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WindSwept Narrows: #21 Charlotte Bell & Natalie Templeton

Page 29

by Diroll-Nichols, Karen

  Natalie swallowed the delicious soup hurriedly.

  “Is that a hint?”

  “You’re not wearing a swimsuit.”

  “I didn’t think I needed one,” she said slowly.

  “Hot tub, pain pills and sleep, Natalie. Nothing strenuous tonight,” Tre warned, trying to make the words convincing. Especially to himself.

  “No problem. I was planning to sleep in the guest room anyway,” she grinned into her soup, refusing to look up when he choked on a mouthful of food. “Being as tomorrow is my wedding day, I figured it was the wise thing to do. Give me time to conserve my energy and all. Oh…for the record…I appreciate simple and don’t plan on being frilly tomorrow.”

  “Mason Walters is the judge and he’ll have the papers for us at twelve-thirty. Carter and Anna will meet us there and be the witnesses. Carter needs to talk to you after the ceremony about the case,” Tre watched her nod and look up. “He won’t get to you again, Natalie.”

  It should have been a reassuring statement, but now she worried about Bryant getting to Tre. The man was a cop. And not an entirely ethical one.

  “Is it alright to worry about you?” She finally asked, knowing from too many of her own thoughts that keeping it all inside was a bad idea. He couldn’t be her partner, her friend and her love if she locked things away inside her. But letting him see her insecurities…her doubts…

  “I think that’s part of being a couple,” he said without hesitating. “I’d rather he come after me than you and don’t give me that look,” he groaned. “And it isn’t because I’m a guy, or maybe it is, I don’t know. I just know seeing you hurt makes me want to kill something and that is a really uncommon sensation for me.”

  “I gathered that. You’re language becomes a little…off color…for you,” she teased, a strange warmth tingling through her at his statement.

  “I’m sure we can blame basic genetics on that one,” he finished the soup and carried the bowl to the sink, carefully filling the container Mrs. Yang had left for him.

  “Like caveman genetics?” Natalie started to take her bowl to the sink but it was taken from her hands. “Tre, I’m okay.”

  “You wince every time you move, Natalie. I started the hot tub. Go soak. I’ll be out in a few minutes,” Tre ordered. “Oh, take a few towels with you.”

  Pampered, she thought as she collected a few towels from the bathroom. She’d discovered there were four in the house. One for public use and one for each of the guest rooms. And then the decadent one in their master suite.

  She’d never really been pampered before. Maybe when she was little. But then she developed a stubborn streak and annoyance that brothers got to have different activities than she did. But Tre wasn’t her brothers. He didn’t care what activity she wanted to explore, he simply cared about her.

  She sunk into the bubbling water with a long, grateful sigh, rolling to her stomach and letting her arms support her on the edge of the tub.

  “You’re going to spoil me.”

  “I hope so,” Tre chuckled before sliding into the tub, watching her lean curves bob in the bubbling water. Now and then the rounded behind surfaced and he swore his back teeth ached with the urged to nibble his way all over her.

  Natalie curled against two pillows and reminded herself this was her idea. But after tossing and turning for an hour, she threw the pillow down and crept up the stairs. Tre lay on his stomach, just as awake as she was, but pretending to sleep while she worked to slide into the bed and cuddle down against him.

  “What took you so long?” He murmured, turning to face her with a long, slow kiss. “Sleep now, babe.”

  “I’ve gotten used to snuggling against you,” she said as the drowsiness finally showed its head. Instinct told her this was where she belonged.

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Tre watched her leave at the same time he did even though he knew she wasn’t going to work, he worried. He’d gotten a message from Carter assuring him that bail had been unequivocally denied. That was something that helped him relax, focusing on the Thursday morning runs.

  And it made him smile just a little because he knew she was moving some important things from her apartment to the house. Their house, he thought, giving Cai instructions to take the Jeep and go help her before he rode off on the bike.

  The bride wore faded jeans, a deep violet tank over her white t-shirt and comfortable ankle boots. Tre came rushing around the corner, one hand shoved into his hair while the other held his helmet, his EMT uniform a little wrinkled and his face flushed as he made it around the last corner at the top of the stairs leading to the judge’s chambers.

  “I am sorry I’m late!” Tre kissed her soundly, only then noticing that Anna was grinning at him, dressed pretty much the same as Natalie since the woman worked landscaping. She had short, dark curls framing her face as she leaned in Carter’s arms, watching her friends.

  “We figured you were on a run,” Natalie told him. “It’s okay. The judge gave me papers to fill out and I have this for you…” she handed him a pen and the papers before going into the judge’s chambers.

  She laughed when he patted down his pockets, a frantic look on his face when the judge called for a ring. He grabbed at the chain around his neck, a ring sporting a medical symbol pulled free and slid over her much slimmer finger. And she didn’t care at all. It was gorgeous. Done in what looked like bright gold with a black inlaid oval and the medical symbol on the top with a ruby nestled in the bottom.

  Natalie held it around her finger, finishing their vows before kissing him and accepting the congratulations from their friends. She was staring at the ring, watching the lights glint off the burnished gold and sighed.

  “I’ll get you a real one, I promise,” Tre heard the sigh and the words came out too fast.

  “I might just tape this one up and keep it,” she held up her palm admiring the ring on her finger. “I love it,” She hugged him.

  “I think the girl is happy, Tre, relax,” Carter laughed, grabbing Anna for a quick kiss as she was sliding toward the stairs. “I know…work. I’ll see you at home later. Be careful out there, Anna.”

  “I’ve got to run, too,” Tre stroked a palm over her head, tugging the ponytail and tiling her mouth to his. “Be careful and I’ll see you at home.”

  Carter waited until they were alone, walking with her toward one of the offices for visiting attorneys to use.

  “I dug out all the files, Natalie. I managed to easily convince a judge of no bail. With all the past problems, his breaking into your home,” Carter shook his head. “I’d like to know the mindset behind behavior like that, but I hear it’s a lost cause. I need some signatures and we’re going for whatever the maximum is for this assault and his assault on Tre the day before.”

  Natalie’s head snapped up, her signature crooked.

  “He assaulted Tre? When? Where?”

  “Camera footage from the EMT Unit, Natalie,” Carter watched her face pale a little. “Tre let him take a punch at him, Natalie. Not that Bryant needed his help, the man is too dangerous to be out in public. He’s chosen to ignore the restraining order and given how easily he got off because of your kindness, the judge won’t be so lenient this time around. But I have to ask you not to go behind my back on this, Natalie. If you don’t agree with what we’re doing, tell me. Okay?”

  “You aren’t my brother, Carter,” she said with a crooked little smile. “I promise not to step in on this one. I don’t see you dragging it out so I’m constantly humiliated for being a victim. That’s what I was escaping by going to the judge and other attorney,” she shook her head. “Girls have egos, too and mine was taking too big a hit from that whole mess.”

  “Believe me, I’m married to Anna and completely get the girl thing,” he teased, putting papers back into their folders and gesturing to the outside. “I’ll walk out with you and then file these. For propriety sake, I also sent a note to your brother informing him that in as far as your represe
ntation was concerned, he was removed. I don’t know if that’s going to present problems for you or not, Natalie. Tre said he might not take it well.”

  “He’s not the one with the bruises,” she said coldly. “It won’t be a single problem, Carter, and thank you for taking on the work.” She went to her toes, kissing his cheek before sliding into her car.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow at the celebration, Natalie,” Carter told her before striding back to the courthouse.

  “Crap,” Natalie was chewing on her lip when a woman came running toward her, fingernails tapping on her window. She looked up from the phone in her fingers and jumped. Visibly. She closed the phone and grabbed her keys, pushing the door open and stepping outside. She knew those eyes. She knew that face. Tre had her photo on his desk at home.

  “I didn’t mean to startle you,” Cecily held out her palm, her smile bright. “Cecily Thorne. Tre showed me your photo the other day when I visited him for lunch.”

  “Natalie Templeton,” she said quickly, wincing and looking decidedly uncomfortable. “Oh…”

  “I’d hoped I could meet you before tomorrow night. Do you have time for lunch? Or are you working?”

  “I’m actually off today,” her fingers went absently to the bruise at the side of her forehead.

  “My god, girl, are you alright? Police problems?”

  “Oh, no…this was…is…personal. But I’m alright. Just…bruised,” she stopped when Cecily reached out and touched the oversized ring on her finger.

  “Did he ask you to go steady?” Cecily smiled. She could easily see her son doing that. She’d seen the look in his eyes and knew he was crazy for this young woman.

  “Well…not exactly…” Natalie swallowed hard. “He didn’t have a wedding ring for the ceremony so he used this,” the words fell lower and lower as she spoke, the stunned amazement on the woman’s face worrying her. “He should have called you. He should have…I don’t know…it kind of just happened…”

  “Have lunch with me, Natalie, please,” Cecily stepped forward and hugged her. “My son is brilliant in too many fields. I don’t doubt you saying yes made him beam.”

  “He does have a deliciously cute smile,” Natalie admitted. “My car or yours?”

  “I’ll drive, you tell me all about it! Oh, I have to have a party!”

  “I suppose as a new wife, if I give you carte blanche permission…”

  “My sweet son will have no choice but attend. Natalie, I adore the way you think. I think the middle of May would be perfect,” Cecily told her, looping her arm in Natalie’s and leading her to the waiting Lexus.

  “But no gifts, please. We don’t need anything. Maybe a donation to the hospital where Tre will be working. It’s completely non-profit and could use the money.”

  “Now that…we can do. Brilliant,” she said with a bright grin, opening the car and getting behind the wheel. “So have you picked out what you’ll wear tomorrow?” As she guided the luxury can through the streets to a quiet restaurant that wasn’t far from the courthouse.

  Natalie sighed.

  “That was next on my list. I don’t exactly have a wardrobe for fancy things. The few times I’ve gone out with the girls, jeans are acceptable. But I guess it depends on the girl,” she said with a shrug, thinking of some of her friends who look perfectly comfortable in skirts and dresses.

  “Would you mind company? I think something in that shade of violet would be perfect,” she handed the keys to the valet and waited on Natalie. “So tell me about the bruise.”

  It shocked her that three hours later she was laughing and having fun with an almost stranger. But Cecily was too much like her son, Natalie decided, and relaxed while she tried on dresses in the shop they’d gone to. Cecily evidently knew all the right places because before she knew it, she had two amazing short dresses. One for tomorrow and one for the large wedding reception her new mother-in-law was planning.

  And she’d argued with her. She really worked at arguing with the woman only to have her credit card placed gently back into her wallet.

  “My treat, Natalie.”

  “No, please…Cecily…you cannot…”

  “But I can. I’m sure there’s a written rule book about this sort of thing. Just imagining the look on Tre’s face when you wear that silver dress tomorrow makes it all the more fun,” Cecily quickly paid for the dresses before rushing her new daughter-in-law off to the next shop for a pair or two of heels.

  “Cecily!” Natalie finally collapsed on the cushions next to her. “I don’t get this worn out chasing down creeps on the streets.”

  “I love shopping and it’s so much more fun with someone along. Especially someone in need of my help. I’d bet you don’t have more than one pair of nice, functional heels in your closet,” she chastised teasingly.

  “I don’t need them,” she tried clenching her teeth, but was having too much fun listening to Cecily tell her all about Tre when he was younger. Both of them looked at Cecily’s bag when the chiming began. Natalie watched the wicked gleam in Cecily’s eyes and smiled. “That’s Tre’s ring, isn’t it?”

  “Perhaps we should have some fun, darling,” Cecily took the phone out and placed it in her palm, pressing the speaker button. “Hell, my handsome son. To what do I owe the honor. And it’s too late to bow out of the party. I’d never forgive you.”

  “I gave you my word, mom,” Tre chuckled. A little nervously.

  “What’s wrong, Tre? You’re sounding a bit off. A problem I can help with?”

  “Oh, no, nothing. I’m fine. I’m…actually better than fine. It’s just that it…I did something this afternoon that I probably should have said something to you and dad about,” Tre cleared his throat and found himself praying that the alarms went off signaling a run. Not that he wanted anyone to be hurt.

  “Confession time, Tre?” Natalie said softly, the silence from the other end making both women grin.

  “This is gonna cost me, isn’t it?” Tre finally said, his voice flat.

  “Hmm…one wedding reception scheduled for the middle of May,” Cecily announced with a definitely smirk in her tone.

  “And since I’ve already agreed to it…as your new wife…” Natalie could see the narrowed amber eyes behind his gold frames and giggled. “She promised me pink sugar roses on the cake. I’m so bribable.”

  “I’ll see you at home, wife. Mother, I’ll talk to you later,” Tre broke the call when the alarms went into their second round, but his laughter was loud as he ran for the truck.

  “I believe he took it rather well,” Cecily declared, sliding the phone inside her purse and eyeing the strappy black heels Natalie still wore. “I like those and they do make your legs appear even longer. And they go with just about anything.”

  “My mother stopped shopping with me when I began a cop,” Natalie stood up, her jean legs rolled so she could see the strappy heels as she walked. “Maybe even sooner than that. I didn’t fit into her idea of a debutante, either, though.”

  “I don’t know your mother. I’ve heard things,” she met the curious look from Natalie. “Let’s say their politics and outlook are vastly different than ours. I’ve run into them occasionally at charity functions but never had conversations with them.”

  “I guess family is just something you endure sometimes and run from other times,” Natalie said with a sigh, sitting down and removing the shoes before finding her socks and replacing her boots. “Definitely a keeper pair of heels. They’re even making them comfortable these days.” She met Cecily’s gaze. “I feel like there’s too much in my life to protect Tre from sometimes. And they’re one of them.”

  “It’s part of us as women to want to protect,” Cecily said thoughtfully. “Just as it’s part of good males to protect, Natalie. I think as long as your communication is open, I doubt you and Tre will have a problem with them. And if nothing else, I know my son communicates,” she said with a laugh. She slid the package to Natalie. “So tell me how he proposed.”r />
  Natalie laughed, recalling his rant. She shared the conversation as they found their way back to her car.

  “I thought it was so sweet,” Natalie said as they drove. “The look on his face was so cute. He convinced himself he’d made a mess of things…you raised an amazing son, Cecily. Thank you.”

  “I guess we thank each other, Natalie. When I had lunch with him…” she smiled softly. “The look in his eyes when he talked about you was what every mother should wish for their child.”

  Natalie leaned over and kissed her cheek before leaving the car.

  “I had a wonderful afternoon, thank you. I’ll see you tomorrow evening,” she watched the Lexus pull out of the lot and went to her car with her packages. She never did get back to the apartment, but she had enough clothes to last her until Monday, easily.

  Natalie was still grinning at the oversized ring she refused to take off when she parked near the house, several bags in her hands before she managed to hip the door closed. She was considering the doorknob when the door was opened, Tre on the other side with a shirt not buttoned and his jeans riding below his naval.

  “It’s dangerous spending an afternoon with your mother,” Natalie said very quickly when he looked at the colorful tissue packed bags.

  “Another party?” He said, taking the bags from one of her hands and stepping back to let her inside. He saw one shoulder rise and fall.

  “It kind of just happened,” Natalie lied with a little grin, continuing up the stairs to what she now could call their bedroom. She hung things in the closet, taking the other bags from Tre and setting the shoe box on the shelf above where she’d hung her dresses. “I was in the parking lot after talking to Carter and she came running up and she saw the ring and…she asked me if you’d asked me to go steady and I…well, I told her,” she said weakly, backing into the corner as Tre stalked forward. “And she was so excited and…and before I realized it, she was planning a wedding reception and wanting to help me find a dress for tomorrow.”


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