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WindSwept Narrows: #21 Charlotte Bell & Natalie Templeton

Page 16

by Diroll-Nichols, Karen

  “Hey! I’m….” Natalie looked at the slightly jagged rip in her upper arm and then at the man carefully moving her jacket out of the way. “I think I was shot…idiot fired through the wood door.”

  “Idiots with guns…” Shining amber eyes smiled at her through his glasses. “Present company excluded, of course,” he told her with a wink, his attention back on the cut. “A little antiseptic…and a couple stitches.”

  “Swell…another scar…” She turned away and noticed the couple standing by the large SUV. Just being held. That must be a nice feeling, she thought with a sigh.

  “That sounded a little sad,” the technician commented, checking the small syringe before efficiently stabbing around the wound and numbing the area.

  “What?” Natalie winced but refused to look. “Oh. Nothing. I’m fine.”

  “Uh-huh. Afraid of needles? They’re not so bad in the right hands.”

  “Not fond of blood…especially my own. Usually just butterfly things together,” she answered absently.

  “Amateur,” he chuckled. “How long have you been with the police?”

  Natalie worked to ignore the pulling and stabbing in her skin. “Almost eight years now.”

  “Are you married?” He wasn’t surprised when she kept her head turned, eyes closed.

  “Smart cops don’t get married.” She said flatly. “And I’m a smart cop.”

  “Should I ask why?” Came the skeptical inquiry, his stitches small and precise along the jagged edge.

  “Stops from having a messy divorce.”

  “Ohh-kay…that’s a positive attitude,” he returned simply.

  Natalie shrugged the other shoulder. “Nothing to do with positive. Just honest.”

  “Your parents had a messy divorce?” He met the suddenly narrowed stare she turned on him. “An attitude like that usually comes from somewhere. So either you’ve been married and it ended badly or someone close to you. Psych 101.”

  “You in training to be a shrink?”

  “Physician, actually,” he tipped his head a little. “Finished my residency and begin full time with the hospital on the resort. Finishing up the last couple weeks with the police emergency response unit. Tre Thorne,” he said, offering his palm.

  “Tray? Like…a dinner tray?” She looked at his palm, sliding her mobile hand into his at the same time a long suffering sigh broke from his lips.

  “Yeah…but it’s spelled ‘T-R-E’,” he supplied, liking the softness of her hand in his. “Short for Tremayne. And I asked where it came from and it’s Cornish. And so were my grandparents on my father’s side.” He stopped talking and looked up from the stitches, setting the needle and thread aside and dabbing cleaner over the closed wound. “My mother’s big into family trees and ancestry.”

  “And I spend my waking hours trying to pretend I’m an orphan,” she murmured, chancing a glance down at her arm and then up at his face. He was cute. High school kind of cute with longish dark blond hair and those sparkling amber eyes behind a pair of simple oval shaped frames. “Are you old enough to be a doctor?”

  One amber eye closed, thick dark lashes that opened a second later.

  “I navigated college and med school faster than most, but I can show you my certificates,” he offered, covering the stitches with a bandage. “What do you do to relax?”

  Natalie shook her head, not wanting to be rude but knowing she wouldn’t allow anything to happen. But that didn’t make answering typical mating ritual dance questions any easier to her.

  “Just stuff. I read…workout…video games now and then.”

  “Seriously? A shooter?” A hint of amusement teased at his voice.

  “I’ve been known to join a few games like that,” she admitted, a little embarrassed and aware of the heat in her cheeks. “Mostly Warcraft when I just want to be alone and not bothered. Sometimes…”

  “It’s okay,” he said quietly, his grin crooked. ”Sometimes the human exposure gets too much. All done. Keep it dry and the stitches can come out in a week or so. Nothing strenuous. Find me at the EMT unit or…”

  “Usually just take them out myself,” she was glad she’d worn a tank top beneath her jacket. She knew someone who could patch it for her. She pulled it up and glanced toward the unit finishing up with the building. “Thanks.”

  He watched her walk away, from the thick heeled boots beneath her jeans, up the very long, slim legs to the thick, dark braid she had resting on her back. He took a wild guess that she was part Native American by the contours of her face and the dark hair until he had fallen into those wild, soft violet eyes and her last name.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “Let’s go home,” Jesse whispered against her throat, reluctant to release her. Reluctant to let her out of his sight! He didn’t know when she’d become vital to him. One minute she was an abstract figure and the next he couldn’t see tomorrow without her laughing and teasing and scolding.

  Charlotte let her head fall against the back of the seat, her eyes closed as Jess guided them through the streets back toward her shop.

  “I guess it’s safe now to turn Danny lose,” she commented absently. “I need my car, Jesse.”

  “I told the girls to close the shop for the rest of the day, Charlotte. After the police finished with it…” he saw her nod slowly and sighed. “Thank you.”

  Charlotte frowned and turned her head to look at him.

  “Me? Thank me for what? For somehow attracting a nut?”

  “It was me he was after, Charlotte,” he reminded her. “As for nuts…they seem to always find someone to latch onto in a get rich quick scheme.”

  “It does appear that way. I’ll follow you to the house. I had another pack of things in the stairwell.”

  “You’re moving in with me?”

  “Have you changed your mind?” She wasn’t aware of the air caught in her chest.

  “Not in this lifetime,” he assured her vehemently. “I don’t know the why or the how…and I don’t give a damn about the time frame. I know I want you in my life and I’m arrogant enough to believe you aren’t afraid of a place in my life.”

  “Nervous…maybe not quite afraid,” she admitted with a crooked grin. “I don’t know if it’s smart to worry about what if or not…I know it’s nerve wracking and maybe a waste of energy.”

  “Such a smart woman,” he reached for her palm, his fingers twining with hers tightly. “I’m going to have to go through procedures with you, though. Always check the kid’s locations before you…” He caught his words and stopped, feeling his temper rising at the vision of her climbing willingly into the back of a van because of his children.

  “I’m not sure how the nerves part goes away,” Charlotte closed her eyes. “I know too many of my friends who fell in love in what seemed like…a fairy tale kind of thing. Some fought it. Some just decided worrying about tomorrow before it arrived was a waste of time,” she sighed. “I’m not willing to miss being with you while the brain figures out what’s going on. Or while a certain amount of time passes. I love you and that’s all that matters.”

  Jesse knew his jaw had dropped more than once, his throat dry when he tried to swallow and wrap his mind and heart around her words.

  “We seriously need to discuss your timing,” he murmured, his body tightening when she chuckled. “Charlotte, are you alright with this? Honestly?”

  “Honestly, I love you, Jesse Hunter. Period. And I like your kids. I don’t think there’s much more out there a girl could possibly need in her life. And it all makes me feel warm and good inside. So…yeah, I’m alright with this,” she opened her eyes when she realized the SUV had stopped. She growled at the sight of the yellow tape fluttering around her shop. Again.

  “I’ll go in with you,” he said, turning the SUV off and stepping onto the pavement, the half bright light of mid-afternoon breaking through a layer of clouds above them. His hands settled on her waist when she slid to the parking lot. “Key?”

accepted the key and kept her wrapped close as they went to the front door.

  “We’ll let Danny finish the week. I have another evening assignment I can give him next week,” Jess kept talking about anything as they went through the shop, all things in order and ready for the morning.

  He watched her take a mental inventory, noting the order and cleanliness her people had left the kitchen in before she started up the stairs to the apartment. He was going to convince her to lay down for a while as soon as they got home. Nothing could have stopped his mouth from curling.


  With Charlotte.

  Jesse made it to the top of the stairs, following possessively behind her into the large bedroom. She had a stack of clothing on the bed that she carefully packed into the bag sitting at the bottom of the mattress.

  “Jesse, have you discussed this with the kids? About me…”

  “I think they’re a few steps ahead of us, Charlotte,” he laughed at the wrinkled nose and moved the bag to the floor, his arm around her waist and pulling her down over him on the bed. “I get the feeling my kids are more intuitive that I ever imagined. Maybe they even knew I was falling in love with you before I did.”

  “It’s a little scary.”

  “I think it’s a lot scary, but I don’t think either one of us ever ran from something we wanted like breath itself, Charlotte,” Jesse pulled one of the blankets over them. “We shouldn’t get comfortable. And you need sleep tonight. How’s the head?”

  “I need some pills. Vitamins…herbs…it hurts and I’m tired,” she admitted reluctantly when he arched a brow and patiently waited when she was silent. “So unless you want me curling against you like a cat right now, we’d better get up and head…”

  “Home,” Jesse said with a broad grin. “It’s a user friendly word, Charlotte. And I love the way it sounds rolling off those beautiful lips. Come on…you can do it.”

  “You’re a nut, Jesse Hunter,” she leaned up and kissed him, laying her head against his chest for a quiet minute. “Let’s go home, Jesse.”

  “I’ll warn you right now. You will spend the night relaxing. I will get you food. I will struggle to contain my lust,” he promised with a lewd wink that made her giggle as he pulled her to her feet. He lifted the bag she’d packed and waited while she gathered a few more things. “I’ll make arrangements to move your things, Charlotte.”

  “You’ve got a bossy tendency,” she mumbled as he guided her to the SUV.

  “And you know how to fight back, so I figure you’re safe,” he lifted her to the seat and kissed her. Once and once more. “I love you…”

  “You’re taking advantage of me cause I’m wounded,” she pouted but kissed him back. “It’s a wild and new feeling…being in love with someone strong and sexy and intelligent and sweet…”

  “Huh…and here I was thinking those exact same words,” he chuckled. “Let’s go home, lady. I think you missed a meal or so today. I bought sandwiches,” he gestured to the large sack on the seat between them after he was behind the steering wheel.

  “Sandwiches are good any time in the world!” She declared and dug into the sack while he laughed and drove them.


  Chapter Twenty

  Natalie tossed paperwork into the basket and winced, flexing her arm up and down, to the back and then front. A withering glance at the ripped sleeve of her jacket and ignoring the looks sent her way.

  “Missing persons isn’t supposed to be a dangerous assignment,” Jonathon Lock commented from behind his desk.

  “Not sure kidnapping qualifies as missing persons,” she murmured, shrugging. “No matter. He’s in a cell and she’s home with her boyfriend. I’m off. See you Monday,” she carried the jacket, a small backpack on the good shoulder and heading to the locker room.

  She seriously needed a workout.

  Tre Thorne headed into the unit from the last run, wanting a long hot shower and some peace and quiet. Blaring sirens, car horns and screaming accident victims were enough to make a man nuts.

  He walked past the double doors that led to the gym and came to a jarring stop. Positive he didn’t see what he thought he’d seen, he backed up two steps and swore softly. At first.

  “What the hell do you think light duty and no strenuous activity means?” He shouted loudly, ignoring everyone but the woman he was focused on. He stormed across the room, the doors bouncing against the walls behind him with an explosion that had all heads up and watching.

  Sitting astride the weight bench, her hands were raised behind her head and wrapped tightly around the shiny steel bar. She wore black gloves that covered the palms of her hands and half her fingers. Shoulders straight and back stiff, her feet planted firmly on the ground, she stared at the man bellowing at her, blinking once, head tilted slightly to the side and she blinked at him again.

  Somehow the bellow had gotten through the music she had playing in both ears.

  And while ordinarily she’d ignore crazy people, this crazy person was intently and even fiercely focused on her. It took a little space in time, but the words he’d shouted were finally decoded by a distracted brain. A twinge of guilt struck her when she glanced quickly at her arm, grimacing when she saw the gauze soaking up what straining had caused.

  She closed dark midnight lashes tight and slowly lowered the weights to the bottom, fingers opening and flexing before reaching up to pull one of the ear-pods free.

  Dark lashes raised slowly.

  “I didn’t know my father was visiting the precinct gym these days,” she said, a sharp edge to her tone that had people trying not to look in their direction.

  “Was he able to get through that hard head?” Tre demanded, feet planted firmly in front of her.

  “I don’t need…” Her teeth were clenched, lashes narrowed in warning.

  “You’re leaking. Again,” he paused effectively. “Detective. Or aren’t the clues strong enough for you?” He reached for her hand and pulled, his forward momentum taking her with him, across the gym and through the double doors.

  People in the gym worked to hide their amusement.

  She gaped at him like he was a madman, eyes wide and her mouth open.

  He was heading to the infirmary when she pulled her hand free and stood gaping at him, her feet coming to a skidding halt.

  “What the hell is wrong with you? So it’s…it’s oozing!” She hissed furiously, whipping her hand out of reach. “It’ll be fine. I’ll change the…do not touch me again.” She warned, one finger raised but her whole body poised and transmitting her intention.

  “You either come with me now and let me check it and reapply the bandage…”

  She felt his toes touching hers when he took that final step closer. Her breath caught in her chest and it took every ounce of her control to not back up when he leaned into her. She felt his breath against her cheek with each word he spoke. Her eyes never left his, both of them narrowed with fury.

  “Or I write up a report that puts you on a couple days medical,” he finished, his voice smooth, quiet and softly lethal. He watched those full lips part, the tip of her tongue touching the lower one and he could see deep inside those pale violet eyes. “And don’t for a second think I won’t. It might not actually stop anything, but it’ll sure create a crap load of paperwork and explanations for you.” He paused for a long, silent minute in the hallway. He saw the furious answer in her eyes. “Detective, I believe you know the way to the infirmary?”

  “I hate you.”

  “I get that a lot but usually when I’m poking and prodding people,” he answered, the grin on his face a complete change from the past few minutes. “Is it that difficult for you to sit at home and read at least until Monday? Give the skin a chance to recover from the shock?”

  Tre decided he was on the not to be spoken to list at the moment and sighed. He moved ahead of her, stopping by an empty bay where he patted the table.

  “Hop up, please,” he found what he needed, scrub
bed his hands and peeled the bandage free, his head shaking. “You really know how to strain my workmanship.”

  “They held,” she said through her teeth, staring toward the window.

  “Pissed at me?”

  “What was your first clue?”

  “Well, I’m a doctor not a detective so it takes me a while to catch on to things,” he returned, his grin crooked when she continued to stare. He pulled some plastic sheets from a drawer and placed them on her lap. “Peel the strips on the edges and cover the stitches when you shower. Keep it dry for a few days. Please.”

  “Can I go now?”

  “Free to leave, Detective.” He tipped his head and peeled the gloves off, dropping them into the trash. “Nice seeing you again.”

  The chuckle rumbled deep in his throat as he watched the shorts and long legs stride away, her palm up in what might have been a wave if not for the single finger she raised at him. He finished cleaning up before heading for the locker room, his hand on the door when a voice behind him caught his attention.

  “You like living dangerously, Thorne.”

  Tre looked over his shoulder, his grin crooked. “Not usually.”

  “It wasn’t a question,” a man about his age continued around the side to his locker, his blue uniform shirt open. “Templeton knows how to hide bodies.”

  “She’s cute,” Tre returned, hanging up his uniform and quickly changing to jeans and a tee shirt, digging inside for his sneakers.

  The dark skinned, short haired man stuck his head around the corner of the lockers, eyes wide and brows arched.

  “You are not a well man, Thorne. The woman is a wolf in disguise.”

  “I’ve heard that now and then,” he chuckled, stuffing things into his pack and closing the locker, snapping the lock into place. He looked up as he tied his sneakers in place. “You know her?”

  “Been on the force two years. I only know her reputation. I know she gets the job done. I know she’s honest and determined. I know she’s damn good at her job. I know she…” He paused, considering his wording. “Doesn’t always work well with others. She’s temporarily in missing persons from homicide. She straps on lieutenant in a month and returns to the department assigned to the resort and area along the waterway. I know she’s pissed off some people, and that the people are wrong and she’s being penalized for it.”


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