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BIO-Sapien book 2 - Planet Xenos

Page 9

by Vlane Carter

  Chapter 8: Gravity Games

  Jaden opens his eyes and he is back inside his human body. His body isn’t floating, but he is standing in the middle of the rectangular area of water. His body feels cold, even though the water is warm. Cold feelings quickly move up and down his nervous system. He still isn’t breathing, but he can hear his heartbeat through the water. The sound of his heart echoes around the water surrounding him. The vision from his human eyes doesn’t feel the same. His 20/20 vision makes him feel as if his vision is bad. He can’t zoom in on Bellona through the water as she stands there looking at him. He automatically covers his private parts with his hand. Jaden doesn’t realize he isn’t breathing.

  ‘Jaden walk forward and out of the water,’ Bellona says telepathically.

  ‘Okay. Do you have any clothes? I’m completely naked here.’

  ‘It’s nothing I haven’t seen yet. Get used to being free and showing your true self. There is nothing to be ashamed of here.’

  ‘You sound like the voice in a flasher or streaker’s mind.’

  Jaden takes two steps forward and his body emerges from the warm water environment that is suspended in midair.

  ‘Jaden you need to cough out the remaining liquid in your lungs.’

  Jaden leans over and coughs up water. The water goes towards the floor, but changes direction and goes back into the rectangular pool of water.

  ‘How was I able to breathe with all of that inside of my lungs?’

  ‘The nanobots in your pores around your body were transferring the oxygen in the water directly into your bloodstream. Therefore, there wasn’t a reason for your lungs to do anything. There were microscopic tentacles going into your belly button that was providing oxygen, water, and food. How do you feel Jaden? You died, were brought back to life and now your body was repaired from you being completely frozen.’

  Jaden clears his throat, takes a deep breath and stands up.

  “Yeah, my body has been through a lot ever since I found your spaceship. So far I’ve been shot, drowned, drugged, body molecules vaporized, brain downloaded, chest cut almost open, suffocated, frozen and taken out of my body repeatedly. What is next for me? Assimilating me and putting me with the Borg?”

  She chuckles.“How are you feeling?”

  “I feel great, a little stiff, but okay.”

  “Stretch your body in every direction, touch your toes, hands over your head and tell me how you feel,” she says.

  Jaden does this and feels the aches all around his body.

  “My joints feel stiff and my muscles feel a little sore as if I just came out of the gym. It feels strange being back in my original body again for some reason.”

  “Your mind was getting used to being in another body and felt less strain using a nanoeye. It is sort of like giving your body a break.”

  “I just noticed I have my clothes back on that I was wearing the day I found your ship,” Jaden asks, as he looks himself up and down.

  He has on blue jeans and a NY Giants jersey. The jersey has a blue number 27 on both sides of it and the name Hampton above his chest.

  “Hey! This is backwards,” he yells, “The player’s name goes on the back along with the tag in the shirt.”

  Jaden pulls his arms from the sleeves and turns his jersey around.

  “I apologize about that Jaden. I didn’t realize there was a right and wrong way.”

  “It’s okay, how is it that I’m completely dry and my clothes are dry?”

  “Well this special water doesn’t soak through materials and it returns back into the pool.”

  “Okay, that’s cool. Now where is my Giants jacket and Jordan sneakers?”

  “They are safe, cleaned and on your bed. Even the bullet hole was sewn up,” Bellona answers.

  Jaden turns around and takes a few steps away. He unbuckles his belt, opens his pants, and looks inside.

  “You Andromedians are the best dry cleaners; you even removed that shit stain out of my underwear,” Jaden says excitedly

  “Shit stain? Your feces? Why would that be in your underwear?” Bellona asks then continues, “You humans should be toilet trained by your age.”

  Jaden laughs, “When I was first shot by the UFO police, I slightly pissed myself. Then when I was drowning in the dark on your ship, I was scared shitless and I felt myself pooping before I passed out.”

  “So you uploaded your remains on your clothes, because you were scared shitless? I’m sure your friends back home would find that funny, right Jaden?”

  “Embarrassing for me and funny for them. I’m glad you are learning what is funny Bellona.”

  “I’m sorry for that Jaden. But you won’t have that problem now; we removed most of the food particles and feces from your digestive system. The pool of water removes and vaporizes any remains.”

  Bellona smiles and laughs.

  “What is so funny?”

  “I’m sorry Jaden; I was watching the video from our ship from when you were drowning and unconscious on our ship. As you can see from the 3D video here after your clothes were removed… two of your logs were floating in the water and bouncing off your head and chest.”

  “Oh, so it’s so funny that you had to put it on the 3D video screen with the night vision? My turds doing an Under the Sea dance on a dead body is funny to you huh?”

  Bellona continues to laugh, “Jaden, you asked what was so funny.”

  “Yeah, yeah.”

  Jaden walks away from the screen and away from Bellona. He continues to stretch his legs and arms.

  “Jaden, don’t be upset. I haven’t laughed this much since I was an organic life form. I’m learning to see the humor in things and especially in your culture.”

  Jaden continues to walk away and stops in one place.

  “I changed the video and it’s showing the insides of your body.”

  The 3D screen is showing Jaden’s body, blood vessels, muscles and the nanobots moving in his bloodstream.

  ‘Your blood pressure and temperature are normal,’ Bellona says telepathically.

  Jaden walks back. Checking his pocket and looking in his wallet.

  “I’m not upset; I probably would have done the same thing if it was one of my friends.”

  “I noticed that you are sensitive. I’ll use more caution. Jaden, are you checking your wallet to make sure your money is there?”

  “Sorry, force of habit.”

  “What are we going to do with your currency? Buy something in our galaxy?”

  “No, but maybe the Darclonians took some to use it in a strip club back on Earth?” He jokes.

  Bellona smiles.

  “Okay, that wasn’t my best joke,” he says.

  “Don’t worry about it.”

  “Why does everything inside of my body look animated?” He asks.

  “This is a much better way of seeing things inside of complicated bodies or materials. Seeing the insides of your body the way it is will probably freak you out.”

  “Bellona, I’m thinking that I’m hungry, but my stomach doesn’t feel like I am hungry. Why is this?” Jaden asks.

  “Your digestive system is offline for the moment, including your stomach. Your body is currently on a photosynthesis and liquid diet. Artificial sunlight has been absorbed into your pores through the nanobots, into your bloodstream and converted over into energy. With a combination of some proteins, amino acids, carbohydrates, and an advanced metabolic process you won’t be hungry for a while.”

  “Works for me. This is an interesting 3D x-ray here. Are those all the nanobots in my body?”

  “Yes they are; they are analyzing your DNA, RNA, body structure, tissue, spinal cord, neuron transmissions, cell division and everything inside of you. They will give a report on what they find.”

  “Wasn’t this done to me before, when I first got on your ship back on Earth?”

  “Most of it
was, but most of the data was stolen. Most of the analyzing done while you were on Earth was mostly for preparing your body for flight, space and optic-warp. The analyzing process now is for enhancing your human body to its maximum capability.”

  “Any word on that transmission signal you were trying to intercept from the Darclonians?” Jaden asks.

  “We did intercept the transmission and we are verifying on the other side of the micro black hole. Our long range telescope antennas on the outside of our Andromeda Galaxy will fully verify if any transmission made it into your galaxy.”

  Marco appears in the room behind Bellona and walks forward, while Jaden has his back turned.

  ‘I see your body is back to its old self Jaden, how are you feeling?’ Marco asks.

  Jaden looks around the room and notices Marco standing there.

  “Hey, my blue rescuer alien Smurf friend,” Jaden pauses and talks telepathically, ‘Oh I apologize, I realize the preference for communicating here is through telepathic means. I’m fine, and doing well. It feels strange being back in my own body. I feel sluggish and weak,’ Jaden says without moving his mouth while he walks up to Marco and shakes his hand.


  ‘I figured it out in a half a second that shaking hands is customary in your culture,’ Marco says without much emotion in his face.

  ‘Wow you are fast, took the words right out of my mouth.’

  ‘The Smurfs was your favorite show when you were an early teenager.’

  ‘You’re good with quickly going through my brain’s memory,’ Jaden says with a surprised look on his face.

  Bellona smiles and walks over to the 3D video of Jaden’s vitals and her face changes to a sad face.

  ‘Jaden guess what?’

  ‘What Marco?’

  ‘You were approved to go back home.’

  ‘Alright! Earth here I come!’ Jaden yells excitedly then continues, ‘That felt strange yelling telepathically, feels as if I was humming loud to myself.’

  Marco continues to talk to Jaden.

  Jaden stares off and daydreams to himself. He is imagining himself being back home on Earth and getting a special award for the furthest traveled human. He stands on a stage next to the President. The President of the United States hands him the award and Jaden takes the podium.

  “Thank you sir. I would like to thank my mom, girlfriend, Pops and good friend James for supporting me and believing I would return to Earth. I would also like to thank my alien friends on the planet Xenos for returning me in one piece and giving us advances in technology. I would also like to thank my sexy friend Bellona for rescuing me. Would there be any questions?”

  A reporter raises his hand, “Mr. Marino, how do you feel traveling over five million light-years?”

  “I feel like five million bucks and I have boldly gone where no man went!”

  The audience laughs and applauses.

  “I also have the most space miles in space.”

  Another reporter stands and asks a question, “How do you feel having your statue next to Lincoln’s in Washington?”

  “I feel very honored and look forward to having my face on the Washington Monument as well.”

  A smiling female stands up asking a question, “What are you going to do next, Mr. Marino?”

  “I’m going to Disney World!” Jaden yells with his hand and award in the air. “Then I’m going to end world hunger, stop global warming, run for President, and end racism. . .”


  ‘Jaden, Jaden...Are you here with us?’ Bellona asks.

  Jaden snaps out of his daydream.

  ‘Man that was intense. I felt like that was actually happening,’ Jaden says.

  ‘Your brain is using a higher percentage of itself. Everything is going to seem more real. You’ll also be able to remember more,’ Bellona says.

  ‘Jaden did you hear anything I was saying about going back home?’ Marco asks.

  ‘No,’ Jaden replies, ‘Sorry about that, I zone out sometimes.’

  ‘With time Jaden, you’ll be able to process and do more than one thing at once. Your mind is naturally capable of multi-tasking.’

  ‘Sounds good to me. I was just thinking about something. When I was rescued from Planet 455, on the video, I remember the blisters were shooting at Bellona when she was on the ground...’

  The video of Bellona replays in the middle of the room, of her on the ground being shot at and then exploding.

  ‘I’ll explain Jaden; my energy was going down so I did what we call an atomic recharge. My body absorbed all the energy and matter of the weapons being fired at me. My energy particles united the enemies’’ weapons until I exploded out into space in all directions. My body’s particles united with direct non-filtered sunlight, then came back down at the speed of light on my targeted enemies. My nanoscanners directed which targets to hit when I came back down in hundreds of pieces. Then my body reunited together. That is a last resort weapon, which requires a lot of energy and can only be used once a battle.’

  ‘That is amazing. For some reason I just remember this incident from out of nowhere.’

  ‘It is okay, your memory will get more organized.’

  ‘Jaden, do you remember the D.E.K?’ Marco asks.

  ‘Yes, I do, remember the Dark Energy Knight none of you could kill.’

  ‘That’s right; Bellona already explained that to you. That alien was amazing and scary. I’ve been in tens of thousands of battles and never saw something like that. It was like a walking black hole, which was in complete control of its dark energy around it,’ Marco says.

  ‘Bellona already told me about it.’

  ‘Oh, okay. Well did Bellona tell you that we hit it with a combined energy of ten atomic bombs?’

  ‘No man, that’s a lot of energy.’

  ‘Our nanoscanners and nanoeyes were sucked into the D.E.K and destroyed. We analyzed some of the scanners’ data and it is a walking micro black hole. The outside energy of its body is the singularity point. The singularity point is the center of a normal black hole where no matter can survive. It’s the crushing point where all matter is destroyed at the end of a black hole. However, this alien had an event horizon three feet around its body. An event horizon is a strong gravity field that pulls in light or matter towards the singularity point in regular black holes.

  ‘That’s crazy,’ Jaden says.

  ‘Jaden, you learned this in school already. We got this word from your vocabulary and matched it with our definitions. Why did you ask what a singularity was?’ Marco asks.

  ‘We college and high school students only remember thirty percent of what we learned in school. With all the cigarettes, weed smoking and drinking I’m surprised I remember my own name sometimes. Thanks for reminding me.’

  ‘We will significantly improve your memory. Anyway, Jaden that alien was very dangerous. We have no idea on how to destroy it yet. We are researching this info with other species and checking our databases.’

  ‘Where does the destroyed matter go once it passes the singularity point in this alien?’

  ‘We have no idea. We don’t even know what we are dealing with. Dark energy is very unstable and dangerous to control. There was so much concentrated in one area around the alien. In addition, It was very stable and in a controlled state. We sent some ships back to the planet, but the D.E.K was nowhere to be found,’ Marco says.

  ‘That’s too bad, that monster freaks me out,’ Jaden says.

  The 3D screen changes and two aliens appear on it. Jaden walks closer to it as it gets his attention. Two aliens are standing towards each other as if they are about to fight, in a room that is a slightly dark. A sound is made as if something is about to start. One of the aliens is Bomani. His long striped skin is glowing. The other alien, named Noah, is all red and resembles a male with claws. They continue to face each other. Suddenly a clear energy shield appears over each of th
em. The camera angle changes.

  ‘Bellona, what is happening here?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘This is one of our competitions and games, which is a battle between two fighters. The game I was telling you about earlier. The room setup is computer controlled. They are allowed a certain amount of points to have any type of defensive and offensive weapons they want. Right now, they are absorbing as fast as they can all the shield ingredients in the room. Then they try to find holes in shields around each other’s body as they are doing now. They concentrate on each other’s weaknesses since each has to control their own shield speed and walking with it. The faster their R.P.M’s, the stronger their shields are. A host controls the direction and angles of the shield generation nanobots. The gravity of the room changes every 10-30 seconds. Therefore, each opponent has anti-gravity and pro-gravity nanos in their feet and around their body so they don’t fall. Once a game, an energy ball floats and bounces around giving who ever grabs it extra points to increase any of their weapons. The room is six feet deep and each side is twenty feet long. Four sides like a rectangular box. The front and rear wall transports an object to the other side. The sides are constantly changing depending on which side the gravity is on. The opponents are using an artificial body, but their original body feels the pain inflicted on each other,’ Bellona says.

  ‘This game sounds interesting. Does everyone usually start off with the same weapons?’

  ‘Everyone usually starts off with the shields, which take up most of the points. Once an opponent’s shield system is weak, the other can attack with shield penetrating weapons…’

  Marco stands behind Jaden watching the 3D screen.

  ‘Bomani is what you humans call the champion for the past five years,’ Marco says.

  ‘Seems a little boring, two people looking at each other trying to destroy each other’s shield systems,’ Jaden says.

  The gravity changes in the room and they are standing on the side of the right wall. Noah slides towards the ground, slightly losing his balance. Bomani keeps his ground and doesn’t move.

  ‘You see that Jaden, Noah lost his balance, so some of his concentration went off his shield to gravity adjusting,’ Bellona says.

  ‘But he slightly lost it, that wasn’t much,’ Jaden says.

  ‘In milliseconds it matters a lot. Now Bomani is charging his offensive weapons and so is Noah. Noah is charging too soon.’

  The gravity changes again suddenly and they are on the ceiling fighting.

  ‘That’s cool; they are on the ceiling fighting. I mean staring at each other on the ceiling.’

  ‘For you it is a little boring, but if you knew how hard it is to keep your energy shield around your body and moving with it, you’ll know how hard this part is. Now it will get a little interesting for you Jaden.’

  The 3D screen shows Bomani’s shield strength at eighty percent and Noah’s is at fifty-three percent. The room changes gravity again to directly the opposite, back towards the ground. Bomani lets the room gravity take him down and he falls towards the ground from the ceiling. He puts his hands together and creates a glowing sword as he pulls them apart. Bomani puts his right arm over his head as he falls head first towards the floor. He pushes himself off the ground and turns himself right side up. Noah shoots small orange projectiles at Bomani, which bounces off Bomani’s shield and continues to bounce around the room in different directions. Bomani jumps on the right wall as the gravity changes again for the room. The gravity is pulling towards the left wall. Noah walks on the left wall. Bomani pushes off the now ceiling as his opponent is still over him, standing on the ground.

  ‘The small two-inch purple energy balls are passing right through Noah and his shield,’ Jaden says.

  ‘Yes, they don’t affect the person who fired them,’ Marco says.

  ‘Cool, just like in Streetfighter.’

  Bomani changes his gravity direction as his opponent is upside down over him. Bomani charges upwards with his sword in his left hand, as he is still midair. Noah takes a step back watching Bomani over him. Bomani comes down and flips right side up on the ceiling and cuts through the red opponent’s shield striking him. The red opponent blocks the sword hit with his right arm and pushes a shock wave of force at Bomani with his left. Bomani quickly falls backwards and goes through the forward wall and comes out the rear wall. Then his body lands flat on the pro-gravity side of the left wall.

  ‘Where did he disappear to?’

  ‘The forward wall and rear wall transports a player through to the opposite side.’

  ‘What did the red dude hit Bomani with?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘He hit him with a strong gravity disrupting force. We call it a gravity shock wave. It forces any object in the path of the shock wave to go in that direction as if it is falling towards the ground. The shock wave also doubles or triples the weight of the object causing more damage. That was a close attack.’

  Noah’s total energy is down to eighteen percent as Bomani’s goes down to thirty-three percent. The gravity of the room changes to the ground. Bomani jumps up and falls towards the ground. Noah tries to regenerate his shield strength as he is still on the ceiling. Bomani jumps up towards him and his opponent does the same. Noah fires another gravity shock wave. Bomani’s shield absorbs most of the blast, causing his body to spin in 360° vertical circles in the middle of the room. Bomani waves his left hand in front of him. Bomani and his opponent quickly fall towards the ceiling and Bomani quickly swipes his opponent with his sword, finishing him off.

  ‘How did it end so quickly?’

  ‘Bomani used his remaining gravity balancing energy around his body, and used it around his opponent also; causing both of them to fall towards the ceiling. Bomani increased the pro-gravity force around his opponent, pinning him against the ceiling. Then he finished him off. The gravity for the room changed towards the ceiling at the right time, increasing Bomani’s strength to pin Noah,’ Marco says.

  ‘That was cool. I want to give that a try,’ Jaden says.

  ‘Jaden, you are not ready to play in this type of video game,’ Marco says.

  ‘Come on Marco, I think Jaden is capable of competing,’ Bellona says.

  ‘He would need to be using a much higher percentage of his brain. He would also need to increase his multi-tasking skills to be able to control the gravity, shields and movement at once,’ Marco says.

  Jaden looks at Bellona and Marco with a confused look.

  ‘I have confidence in Jaden,’ Bellona says.

  ‘He will need a lot of practice,’ Marco says.

  ‘He will need to practice regardless,’ Bellona says.

  Jaden turns his head back and forth at Marco and Bellona as they talk like two parents arguing over their kid.

  ‘Why are you two arguing like my parents?’ Jaden asks, ‘Let me give it a try if I don’t do good, so be it.’

  ‘Marco thinks your brain is too primitive,’ Bellona says.

  ‘You said that Marco?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘Come Jaden, you would have heard me say something telepathically,’ Marco says defensively.

  ‘He sent it coded to me Jaden. Don’t worry about it; he just wants you to try the game out. This was his way of getting you to go for it,’ Bellona says coded directly to Jaden.

  Marco wants to encourage Jaden to try the game out. Jaden laughs to himself at the fact that encoded telepathic messages can be sent. Bomani appears in the room with Jaden, Bellona and Marco. Marco walks over to Bomani.

  ‘Hello fellow Andromedians and human. Did you see me kick that alien’s ass?’ Bomani asks while walking in the room with a smile on his face.

  ‘He traveled 5023 light-years to get his ass kicked. He was talking so much crap in his language to other Andromedians. I showed him what I could do in only seventy-one seconds.’

  ‘Good job Bomani, we already knew you are the best,’ Marco says.

  ‘Bellona did you ever try?’ Jade
n asks.

  ‘I was the champion for a while, but the game isn’t one of my main interests. I’m against unnecessary violence. I think it’s more for training and practice for the real world,’ Bellona says.

  ‘Bellona went all peaceful, spiritual, and loving the universe on everyone. I beat her a long time ago a few times,’ Bomani says.

  ‘That was thousands of years ago Bomani. The game isn’t really challenging anymore. We played each other hundreds of times,’ Bellona says.

  ‘I would be tired also after playing for all those years and that many times,’ Jaden says.

  ‘The rules and the game changes. The environments evolve and there are different difficulty levels. We used to fight with energy swords for hours, without any shields, over lava, strange planets, on supernovas and underwater,’ Bellona says.

  ‘That is amazing. It’s like a futuristic Mortal Kombat using real bodies. I’ve noticed I’ve been talking a lot faster. You guys have been talking faster and it’s fine now,’ Jaden says.

  ‘Your primitive mind has been adjusting well Jaden,’ Bellona says while winking at him.

  ‘So you are going back home tomorrow Jaden, good for you,’ Bomani says while walking to Jaden and shaking his hand.

  ‘You Andromedians really are good with learning a species’ culture fast,’ Jaden says.

  ‘Well we are very quick learners here. So you want to give the champ a shot in the old Gravity Fighting game?’ Bomani asks.

  ‘Yes, I do. I think I can take you down,’ Jaden says.

  ‘Jaden, you need some practice first,’ Bellona says.

  ‘He can learn while we play. I’ll give him a few minutes to warm up. I’ll even give him the energy bonus point ball,’ Bomani says with a cocky attitude.

  ‘I’ll need some private practice time to prepare Jaden first,’ Bellona says.

  ‘That’s fine with me,’ Bomani says.

  ‘Why you don’t play Marco?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘The game is too primitive for me. I like the real thing and things that explode,’ Marco says.

  Marco and Bomani talk to each other.

  Bellona turns to Jaden and looks directly in his blue eyes. Her small silver hands go over his shoulders. He feels her warmth going through his body.

  ‘Jaden you don’t have to do this. This type of training takes days, weeks and months for some species. Some minds aren’t capable of this type of multi-tasking. You could cause a seizure in your brain or put yourself in a coma.’

  ‘I’ll take it easy. Bellona, if I see a challenge and I think I can do it, I’m going to give it a try. It’s all about the confidence,’ Jaden says.

  ‘We will see you in the game later Jaden. I have confidence in you. I saw how you flew our spaceship back on Earth. Very impressive connecting with the EIS so fast. Not many species could fly like that and only using a small percentage of their brains. So I think you would do well in the game,’ Marco says with confidence.

  ‘See you soon Jaden. Bellona, good luck training your apprentice and new alien boyfriend,’ Bomani says while chuckling and then disappears with Marco.

  ‘Why did he say new boyfriend?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘Well, myself and Bomani were what you would call dating thousands of years ago. Now we are just good friends. I’m known for wanting to be more like a human species. We always used to challenge each other and we saved each other in many battles. Listen, Jaden we need to practice. Even if you weren’t playing the game against Bomani, you would still need the basic skills for controlling shield technology, gravity manipulating and multi-tasking,’ Bellona says.

  “Okay, let’s do it!” Jaden yells aloud, and then continues, “Did you just give me an artificial cigarette?”

  “Yes, your body and brain needed it. The nanobots in your brain pretty much determine when you need one now,” Bellona says.

  “Thanks. It looks strange now, seeing your mouth moving and sound coming from where your body is at.”

  “Yes, Jaden your mind is getting used to telepathic communication. However, maybe we should continue talking voice to voice, so you won’t be trying to talk to humans telepathically when you return to Earth.”

  “That’s a good idea Bellona. What do I need to do to get start practicing for this fighting game?”

  “Jaden you will need to get into a sleeping state. Take your clothes off…”

  “I love it when a female tells me to take off my clothes.”

  “As I was saying, I will need to adjust parts of your brain, so you will be using a higher percentage of it. The nanobots in your body and brain can help initialize parts of your brain that aren’t being used, enabling you to concentrate on multiple things at once and do things in the background kind of like a computer. But it requires practice, concentration and coordination.”

  Jaden removes his clothes down to his boxers. The pool of water changes from rectangular vertical to rectangular horizontal.

  “Is there any way I could just play from laying in a bed or something non-liquid?” Jaden asks, “I have a slight phobia now of large bodies of water.”

  “Your body needs to be in a natural state and floating state of mind. Your brain will be fully connected to the artificial body and can’t afford any outside distractions. This special water also keeps the communication speed instant.”

  “Okay, but if I drown again, I’m kicking your ass,” Jaden says in a joking voice as he lies down in the water. Bellona smiles.

  Jaden closes his eyes and takes a deep breath as if he is jumping into a swimming pool. The water feels warm like a Jacuzzi. He hears sounds like being underwater in a pool. Then the underwater sounds go away.

  ‘Jaden you need to take one more regular deep breath, so your lungs can fill up with the liquid so you can breathe through your pores. This will also put your body into a natural state of sleep and enable your artificial body to go online.’

  Jaden relaxes and takes a deep breath as if he is breathing air. The liquid enters his lungs, but his body adjusts automatically. He feels something going into his belly button. Jaden opens his eyes and he is standing in front of Bellona. He is in the artificial body he was in earlier. Jaden looks at his arms and body again, amazed that he is outside of his body again.

  “This is really freaky. My body is lying over there, but I’m over here walking around and I feel like my regular self. Everything almost feels the same.”

  “We try to make things feel the same. Everything looks normal here,” Bellona says.

  “What is in that water and what was happening to my belly button?”

  “It is called exotic water. The same liquid that your body is in when it’s in the EIS. It has trillions of nanotissues in it and elements for a carbon-based body. It is also used to repair many different species’ bodies. Pure oxygen and different proteins were going into your belly button. Similar to when your body was in your mother’s womb. Your body and mind is always prepared to go back into the womb state of mind,” Bellona says.

  “Oh okay, interesting.”

  “What is…what is that tattoo image on your upper back?” Bellona asks, and then continues, “Oh that was from your brother dying a few years ago. You tattooed it on your upper back when your brother passed away to always remember him. I’m sorry about your brother. I know it is tough when a loved one dies.”

  “Don’t worry about it, let’s get some practicing in,” Jaden says with a slight tremor in his voice.

  “Okay, let’s go.”

  The walls, floor, ceiling, and surroundings turn bright. Jaden can hear sounds of something large falling into an empty room. There is a flash and the room he is in changes. Jaden is standing inside of the Gravity Fighting room with Bellona. The walls, ceiling and floor are glowing white.

  “I feel like I’m in heaven. My feet don’t have any shoes, but I feel as if I do,” Jaden says as he walks around getting familiar with his surroundings. Jaden walks and stumbles into a

  “I didn’t even see this here,” he says.

  “You have to use your sensor, because the walls sometimes change distances. First, we will start with defying gravity. Gravity can be your enemy and your friend,” Bellona says as she jumps up on the wall and walks towards the ceiling and over Jaden.

  “The trick is making your mind think you are on ground level. There are anti-gravity nanos around your body and pro-gravity nanos in your feet, which keep you stable. The anti-gravity energy repels the pulling force and reduces the weight of the opponent. The force and gravity of the room will normally force your body into that direction. This would make your body feel as if the ground is in that direction. As I stand on this left wall, my body automatically increases the anti-gravity energy on the left side of my body, so that I don’t lean or fall down. Give it a try Jaden.”

  Jaden runs and jump on the left wall with Bellona. He crouches as he feels the ground pulling his body in that direction. Jaden waves his arms in an attempt to gain his balance and then he stands up straight. He stands there for a few seconds, but feels very dizzy and disoriented. Everything is spinning around him. He slowly falls to the ground and lies on his back.

  “Don’t worry about it Jaden, try it again. This time you need to disable the equilibrium in your ears,” Bellona says.

  “What is equilibrium again?” Jaden asks, but quickly answers himself, “The equilibrium is in my ears, and it controls my balance. It also lets me know what is up or down and it works with my brain when walking, right?”

  Jaden stands up and holds his head.

  “You got it, Jaden.”

  “My memory is improving greatly. I could actually see and hear my eighth grade science teacher talking about it in class.”

  “Jaden stay focused. You need to concentrate that the wall is the ground you are on…”

  “Can’t you just disable that in my ears?”

  “That is something that isn’t suggested.”

  “Why not?”

  Jaden falls flat on his face. He tries to push himself up, but turns over and is lying on his back. Jaden feels his head is spinning and he cannot get off the ground. He feels as if he was spinning around in circles for twenty minutes. Jaden crawls in circles on his knees, and then tries to get up but falls back on the ground.

  “What is happening to me?” He asks, “I can’t get up or walk.”

  “Jaden, you asked why not. So I temporarily blocked the signals your equilibrium is sending to your brain. According to your history Jaden, it’s easier to just show you or you would continue with many unnecessary questions wasting more time.”

  “Okay, you made your point, I get it. It is amazing how fast you are learning about me. I feel like I’m on some super drugs and my father spun me around for ten minutes nonstop,” Jaden says while grabbing his head lying flat on his back looking at Bellona on the wall with her arms crossed.

  Jaden stands back up as the spinning goes away.

  “My girlfriend stands like that with me, when she gets impatient. You are learning the ways of human women. That is not something you should copy. Next you’ll be imitating getting periods and acting like a bitch,” Jaden says while chuckling.

  “I wouldn’t mind acting like a human female, they have interesting emotional strengths and do a good job keeping you men in line.”

  “Yeah yeah. So my mind thinks this is my real body?”

  “Yes Jaden. Everything outside of your brain is bypassed into the body you are in now. Your mind doesn’t know the difference. Your body here is even breathing air while your brain thinks your human body is. Amazing, right?”

  “Very, very interesting. I didn’t even realize I was breathing. This is so cool; I guess it all takes some getting used to.”

  “Now, Jaden try the wall again!”

  “You sound like my karate instructor.”

  Jaden runs, jumps on the wall and tries to catch his balance.

  “Think as if the wall is the ground. Don’t think as if you are on a wall, your body will compensate the gravity pulling you towards the ground.”

  Jaden keeps thinking to himself that he is on the ground and walks up the wall towards Bellona about fifteen feet away. He slips half way and slides downward, but stops himself and continues walking. Jaden continues to practice for another ten minutes.

  “I think I have it now,” Jaden says.

  “Let’s try the ceiling.”

  Jaden follows Bellona and walks on the ceiling.

  “I think I have it. I’m getting it. Can I jump into the forward wall?”

  “No, you can’t. I’m glad you are getting it. Now you are going to have to manually control the anti-gravity nanos around your body.”


  “Yes, Jaden, this is considered cheating. You learned walking on the walls and ceilings in no time, this shouldn’t be too hard. Follow me back to the ground.”

  Bellona walks towards the wall. Jaden jumps up, slowly spins and lands on the ground with his feet.

  “Cool, did you see that?”

  “Mr. Quick Learner try the wall now,” Bellona says.

  Jaden walks up to the wall and leaps on it. He feels the forces pulling him down. He feels his feet pulling him down, but not enough. Jaden concentrates and can feel the gravity around his body. He begins to lose his footing and falls towards the ground. He catches his footing then adjusts the energy in his feet and left side. Jaden takes baby steps up the wall.

  “I can feel the energy moving on the outside of my body clockwise.”

  “After you concentrate on it, put it in the back of your mind.”

  “I’m doing it, I’m doing it!” Jaden yells while walking on the ceiling doing the same thing, but suddenly falls towards the ground. Jaden gets nervous as the ground quickly approaches. His body is abruptly propelled back towards the ceiling and slams into it face first.

  “What’s happening? Why am I glued to the ceiling?”

  “You got nervous and reversed the anti-gravity energy going around your body. This turns into a powerful positive magnetic charge of energy. In these games, the opposite of the pro-gravity side of the room or floor is like a strong metal material. So in short, the ceiling is the metal and you are the magnet,” Bellona says.

  “Thanks for telling me. I feel like I’m slammed up against a wall by a fat cop and being searched. I can’t move, I’m pinned,” Jaden says in a muffled tone.

  “You did it unconsciously, similar to a reflex. Just concentrate on moving the energy counterclockwise.”

  Jaden stands up normally on the ceiling and runs around. He runs on the wall, ground and jumps onto the ceiling for the next ten minutes. Bellona watches him with an accomplished smile.

  “Okay Jaden, time for the next step, which is more difficult.”

  Jaden walks over to Bellona standing on the ground.

  “Do you see the clear bubble dots all around the room?” She asks.

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Try to pull them towards you, by thinking about it. Those are energy shield producing nanobots.”

  He concentrates on them and they slowly come towards his body.

  “Make them move faster around your body all the way down to your feet, completely covering yourself.”

  Jaden does this and tries to move them faster. He looks around his body as he sees the particles moving in a slightly faster momentum. The nanobots are quickly moving around him.

  “I see a number of 94 rpm and now I see 354 rpm,” Jaden says excitedly.

  “That is the speed that your shield’s energy molecules are moving at. The higher the number, the more powerful and stronger it is. That is your revolutions per minute, just like on a vehicle on Earth. You speed it up by concentrating and using more brain thinking strength. For example, it is like juggling something in your hands faster and faster,” she says.

  “I’m getting it, I’m at 2150 rpm. Ho
w are you able to hear me through the shield?”

  “Sounds travel through everything in this room. Keep concentrating on your speed.”

  The semi-invisible shield is about three feet around Jaden, encasing him like a capsule. Jaden reaches out and touches it with his right index finger. It feels like a solid material force from the inside. He pushes it harder with his hand and it moves forward.

  “How was I able to push it like that? It felt like I was pushing a door.”

  “The faster it moves around you, the harder it is to push. The minimum for a fair fight in the gravity game is 5000 rpm and maximum of 10,000 rpm. So you need to get it to at least 5000 rpm.”

  “What will happen if I don’t?”

  “If we were fighting, you would need to match my energy shield’s rpm to enter my personal shield area, if you wanted to attack me. The faster moving one can dominate the weaker speed. I would be able to overpower your shield and attack you now.”

  “How would I know what your speed is?”

  “If you concentrate on your opponent’s shield, you can see their rpm number every five billion nanoseconds. In time you can calculate another shield rpm just by looking at it.”

  “Five billion nanoseconds?” Jaden asks in an excited voice.

  “Excuse me, I apologize Jaden. Five seconds I meant.”

  “You almost confused me like a squirrel in the middle of the street trying to figure out which way to run as it is about to get hit by a car.”

  “That was funny and a good one Jaden. I just saw the image of your mother driving in her car and swirling around a confused squirrel running in circles in the middle of the street while you were an adolescent. I saw her screaming and you telling her to run it over in the passenger seat.”

  “I remember that day; my mother got me from school. I think I got caught bringing an X-rated magazine to school.”

  “Okay Jaden, concentrate on your shield speed. Look, your speed went back down to 1215 rpm.”

  “My shield erection went down, oh no!” Jaden yells.

  “Oh, I’ll help you to get it back up,” Bellona says while walking over to him.

  Her energy shield passes through Jaden’s and presses him against his own shield as she stops in front of him. His body is feeling a squeeze and his face turns left against his shield.

  “Don’t human men like it rough, when a female is about to overpower them?” She asks.

  “I can’t move, I’m being crushed,” he says in a muffled tone.

  “Thought I didn’t catch your subliminal erection joke huh?” Bellona asks with a smile on her face.

  “I’m being crushed by a big girl. I mean two big girls,” Jaden says with a distorted voice.

  “That’s right; you were beat up by two big girls in kindergarten. Therefore, you remember how this feels. What is my shield’s rpm?”

  Jaden stops his own shield and falls back a quarter of an inch, but is still stuck.

  “You aren’t getting off that easy, where are you going?” Bellona asks while recreating another shield behind him.

  “What is my rpm Jaden?”

  “What is your name?” Jaden asks with a smile on his face.

  She puts more pressure against his face and body.

  “You like it rough don’t you?” She asks.

  “Sometimes,” he mumbles.

  “What’s my name?” She yells, smiles and continues, “I meant to say, what’s my rpm?”

  Jaden looks around and a smile forms on his face.

  “It’s 6500 rpm,” Jaden muffles.

  “What was yours before you stopped it?” She demands.


  “If you are planning on winning this game Jaden, you need to always be fully concentrating. The energy you wasted on coming up with jokes could have been helping your rpm speed. You also need to practice walking with your energy shield around you so you aren’t pinned up like you are in a sardine can, between these two shields.”

  Jaden tries to push against the shield, but cannot. His arms are flat along his body.

  “Okay, okay. I’ll concentrate harder.”

  “Bomani is going to kick your ass all around this game and then make fun of you on the Galaxynet. Our time is almost up for practicing, you have to get this. This training might also help you in real life one day.”

  Bellona releases the shield behind and in front of him. He takes a few steps forward and takes a deep breath.

  “What is my name?” Jaden asks and chuckles.

  “I apologize, that was an error on my part.”

  “I don’t think that was an error. You said that with passion.”

  Jaden turns around and concentrates on his bubble dots around him, now sitting still. They begin to gain momentum. He is fully concentrating and has a serious look on his face. They go faster and faster. Jaden reaches 4500 rpm and then 7800 rpm. They begin to glow with energy.

  “Very good Jaden, now try to walk forward with it.”

  He takes a step and bumps his head into his shield. Jaden pushes both of his hands out and tries to move it.

  “It is not going to move that way at that speed. You need to move it with your mind. Concentrate on making it float and move at your walking speed.”

  Jaden takes a step forward and bumps into it again. He gets it to move a few inches and takes a step with it. The shield abruptly moves and it knocks him down. It disintegrates and he is lying on his back.

  “Do I really need this shield thing around me when I fight?” Jaden asks, “Why can’t I just fight the old fashioned way with some fists or karate?”

  “You can do that, but still need these basic concepts. These basic skills can help you anywhere, not just in this game. I think you can do it, you are using parts of your brain you never used before.”

  ‘Come on Jaden you can do this. Use the force J,’ Jaden says to himself, trying to get his confidence up.

  Jaden quickly creates another energy shield around him. He takes half a step and it follows with him very slowly. Jaden stops and it disintegrates again.

  “I know what I need. Can you play some rock and roll from my memory?” Jaden asks.

  “Rock and roll is….okay, it’s music. What year, which artist?” Bellona asks.

  “Play some, play some Aerosmith.”

  “It’s going to sound choppy from your memories,” she says.

  The music begins to play as he bops his head up and down jamming, humming to himself. He hears it in stereo around his artificial ears. Jaden creates the shield around him with pure concentration in his eyes. He takes a step forward and the shield follows. Jaden stops and then walks forward a few steps. He walks around the room faster and faster as the shield stays over him. It follows him as he changes direction. Bellona watches with an impressed look on her face.

  She sends a coded telepathic message to Marco, ‘Isn’t that amazing? His concentration and coordination went up by forty percent.’

  ‘Very amazing, Rock and roll must be some kind of brain enhancer for concentration,’ Marco says.

  ‘His neurons are firing in his brain more synchronized. Jaden’s brain is accepting multi-tasking much easier also,’ Bellona says.

  Jaden looks at the wall and takes a big leap onto it while his shield follows. He is bending down on one of his knees while he closes his eyes.

  “Come on Jaden you can do it,” Bellona says.

  Jaden counteracts the gravity forces around his body pulling him down while concentrating on his shield around him. He stands up straight and walks up the wall, then onto the ceiling. His hair leans towards the ground.

  “6500 rpm, that is right!” Jaden yells while continuing to hum his song.

  “I’m impressed Jaden, good work.”

  “Yeah thanks, the music helps me to concentrate better.”

  “Let’s see how well you can control all of that while fighting and moving.”

  A glow
ing sword with electricity moving around inside of it appears in their hands. Bellona jumps onto the ceiling with him. Jaden looks at the weapon that just appeared in his right hand.


  Jaden’s shield speed goes down as he takes a step back. She slowly enters his shield area with her weapon in front of him as he takes a few steps back.

  “Get your speed up. Your rpm is at 3200.”

  “I’m trying, but I’m about to fall down… I mean fall up.”

  He walks into the corner of the ceiling. Jaden hears a sound like a high-speed fan. Bellona’s much faster shield corners Jaden and destroys his weapon, then wounds his hands and arms. He places them to his sides. Jaden yells in pain as he falls to the ground. He slowly lands on his head and falls flat on his face.

  “Shit, that hurt. My arms are cut off,” Jaden says as he rolls over. Then suddenly the cuts disappear.

  “Jaden are you okay?”

  “This game is not as easy as it looks. I’m getting a headache again.”

  “You were doing well until your shield speed went down. You could have switched your shield to be in front of you, which would have increased your rpm speed. But your entire body wouldn’t be protected.”

  “Now you tell me.”

  He stands back up and runs on the wall, then back onto the ceiling with Bellona. Jaden gets his shield speed up to 8500 rpm. The music is back on in Jaden’s mind. Jaden and Bellona’s shields match up and they draw their weapons. The two shields form one larger shield. Bellona blocks his aggressive sword attacks.

  “Very good Jaden,” she says while taking a step back while blocking.

  She charges at Jaden as their weapons entwine. The electricity dances together as they touch. Jaden is staring straight into Bellona’s eyes. Suddenly a bright yellow ball the size of a car is propelled from the floor and hits them. There is a huge explosion. Jaden’s shield disappears as he falls against the right wall. He is sitting up against the wall with his legs still on the ceiling and in pain. Baffled as to what just happened, he keeps his body from falling towards the ground. Bellona’s shield absorbs most of the blast as she falls against the left wall crouching down, looking towards the ground.

  Bomani is standing on the ground smiling. He jumps onto the middle of the ceiling and begins walking towards Jaden.

  “So you think you are ready for me now huh? Mr. Human?” Bomani asks.

  Jaden is holding his head, still confused.

  Bellona stands up with an angry look on her face.

  “What is wrong with you Bomani? Are you crazy? You could have hurt him.”

  Bellona walks up to Bomani as he turns around. She looks him in the eyes, “I’m in the middle of training him you %$#@!,” Bellona yells.

  “You are the one that is crazy for trying to train this primitive human to fight against a champion Andromedian.”

  “I think you are the one who needs training; you haven’t fought in these games for thousands of years. Last I remember, I beat you,” Bomani says in a cocky voice.

  “There was no winner.”

  “You want to go at it again?” Bomani asks.

  “I don’t play games anymore,” she says while she walks over to Jaden who is lying against the wall, but suddenly slides towards the ground upside down.

  Jaden looks up at Bellona trying to figure out what is going on.

  “You’ve gotten weak Bellona,” Bomani says.

  “I only fight when I have to. I don’t have anything to prove to you Bomani. Are you okay Jaden?”

  “I’m fine, what is that guy’s problem?” Jaden asks as he stands up.

  “Some jealousy over the years and him wanting a rematch with me,” she says.

  “You ready Jaden?” Bomani says.

  “Of course I’m ready. Why don’t you give him a rematch, I think you can beat him. I have seen what you could do from the rescue.”

  “There is a time and place for everything,” she says.

  “Here is something to think about, look back into my memory, where I stood up to my bully in the eighth grade.”

  Bellona pauses for a few seconds, “I understand your memory point, but these are different situations. I’m more peaceful now and only here to help you. Jaden you don’t have to do this. I think you should practice some more.”

  “I can’t die or injure my human body in this, can I?”

  “No, but if you get hurt in this game, your body will feel the pain.”

  “All the pain?”

  “Only about twenty-five percent of the actual pain is transmitted to your human body.”

  “What did he hit us with?”

  “Something illegal that isn’t allowed in the game. It was called a mini nova.”

  “Mini nova? Interesting. I felt a lot of heat around that bright yellow weapon. What did you call Bomani earlier? Was it an alien curse word?”

  “Pretty much, there wasn’t a definition to describe what I called him in your language. So that’s why it sounded like that to you.”

  “Trust me; we have a lot of foul language in my culture,” he says.

  “Well Jaden, I’m leaving. You want to still fight Bomani, he is all yours. Remember what I taught you. The game setup is about to begin. Good luck.”

  “Bellona don’t leave yet,” he says while walking over to her on the ground.

  She stops and he gives her a hug, “Thanks for your help. At least I can say I tried against the champ, even if he does kick my ass,” Jaden says.

  “I understand it’s a male thing.”

  Bellona walks away and disappears.

  “Just me and you, Mr. Planet of the Apes!” Bomani shouts.

  “You brown-skinned Borg midget, let’s go.”

  A 3D setup screen comes up in front of Jaden. 100% defense shows up and 100% offense in two columns. He has to choose which defensive and offensive weapons he wants. He sees custom and default. He tries to look up at all the options.

  “Just hit default, you are wasting so many billions of nanoseconds,” Bomani says.

  Jaden chooses default defensive and random offensive weapons. Bomani jumps down to the ground.

  “You ready?”

  “Yes, let’s go,” Jaden says.

  ‘I’m still here watching the fight Jaden. I’m going to try and coach you,’ Bellona says telepathically.

  ‘Okay thanks.’

  Bomani and Jaden look directly at each other. The room turns dark and looks more energetic.

  ‘When the room turns bright, that’s when you start Jaden. Then you need to get as many shield ingredients as possible. Concentrate on them coming to you; they will appear when the room gets bright white.’

  The room turns bright white. Jaden tries to concentrate on the floating ingredients for his shield. Some begin to float towards him. The ingredients are all around the room and Bomani is pulling most of them his way. Jaden and Bomani form their shields. Jaden tries to concentrate on his rpm’s. His rpm speed is only at 2800 while Bomani’s is at 6590. Bellona plays some rock and roll for Jaden. Bomani tries to find holes in Jaden’s shield.

  ‘Jaden be careful, he is trying to find a crack in your shield. The speed has to be constant all around,’ Bellona says.

  ‘I can’t. He is disrupting my concentration.’

  Bomani finds a hole and fires a gravity shock wave from his right arm and through Jaden’s shield. Jaden’s shield disappears and he hits the wall very hard. The shock wave drains his energy as he is pinned against the wall. He feels like he just fell out of a window and hit the ground. His energy goes down to seventy percent. The gravity for the room changes and the right wall changes into the ground. Jaden stands up and starts up his shield. He runs towards the right wall as Bomani walks down the left wall smiling. Bomani shoots a blue beam at Jaden as he runs up the right wall. The beam disrupts Jaden’s concentration and his shield speed is lowered. His shield stops moving with Jaden and he ru
ns into it. Jaden falls back down towards the ground as the gravity of the room shifts to the ceiling. He is lying down in pain as his body falls towards the ceiling. Jaden groans in pain as his face kisses the ground.

  ‘Jaden, get back up and concentrate.’

  ‘I can’t this is too much for me. I’m feeling so much pain all over my body.’

  ‘Don’t quit Jaden.’

  Bomani smiles as he walks across the ceiling and he forms his energy sword with two hands. Bomani disappears and reappears near Jaden. Jaden tries to push up as if he is doing a push up. He groans in pain as he pushes off quickly. His body quickly goes into the air and floats towards the ceiling. Jaden fires a gravity shock wave from his right hand as Bomani’s shield absorbs the offensive weapon. Jaden stands upright on the ceiling. Bomani disappears again and appears near Jaden as Bomani swipes at Jaden, severing his left arm. Bomani tries to swing again as Jaden tries to cover himself. Suddenly the room turns darker. Jaden and Bomani are paused in their current position.

  ‘Jaden the game has been stopped. Our elders have some new findings,’ Bellona says.

  Everything around Jaden changes in a flash of light. He is back in his room where his human body is still laying in the body of water. He is looking at himself lying down and he can see the artificial body he was just in standing around the 3D images in the middle of the room.

  ‘Jaden, you are in a nanoeye,’ Bellona says telepathically.

  He turns toward Bellona’s nanoeye looking at him.

  ‘What is going on?’

  ‘We have some new findings. There was a meeting with all Andromedians.’

  ‘A meeting?’

  ‘Yes, it is over now. They are over in seconds.’

  ‘I’m still getting used to these few second meetings,’ Jaden says.

  ‘Don’t worry about that, your meeting is starting now. Let’s go,’ Bellona says.

  The room changes and Jaden is in an open area that resembles a huge park. A rush of fresh spring air rushes by the nanoeye he is seeing through. The smell of pollen, leaves, fresh grass and warm air is transmitted to his human body. Green, low cut grass is on the ground in all directions and a lake is directly in front of him. Hundreds of green trees that look as if they were on Earth surround him in all directions. Birds can be heard, but not seen. The lake is calm and is about the size of a soccer field. The lake is very reflective to the perfectly still clouds above. The sun is behind the clouds. Suddenly tens of thousands of nanoeyes can be seen around Jaden. Some are moving around, but most are still. Jaden tries to change his vision into one of them, but can’t. They begin to disappear, one by one.

  Three sets of twenty-five foot round eyes suddenly appear in the clouds and are looking down towards the lake. The clouds are perfectly still. The sunlight is shining through the lightly tinted blue eyes. An orange pair of glowing eyes appears twelve feet above the lake. These orange and white eyes are ten feet in circumference each and are pointing towards the eyes in the clouds. The eyes in the clouds are slowly rotating.

  ‘Cool, this scenario is amazing. The sunlight coming through the eyes in the clouds is very cool. This is like gods in the clouds looking down on the mortals. The clouds are perfectly still as if someone pressed pause on a VCR. How were you able to do this in the outside world?’ Jaden asks.

  The nanoeye near Jaden turns towards him and glows.

  ‘Remember we are still in our city under the ocean. The supercomputers simulate the sun and the clouds. You also can’t switch nanoeyes here, since they are being occupied by our citizens and guests,’ she says.

  ‘This place looks very realistic. I can hear bees, bugs and animals. The smell of fresh air is cool.’

  ‘Your brain is adjusting well to different environments in our virtual city world,’ she says.

  ‘I can’t hear what is going on. What is up with the orange eye floating above the lake?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘That orange eye is our local elder and he is what you would call the President of this planet. They were communicating in many different languages and the meeting is already over. The supreme elders in the clouds are talking to the local elder now. We were a little late. The meetings are over quickly, but the local elder want to talk to you. It is about you going home.’

  The nanoeyes begin to disappear around the area.

  ‘Jaden, the supreme elders are on our main planet, which is our central congress. They are communicating through an artificial wormhole. The supreme elders are the bright eyes in the clouds. There are three of them. They are very wise and are the oldest of our race.’

  ‘How old are they?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘Two of the supreme elders are about 72,000 and 76,223 human years old. The third supreme elder is a Mapolian. Her name is Mana and she is millions of years old. She is the most powerful and wisest of the three. When all three of them vote, she can sometimes overrule the other two elders. No, you cannot talk directly to a supreme elder. They don’t talk to anyone except local elders, except on some especially rare occasions. They can choose if they want to talk to an individual. Local elders usually represent us and speak for us. Us Andromedians are in these nanoeyes and we ask our local elder hundreds to thousands of questions that he relays to the supreme elders. All of this happens in nanoseconds.’

  ‘That is strange, but interesting. I wished my government communicated this fast. We probably wouldn’t be in debt and would have years of work done in minutes,’ Jaden says.

  ‘Your race could eventually catch up in technology and communication. You are definitely on the right path.’

  The eyes in the clouds disappear except one pair. The thousands of nanoeyes around the area are completely gone. Jaden and Bellona’s nanoeyes are still here. The huge orange eyes turn to them and dissolve into the reflective lake.

  ‘What’s happening Bellona?’

  ‘You’ll see.’

  Something forms out of the water into a shape of a body. It forms into the shape of a human, but looks like an alien. The body is completely clear, like glass, and is standing on top of the water. It begins to walk across the water.

  ‘I hope that isn’t Jesus, I haven’t been to church in awhile.’

  While Jaden and Bellona are floating a few feet over the grass, the alien slowly approaches. The color of the body changes into a reflective silvery liquid and resembles a male figure. This alien appears average height, with a mouth and two little holes in its face that look like a nose. It doesn’t have any eyelids or ears. Its head is round and he has an orange glow coming from his eyes. The alien also has five fingers on each hand. The reflective liquid alien is reading Jaden’s thoughts at a fast rate.

  ‘Does this alien appearance suit you better to look at Jaden?’ The reflective alien says in a deep male voice and then quickly continues, ‘I’m glad you like it here so far and have adjusted so well. I’m Elderone. I’m the leader of this solar system and planet,’ Elderone says telepathically at a fast speed.

  ‘We aren’t worried about cutting the grass here Jaden. Can you please concentrate on something you would like to know, or a specific question, and don’t let your mind run off to irrelevant thoughts. Checking on your new memories, Bellona has updated you on most everything you need to know. Bellona is your personal mentor assigned to help you and escort you around our planet. Marco and Bomani are also your escorts. All three of your escorts were brave enough to volunteer to rescue you from Planet 455 where you were held captive. Their timing couldn’t have been better to rescue you. You are wondering about the set of eyes still in the clouds? That is Supreme Elder, Mana. She has taken a certain interest in you and wants to listen in on our conversation,’ Elderone says.

  Mana shines her sunlight eyes onto them. A dark shadow appears on the ground near Elderone.

  ‘You can use your artificial body Jaden,’ he says.

  ‘Thanks, I feel as if I’m inside of a floating camera.’

  Jaden’s artific
ial body appears around him. Jaden looks down at his hands and legs.

  ‘That’s better. Elderone, you are like the perfect mirror. You look a lot like the shiny metal robot in Terminator 2. I’m sure you get all the women here, because you are the perfect mirror and women can’t live without a mirror.’

  Bellona changes into her full body.

  ‘Jaden, you are wasting everyone’s time with useless jokes and comments. What are your American humans always saying? Time is money. Nanoseconds are money here,’ Bellona says.

  ‘Sorry about that, continue Mr. Elderone,’ Jaden says.

  ‘We don’t have much of a sense of a humor here Jaden. Our thinking is more like what you humans call robot thinking. I’m going to give you brief details about our emergency meeting we just had. It turns out there is a Darclonian mother ship heading towards planet Earth. Somehow, the signal we were trying to intercept towards the black hole made it through. It then changed its signal type once it got through the other side. It must have changed into a communication we aren’t familiar with, so we couldn’t detect it. The mother ship has set course towards your home planet. This means we can’t take the chance to send you back home. No Jaden, you can’t go back home. No, it wasn’t my decision; it was the supreme elders’ final decision. We can’t take the chance of one of our ships falling into enemy hands. Our technology could be compromised if one of our ships is captured again. Jaden we would like to help you and your planet, but our soldiers need their bodies to fully control the ship and to land on your planet. Since we haven’t figured out why our bodies can’t make it through your galaxy’s black hole, we can’t take the chance to send an army there. Jaden take your time in thinking, you are thinking about too many things at once and you are confusing me,’ Elderone says.

  ‘I know that you miss your family and planet. However, it isn’t safe. Yes, well there is a chance the Darclonians could be destroying your planet and your race. But I think there is a stronger chance they have something else in mind, since they had Nanomoles in your brain and in other humans on your planet. They could be planning another type of takeover of your planet. They would need to infect the host or human with another agent for the probe to work effectively. There was probably something interesting in your human body that made them interested in returning to your planet. We don’t think your human race’s technology is capable of defending against the Darclonians. Your human race wouldn’t even know it’s coming. We have seen what your technology was capable of. We don’t think your species could even work together in a crisis like this. You want us to send a transmission to Earth to try to warn your species?’ Elderone asks, and then continues, ‘I’ll ask my supreme elders.’

  ‘Jaden, stop thinking crazy thoughts, you don’t want Supreme Elder Mana to think you are insane,’ Bellona says.

  ‘What do you mean?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘The thought of you yelling into the clouds waving your hands into the air saying, “Supreme Elder Taco bell Burrito Gods! Please send me back to my miserable global warming primitive planet and make me an immortal,” ’ Bellona says.

  ‘Oh, that thought,’ Jaden says.

  ‘Where do you come up with this stuff?’ Bellona asks.

  ‘You should know; you aliens have every inch of my brain scanned and constantly being analyzing.’

  ‘They agreed that a transmission can be sent as a warning to your planet. They only agreed to this because your planet has radio telescopes that are constantly listening around its local stars,’ Elderone says.

  ‘I forgot all about the radio telescopes listening for aliens in space,’ Jaden says.

  ‘We can send a primitive transmission similar to the device your government left on our ship. That is all we can help you with now. Right now, the mother ship is in the Milky Way Galaxy in the Sagittarius arm, near Ring M57, which is about 8400 light-years from Earth. Their mother ships can travel up to 1000 light-years per year. The mother ships absorb dark matter in the darkest areas in space and the outside of the ship is covered in dark matter. This is difficult for some species to detect. We can detect the ships by seeing changes in gravitational forces and using our advanced long range scanners.’

  The yellow sunlight eyes in the clouds disappear and the clouds begin to move again.

  Jaden is sad that he can’t go back home and thinks of everyone he won’t see again. He thinks of some questions, while Bellona puts her hand on Jaden’s back comforting him.

  ‘No, our ship cannot just drop you off and return back. They can’t detect our ship, they would think we are there on the planet and there might be a fierce battle and more mother ships would come. A mother ship can carry thousands of Darclonian fighters and Wraithstalker spaceships. There is also a chance they might have Dark Energy Knights ready to attack your planet and we are still trying to figure out how to fight them. We are currently trying to figure out what these D.E.K.’s are and how the Darclonians are able to manipulate unstable dark energy. Yes, we do have mother ships, but we use them for special occasions. Our single ships can connect to each other to form one powerful and faster ship,’ Elderone says.


  ‘I understand, Elderone. I wish more could be done. It would be horrible if my human race were destroyed. I just wish I could do something. I mean, what am I suppose to do for the rest of my life now?’ Jaden asks.

  There is an odd silence.

  ‘Jaden, the S.O.S. warning transmission was sent to your planet. It should reach Earth in a couple of years. Hopefully your government will follow what they need to do,’ Elderone says.

  Jaden has his head down.

  ‘I feel like I’m trying to cry, but I’m not. Thanks for the artificial cigarette Bellona. But I need to be back in my own human body right now. I need to sleep.’

  ‘Your body is already well rested Jaden,’ Bellona says.

  ‘I need to rest my mind and think things through. I’m depressed right now, since I’m never going to see my home planet and family again. My species is about to be exterminated. Now I know how Princess Leia felt when her home planet was destroyed. Can I just go back to my room and in my body?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘Sure, Jaden. Let’s go,’ Bellona says.

  ‘If you have any more questions Jaden, I’m here,’ Elderone says as he turns around and walks back towards the lake.

  Bellona wiggles her nose and snaps her fingers. In a flash, Jaden is back in his human body in the pool of water without glass. He opens his eyes and knows he is back in his human body. Jaden pushes himself up and stands up. He walks out of the water and looks around. He coughs up the water in his lungs. Bellona is looking at him. The water leaves his clothes and returns back to the pool. He takes a deep breath.

  ‘Did you like the humor I just did Jaden?’

  “What humor?”

  “I tinkled my nose like the girl in I Dream of Jeannie. You didn’t find it funny?” Bellona asks.

  “Oh okay, yeah I guess it was funny,” Jaden says in a low, sad voice.

  “I’m just happy to be talking again like a human and now I want to go to sleep like a human,” Jaden says while walking towards his bed on the far side of the room. Jaden takes off his clothes and puts them on the side of his bed. He sits down with his boxers on and takes off his socks.

  “Jaden are you going to be okay?”

  “I’m never going to have a family or get married. Maybe I’ll marry some alien lizard girl and I’ll have some V movie babies. I’ll be okay. Wake me up in a couple of years,” Jaden says while turning his back towards Bellona and putting the sheet over him.

  “I’ll leave you alone Jaden, I’m here if you need me.”

  Jaden thinks hard about missing his home planet. He quickly falls asleep and hours pass by.

  Jaden has a dream about being home on Earth and is meeting his girlfriend Amy after class in college. She came out of class and Jaden kisses her on the mouth.

  “How was your day today in class
baby?” He asks while they walk.

  “Class was okay, I missed you today. How was yours?” Amy asks.

  “It was okay,” Jaden responded while holding her hand.

  They walk across campus, while they look into each other’s eyes.

  “I have an idea, let’s go to my house and do a quickie. My mom had a doctor’s appointment this afternoon and my dad won’t be home until after six,” Amy says.

  “Sounds good to me, let’s go in your Honda.”

  They get into her car and drive to Amy’s house. They walk upstairs to her room.

  “Lay down Jaden, get comfortable. I have something to put on for you.”

  A few minutes pass by as Jaden lies on her bed with his James Bond boxers on.

  Amy appears with some sexy red lingerie on and stands over the bed. She turns on some slow music.

  “Do you like what you see?”

  “Of course I do. Do you see my little friend is at full salute?”

  “Adee’s little soldier,” Amy says.

  “He won’t be standing down anytime soon.”

  They both smile at each other.

  She slowly dances with her sexy, 5’7”, slim 125 lb, body.

  “So your little one eye pirate friend has an open window view today?” Jaden asks.

  “Yes she does, arrrggghhh,” Amy responds in a pirate voice.

  She climbs over Jaden and gets on top of him. She French kisses him.

  She pulls down his boxers.

  “Do you like that?”

  “Of course I do. Keep going,” he mumbles.

  Suddenly an image of Bellona replaces Amy. Jaden is scared and pushes himself against the bed board. The image changes back to Amy.

  “Where you going baby? What’s wrong?” Amy asks.

  “I thought you just changed into someone else.”

  “Don’t be silly. Put these blind folds on.”

  “Why do I need blind folds?” Jaden asks.

  “I wanted to try something a little different.”

  “Okay, different, let’s just hurry before your mom gets home and then I’ll have to climb out the window again.”

  She places the blind fold over his eyes. She climbs on top of him. Jaden touches her chest, hips and flat stomach with his hands. She gently kisses his neck and chest. He puts his arms around her body hugging her. She continues to kiss him lower and lower.

  “I see that your soldier missed me today.”

  “Do you have protection baby?” Jaden asks.

  “I had my period yesterday, we will be okay.”


  “I get so horny after my period.”

  He penetrates and goes deep inside of her. Jaden’s blood pressure rises with the increasing sexual pleasure pulsating around his body. She wraps her legs tightly around his hips.

  “Man it feels unbelievable this time baby. I’m starting to see space and stars baby, under these blind folds. I see myself floating in space having sex with you on the bed passing supernovas and millions of stars.”

  Amy continues to ride him and she begins to make strange noises. Jaden tries to remove his blind fold, but she stops him. The strange noises go away and turn back into female moaning.

  “Oh, Oh! I’m about to!” She yells.

  “I’m about to also!” He yells.

  He grabs the sheets and makes a tight fist around them.

  “Aaaaaahhhh.” Jaden yells, “Aaahhhh.”

  Amy falls down and lays on Jaden.

  “Did you feel all of that?” Jaden asks, “That was a lot. I never climaxed like that before. I was seeing real stars under this blind fold, as if I was really in space. I felt as if I was floating. That was incredible.”

  Amy lies beside of Jaden.

  “Yes, that was unbelievable Jaden,” she says while trying to catch her breath.

  “Baby your little friend suddenly got very cold. It turned ice cold when I was on my way to withdraw.”

  There is no answer. Amy continues to breathe heavily along with Jaden. He lays there with his blind fold on.

  “Baby?” Jaden asks while the silence continues.

  Amy’s voice changes into another familiar voice to Jaden, “I have been known for falling for other alien species.”

  Jaden sits up and quickly rips the blindfold off.


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