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Her Innocence, His Conquest

Page 12

by Jules Bennett

  When she answered, he simply asked, “Busy?”

  “No. Why?”

  He looked down to the surprise he had waiting for her. “Can you come downstairs? I’m parked right out front.”

  “Sure,” she replied. “Is something wrong?”

  “Not at all. But grab your purse or whatever you need because I’m taking you somewhere.”

  When she paused on the other end, Zach was worried she’d decline. “Um…okay. Give me just a minute.”

  He disconnected the call, cursing himself for being this anxious over a woman. Since when did he worry about rejection? He’d never been nervous before about presenting a woman with a gift.

  Then again, he’d never presented something so personal or hoped to touch any woman’s life in such a meaningful way.

  Wow. What the hell had happened to him?

  Two words. Anastasia Clark.

  Within five minutes, the lobby doors whooshed open and Ana stepped through wearing a white tank and cutoff jean shorts with the frayed edges laying against her tanned legs. Her hair was pulled back in a mass of curls.

  She looked positively adorable and Zach wanted to gobble her up.

  Scooting the surprise over into his lap, he hit the button to unlock the doors.

  “You sounded weird on the phone,” she said as soon as she opened the passenger door and hopped up into the truck. “You sure nothing’s wrong? There wasn’t another break-in, was there?”

  Without saying a word, he grinned and pulled out the surprise he had hiding between his body and his door.

  “Oh, my God!”

  “Do you like him?” Zach asked, handing over the furry puppy.

  Her entire face softened as she cuddled the black-and-white ball of fuzz to her chest. Lucky dog, he thought.

  “Oh, Zach, I love him.” She continued to nuzzle her face into the dog’s side. “Is he yours? I didn’t know you had a puppy.”

  “I just got him.”

  Ana smiled. “When I mentioned wanting a dog, you never said you wanted one.”

  Much as he’d love to sit here and watch her elation, he pulled the truck back out onto the road and headed for home. A place he’d never taken a woman.

  “I didn’t want a dog,” he corrected. “You did. You’ve mentioned it twice before.”

  She sat up straighter, turning toward him. “Zach, you can’t get a dog because I want one. I can’t keep him in the condo. I’m sure they have a policy and I’m not staying forever.” He didn’t know why those words bothered him so much.

  “He’ll stay at my house, but for the duration of this project, he’s yours.”

  Glancing from the road for just a second, he saw Ana biting her bottom lip, tears pooling in her eyes. His grip tightened on the wheel as silence settled in the cab. He didn’t want to see gratitude in her eyes, didn’t want her to look at him as some type of hero.

  “It’s no big deal,” he told her. “I saw him at the shelter and knew he needed a good home.”

  “You went to the shelter?”

  Zach shrugged. “Yeah, why?”

  “I would’ve taken you for a purebred type.”

  “Just because I have money doesn’t mean I don’t remember where I came from.” He turned off the freeway. “We were not well-off growing up, Ana. My parents died when we were all barely in high school and we had to work even harder for everything we had when we went to live with my elderly grandmother. There’s no reason to give away good money when there are dogs out there who need good homes and someone to love them.”

  Dear Lord, he thought. All she did was ask about the dog and he turned into a Humane Society infomercial. Why he felt the need to ramble was lost on him. He needed to keep his mouth shut about his personal life and just concentrate on Ana and the fact that she had him all torn up.

  While the resort was being erected and moving along swift and smooth, his progress with Ana was anything but.

  “I don’t know what to say,” she said, her voice thick with tears. “I’ve never had anyone do something so…thoughtful.”

  Uncomfortable with her emotions, Zach grinned. “How about we give him a name?”

  “What do you want to name him?” she asked.

  “You tell me,” he countered. “What would you call him if he was yours?”

  Ana held the little bundle out from her and seemed to study him. “When I was little I always wanted a big dog and I was going to name him Jake.”

  Zach laughed. “Well, the man at the shelter told me this dog was some sort of a Saint Bernard mix, so he’ll get plenty big. And Jake sounds like a fine name.”

  “What do you think?” she asked the dog, once again nuzzling her face against his. “Do you like your new name?”

  Little squeaky whimpers came from the miniature puppy.

  “I think that’s a yes,” Zach told her. “I figured we could go to my house and get him used to his new surroundings.”

  “What will you do with him when I leave?” Ana asked.

  “Keep him, of course. But, for now, consider him yours.”

  Within minutes he was pulling up his long, palm-lined Coral Gables driveway. He had to admit, just to himself, that he wasn’t ready to think about Ana leaving. Probably because he’d always been the one to walk away and he’d never seen the retreating back of a woman with whom he’d been intimate.

  That had to be the reason a lump was forming in his throat over this woman and a puppy. Since when did he get all emotional?

  “Your house is beautiful,” Ana said as he pulled in front of the four-car garage.

  He killed the engine and opened his door to get the bags of supplies from behind his seat. “Thanks. I’m looking for the perfect property to build a place, but I haven’t found it yet. I’d like to stay in Miami.”

  Ana got out with Jake in hand and let him down to sniff his new surroundings. “Why do you want to build something else? This is gorgeous.”

  Zach glanced at the beige stucco, three-story home with large white columns extending to the second floor where it was topped with a third-floor porch. Yeah, it was nice, but he was ready to move on. Always restless, always ready to find something better. He was done here.

  “Want to buy it?” he asked, half joking.

  Ana shoved her hands in the pockets of her denim shorts. “I don’t need the place I have now, let alone two homes.”

  Curious, he studied her as she watched the dog follow his nose toward the manicured lawn. “Where do you call home?”

  “Well, let’s put it this way. I get my mail in a suburb of Chicago. A small cottage that my grandfather willed to me. But I’m rarely there. I use it mostly as my office. I have a secretary who comes in during the day to take calls, make appointments and such, then passes everything along to me.”

  They followed the dog as he moved around to the side of the house. “Your grandfather built amazing homes and businesses and he still lived in a small cottage?”

  Ana smiled up at him. “He was happy and said that’s where he’d fallen in love with my grandmother and they had a history there, so he never looked elsewhere. That was just home. I guess that’s why I can’t bear to sell it.”

  Zach sighed. Ana was definitely a nostalgic family girl. He certainly appreciated his brother and sister more than anything, but no material thing was that important to him that he wouldn’t sell it to obtain something bigger and better.

  As they walked around the house, silence settled between them and Zach wondered what she was thinking, what she was feeling. Did she remember that he’d put the ball in her court as to whether or not they moved forward in their personal relationship? The wait was ripping him apart, but he knew Ana would be worth it. She was special and she was his. For now. And even that small epiphany scared the hell out of him. He’d never been so territorial before.

  “You’re going to Cole’s wedding, right?” he asked.

  She looked up at him and shielded her eyes from the sun. “I hadn’t thought about i
t. Why?”

  “It’s next weekend.” Suddenly Zach wasn’t so confident. Why did this woman have that ability to sap his courage? And why was he holding his breath over his next question? “Would you like to be my date?”

  Ana took a step back. “That’s not a good idea.”

  “It’s a great idea,” he told her, taking a step toward her. “We’re working together, spending off-hours together. You’ve already made a great impression on Tamera and Kayla. Why shouldn’t you go?”

  “The shower was one thing, but a wedding is a personal, family-or-close-friend occasion.”

  Before she could retreat any farther, Zach placed his hands on her shoulders to stop her. “You are a friend, Ana, and I want to get very personal with you.”

  Yes, he may have thrown down the gauntlet for her weeks ago, but damn if he didn’t pick it back up the second his lips came down on hers.

  He moved his body into hers, wrapping his arms around her waist and drawing her flush against him. She felt so perfect, so right. Her arms slid around his neck as he took advantage of her mouth by easing her lips apart.

  “God, Ana, I want you,” he murmured against her mouth.

  She took his face in her hands and stared back at him. “I know I’m driving you crazy. I’m doing the same thing to myself, but I have to be sure. Can you understand that?”

  Having been a risk taker his entire life, no, he didn’t understand, but he was willing to try. For her. He could see the desire in her eyes and knew that he could have her now if he pressed enough. But what would that get him? An evening of hot, sweaty sex? No, when he finally got Ana, he wanted more than one night to explore, to teach, to worship.

  And he didn’t want her to second-guess herself the entire time. He wanted her to come to him with total abandonment.

  “Come to the wedding with me.”

  She kissed him, softly, tenderly. “Okay.” Then she eased back. “Now what do you say we take Jake inside and get him fed?”

  Zach smiled. He’d never had to plead for a date before, but he’d also never felt this good about one.

  Ana was seriously the equivalent of every business deal he’d ever had. The ones he truly appreciated were the ones he worked hardest to get.

  Cole’s wedding couldn’t get here soon enough. Once the wedding was over, the reception finished, Zach knew Ana wouldn’t deny him. Not with an ambiance of love surrounding them and the fact that family and a select few of their friends were invited to stay at the Star Island home afterward.

  Less than a week and Zach was sure Ana would take what he’d been offering.

  Zach couldn’t push his Harley fast enough. Finally an arrest had been made in the breaking and entering at the construction site over a month ago and seeing as how he hadn’t been by yet to check on progress today, he decided to tell Ana in person.

  He always got excited when he pulled onto the private property that led to the resort. The skeletal frame had been done, but in Zach’s eye, he could already see the completed masterpiece.

  Of course, he also got a little thrill when he pulled onto the site because of a certain sexy, albeit frustrating forewoman who always looked amazing in her little tanks and hard hat.

  He was surprised to not find her out with the crew, so he made his way into her office. Empty. Zach went back out and was approached by a member of Ana’s crew.

  “She’s not here, Mr. Marcum,” the sweat-covered man said. “We had to call the ambulance—”

  “Ambulance?” Panic flooded through every single part of his body. “Is she hurt? Did she fall?”

  “Dehydrated,” the man said. “The squad just left with her about ten minutes ago. Damn hot out here and she’s always too busy making sure we all have enough water, I suppose she forgot to get some herself.”

  “If you need anything, call my cell,” Zach said, running back to his bike. “I’m going to the E.R. now.”

  Not waiting around for another moment to pass him by, Zach brought the engine to life and made record time in reaching the hospital. Damn fool woman. How many times had he told her the Miami heat was nothing like what she was used to?

  Anger, worry, fear, they all accompanied him to the doors of the E.R. And even though Zach knew her condition wasn’t life threatening, he still couldn’t get to her fast enough.

  Once he told a little lie that he was family, the nurse let him into the room.

  Ana, still in her white tank, cutoff denim shorts and dusty boots, was hooked up to an IV. She looked up from where a nurse drew her blood and rolled her eyes.

  “Seriously? They called you to come down here?”

  Zach stepped farther into the room and pulled the curtain behind him. “No, I was on my way to talk to you and one of the crew members told me what happened.”

  “I don’t want to hear it,” she told him, then hissed as the nurse pricked her delicate arm with a needle to draw blood. “I know to drink and stay hydrated, but I’m a little too tired right now to argue. Can we just say you were right and move on?”

  Zach laughed and moved to the other side of her bed. “You must be tired if you can’t argue with me.”

  “Okay, Miss Clark.” The nurse tossed the trash and gathered her things. “The doctor will be in shortly.”

  “Wonderful.” Ana sighed and settled into the bed. “What did you need to tell me?” she asked him.

  “What? Oh, nothing that can’t wait.” He just wanted to look at her. Wanted to make sure she was really okay because when that initial shock of her being taken away by an ambulance had hit him, he’d imagined the worst.

  Ana closed her eyes, clasped her hands over her flat stomach. Zach hated to see the IV sticking from her delicate wrist.

  “I’m not going anywhere,” she told him. “You might as well tell me what you needed to say then you can go.”

  He took one of her hands and nestled it between his. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  Opening her eyes, she turned her head and smiled. “I’m fine, Zach. I’m just going to lie here, get some more fluids and I’ll be good as new in a couple of hours.”

  He returned her gaze, leaving no room for argument. “I’m staying.”

  “Then tell me what you wanted to say.”

  “An arrest was made in the break-in.”

  She sat up, her eyes wide now. “Who did they arrest?”

  “Nate. Claims he was mad and wanted to teach you a lesson.”

  “Arrogant jerk. What took the cops so long to arrest him?”

  “He’d fled the state. Victor and I had an investigator hunt him down. Nate was picked up in Michigan.”

  Ana gritted her teeth. “Too bad the investigator couldn’t accidentally have shot him. Then we wouldn’t have to worry about pressing charges.”

  Zach laughed, brought her tiny hand up to his lips. “Bloodthirsty, aren’t you? He’s going to go before a jury and pay for his crime.”

  “Probably with a slap on the wrist.”

  Feeling more confident, Zach eased down on the edge of the narrow bed. “Seriously, stop worrying about it. Don’t worry about anything. Not the break-in, not your father or the divorce, and not even the resort. I can’t believe I just said that.”

  Ana laughed. Just the response he was looking for. “Okay, Dr. Marcum. I am tired. I’m just going to close my eyes for a second. Okay?”

  He nodded and continued to stare long after her breathing slowed. When the nurse came in to change the bag of fluids, Zach still remained on the edge of the bed clutching her hand. When the doctor came in to order more blood work to make sure her levels were back up, Zach thanked him.

  Funny. He couldn’t recall any woman in his past, other than his sister, with whom he would’ve sat for hours in an E.R. over something this minor.

  Come to think of it, there were a lot of things he’d do for Ana that he wouldn’t have done for past lovers. And that was the funniest part of all. Anastasia Clark wasn’t even his lover.


sp; Tonight was the night.

  It was all Ana could think of as she stepped into the lobby to wait for Zach to pick her up. She took a deep, calming breath but her heart still fluttered.

  She’d known from the moment she’d told him that she would be his date for his brother’s wedding that she would give herself to Zach tonight. There was no denying him, or herself, anymore.

  The jumble of flurries in her belly stemmed from pure excitement from the promises the evening held. She had no expectations, no thoughts as to what she wanted to get out of a night with Zach. At such a monumental moment in her life, she knew she had to take each step at a time and follow her heart.

  Ana clutched her gold handbag and stared at her reflection in the lobby doors. She was so glad she’d let Kayla take her shopping for a dress to wear to the wedding. The shimmering emerald strapless matched her eyes, and Kayla had assured Ana that Zach would not be able to take his eyes off her.

  Ana had even gone to great lengths to tame her mass of curls by going to the salon several hours ago. Now her hair was smoothed to a shine and tumbled down her back in soft waves. She’d never have been able to achieve this look on her own, so she’d tipped the stylist very well.

  But as Ana continued to study her reflection, she wondered if maybe she should’ve chosen the short, gold dress with straps instead of this floor-length strapless.

  A limo pulled up and Ana quit fussing with her dress and hair. Even though she was anxious, she needed to stay calm and just enjoy what life was so graciously offering.

  She just hoped Zach still wanted her once he saw her. She did look different, and not just the hair. Her makeup was heavier than she normally wore, as well. Would he like the bronzed shimmer that she’d used to highlight her shoulders? Would he appreciate the brand-new lingerie she’d purchased just that morning with him in mind?

  The limo driver opened the rear door and Zach emerged looking sexy, sinful and perfect in an all-black suit. The best man would look even more dashing than the groom. Of course, that was her own opinion.

  She knew when he spotted her. Zach froze. With nothing between them but the glass doors, Ana could only stare in return. She didn’t think having a conversation with only your eyes was possible, but she’d been wrong before.


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