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Immortal Decisions: Immortal Transformation Book 1

Page 11

by K J Carr

  I sighed and opened the door. “Come on in.”

  “Nica, we need to talk.” Malak filled the room when he entered it. I think I could almost feel his wings, his presence was so large.

  He stood there, in dark blue jeans and a tight white T-shirt. His hair was pulled back with a leather thong, and his eyes were dark and serious. Still a hunk. Still thought of as young, even though I knew he was over two hundred years old.

  “Malak,” I sat down and leaned back in my chair, putting the desk between us. “I know you want a definitive answer. I guess I have one, but I feel like I have been forced into it. This is now out of control. I am being kidnapped by beings that probably won’t forget about me even if I say no. I am developing, as T’Koran says, skills that are not typical for humans. Heck, I have a daemon for a friend now, who I talk to telepathically!” My voice got louder with each statement.

  Nica. T’Koran came into the room, his little face hard to read, but his worry projecting just fine.

  Malak watched as the Chlarm daemon scampered under my desk and then touched my leg. I smiled sadly at him.

  “Sorry, TK. I didn’t mean to get upset like that.”

  TK? I think I like that. That means we are good friends, does it not? The daemon cocked his head and looked up at me.

  “Yes, we are good friends.”

  Malak interrupted, impatiently. “You are right. I don’t think you have a choice. Even if we wipe your mind, for some reason, the daemons – Achilah in particular – probably will still be after you. We need to find out why, but we also cannot let it happen.”

  “Why not?” I was tired, but I also was curious why both Tennin and Daemon thought I was important. And why now.

  “I am not sure.” His face was perplexed. “Enoch has a theory that you may be important to both races in some way, but we can’t figure out how.” He paced in front of her. “Besides, I would miss you if I couldn’t talk to you again.”

  I snorted. “We mainly just fight, Malak. What is there to miss about that?”

  “Well, I don’t think things would ever be dull around you, Nica. Since I have met you a few days ago, so much has happened. I have been challenged as a Kri more than I have ever been. You are unique, Jennica Maykis.”

  “Of course, I am. There’s only one of me.” I stated lightly. Then more seriously, I continued. “I just don’t know if I can be like you, finding people and stripping them of their humanity.”

  “Making them more than human.” He protested gently.

  “Okay, making them more than human. Whatever. It still seems…odd.”

  “We only do this to those who want it.”

  “Except me!” I interrupted.

  “Outside of you. Most people get a real choice. They decide if they want to become a Tennin. If they do, they are happy with the transition, when it happens. Which doesn’t happen until they are ready, for the most part.”

  Okay, we are going around in circles now. “For the most part. I suspect, though, I won’t be ready when I die or transition. You won’t be ready when it happens. Because it probably will be forced on me either by circumstances or daemon.” I got up and moved towards the door, stopping next to him. “I think you need to tell me more about the things you generally tell a Transitioner. I think I don’t have a choice, that I am going to Transition if I want to or not. So, I need to know more now.”

  Malak stared down at me, his eyes troubled. “Let me confirm it with Enoch, but I agree.”

  “Well, go and talk with your boss, big boy. I am going to go take a nap.”

  T’Koran scampered after me as I went upstairs toward my bedroom, and more importantly, my bed.

  My head was hurting from this new life I had. My heart was aching for Kaitie. I was just tired of all of this. I sat on my bed, staring at the floor.

  Nica, you are special, I can feel it. T’Koran jumped up on the bed to sit next to me, his short legs hanging down and swinging slightly.

  “What do you mean?” I turned my head towards him without lifting it up.

  I am not exactly sure. You have telepathy because you can talk with me. Have you tried talking to anyone else? You should try with Malak.

  I sniffed. “I can just imagine what I would hear or find out if we could connect mind to mind.”

  You know you only hear what is on the surface. I didn’t realize one could be chastised mentally. My deeper thoughts are not projected to you, and I cannot see anything you don’t want me to see.

  “Are you sure that is the same with Malak?” I flopped back onto my bed, paused for a second, and then kicked off my shoes and swung around to lie on it the right way. T’Koran moved to one of my pillows and curled up on it.

  Not sure. I cannot access his mind. T’Koran admitted. I don’t know what powers he has or doesn’t have either.

  “So, this only works for me, eh?” I closed my eyes.

  For me, yes. I have bonded with you. So, I could talk with you. I can only bond with one being at a time. TK sighed.

  I opened one eye and looked at him. “Bond? Is this why I can hear you?”

  He nodded.

  “Seriously? Why? Why only one?”

  TK squirmed a little before settling down. We are the servant daemons. We were created to serve our master. One master. Or at least one at a time. Higher daemons can force the bond so that we can only talk to them and do what they say. But many of us have escaped and make our living in the tunnels. We do not have to bond with anyone.

  I think this was the longest conversation I have had with the little Chlarm so far.

  “If you don’t have to bond with anyone, why did you bond with me?”

  I am not sure. I just knew I had to. And you have helped me as well. Life as a rogue is not easy in the tunnels. We fight for food. We fight for space. We are scared of being discovered all the time. It is not a good life. You have provided me with more safety and shelter and food than I have ever had. He shrugged. And you are special.

  There it was again. What was so darn special about me? Ugh.

  “I am not special, TK. I am just an old lady. I have a great brother and a wonderful best friend who is very sick and needs me in as best shape as I can be. Because she is going through something I just never thought one of us would go through.” I closed my eyes and tried to sleep.

  Chapter 14

  I walked into Kaitie’s room that evening, hoping she would still be awake. A young man, with a slight accent, was standing beside her bed, talking to her. They were laughing.

  “Hey, Kait. Who’s your visitor?” I was suspicious of everyone now that I had caught a daemon in her room and then had been kidnapped by Achilah — who also seemed to have disappeared. I wasn’t sure why he hadn’t tried to capture me again, but I didn’t want to be caught unaware, in any case.

  “Hey, Nica! This is Torry. He has gone through chemo himself and has been telling me what to expect. We then started talking about other things and have found we have a lot in common.”

  I studied him. Tall, blond hair, green eyes…and wings. Wait! I blinked. No wings. I narrowed my eyes.

  Malak shuffled into the room, having had to stop to take a phone call. I felt more than saw his shock at the other man being there. Crossing my arms, I glared at him.

  “Umm, hey, Torry.” He stammered, glancing at me out of the corner of his eyes.

  “You know him?” My voice was emotionless.

  Malak rubbed the back of his neck. “Yes?”

  I smelled a rat. But I wouldn’t try to find it until later, because…well, Kaitie.

  “Interesting. Well.” I turned back to the young man and held out my hand. “Hello, Torry. I am Nica, Kaitie’s best friend, and practically her sister.”

  He stared at my hand a moment before stepping forward with a slight smile and taking it. Instantly I heard Transitioner? How awkward!

  Indeed, it is. We will have to talk later, away from Kaitie. My grin got wider as he dropped my hand, practically leaping away from
me, his eyes wide. I had obviously surprised him. Malak, suspecting something, moved uneasily behind me.

  So, you can hear me? I asked, crossing my arms in front of me. No answer. Darn. I forgot that it only worked through touch. I grimaced.

  Turning to Kaitie, I moved to her other side, giving her a quick kiss on her cheek. “How are you doing today?”

  She wrinkled her nose. “Better. My blood tests were not good enough for them to give me another chemo session tomorrow but they say I am healing very fast, so they are letting me go home later today. I won’t have to have it until next week if everything looks good.”

  I glanced at Malak, wondering if this was the result of him giving her some of his life force. His nod was slight.

  Torry watched us, his eyebrows raised, a small grin on his lips. Asshat.

  “Well, I, for one, am happy about this! Does this mean the rest of them will be outpatient?”

  “Probably. Will you drive me home?” I couldn’t understand why she thought she had to ask.

  “Of course! And Marcus will come as well, I am sure. We will make sure you are comfortable and have dinner. We will definitely have to ask him to cook!”

  “Please do.” The droll tone was directed at me. She turned and looked at Torry. “Would you like to come?”

  I wanted to shake my head no at him, but I was too close and Kaitie would see. I attempted to give him the death stare instead.

  Torry looked at Malak for a moment and then back at Kaitie. “Of course, I would, love. Give me your address and I will bring the dessert.” He answered enthusiastically.

  I glowered at him, my arms crossed in front of my chest. “Marcus, my brother, is a chef and will probably make something as well. His pies are the best.”

  Kaitie looked up at Torry. “Except, I am craving cupcakes and the best cupcakes are made by Coco for Cupcakes, downtown. I would love a double chocolate cupcake with peanut butter frosting.” She smiled at him.

  Well, Coco did do awesome cupcakes. I could go for one. Geez. It was just like Kaitie to have a craving when I was trying to separate her from a sketchy Tennin. I shook my head.

  “Your wish is my command, Kaitie girl. I will let you visit with your friends and family, and I will stop by your place around six. Does that sound good?”

  Kaitie laughed. “Yes, it does! Get me a piece of paper and I will write down my address.”

  “Even better, recite it and I will put it into my phone’s contact list.”

  After she had recited, not only her address but her phone number as well, Torry left the room, giving Malak a quick look before glancing back at me. I ignored that as I turned back to my friend.

  “Really, Kaitie. What do you know about him?”

  “About as much as you know about Malak, who seems to be with you every time I see you lately.” Kaitie stared pointedly at the man behind me.

  Kaitie – 1, Nica — 0.

  Malak threw up his hands. “I know when I’m not wanted. I will wait for Nica in the hallway. I am glad, though, you are feeling better, Kaitie, and hope I get more time to get to know you.” He grinned impishly, turning to leave the room.

  I suspected he would talk to that Torry guy, but I couldn’t leave right now to confirm it.

  Turning back to Kaitie, I studied her.

  “Seriously, Katie, are you okay?”

  “A little nauseous. And feeling tired. But otherwise okay.”

  “So, is the plan still the same? Can you really leave today?”

  Kaitie squirmed around to get comfortable. “I think so. I am just waiting for the final decision. They said that my red blood count needed to be higher before I could continue with the next session. They are not sure why it is so low, but I am being given iron supplements and the request to eat as much red meat as I can.” She laughed a little, but I didn’t get the impression it was a humorous one.


  She exhaled. “They gave me a transfusion this morning and I will have medicine to take. Once my blood counts are where they want them, we will proceed. Okay? Satisfied?” A little touchy this morning, I guess. But I was grilling her. About something that must have been driving her crazy.

  “Yes. I am. Thank you for being upfront with me.”

  My phone dinged. I picked it up and read the text. “Hmmm…looks like Marcus cannot join us tonight. It will be you and me, babe.”

  “And I am sure Malak.” Kaitie rolled her eyes.

  “And later — Torry.” I wanted to roll mine, but I decided to try to be more mature about the situation. “How old is he anyway?”

  “About as old as your boy toy.” We stared at each other, the silence deadening, and then suddenly we both burst out laughing.

  The doctor, obviously having a uncanny sense of timing, came into her room right then. This must have been the specialist they had brought in, since I didn’t recognize him, but Kaitie did. He stopped suddenly and frowned, looking between us. Watching his head go back and forth like he was at a tennis match just started the peals of laughter all over again. He shook his head.

  Glancing at his watch, he moved to Kaitie’s side. “I heard you want to leave today.”

  “If I can, please.” Work it, Kaitie.

  “Your red blood count still is low, but it is in a range now that we can provide you with medicine. I suspect you should be okay in about a week and we will start the treatment again. Luckily, your white blood cell count is okay or else you would be staying here to prevent infection.”

  Kaitie just smiled at him, not wanting to give him any reason to keep her there.

  Of course, I had questions. “So, she can leave today?”

  The doctor just looked inquiringly at me.

  “Oh, sorry. I am Nica. I am basically her sister.” I held out my hand.

  We don’t look alike. I have tan skin and dark curly hair and Kaitie has her long brown, straight hair and hazel eyes. We could still be sisters, couldn’t we? I don’t think we sold him on that fact because he hesitated before shaking my hand.

  “You will be taking care of her?”

  “Yes. Both my brother and I will watch her like we have basically all her life.” I didn’t smile, showing my serious side for once. Then again, I wasn’t sure if I could dig a deeper hole at this point. Well, yes, I probably could without any effort, but I didn’t want Kaitie to hurt me.

  He nodded and turned back to Kaitie. “I will sign the papers, but I personally think you should stay a day or two longer. It has been miraculous how fast you have healed from the operation.” He paused, his face pensive and then shook his head. “I want to see you back here in a week. We will do a quick check of your blood counts and then if they are good, we will do another session of chemo. If things go well, we will keep it outpatient. Otherwise, you will be back here for another stay.”

  Kaitie grimaced. “Well, we don’t want that, do we? Thank you, Dr. Roberts. I do appreciate all the care you have given me.”

  “Definitely not a problem. See you in a week.” The doctor smiled at Kaitie, nodded to me, and then left.

  I hugged Kaitie. “Yea! Homeward bound!”

  A nurse came into the room, smiling. “I hear you are leaving us today. Let’s get these IV’s out and let you take a shower and then we will bring the paperwork around. Hopefully, we can have you home in time for a late dinner.”

  “Leaving now.” I put my hands up in a show of deference. “I know I will just be in the way. I will wait for you out in the waiting area, Kait.” Smiling, I turned and left.

  Malak and Torry were talking in the waiting area. I stopped, watching the intense conversation that the two were having. My brow wrinkled. What was this all about? I exhaled and moved into the room. I had questions of my own for both men.

  “Why is a Tennin watching my sister?” The question burst out of me. Both men stopped talking and stared at me.

  “What?” Torry sputtered.

  “Don’t play with me, mister. I saw your wings.” I kept my voic
e low, but I was determined to get to the truth.

  Malak and Torry glanced at each other. Malak then shook his head. “She is not your typical Transitioner. I am not sure what she is exactly, to tell you the truth. Even Enoch is confused.”

  “You can see….me?” Torry looked at me, worried.

  I crossed my arms in front of my chest. “Well, duh. Not only can I see you, but I could see those wings you have. White wings that slide into a darker brown or black on the tips.” I watched panic fill his eyes. “Fairly generic,” I added for effect.

  Malak put his hand on his shoulder, offering comfort, no doubt.

  “Generic?” Torry sputtered, the color in his cheeks rising. Now, I had pissed him off. Good. That was better than the panic he had been feeling a minute ago.

  “White is what all the pictures show, you know.” I heard a muffled sound. Malak coughed a couple of times as if he was covering up his laughter.

  Torry stood and pointed at me. “I will have you know...” His voice was a tad loud.

  I pushed his finger down, stepping closer. “Look, I don’t care if you are Tennin. Kaitie is not dying, so no angels. Kaitie has already turned sixty, so I suspect either she didn’t get a decision choice, or she said no and was mind wiped. All I want to know is ‘Why are you here?’.”

  Malak put an arm around me, pulling me closer to him and away from Torry’s face. “I asked for protection for Kaitie, Nica. After you were kidnapped, we thought your family might be targeted as well. Torry is protecting her. Nothing more.”

  I slumped a little in relief, my body coming more in contact with his. “Thank you. And there is someone watching over Marcus?”

  He looked down at me and squeezed me in support. “Yes. I am not sure who got that detail, but Enoch wanted to make sure he couldn’t be targeted as well.”

  “You will have to thank Enoch for me.” I rested my head against his chest for a moment before realizing how I was standing. I pushed away to put some distance between us. “I wish they could have someone like T’Koran watching them as well. Chlarms probably would know if Achilah was near.”


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