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Erotica: Beyond: Dark Action Romance Paranormal Thriller (Adventure Demon Humor International Interracial Mystery Short Stories)

Page 36

by Iaz Grant

  “Left in the tourney is Gogk, the Hulk; Brokk, the goblin and Abel, the human! All three will now proceed to the next phase after successfully after spending twenty minutes, eighteen minutes and fifteen minutes respectively with the idea of a sinful sex between themselves and their female cheer.”

  The spectators giggled with mockery as the announcer added the last sentence. It appeared a lot of them had imagined what the fighter and his cheer would have been thinking about just by staring into each other’s eyes for well over ten to fifteen minutes. It was horrible that it took that long for him to realize that it was only his own imagination, Abel thought.

  Then, he didn’t find out that it was on his own, did he?

  Immediately, Abel heard the familiar voice in his head again.

  “You can thank me later,” She whispered.

  It was the tien and now he owed her.


  Tanya hurt in all her body. She could feel the pain hit her backbone hard as her back hit the walls of the field walls the third time since they had been fighting the monster. The monster was big and very strong, and it moved very fast too. Tanya could not believe her eyes as Abel’s very effective button throw could not even hurt the angry monster. Instead, the Erkling-goblin only rolled fast on the ground and hit at both Abel and her with the back of his claws sending both of them to the walls the third time in five minutes.

  Tanya had to admit that the monster was getting weaker, but they were no match for him none-the-less. They were the last to fight the monster and it was no longer news that not even the scary Hulk and his magical fairy were able to beat the monster. Brokk and Fira too were rumoured unconscious and unable to fight the Erkling-goblin. The Hulk had managed to hurt the monster on the knee though and it was obvious that it was limping while it attacked angrily.

  Tanya wiped the tears that had formed in her eyes and watched as Abel got up slowly, attempting to attack the monster again. This time around, Abel went on the weak knee, adjusting his footing very fast as the monster lash at him with his sharp claws. He managed to hit a foot on the weak knee and sent the monster staggering back a little. But then again, it got up very fast and hit Abel so quickly with a knuckle before hitting him again with his claws and sending him back to the walls.

  Tanya tried to stand up. She knew she could assist Abel by throwing poisonous gas at the monster. It was one of those weapons that the female cheers had been equipped with, and it wasn’t even working yet on the monster. The Erkling-goblin sometimes stopped breathing whenever she threw the gases at him. It was as if he could stop breathing for long and still attack effectively.

  “Abel,” Tanya whispered. She realised she was too tired to speak too.

  Abel was with her in a second. She could see that he was exhausted too, but he could still stand efficiently. It was surprising that he was very strong, even though he was only human.

  “Yes, my love,” He whispered.

  He looked into her eyes with resignation and Tanya had to finally allow one of the tears in her eyes drop. She really needed him to win the tourney.

  “I am dying,” She told him.

  Abel’s eyes shot out in shock. He wanted to say something but she stopped him before he could.

  “Not now,” She whispered. “But I would if we do not kill this monster and win the Louvre.”

  “How do you mean?” Abel asked, confusion written all over his tired face.

  “I didn’t return to my realm for over a year, Abel.” Tanya started. “I could have but I didn’t want to leave you. I didn’t mean to abandon you when we were only a few days away from the tourney. More so, I didn’t wish to leave because…because….” Tanya couldn’t believe she was finding it hard to say the words.

  “Because of what?” Abel asked, leaning closer towards her.

  Tanya glanced at Abel and realised that the monster was getting impatient that both of them were no longer attacking it. It moved about angrily and seemed as if it would be pouncing on both of them soon. She would like to tell Abel everything if it was eventually going to.

  “I couldn’t leave because I love you, Abel.” Tanya quickly said.

  “I love you, Abel,” She said again.

  Surprisingly, Abel bent towards her immediately and joined his lips to hers, moaning compassionately as his tongue rolled with her. The kiss was brief, though. He withdrew and stared passionately into Tanya’s eyes.

  “I love you too, Tanya the Encantado,” Abel whispered.

  Their exchange of love was cut short when a loud groan came from behind Abel. The monster was getting prepared to attack again. Somehow, Tanya began to feel as if there was something else they could do to win the monster. She couldn’t believe it that the wood fairies’ words, especially Arelia’s would guide her now that she needed to help the love of her life. She was jealous of the wood fairies then, and they had been the answer all along.

  “Remember, when all else fails, your heart won’t. Take care to listen to it.” Arelia had said.

  “Reach out to your heart, Tanya, your mind, and your energy force.” Fira had said too.

  Everything was gradually making sense to Tanya now. She quickly held Abel’s palm and stared sternly into his eyes.

  “Remember the fairies’ advice on how to take on your enemies?” She asked him.

  Immediately, Abel jolted up and stared back at her.

  “Attack when the opponent defends. Defend and attack when the opponent attacks only.” Abel recited.

  Tanya was sure she hadn’t listened at all the whole time that the fairies had taught Abel but he said right now could help them out. She could only help by fusing her own energy with Abel’s. He could be stronger and faster if she did.

  Tanya pushed herself to a sitting position and crossed her legs. She nodded at Abel who was already studying the monster as it got ready to pounce on them.

  “It is only attacking,” Abel whispered.

  Tanya nodded at him again.

  “Go beat him at his own game, Abel,” She whispered.

  Then. Tanya closed her eyes and focused on the beating of her heart. Immediately, she willed out the Encantado energy from the core of her heart and began to hymn the lyrics of a particular Encantado folklore that she was familiar with. After a while, she realized that she could no longer hymn or move.

  Her heart had stopped beating too.

  She was now one with Abel.

  He was going after their enemy with renewed energy.

  Abel watched the monster as it puffed new breaths from his wide nostrils. It was getting aggravated every second and there was no determining what his next line of attack would be. It was strong though and everything he had tried to beat it was abortive. Yet, Abel was lounging at it again. I can beat it, Abel told himself.

  Abel could feel renewed energy now that he had told Tanya that he loved her. Whatever Tanya was doing in that seated position, it was working. He could hear peaceful alien tones in his ears and it was cheering him forward and stronger. He positioned himself before the monster and tried to imagine how he had fought with it for the past one hour. Abel closed his eyes and in four seconds, he remembered a particular pattern that the Erkling-goblin was used to. The pattern was a double strike on the fighter, before a strong push against the wall. The monster was like a wall pushing you up against another wall.

  How do I beat that?

  “Attack when the opponent defends. Defend and attack when the opponent attacks only.” Abel repeated to himself once again.

  With the energy that was coursing through his veins, Abel willed his body to be as fast as possible and went after the monster. This time around, Abel wasn’t aiming to hurt the monster just yet; he was trying to back the monster towards the wall behind it. If a wall is pushing you back, then perhaps the best way is to push it back too until it falls.

  This was a divine knowledge and Abel wasn’t sure that anyone had taught him. But he needed to survive; he needed the Louvre for Tanya and he was go
ing to kill anything in his way just to get to it.

  The monster lashed at him with its claws but Abel was faster now. He bent down so quick and moved between the monster’s open legs. Immediately, the monster turned and came at him again, aiming for Abel’s neck. This time around, Abel, adjusted so that the monster’s claws can slash only the thin air. In that same moment, Abel pushed his entire weight and launched his shoulder towards the weak knee of the Erkling-goblin. Immediately, the monster groaned in pain and stepped back a little.

  It’s working!

  Abel was trying so hard to defend and attack at the same time. He knew he had to be careful, though. The monster’s strength, it seems, was stronger every time that it got hurt or aggravated. Abel wasn’t through thinking this when the monster launched at him again. This time around, the monster managed to wallop Abel on the chest and could now cut through his open throat as Abel slid back in pain. But Abel was fast again, in a quick motion, Abel threw all the sharp buttons in his pocket towards the monster’s eyes, rendering it temporarily blind.

  In that instant, there was an open opportunity to attack the monster without it knowing what hit it. Abel went to work at once, he went for the knee first and kept walloping it and fast, tearing more wounds into the open flesh until the monster kept backing towards the wall behind it.

  That moment, Abel could know there was no way he could kill the monster without hurting himself. The Erkling-goblin’s flesh and bones were too strong and not with his human strength, or combined with an Encantado could he kill the monster with his bare hands. Abel cursed as he remembered Karingou’s question on the Flying Ship some days back. He should have come along with a very effective weapon.

  As he was reflecting upon this, Abel launched a final shove towards the monster’s knee and watched as if fell heavily on the wall, raising a loud applause and cheer from the spectators that have been watching with awe. But then, there was a shock in the air again as the monster began to stand up again, groaning angrily.

  “Stay down!” Abel yelled, too tired to know what to do anymore.

  “My energy is yours too, Abel.” A familiar voice suddenly chirped in Abel’s head.

  Abel knew who it was and didn’t have time to ask questions. Immediately, he screamed as forceful and more powerful energy hit the cores of his bones and veins. He was stronger now and not even the monster could stop him from his goal.

  With another force, Abel went after the monster’s head and put it back down with a single blow. The monster hit the walls with a loud thus, sending some of the rocks towards Abel’s way. With a swift motion, Abel went after the biggest rock and surprisingly lifted it without effort, raising gasps from the attentive audience. Abel went after the monster and landed a deathful blow on its head with a simple dash of the rock.

  Immediately, the Erkling-goblin’s body began to vibrate as life started to leave its body. Then it went still and the whole theatre went still with it.

  It was the first time anyone had killed the monster.

  And the only man that did it was falling to the ground afterwards. It seemed as if the entire energy of his body was falling out one by one, and he was going unconscious.

  At the same time, his cheer fell to the floor.

  The tourney was over.

  Queen Zanna closed the door to her chamber and strolled silently to the window of her room. The breeze was coming too much into the room and the curtains were whistling along with the wind. Closing the shutters, Queen Zanna went to her bed and sat on it, feeling retired.

  She smiled as she remembered that things had changed in the past few hours. Her lovely second daughter, Luna, the Sidhe-Tien was now with the winner of the tourney and there was no stopping what would happen next. The house of Priya was about to get more powerful, and soon, there would be male children coming in instead of the women that have ruled for millions of years.

  After the fighter and his cheer had been laid to rest and treated of their wounds, Queen Zanna had been too anxious – she needed to see them and commence with giving out the prize. It didn’t surprise her that Abel and his cheer, Tanya weren’t too happy with the mention of the side prize.

  “Your Grace,” Abel started. He was finding it hard to talk yet since most of his energy had been drained as he fought with the monster, “I love Tanya and we came to Crystal Palace only to strengthen our love. The Louvre should make us stronger, eternal in our own love but having a woman with me beside her would make things….complicated….for eternity.”

  At the same time, Tanya had chirped in her own opinion, and Queen Zanna basked in the strength of their love. It seemed as if they had gone through a lot together and nothing means anything to them anymore save their happiness.

  “We could be happy for a short while without the Louvre, your majesty. If anything, the tourney turned on a sparkle in our heart. It brought us together, and it would never keep us apart. It turned us on.”

  Tanya spoke the last words as her fingers went for Abel’s fingers and held them tight.

  “So, you don’t want the prize anymore?” Queen Zanna asked.

  Both participants were silent.

  “Well then, my daughter said something might change your mind. I saved seeing her for the last.” Queen Zanna quickly added with a wink.

  Abel was the first to glance up as Luna walked in gracefully, eyes to the ground. Her face wasn’t visible yet but Queen Zanna could see total recognition in Abel’s eyes. Luna had reiterated it that Abel would never deny her once he set eyes on her. At first, Queen Zanna had believed that the young SIdhe-Tien was too confident in her astounding beauty, but now, there seemed to have been something between the human and her daughter.

  “Tien?” Abel asked.

  Luna raised her head then and stared delightfully into Abel’s eyes.

  “Abel,” She whispered. “I told you I would never forget the name,” She added.

  “And my name is Princess Luna, First Tien of the House of Priya.”

  Abel’s eyes shifted from Luna and then back to Tanya. He seemed to have no words to explain what was happening or how to handle the situation. Tanya surprisingly broke the silence.

  “She saved you from the monster?” Tanya whispered, staring at Luna.

  Abel had no idea how Tanya knew but he nodded. At the moment on the field, Abel had his energy fused with the most powerful creatures in the world; the Encantado and the Sidhe-Tien.

  “I could feel her energy bond with yours and mine and for that, I am entirely grateful.” Tanya finished.

  “I had to help,” Luna explained.

  Abel was grateful too. He was too weak at the moment and not even Tanya’s energy source was enough to get him to fight.

  “What do we do?” Abel asked Tanya.

  Tanya looked into his eyes and could see herself in it. She always knew Abel wouldn’t be hers only since Fira dropped something about a vision about the Encantado and the Tien. Abel was destined for greatness and she wouldn’t deny him this. She couldn’t believe that she was going to have him share his love for eternity.

  “Having her made us more powerful,” She told Abel.

  Abel nodded as if he understood her words.

  “Yes,” He whispered.

  “Having the Louvre gives eternity to our love.”

  “Yes,” Abel answered again.

  Then a broad smile crept mischievously on Tanya’s face.

  “What else can we get from this world?”

  At that moment, Queen Zanna finally understood that she was wrong to predict that eternal love was greater. Her husband must have figured that the unbreakable power of love was greater than living forever. It was shy he stopped drinking the portion she gave to him so he could feel the power until he took his last breath. He wanted nothing from this world save the memory of love; the power of loving and bonding with someone.


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