by Thilo Wydra
Kelly, Margaret Katherine “Peggy” 15, 25, 29–30, 132, 155–156
Kelly, Mary Ann, nee Costello 23
Kelly, Patrick 35–36, 43
Kelly, Walter C. 35–36, 42–43
Kennedy, Jacqueline “Jackie” 131, 168–169
Kennedy, John F. 11, 37, 39, 131, 198, 301
Kennedy, Joseph P. “Joe” 37
Kerr, Deborah 197
King, Henry 98
Knef, Hildegard 285
Knott, Frederick 112, 118
Kofler, Karl 268
Kramer, Stanley 73–76, 82
LaCoste, Nadia 203, 235–238, 273, 275, 299–301, 303, 305
LaCoste, Thierry 236
Landis, Jessie Royce 114, 172, 201, 206–207
Lang, Fritz 74, 117
Laurents, Arthur 114
Lawrence, D. H. 257
Le Gallienne, Eva 204
Lean, David 206
Lear, Edward 257
LeVine, Donald Caldwell 30, 132, 237
Lee, Dixie 148
Leigh, Janet 278–279, 281
Lequio, Sesto 295–296, 298
Leroux, Georges 290
Lewis, Sinclair 60
Lieberman, Serge 260–261
Lloyd, Norman 279
Loiewski, Count Alexander 130
London, Jack 268
Loren, Sophia 234
Louis II., Prince of Monaco 190, 225
Low, Bruce 84
Lubitsch, Ernst 74
Lumet, Sidney 60
Lund, John 217
Lyons, Gene 61, 82, 88–89, 138
Mabry, Moss 115
MacDonald, Ian 76
Mackendrick, Alexander 206
MacLaine, Shirley 123
Magee, Marie 50
Mahin, John Lee 93–94
Mahon, Patrick 125
Majer, Bruno 22, 24
Majer, Carl 21–23, 29
Majer, Carl Titus 24
Majer, Emil 22
Majer, Frieda 22
Majer, Johann Christian Karl 22
Majer, Luise Wilhelmine Mathilde, nee Adam 22
Majer-Kelly, Margaret Katherine 20–22, 24–30, 33, 36, 38, 40, 45, 50, 52, 54–55, 101, 150, 169–170, 211, 213, 219, 238, 305, 310
Malden, Karl 122
Mankiewicz, Joseph L. 98, 160
Mann, Delbert 221
Mann, Thomas 86
March, Fredric 139
Marie-Antoinette, French Queen 286
Marsan, Jean-Louis 289–290
Marshall, Brenda 138
Martinelli, Jean 172
Marton, Andrew 160
Massey, Raymond 58
Masson, Jean 204
Maugham, William Somerset 225
Maurier, Daphne du 242
Maxwell, Vera 171
May, Karl 162
Mayer, Louis B. 91, 154
McCarthy, Joseph Raymond 85–87
Meeks, Edward 268
Meisner, Sanford 89
Metzendorf, Wilhelm 19–21
Michener, James A. 137
Miles, Vera 122
Milland, Daniel 117
Milland, Muriel “Mal” 117–118
Milland, Ray 110, 114–119, 133–134, 148
Milland, Victoria 117
Miller, Albert G. 59
Miller, Arthur 52, 85, 199
Minnelli, Liza 51
Minnelli, Vincente 233
Mitchell, Margaret 99
Mitterrand, Danielle 304
Mitterrand, François 229
Molnár, Ferenc (Franz) 61, 204
Monroe, Marilyn 11, 42, 67, 123–124, 184, 197–199
Monsigny, Jacqueline 268
Montand, Yves 190
Moorehead, Agnes 67
Mourou 10, 297
Mouyrin, Guy 290
Murray-Johnson, Mary Louise 26, 30, 47
Neal, Patricia 82
Negulesco, Jean 198
Newman, Paul 275
Niven, David 134–135, 232, 273
Niven, Hjordis 135
Notari, Louis 249
Novak, Kim 122, 124, 197, 313
O’Connell, Kathleen (Granddaughter of Alfred Hitchcock) 167
O’Dea, Denis 92
Odets, Clifford 144, 146
Olivier 236
Onassis, Aristotle 169, 195–198, 229, 232, 250
Onassis, Christina (Athina) 232
Owen, Ethel 59
Pagnol, Marcel 238
Palm, Rolf 237, 249, 291, 297, 303
Pascal, Gisèle 190–191
Pasco, Richard 257
Pastor, Michel 262
Pastorius, Francis 34
Patrick, John 215
Paxton, John 67
Peck, Gregory 233
Pellegrin, Pascale 191
Pellegrin, Raymond 191
Pelletier, Émile 247–248
Perkins, Anthony 278
Perlberg, William 147, 152
Philippe IV., French king 224
Pierre, Michel 296
Poe, Edgar Allan 286
Pohlmann, Eric 96
Pompidou, Claude 261–262
Porter, Cole 113, 216–217
Porter, Darwin 157
Powers, John Robert 52
Preminger, Otto 135, 155
Presley, Elvis 11
Price, Vincent 112
Provence, Jacques 295–296
Provence, Josette 295–296
Raimondo, Paul 268, 270
Raimondo, Yves 294–295
Rainier III., Prince of Monaco 10–11, 19–20, 33, 44, 47, 55, 80, 122, 171, 182–183, 185–193, 195–199, 201–203, 211–217, 223, 225–230, 232–234, 236–239, 241, 243–244, 246–248, 250, 253, 258, 265, 269, 272–273, 289–290, 292–294, 296, 298–302, 304–307, 314
Rainier, Peter W. 160
Rambo, Maree Frisby 54, 230
Ratoff, Gregory 89, 111
Ray, Nicholas 241
Reagan, Nancy 304
Reagan, Ronald 285
Reinhardt, Gottfried 99
Reybold, Carolyn 54, 285
Reybold, Malcolm 285
Reza Pahlevi, Shah of Persia 58
Richardson, Don 12, 49, 54–58, 68, 88–89, 203, 213–214
Richardson, Sally Parrish 54
Righter, Carroll 284–286
Ritter, Tex 79, 83
Ritter, Thelma 126
Rivette, Jacques 118
Roberts, Ben 160
Robertson, Peggy 165
Robinson, Jeffrey 292
Robson, Mark 131, 137
Robyns, Gwen 27, 262
Rodin, Auguste 286
Rohmer, Eric 118, 127
Röhrig, Elisabeth – see Berg, Elisabeth
Rooney, Mickey 140
Roos, Bram 300
Roosevelt, Franklin D. 85
Rose, Helen 97, 203–205, 218, 231
Rosin, Harry 37
Ross, Anthony 144
Rossellini, Roberto 183
Rubinstein, Arthur 238
Rubinstein, Lena 238
Ruttenberg, Joseph 205
Sagan, Françoise 135
Saint, Eva Marie 197
Salinger, Pierre 271, 307
Samina, Valentina 197
Sargent, Franklin Haven 51
Savo, Jimmy 60
Sayre, Joel 67
Schary, Dore 91, 143, 154, 204, 216–217, 233
Schlee, George 195, 197–199
Schneider, Romy 11, 281
Seaton, George 125, 143, 147–149, 151–152
Seghers, Anna 74
Segonzac, Gladys de 186, 188
Selznick, David O. 146–147
Shakespeare, William 43, 50, 257, 287
Shaw, Sandra 81
Sherwood, James P. 112
Sidney, George 113, 162
Siegel, Sol C. 67–68, 215
Silvestri, Christian 294, 305
Simmons, Jean 161
Simon, Frank 39
Sinatra, Frank 99–100, 216–217, 220, 2
32, 273
Sinden, Donald 95–97, 101
Sirk, Douglas 155
Slatzer, Robert 82
Smith, Constance 89
Spiegel, Sam 305
Stacey, George 132
Stainton, Philip 96
Stanislavski, Konstantin Sergeievich 89
Stanwyck, Barbara 123
Stefano, Joseph 241–242
Stein, Paul L. 204
Steinbeck, John 113
Stéphanie, Princess of Monaco 9–10, 12, 27, 45, 237, 246, 275, 287, 292–296, 298–299, 301–303, 305–306, 311
Stevens, George 241
Stewart, Donald Ogden 215
Stewart, James 114, 119, 122, 125, 129, 156, 161, 215, 233, 278, 281, 312, 314
Stoddard, Haila 58
Strasberg, Lee 89
Strindberg, August 58, 60, 68
Sullivan, Thomas 281
Surtees, Robert L. 93, 205
Swanson, Gloria 123, 232
Tafur, Robert 160
Taylor, Elizabeth 123, 162, 187
Thompson Gray, Bettina 54
Tierney, Gene 51, 131, 171
Tiomkin, Dimitri 75, 77, 83, 118
Titus Plautus 308
Tomasini, George 253
Tracy, Spencer 51
Truffaut, François 118, 127, 253, 276, 278
Tucker, Francis (Rev.) 192, 213–214, 231
Ullmann, Liv 280
Ustinov, Peter 162
Van Cleve, Edith 55, 68, 73, 157
Van Heusen, Jimmy 129
Vanderbilt, George W. 206
Vanderbilt, William Henry 206
Vanel, Charles 172
Vatrican, Vincent 271–272
Verkade, Kees 224
Verne, Jules 225
Veszelits, Thomas 190, 196, 234–235, 240, 250, 262, 288, 301–302
Vidor, Charles 201, 204–205, 208
Vidor, King 82–83
Vogel, Joseph R. 247
Wallenberg, Raoul 267, 300
Walters, Charles 80, 215–216
Warde, John William 67
Warner, Jack 112
Warren, James 71
Warren, John F. 152
Washington, Ned 77, 84
Wasserman, Lew 68, 242, 281
Wayne, John 95
Weagly, William 43
White, Carl 58
White, Harry Dexter 85
Whitman, Walt 257
Wilder, Billy 74, 81–82, 117, 138, 155, 157, 198
Williams, Elmo 77
Williams, John 112, 114, 172–173, 177, 273
Williams, Tennessee 52
Wilson, S. Davis 37
Winehouse, Amy 11
Wise, Prudence “Prudy” 54
Wittstock, Gottlieb 29
Wood, Natalie 285
Wood, Sam 81
Woolrich, Cornell 125
Worley, Sandra 39
Wyler, William 155, 160
Wyman, Jane 155
Young, Frederick A. 93
Young, Terence 112
Young, Victor 144
Zinnemann, Fred 69, 73–77, 82, 84–85, 87, 95, 100, 111, 143, 156, 167
My heartfelt gratitude goes out expressly to the individuals and institutions named below-for their support, for their help in procuring materials, and for all other kinds of assistance. Above all, thank you for your openness and willingness to talk to me.
I owe special thanks to: His Royal Highness, Prince Albert II of Monaco, Laetitia Pierrat (Palais Princier de Monaco, Monaco), Robert Dornhelm (Mougins near Cannes/Los Angeles).
In addition: Brigitte Auber (Paris), Sylvie Biancheri (Grimaldi Forum, Monaco), Claude Chabrol (†), Frédérique Dabel (Théâtre Princesse Grace, Monaco), Thomas Fouilleron (Les Archives du Palais Princier de Monaco, Monaco), Tanja Handels (Munich), Patricia Hitchcock O’Connell (Los Angeles), Patrick Hourdequin (Théâtre Princesse Grace, Monaco), Harald E. Jost (Stadtarchiv Heppenheim), Karl und Jutta Kofler (Gamlitz, Austria), Joachim Kreck (Wiesbaden, Germany), Nadia LaCoste (Paris), Wolfgang Landgräber (WDR, Cologne, Germany), Régis Lécuyer (Les Archives du Palais Princier de Monaco, Monaco), Irmgard Levy-Sosso (Monaco), Alexander Moghadam (Monaco), Mary Louise Murray-Johnson (Heidelberg, Germany), Felix Moeller (Munich), Josef Nagel (ZDF, Mainz, Germany), Caroline O’Conor (Fondation Princesse Grace, Monaco), Rolf Palm (Monaco), Ulrike Pecht (Kurpfälzisches Museum, Heidelberg, Germany), Nathalie Varley Pinto (Grimaldi Forum, Monaco), Jean- Claude Riey (Fondation Princesse Grace, Monaco), Siegfried Tesche (Garbsen, Germany), Vincent Vatrican (Les Archives Audiovisuelles de Monaco, Monaco), Thomas Veszelits (Munich), Gero von Boehm (Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany), Margarethe von Trotta (Munich/Paris), and many others.
I would also like to thank the television networks and editorial offices for making available to me various documentaries: Arte, Strasbourg; 3sat, Mainz; MDR, Leipzig; WDR, Cologne; ZDF, Mainz; and ORF, Vienna.
And last but definitely not least, I owe my gratitude to my agent Uwe Heldt (Literary Agency Mohrbooks, Berlin/Zurich) without whom this book would not have been published.