Book Read Free

Managing the Apocalypse

Page 23

by C. J. Boyle

  “Nothing, forget it.”

  “No, you need to get it off your chest, so go ahead.” Kera looked at her and waited.

  Melissa got up and looked down at her. “You clearly have some serious issues and everyone loves you like you’re some kind of celebrity, the “Warden.”

  Kera made a face, “I can’t control how people feel about either one of us. As far as my serious issues, I’d like to think I’ve gotten better. I have Brody to thank for that.”

  “I just want to make sure you know the world is more than just Brody. These people depend on you. That little girl depends on you.” She sat back down and stared at the ground while she held her gun.

  Kera smiled. She finally figured out what this was really about. “You know, I didn’t lay claim to her. But I think my Uncle Shawn might have. He loves that little girl. You do too, huh?”

  Melissa furrowed her brow and nodded.

  “I don’t think anyone will have problems with you spending time with her.” Kera laughed, “Be careful. She’s like a little drug that you can get high on. You don’t want to overdose.”

  Melissa laughed and gave an exaggerated nod in agreement. Kera knew that the woman was one of few women on the planet who could probably conceive her own child, but they weren’t close enough to have that conversation yet. “I don’t think you look like a vampire. You’re really quite stunning. That’s probably the real reason people are looking at you. Men will look at you because you’re gorgeous and women will look at you because they're jealous.” She shrugged, “And whoever is left is simply curious. Maybe you have special powers. Maybe you can read their minds. Stupid stuff. When they get to know you, they will just see you.”

  Melissa had a look of realization on her face and suddenly felt bad. “I know you must think that Carl talks about you, but…"

  Kera put up her hand, “Carl needs someone to talk to just like the rest of us. It’s good that he has you.”

  She laughed, “I guess I’m starting to realize why everyone likes you.”

  Kera shook her head, “No, you said everyone loves me. You can’t take it back now.” She got up and walked to the fence. “Brody and Carl are like brothers.” She looked over at Melissa, “That means one day we’ll be sisters.”

  Melissa walked up to her and held her hand out. “Well, I’ll have your back if you’ll have mine.”

  Kera shook her hand, “Of course.”

  ~ The Mountain Men Arrive ~

  The next day Captain Baker and his men arrived at the Rehab Center with a small convoy of vehicles ending in a black eighteen-wheeler. He rode in one of two trucks with several armed men. He was a hardcore military man born of another hardcore military man. He always followed orders no matter how he felt about them. Which is exactly why Colonel Cockran selected him. He knew the plan and he had no problems following it. He jumped out of the truck as it pulled up to the gate. He knew everything was prearranged so he wouldn't have any problems. He held his gun pointed to the ski and walked alongside the truck as they drove through the gate. He nodded 'hello' to the Center's guards as they passed.

  Mitchell walked up next to him. He moved his hair out of his face, "Captain Baker, I presume."

  Baker barely looked at him, "Correct. And you?"

  "Mitchell," he pointed to the eighteen-wheeler. "What's in the truck?"

  "None of your business."

  Mitchell was obviously confused. What could possibly be in there that he couldn't reveal? He decided that it had to be weapons of some kind. He stopped walking and returned to his post next to the gate. He watched the trucks drive down the road to the back parking lot. He took his radio out, "The mountain men have arrived."

  They parked the trucks at the end of the lot as close to the fence as possible. As his men got out he barked at them, "All right, men, fall in."

  They stood in a line in front of him with their guns ready.

  "You've all been briefed. Don't get too acquainted."

  * * *

  Colonel Cockran stood in the Command Center watching the live video feeds from the Rehab Center just as he had been doing for the last few days. He counted on his people to alert him when and if anything interesting was happening, although nothing interesting ever seemed to happen. Most of the children were the physical age of around two or three. It was nearing the end of April and the weather was beautiful. The kids ran around playing in the Quad. Several adults watched them and played with them. They all looked very happy to the Colonel.

  Brody walked to the window in the recreation room on the second floor and looked around at the grounds. He scanned the tree line and what he could see beyond the fence and then looked up the side of the building to the roof where his eyes fell on Kera. She was doing the same thing he was; scanning the tree line and surveying the grounds to make sure there were no Link incursions. He watched her for a few moments hoping that she would see him so he could make a silly face at her or be stupid and blow her a kiss. Instead, he saw Mitchell walk up behind her and place his hand on her shoulder. When she turned around, he smiled at her and then pulled her into a full body hug that lasted too long for Brody's comfort. "Son of a bitch," he fumed. That was it. He was going to find him and kick his ass.

  On the roof, Mitchell hugged Kera tight and then let her go. She studied his face and raised her eyebrows at him, "So we hug hello now?"

  "No, Brody was watchin' you from the Rec room," he laughed.

  "What?" Kera leaned on the roof wall and tried to see Brody, "Why do you keep doing this stuff?"

  Mitchell pointed at the second-floor windows of the building across from them. "He was right there." He absentmindedly put his hand on her shoulder as he looked down. He saw something run by on the ground. "What the fuck was that?" He moved down to the corner of the building and looked over the side. He took out his radio. "This is Mitchell. I'm on the roof of building C, I just saw something run by on the south side headed toward the Quad. I didn't get a good look at it. Over."

  In the mountain, the Colonel watched the video feed from the Quad. He saw a few Links creep up while the children were playing. He could hear his men talking to each other. He recognized Dr. Haley's voice, "Links have breached the fence! I need help with the children!" He didn't budge. He knew Captain Baker, who was in command of the team and trusted his judgment. "Everyone hold until I give the order," the Captain responded.

  Brody was making his way down to the first floor of the building he was in. He suddenly heard some screaming and people yelling. He grabbed the gun that hung from a strap over his shoulder and ran outside. Links were all over the place, chasing people around. Brody suddenly didn't know what to do or where to go first. He looked at the roof where he last saw Kera. He couldn't see anything from his new angle. He had to make a decision quickly so he had to go with what was right in front of him at that moment. He chased after a Link and popped off a couple of shots, hitting it in the back. He ran past it as it fell to the ground. Ahead of him he could see people herding the kids inside the safety of the building in front of them. He knew they would head for the bomb shelter just like they practiced in their drills.

  Up on the roof, Mitchell looked at Kera and held out his hand to her, "Let's go." She hurried past him and he grabbed her arm as they ran for the stairwell door. Mitchell held his gun ready as they descended the stairs.

  In the Quad, a Link crept slowly up to Rose. She had been playing with the others and somehow in the chaos, she was left alone to fend for herself. The little girl wasn't afraid. She looked at it curiously and it seemed to scrutinize her in the very same manner. It cocked its head to the side and looked at her as if she was an animal that it hadn't yet encountered. It sniffed the air around her, stepped toward her, and sniffed her body. Then the child did something astonishing and unexpected. She put her arms up to the Link and it picked her up just like any human would for one of its young. The Link held Rose and started to walk away.

  Back in the Mountain, Colonel Cockran watched the
screen as the Link carried the willing child off. He looked down and cleared his throat. "Patch me through to Captain Baker."

  "Done, Sir."

  Cockran looked up at the screen again, "Captain, we're at Code Black, Understood?"

  He heard some static and then the Captain responded, "Understood, Sir. Code Black. No survivors."

  Some of the techs who were monitoring the video from the Rehab Clinic looked back at the Colonel. They were obviously shocked and dismayed. He addressed them, You saw what just happened. Those aren't human children. They're Links. There's no hope for them."

  In the stairwell, Mitchell hit the landing at the bottom of the stairs first with Kera close behind him. He pushed the bar on the door and opened it only long enough to see a soldier open fire on them. He simultaneously pulled the door shut and pushed Kera backward at the same time. They both landed against the wall and slid down onto the floor.

  Kera was stunned, "Why the hell are they shooting at us?"

  Mitchell looked down at his chest. He had several bullet wounds that were bleeding through his shirt. While he struggled to keep conscious, he turned his head to look at her. She was looking at the exit and preparing to fire at it. He grabbed her hand. "It's locked. We can get out but they can't get in."

  She looked at his hand, which caused her to look at his bloody chest, and then she looked up at his face. He was staring at her and when she met his gaze he grinned slightly. Tears started to well up in her eyes, "Mitch?"

  "Be strong for me." With the last bit of strength he had, he put his hand on the side of her face and pulled her closer to him so that he could kiss her on the lips.

  Kera suddenly felt his lips relax against hers. She opened her eyes and tried to see him through her tears. His eyes were still and lifeless, staring at something distant and far away. "Mitch?" She whined softly. She stroked the side of his face and smoothed his hair behind his ear. Tears streamed down her face, "Mitchell!" She sobbed. The agony was so great she could barely breathe. She kissed his forehead and then gently closed his eyes. Even through her sobs and her need to say 'no' over and over again, she knew she had to find a way to function and put one foot in front of the other or else she'd be lost too. She didn't know what was happening or why the military suddenly turned on them, but she had to get up and go find out. She got to her knees and held her gun. She didn't want to leave him. She had this sudden fear that he wasn't actually dead and that he'd wake up and need her help, but she'd be gone. She put her hand on the side of his face. A little sorrow-filled moan came out of her and then she whispered, "I'll come back for you, I promise." She got to her feet and went to the door.

  She pushed the bar on the door and opened it slowly. The coward that shot Mitchell in a surprise attack was gone. She crept out the door and moved slowly down the cement pathway. Each step she took was a mental and physical battle in which she had to convince herself to keep going. She had to get the kids to safety and if she happened to see the bastard that killed Mitchell before, during, or after that...she'd kill him and then repeatedly kick his bleeding corpse. The corner of the building got closer and closer. She thought that she could hear a voice so she carefully poked her head around the corner. There she saw a Link holding the beautiful little girl she called Rose. Her heart instantly sank into her stomach. If she had to watch that child die she'd never recover. She crept out into the opening holding her gun steady out in front of her. Her mind raced as her eyes tried to land on the best target. Maybe she could shoot the Link without hitting Rose and the Link would drop its snack and run away.

  On the other side of the building, Brody ran after a Link while shooting at it. As it fell to the ground, so did the man it was chasing. Brody stopped next to the man. He was on the ground on his stomach with several bullet wounds in his back. He looked at the man, shocked and confused. He didn't think he was the one who shot him but he wasn't sure. As he bent down to feel for a pulse, bullets zipped by above him. He looked up and saw one of the army soldiers who were sent to protect them. Instead, he was shooting at him. He rolled on the grass and landed on his stomach. He aimed for the soldier and pulled the trigger. He took no joy in watching the man jerk as the bullets hit him. He seemed to fall to the ground in slow motion. It hurt Brody's soul. Why was this happening?

  * * *

  Martha and General McNally ran into the Command Center behind Colonel Cockran and looked at the monitors above the computer pit. One of them showed Brody on the ground shooting at one of Cockran’s men. Another showed a large, pink Link carrying one of the small children away. Martha pointed at the monitor. She was extremely distraught, "George, how could you do this?"

  When Cockran didn’t answer and didn’t even turn away from the monitors, General McNally made himself known, “Cockran, report.”

  The Colonel turned around. He was obviously surprised to see him. “General McNally, Dr. Decker, I’m kind of busy here, mind coming back later?”

  Martha watched the monitors. She recognized Lillian, the Link. "He took the rest of the Links in the basement and released them at the Rehab Center just to see what would happen."

  “Who’s in command over there, master sergeant?” As McNally spoke, a couple of MP’s came in behind them. He looked at the tech closest to him.

  “Captain Baker, Sir.”

  Colonel Cockran got angry, “Now hold on, you can’t just come in here and take over.”

  “Patch me through.”

  The MP’s walked up to the Colonel and each one grabbed an arm. He looked at them in utter confusion. “What the hell’s going on here? McNally, you put me in charge of the Mountain.”

  The General watched a screen that showed several uniformed men being shot and killed. “That was obviously a mistake.”

  “Go ahead, Sir.”

  “Captain Baker, this is General McNally. I want you to cease and desist and get your asses back to this Mountain immediately.” He listened as he sadly watched the monitor where several people lay still in the grass. A Link crept up to one of the bodies and started to feed on it. McNally looked at Cockran and then back to the master sergeant. He was afraid that Baker might be one of the men he was looking at.

  “Sir, Colonel Cockran gave us a Code Black. Once one is issued…"

  “Captain Baker, Colonel Cockran is under arrest and will most likely be court marshaled, which is exactly where you and your men will be if you ignore my order.” The General tried to remain composed as Cockran smiled smugly at both him and Martha.

  One of the MP's asked, “Sir, what do you want us to do with him?”

  Martha glared at him, “Slit his wrists and throw him outside to the Links.”

  General McNally looked at her for a moment and then turned to the MP’s, “Confine him to his quarters until he’s been evaluated by psych and we’ll go from there.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  As the MP’s left with Cockran, he looked Martha in the eye and smirked at her. She wanted to kill him and then watch the life drain away from his eyes.

  The General looked at the master sergeant again, “Is Baker still on the line? Why hasn’t he answered?”

  * * *

  As things at the rehab center got worse, Kera took a few more steps towards the Link holding baby Rose. She soon realized that Melissa was standing mere feet from the Link with her hand held up at it and her gun down to her side.

  When Melissa saw Kera, she slowly put herself between the Link and the angry blonde woman aiming her gun at it. “Kera, don’t. It won’t hurt her.”

  “I’m not going to let that thing leave with her.”

  The Link looked at Kera and growled, but when Melissa spoke, its attention was drawn back to her. “He’s not going to. He’s going to put Rose down and we’re going to let him leave, aren’t we?” She flicked her eyes over to Kera to see her response and then looked the Link in the eyes. “Put her down. She belongs with us.”

  “That thing understands you?”

  Melissa kept her voice le
vel. “Kera, no offense, but shut up.” She held the Link's gaze, “When he puts her down I’m going to get her, and you’re going to let it go. Okay?” Melissa looked over at her just long enough to see her nodding in agreement.

  Kera had the Link in her sights, but she slowly lowered her gun. If that thing could understand Melissa, even just a little bit, then she didn’t want to kill it. But she couldn’t relax entirely.

  Melissa didn’t take her eyes off the Link. She had to try again, “Put her down. Please, just put her down and go.” The Link appeared to look at Rose and then it squeezed her gently before putting her down. Melissa bent down and held her hands out to Rose. She toddled to her until Melissa was able to grab her up and step aside so that the Link would have a clear path past her. It looked at Melissa and Rose and then back to Kera as if it was trying to make a decision.

  Kera wasn’t sure, but she believed that Melissa and Rose were off limits to the Link, but that didn’t mean she was. She gripped her gun and got ready to shoot. She suddenly found herself stuck. She couldn’t move, couldn’t budge, couldn’t even breathe. She stared at the serial number that had been tattooed on the Link's arm before The Turn. “Charlie?” He made a long shrill noise that sounded more like a whimper. Kera knew he recognized her.


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