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Second Ride Cowboy (Second Chance Series)

Page 10

by Carver, Rhonda Lee

  She breathed in deeply and exhaled, ridding herself of any anxiety. She kissed Ava on the

  cheek. “Mommy will be home soon. Keep daddy in line.” She tossed Duke a glare as warning.

  Leaving Ava was hard, but she knew she was in safe hands with Duke. “Okay. If Jenny doesn’t show up in an hour, text me, okay?”

  “Sure thing. In the meantime, I’ll see if Ava’s ready to ride a horse. I have a saddle she might fit into.” He tickled Ava’s chin.

  “What?” Lila asked.

  He lifted his hands in surrender. “I’m only kidding. That’ll come next year.”

  Glancing at her watch, she sighed. “I’ve got to go. Love you—” She’d said the words to Duke. His eyes widened. She searched her mind for a path of recovery and went with the easiest way. “Ava.”

  And she was gone, not sticking around to see Duke’s reaction.

  Lila stepped through the front door and stopped when she saw scuffed boots. Lila followed the long jean-clad legs, past slender waist, upward over breasts to a face that made her cringe. Leslie Bakerfield. Lila’s loyalty to Carly surfaced and Lila didn’t bother hiding her distaste. The woman was beautiful, Lila’d give her that. Long, black, wavy hair, perfect smile showing off white even teeth, and bright blue eyes probably did melt many a man’s heart. “Can I help you?” Lila asked.

  “Lila? Right?” Leslie asked.

  “Yes, I’m Lila. Carly’s best friend.” That should have been enough to send the woman packing in embarrassment, but no such luck. Lila opened her mouth to say something sassy when a hand on the small of her back paused her. She turned around and met Duke’s grin.

  He bent his head and whispered, “Now, now. Who’s being a demon?”

  Lila wanted to show him by way of middle finger, but they had a guest. Not just any guest. “Look, Duke, your friend is here. Good thing the sitter is on her way to take Ava.”

  Duke swatted her behind. Lila couldn’t have been more surprised, until he said, “Off to work you go. It’ll do you some good to put that overworking mind to use.”

  Lila gritted her teeth and stepped past Miss Bakerfield. “Take care, Doctor.”

  “Nice meeting you,” Leslie said.


  Duke watched Lila until she was in her car He turned to Leslie and offered her a smile. Even he’d felt the burn of awkwardness.

  “I don’t think she likes me much,” Leslie said.

  “She has a loyalty bind to Carly.”

  Leslie sighed. “I’m still the slut who steals married men, huh?”

  “Pretty much.” Duke knew there was no reason to sugar coat the truth. Duke knew the truth of what happened between Leslie and Chance. Carly knew the facts now, too.

  Duke wanted Leslie for the McAllister vet. For that to be comfortable, Lila needed to hear that Leslie hadn’t set out to hurt Carly. He didn’t like drama, and he certainly had to be careful so it didn’t look like he was taking Leslie’s side. He understood Lila’s devotion to Carly. Hell, he’d do the same for Chance. “Come on in, Leslie. Did we have an appointment today?” he asked as he moved slowly back from the door. In time, he hoped he’d be back to normal, whatever normal meant.

  “I thought I’d stop on my way to the Haskell’s. You said you were looking for a stallion and I believe I’ve found you one. He’s a beauty.”

  “That was fast.” He shut the door and motioned for her to follow him into the kitchen.

  “Old man Haskell passed last week. His wife Ethel called me first thing this morning wanting to get rid of all of the animals, including his prized horse.”

  When Ava saw them, she burst into a smile. She gurgled and stuck her fists into her mouth. Duke took her out of the highchair.

  “Don’t take this the wrong way, Duke, but I never thought I’d see you with a baby. Thank goodness she looks just like her mom.” Leslie tickled Ava’s tummy.

  The loyalty must have run in the family because Ava pointed at Leslie and said, “No.”

  Leslie took a step back.

  Duke shrugged. “She has her mother’s genes running through her veins.”

  Leslie smiled. “No problem. I have nieces and nephews who are the same way. Anyway, I thought you might want to ride over with me to take a look at the horse.”

  Duke looked at Ava who busily played with a button on his shirt. “I better not.”

  “Okay, but remember, there were a lot of people interested in that stallion. I don’t know if I can stall Ethel. She’s hell bent on getting rid of everything. She has plans to move to Florida and closer to her kids.”

  Lila did say that a sitter was coming for this very reason. “Can you wait for a few minutes? The sitter should be here any minute now. I’ll get you a cup of coffee.”

  Leslie hesitated, checked her watch then nodded. “Okay, but one cup. I’ve got a jam packed day ahead.”

  Twenty-minutes later, Jenny showed up and Duke felt a rush of guilt as he left Ava. He understood how Lila must have when she had to go back to work.

  “You’re upset with leaving your daughter, aren’t you?” Leslie asked after they were heading toward the highway.

  “Yes, I am. Is that normal?” Duke asked from the passenger side of Leslie’s truck.

  She shrugged. “Don’t ask me. I haven’t even gotten far enough to think about having kids.”

  He let it drop.

  An hour later, Duke paid Ethel Haskell cash in full. The smile on her face told him she was a happy, horseless, woman. He was glad to get his hands on the stallion. The horse was a beauty, just as Leslie promised.

  “I told you, Duke. Best buy you’ll make for a stud like that,” Leslie said as she ran her hand

  down the back of the horse.

  “Well, he’s mine.” Duke had a sense of pride. “You think Ava’s too young to receive a gift like this?”

  “I had my first horse while I was still in my momma’s womb.” Leslie closed up her bag.

  A flash of lightening lit the sky, followed by a loud crack of thunder. In the distance, he saw dark clouds. In Texas, that was a ranchers warning to buckle down. “We better head back to the McAllister. Looks like we’re going to get hit soon.”

  He told Ethel they’d return the next day with a trailer and pick up the stallion. They pulled onto the road as the first drops of rain pounded the windshield. “This is going to be a doozy of a storm,” he said.

  “How can you tell?” Leslie asked.

  “My leg is my new weather predictor and if you look closely, there’s a darker ring around the lower clouds. That’s a sure sign we’re going to get blasted.”

  Leslie laughed. “You’re a true rancher, Duke. I’m excited to see the changes you make at the McAllister. And if you still need a vet, I’d love to take on the challenge.” Duke hesitated. “Or maybe you don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “It’s not that I don’t think it’s a good idea. In fact, you’re the best damn vet this side of the state.” Duke knew he couldn’t allow his emotions for Lila to cloud his business decisions. He had to make the best choices for the ranch, and no doubt, hiring Leslie was an advantage. “Can you come out Monday and check out the horses?”

  “Sure thing,” Leslie turned left, heading toward the McAllister just as the hail started.

  They pulled up to the McAllister and the wind was powerful as it whipped across the flat land, carrying anything in its path. He looked at her across the cab of the truck. “You can’t drive in this. Let it bring its wrath and then it’ll be on its way.”

  Dripping and windblown by the time they made it in the front door, Duke wasn’t surprised when he found the sitter lighting candles. “No electricity, Jenny?”

  Jenny sighed. “Just went out.”

  He glanced around the room. “Where’s Ava?”

  “She’s taking a nap. That girl will sleep through anything.”

  Jenny seemed like a nice girl. Duke guessed she wasn’t much older than eighteen and her books from class were str
ewn across the kitchen table. He trusted that Lila would never allow just anyone to sit with Ava.

  “Leslie, if you need to dry off, the bathroom is down the hall and fresh towels are in the closet. Jenny, looks like you’ve got things covered with Ava if she wakes up so I’ll go to the basement and start the generator.” Duke glanced outside. The trees were blowing and debris scattered across the yard. He hoped all of his men were safe inside one of the buildings. He knew Lila would be fine at the hospital.

  After the generator was taken care of and running like a dream, Duke went back upstairs. He found Jenny and Leslie staring out the large living room window.

  “The rain is no longer coming down in sheets,” Leslie said. “Looks like it might be passing.”

  Through the blur of rain, he could see puddles in the yard and a rushing narrow stream along the driveway. The sky remained grey but the lightening was moving on.

  Duke’s cell rang and he grabbed it from his pocket. Lila. His heart slammed against his chest. “Excuse me a minute ladies.” He walked into the kitchen for privacy. He clicked talk, “What’s wrong?”

  “How did you know something was wrong?” Lila asked.

  “A good guess.”

  “I’ve ran into a little problem. I’ve had an accident,” Lila said.

  His heart skipped a beat. “An accident?”

  “Carly called me. She’s having contractions.” Lila sounded breathless. “She couldn’t drive because she was afraid to take Chancelor out in the weather. She thought she could hold off going to the hospital until the weather passed. I told her I’d come out and get her. I didn’t quite make it to the Swift Wind. Apparently, a fence blew away and cattle escaped. I didn’t see them until I was close, I swerved to miss them and I went into the ditch.”

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “I’m fine. No injuries. But I’m worried about Carly. I can’t reach her.”

  “Where’s Chance?”

  “He’s out of town for some horse auction. She called him but left a message. He’s probably in an out of service area.”

  “Does she need an ambulance?” Duke asked.

  “I don’t know. Last I spoke to her, she seemed okay and the contractions were about five minutes apart. It’s possible she’s already called, but someone needs to check. Can you make it to the Swift Wind?”

  “Where are you?” he asked.

  There was a long hesitation. “I’m about three miles from the Swift Wind. I’ll see if I can catch a ride that direction.”

  “The hell you will. Stay tight and I’ll come and get you.” There was no way he’d leave her stranded.

  “I’m okay, Duke. Carly needs someone to help her.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ve got that covered,” he said and hung up. He went into the living room. “I need a favor, Leslie.”

  She lifted one dark brow. “Okay?”

  “You ready to make amends?”


  LILA CLIMBED INTO the passenger side of Duke’s truck and was grateful for the warmth of the heater. She was drenched from head to toe where she’d been attempting to corral the cows off the road.

  “It wasn’t safe for you to be out on the road trying to save cattle,” Duke said.

  “Someone else could come along and have wrecked,” she said. She pulled a mirror out of her purse and tried combing her damp tresses with her fingers. It was no use. “Why didn’t you go and help Carly?”

  “Do you trust me?” he asked.

  “Sure I do. But what does trust have to do with Carly needing us?”

  “I sent Leslie,” he said.

  “What?” The plastic compact cracked in her palm and she tossed it back into her bag. “Did

  you say you sent Leslie?”

  “She was at the house when you called.”

  He didn’t appear apologetic in the slightest. That tore through her. “And? You thought Carly would want her there?”

  “No, I thought Carly would appreciate help in case she needed it.”

  “From a vet?”

  “Come on, Lila. That’s a bit harsh, don’t you think?”

  Lila held her gaze on his profile. “What is it about her that makes men stupid?”

  “That’s unfair.” She noticed his jaw tightened. “I understand your loyalty to Carly, but you’ve got to see the facts.”

  “I know you may not have thought this through—”

  “Damn it, Lila! I did think it through. Do you really believe I’d have left you stranded alongside the road, in this weather?”

  Although she wanted to argue his point, how was it possible? He cared enough to watch out

  for her, and that touched her. She steadied her gaze through the side window, not wanting him to see the tears developing in her eyes.

  Once they pulled into the Swift Wind, Lila jumped out of the truck and rushed into the house. The downstairs was empty. She ran up the stairs two at a time, and burst into the master bedroom. She wasn’t sure what she’d expected but it wasn’t what she’d found. Carly was lying in her bed and Leslie was standing with Chancelor in her arms.

  Carly lifted her head up and gave Lila a thin smile. “I told you not to come all the way out here from the hospital.”

  Lila crossed the room. “This is no time for a speech. Anyway, you knew I’d come.” Lila sat down beside Carly and grabbed her hand. “Are you okay?”

  Carly nodded. Her matted hair and pale skin told Lila things weren’t okay. “I was freaking out until Leslie got here. She’s been a big help in taking care of Chancey. Little boy there has a crush on his new friend.”

  Lila looked up at Leslie who seemed very comfortable holding the baby. Whatever emotions Lila held, she couldn’t deny Leslie had been there for Carly. “Thanks, Leslie.”

  Shock passed over Leslie’s features before she smiled. “I’m glad I could help. I’m not an obstetrician, but I’ve birthed enough horses to know when a foal is on its way. Her contractions are only two minutes apart and they’re pretty intense. We called an ambulance when I got here, but apparently the rain flooded the bridge and they’ll have to take the longer route.”

  “You look like you’ve seen a ghost, Lila. What is wrong?” Carly asked just as another contraction came over her. Carly twisted and moaned. Sweat beaded her forehead.

  Lila got up from the bed. Carly still clenched her hand. “Carly, do you have a first aid kit?

  “I have one in my truck,” Leslie said.

  “Duke!” Lila yelled.


  She jumped because she hadn’t realized he was standing beside her. “Run to Leslie’s truck and grab her emergency kit.”

  “It’s behind the seat, Duke,” Leslie said.

  “Okay, and then what?” he asked.

  “Pray,” Lila said as their gazes met.

  Duke’s footsteps were heard all of the way down the stairs, followed by the slamming of the


  “Lila, I woke up this morning feeling achy. I waited too long. I just had no idea things would go this quick,” Carly said, her eyes filled with tears.

  “Shh. How could you have known? Everything will be fine.” Lila squeezed her friend’s hand, fighting back her own emotion.

  “If anything would happen—”

  Lila shook her head. “No negativity, sweetie. The labor is moving at a fast pace, but there’s no sign of difficulty.”

  Duke came rushing back through the door. His wide-eyed, grim expression reminded Lila of a wild man.

  Once she had the kit, Lila opened the lid and removed several plastic covered items. Leslie, who had placed Chancelor in the playpen, was now beside the bed. “Is that ambulance going to make it in time?” she asked.

  Lila looked at the other woman, fully aware Carly was listening. “Depends on who’s

  driving, I guess.”

  “Lila, this baby is coming,” Carly said, a panicked look spread over her face.

  Lila patted her hand. “It’s
important for you to remain calm.”

  “There’s no time for calm.” The words broke from Carly as she arched and screamed.

  “Listen closely, hun. I’m going to have to take a peek.” Lila pulled back the sheet, cut off Carly’s undergarment with the scissors from the kit and glanced between her legs. “Oh no! Oh hell no!” The words slipped from Lila before she could stop them.

  “What?” Leslie whispered. Lila motioned for Leslie to look. The woman turned pale. “Uhh, that’s the…baby’s head.”

  “I’m going back into the hallway.” Lila heard Duke say from the corner of the room.

  “I…told…you!” Carly said through gritted teeth. “Where the hell is my husband?”

  “He’s on his way, Carly.” Lila forced a smile. “I’d say he’s about ten minutes from getting here.” At least she hoped.

  “You’ve done this before right?” Leslie asked Lila. “You know, help a woman birth?”

  “I’ve seen it done once and I’ve delivered myself, if that counts for anything.” Lila said. “Piece of cake.”

  Leslie’s mouth fell open.

  Lila narrowed her eyes. “Have a little faith. You know as well as I do that giving birth is a natural process.”

  Leslie nodded. “We need clean towels.”

  “Towels are in there.” Lila pointed in the direction of the bathroom.

  “I need to push. I need to.” Carly’s throaty tone seemed to vibrate the walls. She grabbed the sheet and tugged.

  Lila sat down, wiping Carly’s face with a tissue. Once the contraction subsided, Lila said, “Listen, Carly. The baby is coming, fast. I know it hurts like hell, but it’s important that you don’t push until I tell you. Okay?”

  Carly’s bottom lip trembled. “I want Chance.”

  “I know you do, sweetie. You know Chance. He’ll be here soon. I’m sure he has wings.” Another contraction wracked her body. When she relaxed, Lila patted her shoulder. “Remember what you told me when I was in labor with Ava? You encouraged me to keep my focus on the end result, a beautiful bundle of joy, a baby created from my love for Duke. I wanted him there

  with me too, but it wasn’t possible. Chance will be here, but in the meantime, you must keep your concentration on the baby and her well-being. I promise you, I won’t let anything happen to you or the baby.”


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