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Ideal Girl (Irish Girl, Hospital Romance 1)

Page 20

by Jenny O'Brien

  The relief on Liddy’s face was palpable as she buried her head in her friend’s shoulder, but all she could say was a muffled thank you. She didn’t have to worry about her dad anymore and, after the way she’d spoken to Mitch there was nothing to worry about on that score either. No, she had to worry most about herself. This was going to be the first day of the rest of her life, but she needed help if she was going to pull it off.

  ‘So where’s that bottle of plonk you bought yesterday, I could do with some Dutch courage?’

  ‘But, but you never drink during the day!’

  ‘Well I do now so get it out and pour me a glass. I’m going to need all the help I can get if I’m going to pull off wearing that dress.’

  ‘Alright, but don’t blame me when you fall flat on your face’.

  ‘Ah but as you’ve already said you’re going to be with me so you’ll be able to pick me up.’ She threw her an anxious look. ‘I’m going to leave my stick behind and wear heels too so watch out – you may have to shout ‘Timber’ on the dance floor!’

  Chapter Forty

  Two hours later they rushed out of the flat, their gowns wrapped around them like cloaks to meet Paul who’d just pulled up in his ancient Citroen.

  ‘Your chariot awaits, my good ladies.’ He said, sweeping a bow before plucking Sorcha off her feet and kissing her soundly. Putting her back on her feet he held her away from him to take a look at the bright orange confection only partially hidden under her gown.

  ‘Wow, Sorcha. You look beautiful - as do you, Liddy.’ He said belatedly, including her in his gaze.

  It’s alright Paul; I know I can’t hold a candle to Sorch - in your eyes that is,’ a wicked gleam in her eyes.

  Paul let go of Sorcha and walking up to Liddy planted a kiss on her cheek.

  ‘So, have your ears been burning then?’


  ‘I asked “Have your ears been burning then”?’

  ‘Why, who have you been talking to?’

  ‘Me, I haven’t been talking to anyone, but that big eejit of a brother texted me earlier.’

  ‘Oh.’ She managed to reply, a lot more nonchalantly than she felt - her calm exterior belying the fact that her pulse had started to race at the sound of his name.

  ‘Well, if you’re not interested in what he had to say…..’ He said, turned back to help Sorcha into the car.


  He turned back to look at her, before closing the door and then enfolding both her hands in his.

  ‘He still cares you know.’

  ‘Does he? I, I don’t see how he can. I must have hurt him so badly.’ She said, her eyes turning to liquid. Paul drew her into a big hug.

  ‘Liddy, I’m still hopeful you can sort this out, whatever it is.’ He spoke gently in her ear. ‘Mitch needs you, I’ve seen you together and I’ve never seen him happier although,’ he drew her away from him. ‘Never let him know I told you so. As his little bro my role in life is to rag him, not sort out his love life.’

  She reached up and gently kissed his cheek.

  ‘Paul, if I’d had a brother growing up I would have wanted it to be someone like you. But no more serious talk, it’s time to party.’

  When they arrived at the lecture theatre at the hospital there was standing room only. Making their way past the hard red chairs chosen for their insomniac properties Liddy scanned each row until she found her dad sitting on the second row from the front. He was wearing his best suit and had a small bunch of violets on his lap.

  ‘Dad.’ She said, hovering beside his chair.

  He jumped to his feet, dropping the flowers in his haste. ‘Liddy. Sorry, hi.’ He said, stooping to grab the now bruised stems. ‘These are for you.’

  Liddy just stood looking at the man in front of her. But as she really looked she saw and remembered the countless thousand little facets and memories that made up their relationship. Although many of those memories had been bruised, just like the stems in her hand that didn’t make them any the less beautiful - there was still an endless supply to fill the gaps.

  ‘Oh Daddy!’ She said, running into his open arms, only to find she still fitted into the crevice in his shoulder. Tears spilling over she remembered all the other times he had comforted her.

  ‘It’s alright Princess, it’s alright now. It will always be alright from now on.’ He said, smoothing her hair. ‘I may have fallen out with your mother, but I will always be there for you if you’ll let me.’

  Mitch approached the double doors with trepidation. Although as Professor he’d received an invite to the graduation ceremony weeks ago he’d had little intention of going, even before he knew that Liddy would be there. Watching a pile of twittering nurses receiving their certificates was a pleasure he could well do without, especially as it clashed with his Thursday case conference. Sister Pepper was like a bear with a sore head on a good day, he could just imagine her wrath if he skipped one of her meetings.

  Now that Liddy would be there his attendance was even less likely. She’d made it pretty clear her feelings for him were non-existent, whilst his feeling were unchanged pretty much since the first time he’d laid eyes on her.

  He pushed open the door and headed to a dark corner at the back where he could lounge against the wall unseen. There she was. His heart gave a little jump as his eyes found her standing at the back of the line, waiting to receive her certificate from Matron and the Chief Executive. So still, so pale, so beautiful and so far from his reach as if she’d still been hiding out in France.

  If it hadn’t been for that cryptic text from Paul he would even now be in the middle of that meeting with a coffee, instead of standing here trying to appear outwardly calm, while his insides felt like they were dying. After the ceremony, after she’d gone there would be nothing left for him except his work, and even that wasn’t as important any more.

  What had the text said again anyway? He thought to himself moodily.

  ‘You will regret not attending the ceremony.’

  What on earth was his little brother playing at? What was he going to regret, standing here like a lemon watching as she walked out of his life?

  Well if he thinks I’m going to stay here to be made a fool of….

  He stood away from the wall only to have Liddy’s gaze slide across to meet his own. They stared at each other across the heads of the dignitaries and families seated between them, communicating more to each other in those seconds than a lifetime of words could ever say. As he watched, he saw the beginning of a tentative smile play on her lips that he returned with a broad grin. The day so gloomy now full of light and expectation.

  The spell was only broken when her name was called to receive her certificate. But, as he started making his way to her his bleeper kicked into gear. With a silent curse hovering on his lips he turned and raced out of the auditorium without a backward glance.

  Chapter Forty One

  Mitch was finally able to escape and couldn’t resist the invisible cord that pulled him like a magnet in the direction of the Clareview Hotel. After he’d parked his car beside his brother’s he headed towards the music blaring from every direction.

  Arriving in the blue and silver brightly decorated reception room he was immediately drawn to the vision in green dancing wildly on the small parquet dance floor. Hands held above her head and hips swaying to the beat he watched on in silence, wondering what to do next. Raking his hands through his hair he concentrated on controlling his breathing even as he tried to remove his gaze from the sight of Liddy in a dress that looked as if it had been sprayed on. Emerald green to match her eyes, he thought idly with tiny spaghetti straps made for removing as they really didn’t seem man enough to control the deep plunging neckline that revealed the gentle swell of her breasts. She turned away and he gulped, seeing for the first time that the back of the dress didn’t exist with the cut away fabric enticingly skimming the top of her bottom.

  ‘Hello Mitch, I wasn’t sure if you
would come after all.’

  He looked down at the person that spoke to him, trying to concentrate on answering when all he could think about was running his hands across, over and down the smooth silky skin on display.

  ‘Oh! Hi there John.’

  ‘Wow, is that Liddy?’


  ‘Oh my God, it’s a good job Petra couldn’t make it, or I’d be grounded for a month. So, have you decided what you’re going to do about her then?’

  Mitch simply shook his head. ‘No, it’s a complete mess.’ He croaked, even as he started to turn towards the exit, only to find John grasping his arm in an iron like grip.

  ‘Don’t lose courage, man. Not now that you’ve come this far. Here have a drink of this.’ He said, pushing a glass of single malt into his hands. But Mitch simply shook his head and handed it back.

  ‘Thanks but I’ve got the car.’

  ‘Wait! You can’t leave now. She’s spotted you.’ He whispered urgently into his ear.

  Mitch’s whole body tensed as he stole himself to turn around and watch as Liddy walked towards him, her high heel shoes dangling from one hand, a glass of wine dangling from the other. The doctor in him realised the limp was barely noticeable, the man in him couldn’t have cared less – all he saw was Liddy, his beautiful Liddy.

  ‘Aren’t you going to ask me to dance then? I’ve been waiting all evening.’ She said, her mouth softening into a smile, even as she took a big sip from her glass before handing it to John with a wink.

  ‘Er, sorry. I did mean to get here earlier…..’ But she interrupted him.

  ‘I know, I know. I suppose I’ll have to get used to being interrupted by that bleep of yours. As long as you don’t forget our anniversary or.’ She paused before giving him a large smile, ‘any of the kids’ birthdays. By the way I want at least three.’

  He looked back at her, his mind blank with confusion. Since when did Liddy drink wine and what was all that stuff she was going on about anyway? Just how many versions of her were there? She was a Guinness drinking vegetarian when he’d first met her, then a cat loving dedicated nurse and now a wine loving cutie wanting….He gulped, his gaze trying to determine any hidden meanings from her expression. If it wasn’t for the same emerald green eyes looking back at him he could be forgiven for thinking he’d hitched up at the wrong bash.

  ‘Pardon, three of what?’

  ‘Three children silly, although.’ She glanced down at her body briefly. ‘Mam put on more than a stone when she had me. Ah well - easy come easy go. I’m content with pleasantly plump as long as I can have a houseful of kids to run after.’

  He caught her staring back at him, her eyes wide with anticipation and what looked like a touch of playfulness before she bent down to slip her high heels back on. Reaching up on tippy toes she clasped her hands around the back of his head and placed her cheek next to his ear.

  ‘I want you, marry me please.’ She whispered before turning her face slightly and locking her lips to his.

  As their kiss deepened he placed his arms around her back, feeling her warm flesh under his hands. Pulling her close and savouring the memory of once again having Liddy in his arms his mind ran through her words again, just to make sure he’d gotten them right.

  Moving his hands to cradle her face he broke away gently before locking his gaze to hers. He couldn’t believe he was holding the most perfect woman in the whole of Ireland, no the Western Hemisphere – well in killer heels that is and what were a few inches between lovers anyway? She was his ideal girl but…..

  ‘I love you Liddy, but the answer is no.’ As he spoke he felt her stiffen in shock and had to slide his hands on to her shoulders to stop her from pulling away from him.

  ‘Be still woman, or I’ll have to beat you when there’s a Z in the month. You’ve chosen an Irish man and you should know by now we’re a stubborn lot.’ He parried, pressing the gentlest of kisses onto her indignant mouth.

  Mitch, his eyes never leaving her face drew his hand from his pocket, whilst dropping to bended knee.

  ‘I’m also a bit old fashioned so…. Liddy Murphy will you marry me?’ He said quietly, holding out a square cut Emerald ring the exact colour of the wide incredulous eyes staring back at him.

  Paul and Sorcha stood on the dance floor and watched the scene enfold, broad smiles on both their faces.

  ‘I never thought I’d see it! They look so happy.’ She grinned up at him.

  ‘Sorcha, you’d make me happier than Mitch is now if you’d consent to be my wife?’ He said, his eyes flickering across her face.

  She stumbled to a halt, her mouth half open. ‘But, but we can’t afford it. I thought we’d agreed to wait, at least until after you had qualified?’

  ‘I know, I know but I’ve managed to sort out the honeymoon and,’ he paused to look again at Mitch and Liddy as they walked as one towards the exit. ‘I think my big brother may help with the wedding.’


  The Ideal Girlfriend is a dark haired Irish woman that turns into a beer and beef sandwich at midnight - Just how lucky can one man get!

  ‘God Liddy – why didn’t you wake me up? Sister Slater will have my guts for garters if I’m late.’

  ‘Yes, I know darling.’ She soothed. ‘But you only came in after four as it was and you needed your sleep. Anyway I told you to leave Sylvia to me, didn’t I? She was on a blind date yesterday so hopefully her mood will have improved somewhat.’

  ‘You and your matchmaking! I still haven’t gotten over the shock of having her at the wedding, and in a hat bigger than an umbrella too.’ He paused but only long enough to wrap his arms around her as she stood at the sink filling the kettle. ‘So who did you set her up with this time?’

  He felt the heat build-up behind her cheek – the heat of embarrassment. Just what had she been up to now!


  Mitch turned her around in his arms so he could see her face. ‘You’ve set Sylvia Slater up with Drippy Donal – that’s priceless.’ He started to chortle with laughter. ‘Well, that boy deserves everything that’s coming and the rest.’

  ‘Stop it.’ She beat against his chest with her fists, trying and failing to escape his grasp. ‘Anyway, he’s quite good looking now that John’s helped him sort out his little problem – It’s amazing what a little radiation can do for a hyperactive thyroid.’

  ‘Quite good looking is it. I’ll give you quite good looking, Mrs Merrien.’ He enveloped her in a tight embrace and relentlessly started to trail a row of kisses across her face and down her neck.

  ‘Have I told you how much I love you? It’s not every woman that would greet their husband with a beef sandwich and a beer in the small hours.’

  ‘Well I’m not every woman, I’m your ideal woman and don’t you forget it!’ She playfully nipped the top of his ear. God, he hoped she hadn’t left a mark. Neck bites he could hide, but ear ones?

  ‘What are we doing later or can we have a quiet night in?’ His voice muffled against her neck.

  ‘Well Sorcha and Paul might pop by; their wedding photos are due back…’

  ‘Don’t remind me. When I told Paul I’d help with the wedding I didn’t mean a reception at The Shelbourne and honeymoon in the Caribbean!’ He answered distractedly. Perhaps he could afford to be late just for once as he threaded his hands under her dressing gown. They shouldn’t miss him too much and he had been up most of the night after all. His eyes gleamed as he started playing with the buttons on her pyjama top.

  ‘Mitch! What are you doing?’

  ‘Er, I think that’s pretty obvious don’t you?’

  She turned, laughing in his arms before reaching up to link her hands behind his head.

  ‘You’ll be late.’ She whispered on tiptoe, even as Lucky came to join them with a plaintive meow.

  ‘Well if I am, I’ll blame you for er leading me from the straight and narrow.’ He murmured, sliding her dressing gown off her shoulders and starting on the button
s in earnest. ‘I thought you said you didn’t like wearing pyjamas?’

  ‘I don’t – I was cold last night without you…’

  ‘Right answer!’

  ‘Mitch, what about Lucky?’

  ‘What about him?’

  ‘Her, silly. She needs to be fed.’

  ‘Ah yes,’ he pulled back, but only to slide her pyjama top in the same direction as the dressing gown. Lucky, his male now very female very pregnant cat.

  He lifted his head reluctantly.

  ‘You have thirty seconds to feed Lucky or Sylvia Salter will really be on the war path.’ He said gruffly before taking a seat.

  Liddy, having all but forgotten Lucky managed to pull herself together just enough to locate a tin of cat food in the allotted time frame, before returning to where she belonged. But sitting on his lap seconds later she held back as his hands reached towards her.

  ‘So how are you going to like being a dad then?’ She asked, eyes glued to Lucky as she tucked into a large bowl of Whiskers.

  ‘What!’ Mitch lifted his head to follow her gaze briefly, even as he continued to run a line of kisses across her stomach.

  ‘Oh, I’ll manage – I’ve resigned myself to a lifetime on antihistamines.’ He mumbled against her skin.

  ‘And ear plugs.’

  His hands paused as they moved to slide her pyjamas down over her hips. He was so relieved she’d started to fill out back to the Liddy he’d first known. She’d told him about her problem with weight - there was going to be no secrets between them, but now that she was happy he hoped and prayed that it had sorted itself out. Although did boobs grow overnight? He questioned silently as he reached his hands to envelope them. It wasn’t a question he could ask now was it and it certainly wasn’t something they covered in medical school. No, they were definitely bigger, but the more the merrier as far as he was concerned, a big grin on his face as he bent his head. His mind tangled in thoughts of its own and hypnotised by the sight of her naked body now straggling his lap suddenly remembered the conversation, even as his hand strayed lower.


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