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Cheat on Me: A Hotwife Novel

Page 12

by Lexi Archer

  Now here I was all alone in our apartment, left with the memories of everything I'd just watched my wife do. Memories that were so fucking hot. Memories that I knew were going to stay with me for the rest of my life.

  Yeah, I’d added a few images to the permanent spank bank tonight. Now all I had to do was wait for my wife to come home so I could reclaim her.

  This was almost as important as every other part of the fantasy. After all, I had to let her know she was still mine. I had to make sure that even after that incredible fantasy of watching her with other men I was still the only man for her. That I still owned her, body and soul.

  Well, I guess I didn't own her. She was my wife, after all, not my property, but I wanted to make sure she knew I was hers and she was mine. That this didn't change anything between us other than adding a new layer of hotness to a relationship that had already been heating up in one hell of a major way.

  It was a little surprising, but perhaps the only regret I had about the evening was that I hadn't thought to make a recording of everything. That would've been one hell of a memento of the first time she was with three men at once, but I had no idea how to record a video on my phone and by the time it occurred to me to download an app that would allow me to do that it was too late. It was already happening and I didn't dare leave that call for fear that I’d accidentally drop it.

  I continued pacing back and forth and the images of what my wife did with those other men ran through my head. It was incredible. It was amazing. It was the single most sexually charged moment of my life, and I hadn't even been a direct participant.

  I also couldn’t help but wonder if this would change things between us. There was always the fear that she’d be so into the idea of getting with other guys that she wouldn't want to be with me any longer.

  Sure I was giving her permission to go out and have extramarital fun within the boundaries of our marriage, but what if she decided she didn't want me around at all? What if she wanted to go out and slut it up without worrying about a husband back home?

  The sad thing was I knew that if she did make the decision to leave me, to go out and have fun on her own, then I wouldn't be able to help myself. I would be constantly thinking about her fucking other men as I jerked off every night. I would still be consumed by this fantasy even if the fantasy destroyed our marriage.

  It was perverted, it was fucked up, and it was an example of exactly what kind of sway the fantasy held on me that I was still thinking about her with other men even as I worried about her leaving me.

  Not that I was too worried about her leaving me. No, I was pretty certain she would stay true to me even after going through with this. Otherwise I wouldn't have gone through with the fantasy in the first place.

  Okay, so maybe I would've gone through with the fantasy, but I would have been a hell of a lot more careful about it. I would've raised some objections about this Aiden guy being the one leading her to a fantasy scenario with two guys she barely knew, for example.

  No, I was more concerned that she might be so exhausted after fucking three men at the same time that she wouldn't want to do anything with me.

  My phone buzzed and I looked down. That was the first time I'd gotten any sort of message since the camera went dark after she finished.

  It was a simple message. One line. "I'm home."

  My body shivered as I looked down at those two words. Two simple words that had me so turned on. That drove me wild. That nearly had me collapsing to my knees, but I somehow managed to hold it together.

  I stared at the door. Watched as it jiggled. As she put her key in and turned the lock. I suppose I could've unlocked it for her, but I was rooted to the spot. I couldn't move. I was afraid if I did move I’d lose control and collapse. No, I didn't trust myself to make a single move.

  The door opened and Denise walked in in all her disheveled and freshly fucked glory.

  My wife was a sight to behold. This was a sight I’d fantasized about time and again. That I’d dreamed of, but never thought I’d get to see.

  Denise standing before me with her hair messed up and her skirt and blouse all messed up was exactly why I’d resisted the urge to jerk off earlier.

  I’d dreamed about this moment for so long that I wasn't going to ruin it by doing something stupid like jerking off.

  "Welcome home baby," I said.

  An uncertain moment stretched out between us. An uncertain moment where I worried she might actually go through with some of those fears. That she might've decided she was done with me after all the fun she’d had tonight.

  Even worse than that, there was a nagging fear that she might decide she didn't like everything that happened tonight. That she’d blame me. That blaming me would end our marriage just as surely as if she decided that she was too into it.

  I didn't know how I’d handle that. If I would be able to handle it. Knowing my desire, my fantasy, had destroyed our marriage.

  Then she smiled and all the worry disappeared. Relief washed over me. That was the same mischievous smile I’d come to know and love from my wife. A mischievous smile that told me everything was going to be okay. That told me she’d enjoyed everything that happened tonight and, far from being pissed off at me, she was more turned on than anything else.

  I rushed over and swept her into my arms. Twirled her around and looked her up and down. Looked at a face that had been screwed up in pure orgasmic bliss just an hour ago. At a face that had another man's cock buried inside it just an hour ago.

  I couldn't resist. I pulled her down and pressed my lips against hers. Opened my mouth to hers and slipped my tongue inside. She responded immediately and moaned as she wrapped her arms and legs around me. As she pressed her tight body against mine.

  A tight body that had been enjoyed by other men just an hour ago. I know that thought kept running on repeat through my head, but it was the kind of thought that bore repeating. She had gone through with my fantasy just an hour ago, and it was so freaking hot!

  I didn't think it was possible for me to love my wife any more than I already did, and yet feeling her against me, tasting her kiss and knowing that unfamiliar taste on her lips was the taste of another man's dick that had been inside her, blowing its load inside her, made me love her even more than I think I had even on that date when I watched her walk down the aisle to say her wedding vows.

  Yeah, it was an intoxicating thought. And it was made all the more intoxicating because I'd been a first-hand witness to everything that happened. Sure it was sort of small and sometimes the cell phone camera lost focus, but still.

  That had been a stroke of genius on her part.

  Or maybe it had been a stroke of genius on that Aiden guy’s part. Either way, one of them was a genius and it had created a perfect moment watching her being filled three ways.

  She loosened her grip and pulled away from the kiss. Looked at me and her eyes were searching my own. Darting back and forth.

  I realized in that moment that she must be feeling some of the same doubts I’d felt. I could only imagine what her commute home must have been like. Dealing with the delicious afterglow of everything she'd done with those men. Wondering how I’d react.

  She knew this was my number one fantasy, but at the same time she had to be wondering if the fantasy was different from witnessing the reality.

  I'd had the same worry, but it was a worry that had disappeared the moment I saw those men having their way with her. Only she had no way of knowing that the worry had disappeared. All she knew was I'd been watching from a distance. All she knew was there was a good chance I might get pissed off at her rather than being turned on.

  As though I could ever get mad at this beautiful creature for fulfilling my fantasy. No, I was more in love with her than ever, and I wanted to make sure she knew that.

  "I love you so much baby," I said.

  That seemed to do away with some of the worry. She smiled uncertainly and I could see some of the same doubt I'd felt.
  "Are you sure?" she asked. "You don't regret any…"

  Her breath hitched and it was obvious she was having trouble giving voice to what we'd done tonight. Not that I could blame her.

  Everything we’d done tonight was pretty funking intense, after all. It went way beyond the varsity level kink you heard about some married couples getting involved with. This was swinging taken to a whole new level, and I loved it as much as I loved her.

  "How could I be mad at you?" I asked.

  She looked away and that uncertainty was even more pronounced. "I thought three guys tonight," she said. "I was such a slut. I mean it…"

  I saw a tear trickle down her cheek. I reached up and wiped it away. I wanted to comfort her, but I wasn't sure how. Finally I leaned in and kissed her.

  "You have nothing to be ashamed of," I said, deciding that honesty was the best policy. "You did exactly what I asked you to do. Watching you tonight was incredible. I couldn't believe you actually figured out a way to let me enjoy the whole thing!"

  Denise looked up at me and laughed. "You're sure you're not upset? You're not going to go filing divorce papers tomorrow?"

  "Don't be crazy," I said. "What you did tonight was…"

  I couldn't think of words to describe what she’d done tonight. Instead I shivered. It was a shiver that threatened to overwhelm my whole body. And from the way she smiled she seemed to know exactly what was going on.

  "So it was good for you?"

  "All that and more baby," I said.

  Words really couldn't describe how I felt any longer, and so I decided to go for action instead. I leaned in and brushed my lips against hers. She moaned as her mouth opened to my kiss, and I felt an urgency, a desire, that overwhelmed anything I’d felt earlier when I was watching her get fucked.

  I'd watched her get taken by other men, and now it was my turn. I was going to take her. I was going to reclaim her and let her know that she was mine. Totally and completely.

  "Oh God Craig," she whispered. "I was dreaming about this the entire ride home. Is it weird that the only thing I could think of after that fucking was my husband fucking me?"

  "Not weird at all," I said. "You were so beautiful. So gorgeous. You were like a porn star out there and…"

  I wasn't sure what else to say. She truly had been like a porn star out there tonight, only it was so much better than any of the porn I watched that had cheating wives as their subject.

  For one there was the hotness of knowing it was my wife, but for another there was just something about watching a real situation and knowing it wasn’t the crappy porn out there where they pretty much went through all of the same porn motions but with some lip service paid to the woman being a cheater at the very beginning.

  No, compared to that the show Denise put on tonight was so much more incredible and hot!

  And I had to have her. I needed to take her and make her mine again.

  I grinned as I carried her back to the bedroom. Back to our bedroom. The place where we'd fucked so many times since getting married. The place where we’d shared so many memories. The place where I’d finally admitted my fantasy to her, for that matter.

  And now we were going to add another chapter to our sex life in the back bedroom. The time I took her and made her mine after she’d fucked other men. The time that I reclaimed my wife and made sure she knew that at the end of the day I was the most important guy in her life.

  Though from the way she was talking about how she could only think of me on the ride home it would seem we were already a long way towards that goal.

  Besides, I could dress it up all I wanted, but at the end of the day the truth was I desperately needed to fuck my wife. I needed to feel my cock inside her. I needed to blow my load and I needed todo it now.

  I threw her down and looked her up and down. I wanted to burn the memory of how she looked on this night into my mind forever. I wanted to always think back to this time when she was lying there with her hair a mess and her clothes all disheveled as though she’d hurriedly put them back on after they were done with her in the conference room.

  Yeah, I wanted to remember all of that. I wanted it to stay with me for the rest of my life.

  And then I was on her. I might want that memory to last for a lifetime, but I also needed to fuck my wife. I fell on top of her and pulled her skirt up. She obliged me by unbuttoning her blouse and pulling it open. Her tits sprang free and she obviously wasn't wearing a bra.

  I cocked an eyebrow. “Weren’t you wearing a bra earlier?"

  Denise bit her lip. Nodded. “So?”

  "So what happened to your bra baby?" I asked.

  She blushed and looked away. That was all the answer I needed. One of those guys had taken it. Some guy out there had a trophy of his time with my wife. And as my hand moved up between her legs, as I moved up her thighs which were so familiar to me and yet felt somehow new tonight knowing other men had enjoyed this very same touch, I realized she wasn't wearing panties either.

  "So they all got a souvenir?" I asked.

  "Maybe they did," Denise said, biting her lip once more in that sexy way.

  God that was so hot. It was almost hotter than watching her get with those guys. I shivered and my cock was rock hard. I was already on the edge from watching her with those guys earlier, and as I sat there with my cock pressed against her leg as my hand explored her body I worried that I would blow my load prematurely.

  Sure I’d be coming all over my wife's legs which would be better than coming all over my hand, but I still wanted to finish the deed. I needed my cock inside her, and I needed it in her now.

  Finding out that she left her underwear as a trophy for those guys only added to that desire that threatened to burn me to a crisp.

  I pulled her skirt up and looked down at her legs. They were red, as though a couple of men had their way with them. Had been appalling and gripping at her body. That sent a wave of dizzying pleasure running through me thinking about those men filling my wife up and taking their pleasure from her body.

  I reached down and grabbed my dick. Pressed it to her entrance. She looked up at me and chewed on her lower lip.

  God I loved it when she did that. I loved everything about her. My wife was so fucking hot, and I couldn't get enough of her.

  And knowing that other men couldn't get enough of her was enough to drive me wild.

  I pressed my cock against her entrance and she was so wet. I slid inside her in one quick thrust. She gasped as I took her, and her gasp was music to my ears.

  All the more so because I'd heard that gasp earlier with other men filling her. I'd heard her being filled in holes I’d never explored before.

  I had every intention of doing some exploring in those holes later, but that was for another time. Right now I simply wanted to concentrate on enjoying the pleasures that Denise had to offer.

  I had another dizzying realization as I pressed inside her. I realized that part of the reason why she was so wet, why it was so easy for me to push inside her when it usually took a little bit of coaxing and foreplay, wasn’t because she was so aroused from everything that had happened earlier.

  No, she was still filled to the brim with other men’s come. They hadn't used protection with her and that meant it was all mixing together inside and now my cock was joining that mix.

  Huh. I never would’ve thought that was the sort of thing that would get me off, but it was turning me on in a big way now that I thought about it.

  "Are you okay?" she asked.

  "I'm more than okay," I replied.

  And with that I pulled out and slammed into her. Enjoyed the feel of my wife's pussy wrapping around me like a familiar glove. A familiar glove that another man had tried on tonight.

  It was a dizzying explosion of pleasure as I thrust inside her over and over. I knew I wasn't going to last long, but this had never been about lasting long. She'd already had one hell of an orgasmic experience earlier with those other men coming ins
ide her, filling all three of her holes, and this was all about letting her know she was mine. Reclaiming my wife for my own.

  I pushed inside her once and she grunted. Twice and she gasped. With that gasp I realized maybe she needed this as much as I did. She was certainly moaning like she was on the edge of something special. Something incredible. She was already on the edge.

  Holy shit. I couldn't believe she was already that close, but then again there were already so many unbelievable things that happened tonight what was one more? So I continued thrusting inside her. Her eyes squeezed shut as her mouth opened and she let out a long low moan.

  “Needed this so bad," she whimpered.

  Damn! She really was that turned on. She was coming, and I'd barely been inside her!

  It was a good thing she was so close to the edge too. I thrust inside her one final time and I knew that was it. I was over the edge. I couldn't hold on even if I wanted to.

  I let out a whimper of my own and exploded inside her as every bit of arousal, every turned on moment this evening was poured out of my body and into my wife's. Again and again I exploded and over and over it felt like I was pouring my very soul into her body.

  We both whimpered and moaned and gasped. I continued blowing my load inside her, and the entire time I imagined what it would've felt like to be one of those other men blowing a load in my wife. Seeing her as the sexy saleswoman cheating on her husband rather than the woman I'd married. It was definitely adding a little something to the whole experience!

  And unfortunately it was a moment that was all too short. It could have lasted forever, but in reality it was only maybe twenty seconds or so. Then I collapsed on top of her, and when she groaned in pain I rolled off to the side.

  The last thing I wanted was to crush my wife after one of the most incredible sexual nights of our lives.

  I stared up at the ceiling. Reached out and took her hand. She gave it a squeeze. Looked over at me and a huge smile spread across her face.


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