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Erotica: Beyond: Dark Action Romance Paranormal Thriller (Adventure Demon Humor International Interracial Mystery Short Stories)

Page 25

by Iaz Grant

  “You naughty boy.” She thought to herself.

  She knew Abel had always sexually been after her, but she never imagined that he would be this aroused, even when he was drunk. She disregarded this away from her head and thought about the first time that Abel had touched her instead. She remembered that she had blamed the wood fairies then, but it was never about the wood fairies, was it?

  She had always been attracted to Abel, and it just took a little bit of time for her to accept the truth.

  "Let me touch you, my gentle lover," She whispered to him to him in the Encantado tongue.

  She knew that her tongue would make him very active. In fact, whispering into the ears of humans as an Encantado can send some men raving mad with lust. They would want nothing but to stick their hungry dicks in any clit. This time around, she was here, and Abel was to want nobody but her.

  Meanwhile, as she whispered into his ears, he was up for a second and was look at her blindly. It was as if he could see her but he is silently waiting for her to make her move.

  “On the bed, my lover.” She directed him.

  He walked with her to the bed and slide gently on it, facing up.

  She laughed at the way he was happy to let her satisfy him. She wasn't controlling him, though; she was only reading his mind and fulfilling everything he could ever dream of.

  She got on him as he laid on the bed and bent to whisper in his ear again.

  “How do you want this to go?” She asked him.

  A lazy smile crept across his face and he closed his eyes as if he was struggling to keep them open. Whereas, Tanya could still feel his hardness in her abdomen. The thickness was gradually pushing higher and deeper into her skin.

  He opened his eyes and then forced another lazy smile.

  “Touch me, Tanya. Then, I want your mouth on my dick before I finally take you as mine.”

  Tanya gasped and blushed at the same time. What has he been thinking all these while? She wondered. She couldn’t just start to imagine everything else that he still wanted her to do to him, or do to her. Meanwhile, she felt like teasing him with he wanted. Well, he wants something that crazy? She was going to give him more than crazy.

  “Take me as yours?” She teased him, already helping with his trousers. She pulled it off afterwards and finally saw his hard dick.

  Again, this was something about him that seemed more beautiful than some of the things she had ever set her eyes on. Well, she does like something as thick and warm as his dick. She had to wrap her entire fingers around it to hold it firm.

  She went back to his ears and whispered there again.

  “Okay, you have one big dick.”

  Then she glanced at it again and couldn’t hold back the rest of the words.

  “With this, I can think of nothing else but putting it in my mouth and feeling it inside me too.”

  It was the truth. Seeing him so hard was already sending her fast towards release. She wanted him inside her so bad, yet she wanted to do some other things first.

  “You were mine from the first time you claimed to be my cheer," Abel whispered, finally answering her question.

  She couldn’t help it anymore. She sure wants to do everything to him at the moment. His words just made doing it simpler and pleasurable.

  "Yes, I am your cheer," She whispered.

  She went down then and first held his dick in her hand. She could feel the veins on it come alive as her fingers circled it. On reflex, her fingers began to slide back and forth, and it only made him thicker and harder. Eventually, she could hear him groan as he called her name.


  “I am right here, my lover.” She silenced him.

  Knowing why he was calling her name already, she bent her head and took his dick into her mouth. He tasted like salt down there, and it was as if Tanya was back in her world. She was quickly reminded of the deep salty sea that was the world where most of the Encantando came from.

  As she sucked him, she could feel his dick become tighter every second, and it was just funny that her clit was reacting by tingling her. She so wanted something inside her and fast. Still controlling it, she focused her Encantado energy on what she was still doing.

  Abel was now meeting the movement of her mouth with a movement of his hips too. He started arching his waist slowly at first and seemed to increase it after a while. Soon, it seemed as if he was thrusting up into her mouth with each passing time. She enjoyed the penetration into her mouth though and found herself even moving her head with such a rhythm.

  She felt as if she could choke with the width of his dick and the strength that is being used to push it higher into her mouth. Opening her mouth wider, she swallowed him whole as he arched his waist again and she smiled as she heard him groan. She imagined the full sense of pleasure that would have surged from his dick to his brain cells. With the kind of mood that her Encantado tongue had awakened in him, she knew he was having the kind of pleasure any human couldn't dream of.

  To show for it, his fingers clutched her hair and began to guide it to swallow him more. He was no longer moving his hips and waist but was sleeping helping her to pout her mouth around his dick and then pull it out again.

  “Come here.” Abel suddenly groans, surprising Tanya.

  He pulled her up too fast, and she was staring straight into his eyes in a split second. His eyes were no longer looking at her lazily. He seemed fully awake and completely aroused for her. She saw the madness in those eyes and was suddenly afraid of what Abel was going to do to her. She knew he was now entirely conscious and might have been for a while now.

  “I want you NOW.” He groaned.

  His words were surely not a request but a command. He wasn't turning or trying to change position, though. He even didn't help her with her dress. He simply reached beneath her gown with his hand and swooped them up, making her sit on his naked laps while the wide hem of the dress covered her naked laps as well.

  “Now, what are you waiting for?” He asked impatiently.

  She jolted, totally unaware that he was still giving her the chance to do everything she wanted. Taking the cue, she reached under her dress and found his hard dick. Immediately, she guided it towards her warm clit and slid it gently in.

  “So tight!” She heard him moan appreciatively.

  She knew that he was big but she hadn’t imagined that he would be too big for her. Her clit hung around his dick so tight that it hurt and pleasured her at the same time. She embraced the pain so quickly and found herself moving in and out of him with such inexplicable speed.

  “This is what I wanted!” She cried out, still moving fast.

  Again, she said those words, bus silently to herself. Though it has been a short period since she met Abel, she felt he was right for her. He was the kind of man that made her mad with lust from the first time that he set eyes on her. More so, he told the truth about how he felt about her, and she was so curious now whether he loved her.

  But why love?

  Tanya gasped at her thought and at the way her climax was coming to a peak with a few seconds. Fighting the urge to admit that she might be in love with Abel completely already and holding back her climax altogether, Tanya began a series of a whisper in the Encantado tongue and still couldn't believe that her orgasm was building up fast.

  I want this to last forever! She wished she could scream these words out, but she could hardly do anything but move up and down, enjoying the feel of having Abel continuously inside her. She moaned, enjoying every hit of her flesh on his thighs while Abel just groaned uncontrollably too.

  His groaning was becoming louder and she understood that he was fighting back the climax too. Knowing this gave her a new strength and she renewed her movement. She bent forward towards him and began to nib on his ears while her ass still went up and down taking every force of his dick in.

  The climax came rushing through all her body like a lightning bolt. A new energy flowed through her body and seemed to p
ass on to Abel's. She could feel him vibrate too as he held on to her ass, still forcing himself in and out until he just couldn’t anymore. Tanya had felt the vibration take over everything else until she found herself spread all over Abel’s chest, unable to move or say anything.

  "That was magical," Abel whispered into her ears.

  She wanted to tell him that he had no idea but something impossible got her attention before she could. She could feel Abel’s dick rising to full height again and it was still inside her.

  “Care to do whatever you did all over again?” Abel asked her, looking weirdly into her eyes.

  Smiling, Tanya understood that the monster she had awoken in him through her supernatural tongue wasn’t through with her yet. Luckily, she was strong enough for whatever he could dish her way.

  “What do you want me to do?” She asked Abel, already moving her hips and waist and gladly letting him wholly into her clit all over again.

  "You know," Abel whispered back.

  The funny thing was that she knew without him saying anything.


  They both woke up to the hard knocks of Brokk and Fira at the door. Abel did not bother with a cloth and just went to fling open the door. Tanya gasped and ducked under the sheets. She peeked out to see Brokk’s hands over Fira’s eyes and a smug grin on his face. She still went deeper into the sheets.

  “Come out of there, Tanya, we see you under the sheets already.”

  Tanya sighed and plucked out her head. She wrapped the sheets around her body and got out of the bed taking a towel with her to wrap around Abel’s waist. He was still looking well sated from the bout of sex they had all night even when the effect of the spirits wore off.

  "Good morning," She said to no one in particular.

  “Morning to you both. It has been a while since the owls came in but when we saw you didn’t pick up your letter, we came to tell you.” Brokk said, the grin still on his face.

  Fira was looking as smug as he was and it was all Tanya could do not to stick out her tongue at them. They were both acting like it was all their idea.

  “What owls?” Abel asked.

  "The owls that came with your sheet of oath for the tourney," Fira exclaimed. "We just got ours. Here is yours." She said, handing a blue envelope to Abel.

  “Already? But how did….?”

  “Oh! Never mind that, Queen Zanna has her ways. Just read it!” Fira said excitedly.

  The envelope was sealed with the royal wax and bore the signature too. The content was simple and concise-

  “Congratulations to Abel and Tanya of Albion. You have been invited to participate in this year’s tourney. Please report at the Crystal Palace in three days as the tourney starts a week after your arrival.

  Meanwhile, send the empty sheet attached to your oath of blood through your owl if you accept this invitation.

  Many regards,

  Queen Zanna.”

  It was then that both Tanya and Abel noticed the white owl standing on the corner of their doorstep.

  “We got the same too and we already sent off our owl with our blood oath," Brokk informed them.

  "Quick, do the same and send it off," Fira said excitedly.

  Abel and Tanya looked at each other. This is it, Tanya thought. We really would be going for the tourney.

  “You still want to?” Abel asked her.

  Tanya knew he referred to her worry about the Queen’s daughter. She still worried but she would never deny him his goal. That he was giving her a choice in this gave her a good feeling of warmth that spread all through her body. She gave him a dazzling smile and nodded.

  "Let's do this," She said.

  Fira and Brokk gave a loud, whooping applause.

  “To the Crystal Palace.” They all cheered.


  The scent of daffodils filled Tanya’s nostril as she walked the little distance back to the cottage. She hummed a little Encantado tune under her breath and whirled in the wind. Without thinking, she picked up a flower and tucked it in her hair, I will give it to Abel later, she thought happily. Perhaps, tonight will be as glorious as yesternight.

  Throughout the day, they had gone from store to store in preparation for their going to the Crystal Palace. As they went through this, Abel had given her such sultry looks that Brokk and Fira had accused them of catching the ‘bug’ from them.

  She couldn’t wait to get to their little cottage and set the stage before Abel got home. They were through with their errands for the day and heading back when Abel remembered that he wanted to sharpen his set of knifes. He had playfully tugged her cheeks and urged her to go ahead and await him. She needed no further prodding; she wanted to have a fresh bath and put on some scents for him.

  She entered into the cottage, dropping the baskets with her on the floor. She shed her clothes and went into the bathroom. As she turned on the water, the scent of wet soil, wildflowers and the ocean assailed her senses. This was a combination that could only be gotten from Encante, her homeland.

  She stood still and confused. The smell lingered potent in the air. Why did she perceive such smell? Suddenly, she saw a pool of water rising above the floor of the bathroom. She had seen the scenery of her homeland before she saw the encantado that came into view. She immediately recognized one of the Encante’s trans-world messenger.

  “Greetings from the Royal House of Encante. This is to inform Tanya of the Encante World that she has a sennight to return home, else she loses her existence forever. She would be soon be stuck in the world of man where she would wither away within the year. Heed my warning, Oh Tanya, heed this warning.”

  The pool of water fell to the floor of the bathroom as suddenly as it rose before. Tanya stood shock still. She had forgotten that it was over ten months she got back to Encante! This was well almost up to the one year period the Encantados can survive in the human world without going back to her realm. How could she have forgotten to go back at least once? She had never done this in all the years she had been coming to Earth.

  She had known the answer before she finished the thought. Abel had happened. She was so engrossed with the man that she forgot her own existence. So satisfied was she with him that she neglected to care for herself. In a sudden flash, she realized that she had fallen in love with him.

  She plopped on the floor of the bathroom. She couldn't tell when it happened, but she knew it as clear as day- she loved Abel. Tears falling silently down her face, she also realized that she couldn’t leave him; not now when the tourney was about a week away. Where would he find another cheer? What would happen to his goal of finding his parents? She couldn’t, wouldn’t do this to him.

  Making up her mind, she got up from the floor and wrapped a towel around her naked body. She might not end up with him, but she was willing to give it all she could. She would stay by his side until the last minute. He needs not know any of this; she concluded; it would be her little secret. She still had two weeks, it was enough time for the tourney and to get The Louvre. Though the two weeks might make her weak if she doesn’t make it back to Encante, it was a risk she was willing to take.

  For the very first time, she fervently hoped that they win The Louvre. That way, she might not need to go back to Encante. She would be able to live on earth for as long as she liked and only go home when she wanted too.

  But what if no winner emerges as usual? Or worse, what if there was a winner but it wasn’t Abel?

  — End of Book 2 —

  The Reunion

  Cheating Husband Series


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