go for a tourney where there always was no winner. Year in, year out, tons of creatures in the universe gather at Queen Zanna’s court for the tourney but the same result emerges always. The Louvre had never been won by anybody; man, Fairy, Duende, Erlking, Goblin or Encantado. So, why bother? Abel thought.

  Well, he could think of a reason to bother, he thought grimly as he downed his drink. That reason was why he was going for the tourney for the first, and he hoped, the last time despite his reservations about it. Not only would he go, but he would also r
egister and become a participant. However, unlike many, winning was not his ultimate aim, he had his eyes set on one sole goal and such mundane things as winning the Louvre, which none had before doesn't even begin to feature at all.


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