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Arto's Enchantress

Page 22

by Morgan Henry

  When she was finally limp over his lap, he pulled her up into his arms.

  She snuggled into him and the surge of love and caring that went through him took his breath away.

  “That was incredible,” she said softly. “But what are we going to do about the monster poking up between us?”

  “Put your mouth on me, sola?”

  “Oh, yes.”

  Cella slid down and knelt between his legs. She pulled on his trousers and he lifted up to allow her to remove them. Her hands caressed the muscles of his thighs as she pulled the pants off his body.

  His cock sprang free and looked ruddy in the low light. His balls tightened, watching Cella fold his pants neatly and set them aside.

  The half of her body that faced the fire was bright golden and the other appeared like bronze. Her soft, curly hair cascaded down her back and the scent of her sex wafted around the room.

  Arto had to work hard to tame his dick. The beauties of her body and of her soul made him want to worship her forever.

  She knelt over him and touched his balls, rolling them in her fingers gently. He groaned, the action exquisite torture. He wanted her mouth on him now, but the buildup was so delicious he made himself wait.

  Cella’s head lowered. Her hair fell down and tickled his thighs. Her tongue reached out and gave the head of his cock a generous lick.

  “Ahhh,” he groaned, his head falling back against the chair, eyes closed.

  As Cella engulfed the head of his cock in her mouth, he raised his head and opened his eyes. As good as it was to lay back and feel, he wanted the visual delight of watching her, too.

  One hand rested on his leg and the other wrapped around the base of his cock, holding firmly as he had taught her to. She slid her pink lips down his shaft and up again, letting the saliva pool in her mouth.

  Her oral cavity was warm and wet and when she sucked it was pure heaven.

  She let go of his thigh to caress his balls again. She would fondle, then lightly use her nails on his scrotum. The contrast of sensations had him panting with pleasure.

  He was so close. He clenched his fists, digging his nails into his palms as Cella worked her tongue up and down his shaft, twirling it around his head as she sucked.

  She looked up at him with his dick in her mouth. Her eyes shone with arousal and that tiny grin of hers peeked out the side of her lips. She knew he was close.

  She sucked harder and quickened her rhythm. She pressed her fingers at the base of his balls between them and his anus. Rubbing firmly, she continued to suck.

  He couldn’t take any more. The orgasm boiled up inside him, shooting from his spine, through his belly, and out his shaft. He bowed off the chair, gripping the sides so hard he was afraid he broke it.

  It felt like the head of his cock exploded as he filled his sola’s mouth with his seed. He continued to jerk as she sucked every drop out of him, prolonging the pleasure almost to the point of pain.

  A stray thought wandered through his head.

  Instead of spending his seed in her mouth, he’d like to plant a child in her belly.

  That shocked him. He’d never thought that with any other woman. But it felt right.

  A child with Cella would be perfect.

  * * * *

  Cella licked her lips.

  She liked the way Arto’s seed tasted. She liked the way he tasted in general.

  He had been particularly wonderful tonight.

  After rescuing her from the Torquin, he hadn’t let go of her. He issued his orders to his men, ensuring Valina and Dochir were taken care of, all while his arm was around her waist or her shoulders. Then he whisked her upstairs to his chambers.

  He hadn’t said much to her directly. She knew his emotions were in turmoil after the battle. His actions spoke for him instead.

  He had food delivered to their room and he pulled her on his lap and fed her. She tried to pick up a fork and reciprocate, but he simply held her wrists together in his lap and fed them both.

  He had done it before and she sensed he found some sort of comfort or satisfaction in the act.

  It was strange and beautiful to be fed. Instead of feeling helpless, she felt pampered, cared for at the most basic level. It had been comforting to be settled into his strength and warmth. The hot food had warmed her insides as he had warmed her skin.

  Once he had made sure she had eaten her fill, he took her to the bath.

  He undressed her as deftly as any ladies’ maid and slipped her into the hot water. He washed every inch of her body. He neglected nothing, not her fingertips, toes, behind her ears—absolutely nothing. She could feel him tense as he found the few bruises that were blooming where she had made contact with the ground.

  He dried her with the same gentle care, then wrapped her in her favourite soft blue robe. Picking her up, he sat her in the bed in front of the fire and asked her to stay there.

  She heard him wash himself, and wished she had been allowed to care for him in the same way that he cared for her.

  But she knew he had been deeply shaken. From their time in Kerfaen, she knew that to care for her in this way soothed him.

  To have someone on his land, in his house, in league with the Torquin, had wounded him.

  Cella wanted to help heal him.

  She knew the way to do so was to submit to his every need tonight. Her compliance would help settle him, reassure him that she was his, for now, and his to keep safe.

  She wanted to stay. She could admit now that she loved him. Even if she was still a duty and a responsibility.

  She knew that she was more to Arto than this, but she didn’t think he could admit it to himself. He was not meant for marriage. Others had repeated this to her over and over.

  Sadly, she could see that she could have a life here in Kerban. It had worked so well those few weeks in Kerfaen Keep. She could see it working here as well. She could take over part of the duties of Master Enchanter in the village and help to run the Keep along with Arto’s staff.

  It was painful to think of that could-be life. It wasn’t to be, and she should let it go and enjoy the moment.

  Cella tilted her head back and looked up at her lover.

  He was so handsome.

  Arto relaxed back into the chair after his orgasm. A light sheen of perspiration made his tanned skin gleam in the firelight. The corded muscles of his torso were still perfectly defined. Some the tension had left them. The dusting of hair across his chest was perfect, just enough to tell her he was all man, not enough to make her wonder if he was part bear.

  His sex was soft but as he looked at her with hunger, she could see it beginning to swell with interest again.

  Cella cocked her head and gave him the little half smile she knew got her in trouble with him. He was certain it meant she was up to mischief, but mostly she did it to get him going.

  His eyes narrowed.

  He had caught her.

  “I’m not finished with you.” Arto’s deep voice was enough to start her pussy dampening again.

  He held out his hand.

  She rose and gasped. For a moment she had forgotten about the plug in her bottom.

  He had showed the plugs to her. They were actually beautiful. Made of a special glass, they had been tinted blue. They looked so innocent, but their use…

  Now the infernal thing was moving as she moved and starting to arouse her even more than Arto’s voice.

  He chuckled.

  He knew what her gasp was for.

  She never would have thought she would enjoy anal play, but her body had far different ideas than her brain. When Arto did anything to her ass, her body responded like he had thrown alcohol on a fire, flaring up and burning hotter and longer for him.

  Arto led her to the bed.

  He placed her on her back, her bottom near the edge, and he splayed her legs wide. Holding her apart with his shoulders, he inspected her pussy.

  “This is so beautiful,” he said softly.

  Cella groaned. He was going to torture her, she knew it. The man could go on and on playing with her pussy, licking it, teasing it, until she was sobbing with need.

  She wasn’t wrong.

  He took his time.

  He slid kisses up and down her inner thighs. He nipped her mound, just above her clit. He slowly licked her pussy lips, lapping up the moisture oozing from her. He would use his finger to probe her opening, just a little. Then he would start at the beginning and do it all over again.

  Cella thrashed on the bed. He had almost made her come three times and yet he still denied her. She wanted to grab his head and grind herself against his face, but she knew he wouldn’t allow it.

  And, she reminded herself, she was giving this submission to him. He needed it, even more than she did.

  Finally, he pulled back.

  She let out a small sigh and tilted her pelvis toward him. Surely now he would give her his magnificent cock.

  He stood. She couldn’t clearly seem him silhouetted by the fire, but she felt his erection graze her thigh. She felt the wetness from his slit leave a mark on her leg.

  Cella longed to feel his cock slide inside her, stretch her, and make her feel beyond full.

  Instead he flipped her over.

  “On your knees, Sola,” he commanded.

  She did as he asked and he pushed her chest down onto the bed.

  She waited, chest down, ass in the air, and the blue bottom of the plug visible.

  Chapter 23

  Cella felt Arto’s hand run down her back. He caressed her from the back of her neck down to the crack of her bottom. His warm, callused hand wandered slowly over her skin, leaving a trail of heat in its wake.

  She felt her muscles turn to liquid. The trust she had in Arto and his loving care of her body combined to send her arousal spiking and yet, she was relaxed by his touch.

  “So lovely,” he murmured.

  His hand cupped her buttocks. She hissed. They were still tender from the amazing spanking. He had been promising it for weeks and finally delivered, to her absolute delight.

  Arto leaned over her. She could feel the heat from his body and smell his manly musk.

  “I’m taking your ass tonight, sola.”

  She shivered at the dark promise in his voice. She wanted him to take her in every way possible, craved it in a way that no other lover had made her feel.

  “But first, I want your sweet pussy.”

  Arto thrust deep inside her, his thick cock stretching her as it always did.

  She cried out, shuddering as wanton pleasure ripped through her.

  He thrust in and out several times. Cella met him, thrusting back, eager to be filled once again.

  Arto made her feel so desired, so beautiful and wanted. No one had made her feel like she was the center of their world like Arto had.

  He pulled completely out.

  “No,” Cella cried. She wanted him back inside. She felt empty without him.

  “Yes,” he whispered.

  She felt his hands on the plug. He jostled it and teased with it. He pulled on it, then shoved it back inside, never moving it more than an inch either way.

  Cella writhed, she tried to move and get him to really move the plug, but he held her hips still and did as he pleased.

  “You want me to take you, don’t you, Cella?” His deep voice was sultry. She could lose herself in the sensual promise of his voice alone.

  “Yes. Please.”

  Arto finally pulled the plug from her bottom.

  Cella moaned at the empty feel and yet shivered with anticipation of him filling her with his cock.

  The she felt him. The warm head of his cock pressed against her opening. He pushed, ever so slowly. He was just slightly bigger than the plug and she felt a bit of burn as he stretched her.

  She whimpered.

  “You can take me, sola, I promise.” That warm hand was on her back again. “Push out, you know how.”

  His words and touch reassured her. They reminded her she loved him and trusted him to the depths of her soul. She pushed and felt him breach her with his head.

  They both moaned as he slid the rest of the way inside. Slowly.

  When she could feel his thighs against her sensitive cheeks, he leaned over her.

  “You’re mine, Cella, and I will never let you go.”

  He pulled out and thrust in again several times. She couldn’t believe what she heard. It must be the moment.

  “I mean it, Cella. I want you in my life forever.”

  Another thrust.

  “I want you to stay here and marry me.”

  A few more thrusts, more forceful now.

  Yes, just the unbridled heat of the moment, he can’t mean that.

  “But if it means that I have to follow you back to Jorval, I will. I will give this place up to be with you.”

  Cella gasped, both from his words and from the harder and faster thrusts that Arto started.

  He couldn’t be saying what she thought she heard.

  Arto reached around and started to rub her clit, and all thought flew out of her head.

  He rubbed the little nub and continued his thrusts. The feeling of being completely taken, wanted, and dominated resounded in her soul. It gave her pleasure beyond the physical, it completed something inside her.

  She knew she would never settle for anyone who didn’t make her feel this way.

  She felt the power of his body build her toward climax. He knew what her body craved from his touch and he gave it to her. Arto relentlessly stimulated her clit, driving her onward.

  She was engulfed with the crushing wave of her orgasm.

  The fabulous pleasure broke low in her belly and spread outward. It rushed through each nerve in repeated, powerful surges. The waves of pleasure she rode took her beyond her own body.

  Arto wouldn’t let up, forcing her to ride out each and every last ripple.

  He finally let her clit go when he came himself, roaring as he filled her with his seed. She was so sensitized she felt his cock pulse deep in her ass as it emptied.

  He slid out, his softening member exiting easily.

  He patted her back and kissed her just below her ear. “Stay exactly there, sola.”

  Then there was a warm cloth cleaning her pussy and ass. Once clean, he rolled her to her side and climbed in behind her, pulling the covers over the two of them.

  “I meant what I said, Cella. I won’t give you up. In fact, part of me wishes that I had come in your pussy and we weren’t wearing any lero.” His voice was low but intense, and with his arms tight around her, she could almost believe him.

  But he couldn’t be serious, could he?

  Arto, the man who never kept a lover more than a couple of months, the man who never brought a lover to his bedroom, and who reportedly shuddered when marriage was spoken of, said he wanted her.

  It was not to be believed.

  True, he had brought her to his home and bedroom, but that was because she was in danger, not because her couldn’t let her go.

  “I don’t know how to answer you,” she whispered.

  “My heart would be happiest if you said you wanted to stay with me.” He nuzzled her neck and planted a small kiss there. “But we will talk more in the morning, my love. Today has been rather full and overwhelming.”

  “I don’t blame you if you said it all in the heat of the moment, you know.” Cella wanted his words to be true, but couldn’t quite believe them.

  “I’ll tell you again, I meant every word. I will make you believe me, too. But it’s late. Sleep, my sweet sola.”

  Sleep was a long time coming.

  The next morning, Arto was loving, cheerful, and energetic.

  She woke to his hands caressing her and he swiftly slid down her body and licked her to an orgasm. The he slid his cock into her slowly and brought her to another orgasm before he released again.

  He kissed her, caressed her, and whispered his love for her the entire ti

  Cella was still in shock. She loved him, but couldn’t quite believe he was as committed as he said.

  She ate breakfast in the dining room with the rest of the guests.

  Valina and Dochir were there. Valina physically looked fine, and she said she was no longer dizzy from the blow to her head, but she looked a little stunned. Cella was very curious as to why.

  Dochir looked quite cheerful. In fact, he looked happier than she had ever seen him.

  She caught Arto’s eye and flicked her gaze to Dochir’s pants and back to Arto. He winked at her and his shoulders shook in silent laughter.

  She was trying to take an interest in the conversation around the table, but it was difficult.

  She was still in turmoil from Arto’s words last night.

  Cella retired to the library to write a letter to her parents, skimming over the details of her capture, but ensuring they knew she was safe and to disregard any lies the Torquin may spread.

  She also wrote to the Enchanter’s Guild Masters in both Jorval and Kerban, summarizing her success with the shield.

  As she was finishing her correspondence, Arto entered.

  “Hello, my lovely sola.” He bent and kissed her lightly on the mouth. Oh, how that little kiss made her want more.

  “Are you finished?” he asked.

  “Yes. Do you need something?” Cella was curious about what Arto would do now.

  “Join me?”

  “Of course.”

  He produced her cloak and she realized he was dressed for outdoors. He always looked so handsome in his leather trousers and deep green wool tunic. His cloak was well maintained but showed that it was used.

  They left the library and Arto led Cella through the Keep to the stables, of course. She knew at some point Arto would take her riding today, since Kyna had insisted she wear her riding skirts.

  Sure enough, Merlo and Marta were saddled and waiting.

  Arto helped her mount, his hands lingering on her body longer than truly necessary.

  The day was overcast but clear. A thin layer of granular snow lay on the ground and Cella was glad of her heavy cloak, for the wind was biting.


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