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Taking His Woman

Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “That was amazing.”

  He smiled in relief. “You’re not getting rid of me now. You’re all mine.”

  “I’ve always been yours, Chris. I’ve never stopped being yours even when we were apart.” He lifted her up, pulling out of her. She winced, and he carried her into the sitting room. Chris placed her on his lap, stroking her hair where she rested against his chest.

  “Will it be like that all the time?” she asked.

  “No, but it will always be special.”

  “I love you,” she said.

  “I love you, too.” They sat on the couch even when the phone rang. They both ignored everything but what they had with each other.

  “I can’t wait to be your wife.”

  Chris tilted her head back, brushing her lips with his own. “I can’t wait either. We’ll have a small affair, and then I’ve got a few surprises up my sleeve.”

  “This will be our first Christmas together.”

  “I know. We spent a couple together in the office. We never had one together. Molly has invited us over for dinner. She reckons it will be good for my father to have all the family around.”

  “What do you want to do?” she asked.

  “I’d like to go. I’d hate to lose him and regret not going this year.”

  “Then I’ll go with you. I’ve got plenty of years to cook a turkey for us. Can Elizabeth come as well?”

  “Trent has already asked her.” Chris laughed thinking about the love-struck way his younger brother looked at Elizabeth.

  “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” she asked.

  “That depends on what you’re thinking.”

  “My sister and your brother together.”

  “Yep. They’d make a lovely couple. What do you think the chances are that we can get them under the mistletoe?”

  “Matchmaking Christopher Sinclair, hard at work.” She teased him.

  “I’ve wasted too many years being a fool. I won’t miss any more with the woman I love. Trent deserves the same happiness. We should be happy for them.”

  “I am happy for them. She is my sister, and she has seen too much pain in her life. I’d like to see her happy. If Trent is the man for the job then I’m glad.”

  They sat together talking and making plans for the rest of their lives. Chris held her throughout the night. Eventually, he unplugged the phone. He wanted to spend the weekend with his woman without any interruptions. Finding the erotic books had opened that final barrier between them.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chris stared around the living room. There was wrapping paper spread everywhere. Blaze Jr.’s squeals could be heard above the sound of unwrapping. Chris took a sip of his coffee watching his woman with her sister and Cassie. Molly was seated by David. The scent of turkey permeated the air. He’d woken to an empty bed only to find Erica and all the women in the kitchen making preparations.

  Trent sat across from Elizabeth. He’d given her a first edition of a classic love story. At one time Chris had thought Trent didn’t find women attractive. The way he kept looking at Chris’s woman’s sister sent any doubts of his brother’s sexuality out of his mind. Luke and John were in the centre of the room trying to assemble their nephew’s train set.

  Looking around him, Chris couldn’t believe how much the house was filled with the Christmas spirit. When he was growing up he couldn’t recall many happy, festive times of the year. Blaze went to his side holding his own cup of coffee.

  “I was going to turn down this invitation. I wanted Cassie and my son to myself. Christmas here always seemed like a tense affair.”

  “I agree. He was never one for happiness around this time of year. Molly attends to him now more than ever. I feel like our dad is hoping for a second chance.” Chris stared at his parents. David kept staring at Molly with such longing. Chris could relate to how the older man felt. Most of the time, he knew, he stared at Erica in the same way. “I’m surprised Francesca didn’t try to come this year.” He mentioned the woman Blaze had married instead of Cassie.

  “She phoned and said she didn’t want to see her son. I think she’s back in rehabilitation.”

  Chris wasn’t surprised about his former sister-in-law’s state of affairs. She was a volatile woman. Erica jumped up and walked over to him, her smile warming him all the way through to his soul. She passed him making sure to crush her body against his. The minx was testing him. She knew he wouldn’t risk spanking her gorgeous ass within hearing of his family. Since their encounter about her reading erotic books, they’d been experimenting most of their nights alone. She really kept him on his toes.

  He listened to Blaze talk a few minutes before going back to the kitchen. Chris found her basting the turkey.

  “I thought that was mum’s job,” he said.

  “David won’t let her leave. I think that man wants to keep her by his side for the rest of his life.” Erica spooned more juice over the top. “You know, this will be the first Christmas with my sister where we’ve had turkey?”

  She looked up at him with a sparkle in her eyes. It shocked him how much she’d missed from life. “I’d better make sure to be good,” he said.

  “Have you seen the way Trent keeps looking at her?”

  “I have.” She lifted the turkey and put it back in the oven. He sat at the counter and watched as she peeled potatoes, carrots, and parsnips. In his mind he was seeing her hands wrapped around his cock. He touched the box in his pants pocket. The last day of work, he’d spent three hours looking for the perfect gift for her.

  When she put the vegetables into saucepans ready for later, he took her hand leading her outside.

  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  Snow was thick on the ground, the air cold. He wrapped his arms around her, leaning down to kiss her. She moaned, her fingers winding round his neck.

  “I love you,” he whispered against her ear as he kissed a path down to her neck.

  “You’re not playing fair. I’ve got to help with the preparations for dinner.”

  “I’m not going to make love to you. I’ll save that for tonight. You’ll be soaking wet and begging for my cock.”

  Another groan from her. He chuckled, loving her response to him.

  “Merry Christmas,” he said. He pulled away and pulled out the box for her.

  “You didn’t have to get me anything else. You’ve already done so much more for me.”

  “I know. I saw this and wanted to see you wearing it.” He leaned down to her ear. “I want you to wear it tonight. When I come to bed I want to see you standing, waiting for me with nothing but this on.”

  He teased her neck watching her shiver with pleasure. Chris pulled away, opening the box for her to see.

  She gasped, her fingers going to the edge. He’d purchased a diamond necklace. The chain was fine but long and would settle in the valley between her breasts.

  “It is so beautiful,” she said.

  “Will you wear it for me?” he asked.

  “Yes. I’ll do anything for you.” She kissed him. He closed the box.

  They were walking round to the front of the house when they paused. Trent and Elizabeth were standing on the front porch together, talking. Chris placed a finger to his lips signalling for Erica to be quiet.

  He’d placed the mistletoe near where they stood the night before with the hope of giving the couples an excuse to kiss.

  They moved back, and on cue John and Luke poked their heads out the door. “Mistletoe. You have to kiss her now.”

  Trent and Elizabeth looked up at the deadly kissing machine. Chris saw her go red when Trent put his hands on her shoulders. Trent leaned down and kissed her. Staring down at Erica Chris gave her a wink before they went ‘round to the back door. Molly and David were in the kitchen, talking.

  Shrugging his shoulders, Chris grabbed Erica and kissed her. He would never waste an opportunity for taking his wife.

bsp; Epilogue

  One year later

  Erica squealed when Chris lifted her into his arms twirling her around. Her large belly was between them. She’d just put the last of the cookies in the oven. Chris had agreed to have the whole family round for dinner. She was preparing the turkeys for lunch tomorrow. They’d been married six months, and she was already pregnant with their first child.

  Molly and David were getting settled, and Chris and Erica had set up the office for Luke and John to sleep. Cassie was taking the other bedroom with Blaze and his son. Trent was bringing her sister. They were getting close, but nothing had moved forward from that one kiss. Erica rubbed her belly when the little guy began to kick. Chris didn’t want to know the sex, but she’d wanted to know. They were having a little boy. She refused to tell him even when he asked. Erica found it funny that he hadn’t wanted to know during her scan, but he kept asking her at every opportunity.

  “I can’t wait to get you alone. When did I become so lucky?” he said, nibbling on her neck.

  “I forgave you, and the rest is history.” She took his hand and pressed it against her belly. “I can’t wait to have your child.”

  “So what should I get our baby? Blue or pink?” he asked.

  “You’re not getting away from me that easily.” The front door sounded. “I’ll get the door. You work on being your charming self. Remember what I said?”

  “I’ll be nice.”

  “Please, Chris. He’s my best friend, and he has no one to spend Christmas with.”

  “I’ll be nice. I’ve got the girl.” He kissed her lips then her stomach before smacking her ass. Molly and David entered with contented smiles on their faces.

  Erica wished she knew what had happened to make the older couple become close. John and Luke were fighting in the sitting room when she passed. Tucking her hair behind her ears, she opened the front door. Ben stood on the other side, his eyes red from tears. Martin had been killed a few months before in a car accident. She stared at her friend, and her heart went out to him. They’d stayed in touch over the last year. Martin had been in love with Ben, and for a short time, they’d been a happy couple. She hated knowing that love could be torn apart like this with no hope for a future.

  Erica hoped the warmth of the Sinclair family would help him. “I got some gifts. I didn’t know what everyone would like.”

  “Don’t worry about it.” She pulled him in, giving him a hug before releasing him. Trent and Elizabeth pulled up outside as she was about to shut the door.

  “I want you to meet my sister and brother-in-law.” She held his hand and waved for them to enter. The snow was falling thick and fast.

  Elizabeth ran in first, followed by Trent. “Wow, it is so cold out there.”

  “The heating is on high,” Erica said.

  She took their coats, refusing to let go of Ben. “I want you guys to meet a friend of mine. This is Ben Williamson. Ben, I’d like you to meet my sister, Elizabeth, and Trent, Chris’s brother.”

  She watched as he held his hand out to Elizabeth and then to Trent. The hand holding Trent’s lingered. Chris wrapped his hands around Erica’s waist as she stared at the current passing between the two men. Elizabeth was staring as well.

  Wasn’t that interesting?

  The End

  Other Books by

  Sam Crescent


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