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Ghost Squadron Omnibus: The Complete Series

Page 124

by Sarah Noffke

  Soldiers ran after him, their weapons pointed. Julianna wanted to race to Eddie, but instead she remembered her training and lifted the Q-Ship into the air, avoiding the spray of bullets from the ground forces. She flew the ship swiftly up into the heavens, where a battle she needed to be a part of was soon beginning.

  Unclassified System, Saverus Fleet

  Ricky Bobby cloaked as soon as it reached the coordinates for the Saverus fleet. A large battlecruiser hovered in the center, surrounded by a dozen ships of various sizes. This pocket of space was where they’d planned to relocate Savern, not even caring that they’d be destroying an entire galaxy.

  “Ready the mains,” Fletcher stated, his eyes intently on the radar.

  “Weapons are ready,” Ricky Bobby said overhead.

  “Fire on the main ship on my command,” Fletcher said, knowing they only had one chance before the Saverus realized they were there and started their own attack.

  “Three, two, one, fire,” Fletcher commanded.

  Three explosions spread across the Saverus ship.

  “Their shields are holding,” Ricky Bobby stated. “They’ve deployed single fliers.”

  “Deploy Black Eagles,” Fletcher ordered.

  The line of Black Eagles streaked through the air, firing at the Saverus’s ships. It didn’t take long for the enemy fleet to take on the appearance of the Black Eagles.

  “Use your radar, pilots,” Fletcher stated. “Pretend you’re flying blind, and prepare for another attack.”

  He exhaled, running his hand over his forehead. He knew that Ricky Bobby was more prepared for this attack than the first, but he wasn’t sure if this was a battle they could win.

  The Saverus’s fleet is just too damn big.

  Eddie shook his head, slow to wake.

  “How do you feel?” Julianna said, preparing to jump the ship.

  “Like I’ve been asleep for a year.” Eddie stared around disoriented. “How did I get out of there?”

  “You can thank Pip for that,” Julianna said.

  “Forget about it,” Pip stated dully.

  “Are you prepared to be on guns?” Julianna asked.

  Eddie straightened, nodding. “Yeah, I’m good to go.”

  “Great, because I have a feeling this is going to be a fast and brutal fight.”

  “We’re taking a lot of hits,” Lars yelled over the comm.

  Fletcher had wondered if the Kezzin was up for flying so soon after being injured, but telling him ‘no’ didn’t seem like an option.

  “There are too many of them,” Escrema stated, her voice breathless.

  Fletcher could see the pilot was right. There were at least four times as many enemy fliers on the radar as they had.

  “The main ship’s shields are holding at fifty percent,” Ricky Bobby reported.

  The only advantage that they had was that their own battlecruiser was still cloaked, but it would soon be visible on radar, and then Ricky Bobby would be taking hits from all sides.

  A Q-Ship sped dangerously close to the bow of the ship.

  “Hey, there, Ricky Bobby,” Julianna’s voice said over the comm. “How’s it going?”

  “Glad you could make it,” Fletcher said, his voice heavy.

  “Give us the big picture,” Eddie said.

  “Our fliers are taking a serious hit, and our weapons are quickly depleting. I’m not sure we can do much more damage to their main ship,” Fletcher said, hating the defeated tone of his voice.

  “Has communication with the fleet been established?” Julianna asked.

  “I’ve got a link ready,” Ricky Bobby told her.

  “We need to make them surrender,” Eddie stated.

  “How can we do that, when we’re unprepared to win this fight?” Fletcher wanted to know.

  “They’ve located our position. Prepare to take hits,” Ricky Bobby warned.

  “Fuck.” Fletcher gripped the side of the strategy table.

  “Hey!” Hatch yelled, waddling onto the deck. “I might have a solution.”

  “Go on, Hatch,” Julianna urged.

  Hatch’s eyes lingered on Fletcher before looking to the radar. “You have the client from the Tangle Thief in the vault, correct?”

  “That’s correct,” Eddie answered.

  “I’m guessing that the receiver is in the battlecruiser,” Hatch stated.

  “Right, and you said if the Saverus were successful, that the Tangle Thief would make room for the planet, keeping their fleet safe,” Julianna said.

  “That’s correct,” Hatch chirped. “But—and I’m not completely sure about this—but if the client is dropped onto the same location as the receiver and then gets activated, the two should cancel each other out.”

  “Meaning that there would be no transport?” Eddie asked.

  “Correct,” Hatch said.

  “But, then, what would happen?” Julianna asked.

  “A giant goddamn explosion,” Hatch answered.

  “So you’re telling us that if we…” Julianna trailed off.

  “That’s right, Julie,” Hatch confirmed. “I can tell you how to recalculate the client.”

  “It would blow up their entire fleet, though,” Eddie reasoned.

  “Not before giving us all time to get away,” Hatch said, his voice boiling with excitement.

  “But it would blow up their entire fleet,” Julianna repeated.

  “Your point?”

  Julianna sighed. “Give us a minute.”

  After a brief discussion, Eddie flipped back on the comm. “Ricky Bobby, patch us in to the Saverus.”

  “You’re connected,” Ricky Bobby said.

  “Saverus, this is Ghost Squadron,” Julianna’s voice rang out clear and loud. “We’ve stopped your plan to take Savern. We have your ships surrounded, and the means to annihilate you. You have two options: stay and continue to fight us, or retreat and live peacefully amongst us. We don’t want to see this turn into an extinction.” Julianna stared back at Penrae, who gave her a nervous smile.

  The line remained quiet for a long moment.

  “We haven’t been stopped, only delayed,” a voice said with a hiss over the comm.

  “Saverus, if you stay on your current path, you will be destroyed,” Julianna warned. “I encourage those of you who don’t want this to end badly to leave.”

  “Our own will not desert the Elders,” the voice said.

  However, many of the medium-sized ships began moving out of formation and putting distance between themselves and the main ship.

  Julianna looked up at Eddie with surprise. “They might have sense like Penrae, after all.” She continued her message. “Elders, we’re giving you one last warning. If you continue to fight, you will be destroyed.”

  “You don’t have the means to do that,” the thin voice taunted on the other end of the line.

  Julianna severed the connection and shook her head. “I really fucking hate being underestimated.” She gave Eddie a knowing look, and he nodded.

  “Fletcher, gather our ships and prepare to gate,” he ordered. “The rest is up to us.”

  “Copy that, Black Beard,” Fletcher replied. “I’m bringing the Black Eagles home.”

  Julianna had set the calculations on the client exactly as Hatch had instructed her. It was crazy to realize that this small device could have such an incredible impact. It just proved again that small things should not be underestimated.

  The client had been loaded into the drop shaft that Hatch had installed without knowing if it would ever have a use.

  “Can you get a little closer?” Eddie asked, operating the release for the drop.

  “You know I can,” Julianna smirked, steering the Q-Ship over the surface of the Saverus battlecruiser. Being this close was risky, but they wouldn’t be there for long, and by the time the radar picked up their presence, they’d be gone.

  “Initiating drop in three, two, one,” Eddie said and pressed the button.

From the bottom of the Q-Ship, railgun technology shot the client, landing it on top of the battlecruiser. It clung to its surface, magnetized to the ship.

  Julianna pulled the Q-Ship up and activated the thrusters, speeding as far away as she could in the ten seconds that followed. The only ship that remained in the open space was the large battlecruiser. She activated the jump, sending the Q-Ship on a path back to Ricky Bobby.

  She knew what would happen to the battlecruiser, and she was glad she wouldn’t have to see it get blown to bits.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Loading Dock, Ricky Bobby, Tangki System

  Julianna picked up the ball that Harley dropped at her feet, and waved it in front of his face, taunting him. “Do you want this?” she teased.

  He watched the ball intently, his tongue hanging out one side of his mouth, and a smile in his eyes. She was grateful that even after the upgrade, he hadn’t lost his free nature.

  Of course I want it, Harley said.

  She threw the ball, sending it to the other side of the loading dock, and Harley took off speeding after it.

  Eddie smiled at her as he approached, his hands pressed into his pockets, and a coy look on his face.

  “What?” she said, a growl in her voice.

  “Nothing,” he sang.

  “I don’t want to hear it.”

  “Which part? The part about how I knew you’d warm to the dog, or that you look cute throwing a ball?” he asked playfully.

  She whipped around, mock anger on her face. “Teach, don’t mess with me.”

  He waved his hand, pretending he’d been burned. “Back to last names, are we? Come on, Freggin, you know I’m only playing with you.”

  She smiled, not able to even pretend to be mad. ‘Teach’. It sounded so strange calling him that now. It felt like it had been a lifetime since she’d first met the idiot before her.

  That’s what she used to think he was, but over time, layers had been revealed. Eddie was anything but an idiot.

  “How’s Pip, after the whole procedure?” Eddie asked.

  Tell him that I’m fine, but I hear that having an AI removed could have lasting effects on one’s manhood, Pip said.

  Julianna rolled her eyes. I’m not saying that.

  “He seems to have recovered just fine, although I probably won’t hear the end of him wanting another body,” Julianna stated.

  My own body, Pip said. Next time, I want my own body.

  How do you know there will be a next time?

  Do you want to talk about my little confession? Pip asked, ignoring her question.

  I was thinking of erasing that from my mind, to tell you the truth.

  Hatch is working on that technology, Pip said casually.

  You’re not really in love with me.

  No, but I’m protective, all the same. And I didn’t like being in the captain’s head. Sue me for biting off more than I could chew.

  We’ve all had desires that later we reconsidered.

  You see, that’s what I love about you. You’re so levelheaded.

  Would you stop using that word?

  Which one? ‘Love’? I think what you mean to ask is will I teach you how to say it.

  That’s not what I mean.

  Eddie had picked up the ball that Harley retrieved, and thrown it again. He gave Julianna a sideways glance before offering her another smile.

  “What?” she demanded, sensing he was holding something back.

  “I was just thinking, maybe we could take a little getaway.”

  “A getaway?” she questioned. “Are you serious? We just crossed three systems yesterday.”

  “I meant more of a vacation,” Eddie said, looking shy for maybe the first time ever.

  “A vacation?” she asked.

  “Yeah, it’s this thing that people do when they want to take a break from working,” Eddie said with a laugh.

  “I know damn well what a vacation is. I just never felt much like taking one before.”

  “Well, maybe things are a little different now,” Eddie said, holding out his hand to her.

  She eyed the extended hand, thinking of the mission they’d just completed, the lives they’d saved. “There are still people to help, and bad guys to stop.”

  Eddie dropped his head and sighed. “Yes, Jules. That will continue to be the case for the next thousand years. I only meant that maybe you were up for rewarding your efforts now. Taking a few days off to recharge your batteries.”

  “But what about—”

  “Fletcher can handle Ghost Squadron,” Eddie interrupted.

  Julianna looked around, like she was searching for an answer to this riddle Eddie was proposing. “What if Hatch needs our help with something?”

  “He has Knox, and you know that if those two are working on something, they don’t want us spying.”

  Julianna shook her head, her eyes distant in thought. “I’m just not sure if—”

  Eddie turned, striding away. “Nevermind. I’ll be in the lounge, if you’re looking for me.”

  Julianna looked down at Harley, who gave her “that” look. She sighed. “Eddie, wait.”

  He halted, turned his chin over his shoulder, and regarded her with a serious look. “What?”

  “I’m just not the vacationing type,” she explained.

  He pivoted, pointing at the dog at her heels. “You weren’t the dog type before, either.”

  “It’s just that vacations seem like something you do when there’s been a happy ending, and I never want to delude myself into thinking the fight is over,” Julianna explained.

  Eddie strode over, a meaningful look on his face. “Vacations are what you do when you want to relax and spend time with someone, unobstructed by the distractions of everyday life.”

  “I like those distractions,” Julianna argued, peering out the bay windows at stars that didn’t have names.

  Eddie laughed. “And I love that about you.”

  “You know I’m a workaholic who overdoes everything. I may never get my shit together and learn how to relax,” Julianna admitted.

  Eddie smiled. “I don’t believe that for a minute. I’m the fuck-up, but do you know what we are together?”

  Idiots, Pip offered.

  Julianna shook her head. “What are we?”

  “We’re perfect,” he said. “You keep me balanced, and I tell you when it’s time to take a vacation. So what do you say, Jules? Ricky Bobby told me about a perfect place to unwind.”

  “He is good with picking destinations,” Julianna said, allowing an excited smile.

  “And this is not a happy ending,” Eddie said, motioning between the two of them. “It’s better. It’s a happy beginning.”

  Once more, Eddie extended his hand to Julianna. This time she took it, allowing him to lead her away as the ship headed deep into space where the adventures were limitless.


  The Precious Galaxy Set (Books 1-4)

  If you love Boxed Sets, check out the Precious Galaxy Boxed Set, also by Sarah Noffke and Michael Anderle, and available now at Amazon and Kindle Unlimited.

  Available at Amazon and Kindle Unlimited

  Author Notes - Sarah Noffke

  May 12, 2018

  Coming to the end of a series is always acidic syrup. Why yes, I did thesaurus the term “bitter sweet” because although it’s inevitably what I mean, I didn’t want to be cliché. Anyway, when I completed this book I was all like, “Yay! I finished my first space opera!” And at the same time, I was all, “No! Give me back my friends!” Please don’t tell my “real” friends I said that or they’ll again try to make me leave the house and have “authentic” interactions. So overrated.

  Speaking of talking to real people. I did that recently. I found myself in a hotel bar. The reasons are inconsequential. A few of us lonely travelers were picking over our salads and pretending that eating at a bar with strangers wasn’t weird. So one guy asks the lot of us, “What does everyone do

  One guy said, “I’m an accountant.” Everyone ignored that guy. Who even let him in here?

  Another guy said he worked for a droid company. You know I picked that guy’s brain later for fodder. And that’s how you expense a dinner.

  Then after a few generic answers, I entered the convo. “I write sci-fi, fantasy space opera.” And just like that I became the person of interests. You see, I already know that I have the coolest job. We’ve discussed that in the author notes before. But it was in that moment that I realized everyone else also thought I had the coolest job ever. Okay, more on strange convos I have with strangers later. Maybe in the next book.

  Also, I was joking about the accountant. Some of my best friends are accountants.

  Did I tell you all that I allow my 6-year-old to name pretty much whatever she wants in my books? It’s a perk of the job. She’s responsible for naming the snake race called the Saverus. I also asked her to name the utopian planet that Ricky Bobby takes the crew to in this book. Noircun may seem like a random string of letters and that’s because it’s unicorn rearranged. Bam! You never saw that one coming, right?

  So the ark on Savern was a ton of fun to create. I can’t take all the credit though. Again, I asked for inspiration from readers and they came through big time. The genius that had the idea for blood sucking humming birds was Kristoffer Pyle. Tracey Byrnes was the mastermind behind the vegetables that put Eddie to sleep. And not only did Lisa Frett offer up the name for the book, which won the popular vote on Facebook, but she also had lots of other brilliant ideas. For instance, that whole Pip and Eddie joyride in the car was one of her suggestions. Oh, and she’d mentioned something about a vegan craving chicken wings and I was like, say no more. I need all the opportunities I can get to make vegan jokes. I hope you all don’t mind. I live in Southern California, right next to Malibu. Everyone here is too cool for school and have their H2O protein shakes at tea time while snacking on seaweed crumpets and talking about Pilates. I LOVE where I live, but man these people are weird. So this is my outlet. As an aside, one of my friends told me her husband was selling bootlegged whiskey to pay for her Pilates classes. I was like, I fucking love this place!


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