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Letters to Penthouse XXIV

Page 3

by Penthouse International

  Released from the kiss, we locked eyes, and I beckoned every ounce of energy that I had as we fucked harder and faster. His hands reached around to my back as he fucked me harder and harder. He was holding me so tight and close that I was locked into the fucking that I was getting.

  I let out rhythmic moans each time he slammed himself inside me. This was it! Sure enough, with one more thrust I released all that had been building up all day. My muscles tightened around him and I felt his body tighten to come with mine. Our bodies glowed and our breathing was heavy, and I found myself slipping down between his legs. He smiled coyly as I handed him his jeans. I held out my hand, and he reached for mine.

  I led him to our bedroom and he sat gently on the edge of the bed. I put my finger to my mouth in a “shhh!” kind of motion, and lifted my teddy up over my head. On all fours, I climbed quietly up to my sleeping husband’s mouth and lowered myself onto him. Instinctively, his tongue licked the juice that had just been deposited there. The silence was broken only by the sound of his best friend’s zipper.

  —N.A., Augusta, Maine


  When something really wild happens to a normal, everyday wife like me, I guess Penthouse Letters is as good a place as any to confess.

  It all began a few months ago. I am a tall, thin, forty-three-year-old brunette, living with my husband Frank and our two teen-aged kids on our beautifully spacious farm in Kansas. Frank was the love of my life in high school, and when he asked me to marry him after college, I was elated. We were married in his parents’ home, and soon afterwards we took over that big black frame house to begin our life together.

  I guess you could say Frank changed. He went from a quiet, romantic guy to a quiet business freak. Aside from working all hours on the farm, he was soon consumed every hour of the day with making money. He always felt he needed more. I guess it was a status thing. He seemed to have no time any more for our children and certainly no time for me. Months went by without our making love. “Grow up, Lucy,” he would say when I broached the subject. “I have no time for silly bedroom games. I am much too busy.”

  I was working also, so I tried to absorb myself in my work, while helping out as much as I could with all the various farm chores. Perhaps Frank was right, I thought. Maybe thinking about sex after forty was silly. But I was still suffering and yearning for my husband’s attention.

  Out of sheer boredom one night, I accepted my friend Harriet’s invitation to attend a “ladies’ night” at a bar south of town. I felt funny, however, when I discovered that the main attraction was a tall, young black male stripper. Frank’s family was not too keen on black people, and I found it uncomfortable to watch this ebony stud strip down to a crotch net. I made some excuses and left abruptly.

  When I returned home, Frank again paid no attention to me. Although I dressed up in my sexiest nightgown, all he said was that he had a long day tomorrow, and he wanted me to take the kids to their soccer game the next evening. I fell asleep dreaming of some guy in shining armor sweeping me away in his strong arms. Strangely enough, he seemed to be black.

  Soon after I returned home from work the next day, Harriet was on the phone, sounding excited. “Listen, Lucy,” she gushed. “After you left last night, that black stripper asked us who the tall, thin mama was.” She giggled. “Lucy, he wants you!”

  “What?” I said, not knowing whether to be flustered or indignant. “Come on, Harriet, do you think I’m flattered by some stripper putting the moves on me? I’ve got more class than that.”

  “Come on yourself, Lucy,” Harriet retorted. “Jane and I went crazy over this handsome black guy. Luce, he is a stud, and if we had half a chance, we would both sneak out on our husbands for some of that meat between his legs. Anyway, I know you’re not very happy with Frank these days. Why not talk to this guy? His name is Darren. We won’t tell a soul, honest!”

  “No way!” I said. “You know I’m a respectable wife and mother. Just because Frank is busy, hopping in bed with some strange black guy is not the answer. You and Jane should be ashamed of yourselves!”

  When I took the boys to their soccer game that evening, they asked me why their dad had called off our vacation this year. “Your dad is just too busy,” I told them. “He’ll take us next year, guys.” But I couldn’t help being nearly as disappointed as they were.

  After fixing the boys a late supper, I had settled down to go over some papers when the phone rang. “Is this Lucy?” a man’s voice said.

  “Yes, this is she,” I replied. “Who is calling, please? Are you looking for Frank?”

  “Lucy, this is Darren,” the voice said. “To tell you the truth, I’m looking for you. You left so early last night.”

  “I beg your pardon?” I said frostily. “Look, I’m not interested in you or any of your games. So good-bye!”

  “Wait Lucy, don’t hang up! I just want to meet you. I saw you out in the audience, and you are one hot-looking mama! The girls told me about your husband. Listen, I would love to be your secret stud. We could make real music, baby.”

  “Listen, you creep,” I said, trying to keep my voice down so my sons would not hear me. “I’m a happily married woman and a mother. Women like me don’t go running to the arms of other men, especially strangers. Understand? Now good-bye!” And I hung up.

  This call upset me so much that I felt like calling Harriet and bawling her out, but at that point Frank came home. After what had happened I needed Frank more than ever, but again he was too tired. Instead of coming to bed with me, he started calling some buyers about the hog market. The next day, however, I was elated when he invited me to a cattle convention the following week in Oklahoma. “I would like that, Frank,” I said. “We need to get away and be alone.”

  The Oklahoma trip was okay, I guess, if you like hearing about hogs, wheat and bank stock. Our plush hotel room was great, but Frank was gone most of the time, running around to meetings. But we did manage to attend a dinner and cocktail party one evening, and I was flattered when all the cattlemen started paying me compliments, and congratulating Frank on having such a pretty wife. I hoped that this would fuel Frank’s fire a little when we retired to our room. But no. “It’s not that I don’t want to make love to you, Lucy,” he said, hanging up his suit. “But I’m tired, honey, and I need to work on my speech for the cattle market in the morning.”

  I lost it then. “Don’t you desire me at all any more?” I screamed, throwing a magazine across the room. “Tell me, Frank!”

  “Hey, come on, don’t talk like a cheap slut,” Frank said in a stern voice. “I have an important job, and you’re a respectable lady, so stop acting like some teenage girl.”

  That night I found it hard not to think of what Darren had said, and how much he wanted me. But I did my best to put such thoughts out of my mind. I couldn’t sleep very well, and at one point I got up and went into the bathroom. I took off my nightgown and looked at my naked body in the mirror. Why would a man like Darren even want someone as old as me, I wondered. He wasn’t that much older than my oldest son. I looked so thin, and my breasts were not all that big. On the other hand, all those cattlemen couldn’t have been lying when they told Frank how attractive I was. I couldn’t help wondering what it would be like with someone new. Like Darren . . .

  After we got back home I still found myself daydreaming about this young black man. Even as I went through my filing, I was thinking about the words he had used. Hot-looking mama . . . secret stud . . . the words would not go away.

  Then one night, with Frank at a board meeting, and the boys out at a movie with some of their friends, I had a moment of weakness, and I found myself calling Harriet to see if she and Jane were planning on going to the club to see Darren dance. “Darren!” Harriet said. “Lucy, Darren is gone. I think he went to Chicago.”

  “Oh!” I said. “I just thought—Oh. Well. That’s good. I guess.”r />
  “Lucy, are you saying what I am thinking?” Harriet asked. “You want this guy, don’t you, honey?”

  “That’s crazy,” I said. “I’m a married woman and a mother. I-I just wanted to watch him dance again.”

  I hung up feeling like a tramp, and began to plan my next day’s agenda. I knew I had to get control of my sexual feelings. I had nothing to gain and everything to lose. Again I determined to concentrate on home and work, and to act like a mature married woman. After all, there were a lot worse husbands than Frank, and I was lucky to be married to someone who worked hard and provided well for his family.

  But on Saturday morning it all began again when I got an unexpected call from Harriet. “Lucy,” she whispered, “I don’t know if you can talk now, but I located Darren, and he will be at the Kingdom Motel tonight, in room two forty-one. He was very interested to hear you were asking about him, Luce. So if you want to meet him, here’s your chance.”

  “Damn it, Harriet, I’m over this silly fantasy,” I replied, my heart pounding. “Frank is my husband, and I’m his wife, and that’s all there is to it, it’s as simple as that. Thanks anyway!”

  Now I needed Frank so much. I needed my husband to help me get rid of these feelings. On Friday evening I told him I wanted to prepare a special dinner on Saturday, just for the two of us. Frank seemed happy about that, but the next morning he floored me again. “I am going to have to help prepare for the sale at the stockyard tonight, Lucy,” he told me. “I’m sorry, honey. I’ll try not to be too late.”

  I was devastated. “Fine,” I snapped, slamming down the laundry basket I was carrying. “Maybe I’ll just go out with the girls tonight. How’s that?”

  “Fine, Luce,” he said. “You need a night out. Besides, I need to catch up on some computer work when I get home.”

  Even then I tried everything I could think of to forget this crap with Darren. I even asked the boys to go to a movie. “Sorry, Mom,” they said. “Sounds great, but we have plans. Next time, okay?”

  So that evening, after telling myself a hundred times that I wouldn’t, I hopped in the minivan and drove ten miles south to the Kingdom Motel. I quickly found room two forty-one, and Darren’s face lit up as he opened the door to my knock.

  “Hey, pretty lady,” he said. “I was hoping you would come. Come on in and I’ll pour you a glass of cold wine. I’ve been dreaming of this night, hoping we could get together.”

  “Skip the wine,” I snapped. “I am a married woman and mother. You’re a footloose stripper looking for kicks.”

  “Then why are you here?” Darren asked. “I’ll tell you. Because you’re a neglected wife looking for satisfaction, and I can give you that. Look, why don’t you get out of those threads and let me prove I can satisfy you. I want you to suck me first.”

  I should have been shocked by this kind of directness, but somehow I was past that now. “Okay, you’re right,” I said flatly. “But I’ll skip the oral part, and I’ll undress in the bathroom.”

  Darren shrugged, and I went into the bathroom. But when I came out I was still wearing my bra and panties. “You are one foxy mother,” Darren said, his eyes devouring me. “Let me see those tits.”

  When I removed my bra, his mouth was all over my small breasts. I had to admit that this strange black man knew how to light my fire. He then laid me back on the bed, removed my panties and put his mouth on my crotch. It had been years since Frank had done this, and never had he sucked my clit the way this young stranger did.

  “Make love to me,” I said. “I want you to make love to me.”

  When he stripped himself naked, I saw a long black penis that looked like a hammer handle. To my startled eyes it seemed to be a foot long. “For an older woman you get real wet,” Darren said. “This is going to be good. I want you to forget everything and just enjoy this black cock.”

  Wet or not, when he started to slide his pole into me it felt like one of Frank’s tractors was entering my vagina. Not that it didn’t feel good. I grabbed his arms and held on. “Go easy,” I groaned. “My god, you’re splitting me in two! Oooh!”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll go easy, Lucy baby. I’ll do anything to please this sweet, tight pussy. I’m going to make you forget everything.”

  My fears subsided, and I threw my head back and gave myself over to the unbelievable sensation. I felt on the verge of an orgasm, as that big strong tool sliced further into my eager vagina. Darren propped pillows under my head so I could see his black cock sliding in and out of me. That was all it took. “I’m coming!” I yelled, as I went into convulsions, my orgasm rocking my body. Darren suckled at my breasts as he pumped me full of jism, and I sank my teeth into his strong black arm to stifle my screams of joy.

  “You liked that, didn’t you Lucy?” Darren asked. “You’re addicted to black cock, baby. I want you again.”

  “I have to get going,” I said weakly. “I can’t believe I just broke my marriage vows with a black man. Hand me my bra, please.”

  “First let me give you a shower, baby,” he said. “I want to soap that tall, lean body.”

  I didn’t really want to leave, and I made no protest as he led me to the shower. Soon we were under the warm water. My head was spinning, as much from my confused mental state as from my recent orgasm. My husband and sons were at home, and here I was naked in a shower with a black man! As if reading my mind, Darren said, “You’re terrific, Lucy! I just want you to forget your husband and boys for tonight and let this black man give you what you need.”

  His mouth was all over my breasts and vagina as he soaped me up, and before I knew it I was crying for him to make love to me again. Back in bed, he again put pillows under my head, and my mouth flew open as he entered me once more. “Oh god, screw me!” I yelled. “Fuck me in two!”

  For the next hour I was totally out of my mind with lust, as this virtual stranger fucked me into oblivion. When I finally felt his hot stream shooting into my body, I wrapped my long legs around him, bucking and twisting in another wild orgasm. We lay for a long time in total exhaustion before I finally dressed and kissed my black lover good-bye.

  As I drove slowly home, I was in a state of total disbelief and euphoria. Frank was snoring when I slipped into bed. As the days passed, whatever remained of my guilt was almost completely obliterated by my blissful memories. I still wanted to remain Frank’s wife, and yet I wanted to go on experiencing the pleasures I had found with Darren. But Darren would not always be around, which meant I would have to find another young black stud. Lucky for me, that bar south of town held ladies’ nights on a regular basis.

  —L.R., Topeka, Kansas


  My husband Bill and I have been married for fifteen years. Now in our mid-thirties, we work out a lot and stay physically fit. Bill says I still look just as sexy as the day we met, and I must admit I still turn more than a few heads when we get dressed up and go out.

  During the first ten years of our marriage we developed a strong friendship with Jenny, a single mother of two boys who lived next door to us. We watched the boys grow up, and they often spent time at our house, helping me in the garden and doing yard work with Bill. Five years ago we moved out of state, but we always kept in contact with Jenny and the boys by phone, and we’d visit each other a couple times a year. Although Bill and I always had a really good sex life, we were unable to have any children of our own.

  After Jenny’s older son, Troy, graduated from high school, he attended a college only a couple of hours away from where we live. Two weekends a month Troy would come to stay with us at our house, and we soon developed a stronger bond than ever. I couldn’t help but notice what a fine young man Troy was developing into. He was very well mannered, and was always eager to help with anything we needed done around the house.

  About a month ago, Bill went away on a business trip, and he and I planned a special night out for the two of us on Saturday, when
he was due back. On that day Troy arrived as usual, and went to work mowing the lawn and weeding the flowerbeds. Bill called around noon, saying that as soon as his meeting was over he’d be on a flight home, and expected to be here about six o’clock. I went to the beauty shop to get my hair and nails done, then stopped by the mall and bought a very sexy miniskirt and a matching sheer top.

  Arriving home in the afternoon, I finished cleaning the house and took a long soak in the tub. I was looking forward to some great sex, since Bill had been gone all week.

  At about four o’clock, as I was putting the final touches on my makeup, the phone rang. It was Bill, explaining that there had been complications at the meeting, and that he wouldn’t be able to get away from there until late on Sunday. When I told him how much I’d been looking forward to our special evening all week, and how disappointed I was, he felt even worse about not being able to make it home. Then he said, “Why don’t you just go ahead and take Troy, since we have reservations at the restaurant and all?” I was really reluctant at first, but since I’d made all those preparations, and since I thought Troy could use a nice night out anyway, I agreed.

  When Troy came in the house I told him about the situation and asked if he would please accompany me to dinner. He happily accepted, and went in to take a shower, while I went to my room to get ready. At first I was going to wear one of my more conservative outfits, but then I decided what the hell, I might as well go as originally planned, even though Bill would not be there to appreciate it. I put on a push-up bra that really enhanced my D-cup breasts, a pair of pantyhose but no panties, and finally my new miniskirt and sheer top. I then put on a pair of heels and took a look at myself in the full-length mirror. “Damn you look hot!” I said to myself.


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