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Cheat on Me: A Hotwife Novel

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by Lexi Archer

  Not that I’d ever said anything to her about any of that. I figured she’d freak the fuck out if she ever had an inkling about my inner fantasy life. Much better to keep that quiet and just enjoy the occasional fantasy as I fucked her and imagined that I was some other guy pounding her rather than a husband fucking his wife.

  “Denise? You home?”

  “I’m upstairs babe,” she called down to me.

  I grinned. Upstairs. That usually meant she was good and worked up. I liked to think she was good and worked up because she was so hot from guys at her work hitting on her all day long, but I knew that probably wasn’t the case. Which was a damn shame. Still, being upstairs meant she was in the mood and I wasn’t going to turn down that opportunity.

  “Be up there in a minute,” I shouted up.

  “I’m waiting baby!”

  I grinned. Oh yeah. She was in the mood. I wished I could figure out what it was that got her in the mood like this, but I also wasn’t going to question anything that made my wife so hot and got her banging me so intensely.

  I looked down at her ID badge hanging from her purse. She was smiling out of it all young and fresh-eyed, though it had only been a couple of years since she started at the company so it’s not like she was that much older now. Besides, she was just as hot now as she’d been when we got married right out of college. No complaints from me on that front.

  I stepped into the living room and looked down at the couch. Thought of a party we’d had here a few weeks back where she got a little flirty with Dan, one of our friends from college. Flirty enough that Dan’s new girlfriend hadn’t been all that happy about it even if she hadn’t exactly said anything. She’d just grabbed him and pulled him out of the house pretty early by the standards of one of our parties.

  You bet your ass I fucked the ever loving daylights out of my wife that night imagining that she was getting with Dan instead of with me while I sat downstairs with his girlfriend completely oblivious to what was going on upstairs. Even I had to admit that fantasy was a little ridiculous though. The floors were paper thin in this house and I could hear everything that happened upstairs when Denise was walking around up there. There wasn’t a chance someone could be fucking up there and not tip everyone else in the house off.

  Still, it was a fantasy. Fantasies were all about what you wanted and not what was possible. Even with that flirting I didn’t think it was really that possible that she would be into the idea of fucking another guy.

  I moved up the stairs and undid my tie as I went. When I got to the second level I was treated to a wonderful view of the bedroom thanks to our hall running straight down to the master bedroom. And right there on the king sized bed was my wife lying back in that skirt I’d bought her a few months back because I thought it would look amazing on her ass. She was looking at me with one hell of a come hither stare that mixed with “fuck me” eyes to create one hell of a promise.

  “So did you have a good day at work?” I asked as I walked down the hall, pretending that she wasn’t looking at me as though she wanted to jump me and have her way with me.

  “You could say that,” she said. “Your usual boring day at the office and all that.”

  A boring day at the office. Now there was something interesting to fantasize about. In reality she was telling me she had a boring day at the office, but in my mind I was thinking about how fucking hot it was that she got double teamed by a couple of the guys in the sales department over the lunch hour when there wasn’t anyone hanging out in the office to overhear them.

  My cock got hard thinking about it. There was nothing like imagining my girl fucking other men to get my cock throbbing. It was a damn shame she’d never be into something like that. It was a damn shame I’d married a girl who wanted to be faithful.

  I know that’s a ridiculous thing to think considering that was the gold standard for so many relationships, but what I wanted was a little different from what other people wanted out of their relationships.

  “You’ve certainly outdone yourself with that outfit,” I said as I stepped into the room and tossed my tie to the ground. “Did you have a special meeting or something today? Someone you wanted to impress?”

  It was just a lighthearted comment that was meant to tease her while also skirting around the edge of my fantasy without actually acknowledging it. Though from the way she reacted and blushed you’d think I’d accused her of fucking another guy at work.

  Not that I’d mind one bit if she fucked another guy at work, but she didn’t know that. As far as she knew I was a fan of the whole faithful wife thing and not frustrated by it. It was a fucked up situation to find myself in, and I hoped there would come a day someday in the far future when I could work up the nerve to tell her about it.

  That or she’d discover my porn history someday and ask me why the fuck I was looking at stories of wives cheating on their husbands and getting off on it. That would be a fun day.

  Denise was full of surprises tonight though. She fixed me with a funny look and there seemed to be a fire burning behind her eyes that was unlike any fire I’d seen burning there before, and that was saying something. I’d seen her give me some pretty fucking hot looks over the years.

  There was one night in particular that still stuck out. We’d been on the beach all day and I’d convinced her to wear a bikini that was nothing more than a couple of patches of material with strings holding it together in all the right places. All the guys on the beach had been staring at my wife and I was really fucking worked up by the time we were done at the beach and got back to the hotel.

  She’d been pretty worked up too that night for some reason. Usually we were exhausted after a day at the beach, but she’d been as eager to jump me as I’d been eager to get in her pants.

  The look she gave me tonight blew all of those out of the water. It was way more hot than any look she gave me that day at the beach.

  “What if I told you I did have a hot meeting today?” she asked.

  I arched an eyebrow at that. Now here was an intriguing development. She’d never said anything like this before. At least not outside of one of my fantasy scenarios when I was jerking off in the middle of the night holding my phone in one hand and my cock in the other after I was pretty sure she’d gone to sleep for the night.

  “What’s come over you babe?” I asked.

  For a moment that sexy look slipped from her face and I worried I’d ruined the moment so I sat down next to her and ran a hand up her arm. She shivered at the contact and I figured I was back in the game just a little. Maybe. If I was lucky.

  “I’m sorry,” she muttered. “I just…”

  I interrupted her before she could say anything else. If she was going to act sexy like I’d always dreamed of then I certainly wasn’t going to interrupt the sexiness.

  “So who were you trying to impress?” I asked. “Was it one of the executives or are we talking one of the sales clients? Did you land the big account today by blowing someone or something?”

  I shivered as that image filled my mind. It was a fantasy I was more than familiar with. To be honest it was a fantasy I’d jerked off to so many times that it had started to lose some of its power. All of that power was coming roaring back with a vengeance sitting here on the bed next to my wife talking about it with her though.

  “Oh? What do you think of the idea of your wife getting the big account by blowing some guy? I’m sure you’d love that,” she said, her voice sounding just a touch sarcastic.

  I licked my lips. My mouth felt dry and I was having trouble concentrating. To be honest so much blood was rushing from my body down to my cock that it was a wonder anything was still circulating. It was a wonder I wasn’t passing out from the blood loss as it all went from the upper brain to the lower.

  “You know that’s how Cheryl gets all her big accounts,” she said. “At least we’re pretty sure that’s what she does to sweeten the pot with some of the clients. There’s no way that airhead is a g
ood enough saleswoman to get all the deals she lands because she’s so good at selling.”

  I was distracted from thoughts of my wife landing big accounts by pulling out a big cock and sucking on it. Not for long, but I’d met Cheryl before and was well aware of how hot she was. It was entirely possible she was pulling clients just because they wanted to get into her pants.

  Then again my wife was hotter than Cheryl and I knew she never did as well in the competitions they had every month. Then again Cheryl didn’t have a wedding ring on her finger which might lead guys to do more with her because they thought they had a chance with her where they didn’t with my wife.

  Or it could just be that she was doing exactly what my wife was accusing her of. Sleeping around so she could make the sale. And just like that I wasn’t thinking of Cheryl or how much fun it would be to have her put in some extra work with me to land an account, assuming I was ever in the market for the software my wife’s company sold which I probably wouldn’t be since I wasn’t a major bank.

  No, my thoughts went right back to my wife. Back to the thought of her on her knees in front of some executive in an overpriced suit.

  “Earth to Craig,” Denise said.

  I blinked and looked down at her. “Sorry, did you say something there?”

  “I didn’t, but you had this far off look in your eyes like you were a million miles away from here or something,” she said.

  I smiled and leaned in to kiss her. That seemed safe enough.

  “What were you thinking about there?” she asked. “That was a pretty intense look you had going there. I want some of whatever you were on.”

  “It was nothing,” I said.

  “Come on,” she said. “It had to be something. Is all the talk of me fucking around on the job bothering you or something? We can stop…”

  Her lip took on this sexy little pout that she got when she wasn’t getting her way and really wanted something but didn’t want me to know she really wanted it. It was a tell I’d identified early on in our relationship and it had been really fucking useful ever since.

  “I think you’re just trying to avoid telling me something,” I said.

  “What would I be avoiding telling you?” she asked.

  “What you did today at work. There’s something going on here and I want to know what it is,” I said.

  My cock was rock hard. I didn’t think that whatever was going on at her work was what I was hoping it was. The universe didn’t work like that. It wasn’t going to hand me my deepest sexual fantasy on a silver platter just because I wanted it so much. Still, a guy could dream.

  She bit her lip again. Looked away. Okay then. I was a master at interpreting her lip bites and that one meant she’d been up to no good. Up to something she was worried might upset me. Now I was really interested. Now my cock was positively throbbing.

  After all, there was only one thing I could think of that she wouldn’t want to tell me and that she’d worry would upset me after she started talking about being bad at work. I didn’t dare hope that it was actually true, but a guy could dream.

  “What if I really was a little bad at work today?” she finally asked.

  I leaned back on my elbows, pressing down into the soft comforter on the bed, and let out a long breath. I was having trouble believing this was actually happening. I’d fantasized about this for so long and now it sounded like something might have actually happened.

  I felt conflicting emotions now that I was so close to seeing this fulfilled. I felt a raging jealousy flaring inside me at the thought of her getting with another man, but at the same time that raging jealousy was tempered with a desire and a lust that went beyond anything I’d felt before.

  Well, maybe I’d felt something close to this when I first realized I was into the idea of my girl with another guy, but this felt like the first time I’d discovered the fantasy all over again and then some because here she was right next to me on the bed admitting that maybe that fantasy had actually come true.

  Fuck. I didn’t know how to respond to that. I felt like I was walking through an emotional minefield and I wasn’t sure if it was my emotions or Denise’s that were going to blow up in my face first.



  Cool. I had to play this cool. I was so fucking close and the last thing I wanted to do was freak her the fuck out and leave her so scared that she never wanted to entertain this fantasy again. I didn’t want to spook her away for all of eternity.

  “What if I told you that idea might be a little interesting?” I asked

  Denise reached up and put a hand on my chin. Pulled me towards her and her eyes darted back and forth searching my eyes. No doubt looking for any indication that I was full of shit or lying. Not that I could blame her. If I were in her situation I’d wonder if she was only going along with what I was saying so she could get more info out of me and then start screaming at me about what a pervert I was.

  Then again…

  She was telling me something might have happened at work today. If something maybe happened at work today then that meant she was at least a little interested in this. Maybe. If I was lucky.

  Or maybe that was wishful thinking on my part. Maybe that was me making things up because that’s what I wanted to hear and not because what I was thinking had any bearing on reality.

  Damn it. This whole thing was so fucking fucked up. Why couldn’t I just tell her how I felt?

  “Thats interesting,” Denise said. “So you’re telling me you like the idea of other guys hitting on me?”

  Her tone clearly told me that she couldn’t believe what I was saying. Hell, I couldn’t quite believe what I was saying here. After all, I was supposed to get jealous at the idea of other guys hitting on my wife. I wasn’t supposed to get hard. That was the way things worked.

  Except it wasn’t the way it worked with me. Even the hint of a possibility that something naughty might have happened at work, something I’d fantasized about so many times, was enough to have my cock throbbing.

  Something that wasn’t lost on Denise. Her hand moved down and brushed against my cock. It twitched in her hand and it was all I could do to keep from exploding right then and there in her hand.

  “Fuck Denise,” I breathed. “That’s so fucking hot.”

  “What’s fucking hot?” she purred, leaning in close enough that I could hear her even though her voice was barely above a whisper. “My hand on your cock or the thought of me being naughty at work?”

  “Little bit of column A, little bit of column B?” I asked.

  I was still sure that every question was going to lead to the end of our marriage. This terror was driving me wild with anticipation. It was like everything was mixing together to make me more turned on than I’d been in a good long time.

  Fuck. There was no way to really find out what had happened today without talking to my wife and figuring out what the hell happened today.

  “Why don’t you tell me a little bit about everything at work today,” I said, licking my lips and wondering if she’d even tell me if something had gone on. What if I was chasing a fantasy? What if all of this was just her leading me on?

  Something about the way she looked at me told me that wasn’t the case though. No, she had been a naughty little minx today and I needed to hear all about it.

  Jealousy was threatening to overwhelm me though. Weird. I always thought if something like this happened I’d be more turned on than anything else. I guess I was still capable of being jealous of the idea of my wife with other men, but it also felt like jealousy was being overridden by how hot it was.

  “Are you sure you want to hear this?” she asked, her voice suddenly quiet.

  I looked at my wife. Really looked at her. I figured there was a good chance she was playing mind games with me here, but as I looked at her I realized she probably thought I was playing mind games of my own with her. And why not? I was sitting here telling her I wanted to hear about what she’d done
at work today. If she really had done something then in most marriages that would be grounds for calling things off pretty damn quick.

  She had to be wondering if I was trying to pull her into a trap. Heck, I was on the other side of things and I was pretty worried she was trying to pull me into a trap. I guess if we were going to move forward we were going to have to get over the worry on both sides.

  “I really need to know what happened today at your office,” I said.

  I reached out and pulled her back down on the bed next to me. Her hand never left my cock and I wasn’t in a mood to deny her that hand on my cock. I needed it there more than anything. It was how I was holding on to myself. Holding on to reality.

  “Tell me all about it baby,” I said.

  I looked into her eyes and once more there was that conflict there for the space of a breath. As though she wasn’t sure whether or not she should really tell me what I so desperately wanted to hear. Then she sighed and seemed to give up on all pretense of trying to hold back.

  A damn good thing too. I was going to explode if she didn’t tell me something soon.

  “Well I might have had a visit from one of the executives today,” she said. “The sort of visit that I was pretty sure you wouldn’t like, though I don’t know now…”

  I held my breath. Oh yeah. This was getting good. Really fucking good.

  “Which one was it?”

  “Aiden,” she whispered, so quiet that I almost didn’t hear her. If I wasn’t lying right next to her on the bed I wouldn’t have heard it.

  My cock instantly grew three sizes in that moment from all the blood rushing down there.

  “You mean the hot young one? The one you have lunch with from time to time? The one you told me I shouldn’t worry about?”

  I needed to reel it in. There was some heat coming in there that had more to do with the jealousy than how turned on I was, and I didn’t want to scare her off by getting pissed off about her with another guy. Not when the thing I wanted more than anything was to see her with another guy, or know she was out there with another guy.


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