Running with a Sweet Talker (Brides on the Run Book 2)
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I also want to thank my kids for being so amazing and patient with me during the writing of this book. You three are why I do what I do. I love you guys to the moon and back.
My fabulous critique partners come next. Carla Rossi, Stacey A. Purcell, and Melissa Ohnoutka. They are my sounding board, my support, and my butt kickers. I truly hit the critique partner lottery with these three.
I have the most amazing writer friends, and one of the best is Maria Luis. She’s held my hand and shown me the way in all things marketing, and book promoting. She’s also listened to me when I didn’t think things were going the way they should or when I wanted to give up. I’m so fortunate to have her in my life.
You guys that this book might’ve stalled out and never happened without my friend Leslie, who let me borrow her beach house, which gave me the space to push through to the end. Thank you, Leslie for such a beautiful place to create.
I want to thank the Brightens, my ARC team for being willing to drop everything and read and review my book for me. I know you guys have lives and responsibilities, so it makes your offering of time so much more precious to me.
A book doesn’t just happen. It takes lots of work and people with sharp eyes to create a story that moves and entertains. My editor Serena Clarke is one of those people for me. I struggle mightily with grammar, and Serena swoops in, cleans things up, and makes me look great. It’s so important to have an editor that will tell you the truth about your story without trying to change your voice, and Serena does that in such a professional and kind way that it’s an absolute joy to work with her.
Thanks to Najla Qamber of Najla Qamber Designs for another AMAZING cover. You rock in every way, Najla!
Let me tell you how fabulous my mother is. Y’all, I could write my books in crayon and on a Big Chief tablet, and she would think they were fantastic and show them to all of her friends. I wouldn’t be writing this to you without her. I know that no matter what happens she will ALWAYS be in my corner. She’s poured wisdom, support, and unconditional love into me and my four sisters and in turn raise five strong, independent women. I wish you all could meet her. You’d love her as much as I do.
Lastly, I want to thank my readers. You guys were so gracious and generous with your time in reading the books, and I cannot thank you enough. You all took a leap of faith with me, a new author and have shown me love and support. Here’s to many more years of reading, laughing, and hanging out together.
About the Author
Jami Albright is a born and raised Texas girl and an award-winning author who writes zany, sexy, laugh-out-loud stories. If you don’t snort with laughter, then she hasn’t done her job.
Jami is a wife, mother, and an actress/comedian. She spends her days writing and wrangling her adorably mischievous dog, Tug, who may or may not be human.
She loves her family, all things Outlander, and puppies make her stupid happy. She can be found on Sundays during football season watching her beloved Houston Texans and trying not to let them break her heart.
Contact Jami