Chicken Soup for the Canadian Soul
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What People Are Saying About
Chicken Soup for the Canadian Soul . . .
“This book is full of heart-opening stories that truly capture the essence of what being Canadian is all about. They brought me to tears time and time again, providing me with new insights as to what it means to be Canadian. Definitely a book I want to share with my children. I loved these stories!”
Barbara Underhill
world champion figure skater, Canadian Olympian, TV
Colour commentator, motivational speaker, mom
“The soul is forever seeking expansion, fuller expression and positive reinforcement. This book delivers. You will enjoy every page. Pick any story and you’ll see. . . . It will make you feel better. I loved reading it.”
Bob Proctor
speaker, trainer and author of bestselling book,
You Were Born Rich
“How wonderful to have a book of stories like this to share with our young people as an inspiration to achieve their dreams—and live their lives as loving, compassionate beings. As you read these stories, share them with your kids, share them with your students, share them with your friends.”
Donna Leonard
chief commissioner,
Girl Guides of Canada
“The answer to ‘What makes a Canadian a Canadian?’ is finally clear. It’s in our stories. We now have something to pass on to our children and our children’s children and they to theirs. We can stand up and be proud of our accomplishments as Canadians. Chicken Soup for the Canadian Soul gives us a legacy.”
Deane Parkes
writer, motivational trainer, speaker, mentor, businessman,
and creator, National Post’s HealthVenture
“Chicken Soup for the Canadian Soul brings to life the work of Canadians in shaping our nation into one of community heroes. From East Coast to West Coast, to the Northwest Territories and Nunavut, their inspiring stories capture our unique culture, historical heritage and our love of the land. This is a must-read for every Canadian.”
Ruth Ramsden-Wood
president, United Way of Calgary and Area
“My heart was touched and my soul was moved as I read the stories of some of our greatest Canadian heroes in their own words. But it’s the soulful and compassionate stories of the ordinary Canadians that weave the tapestry into a whole, providing a picture to the world of who we really are as a people. Read this book and celebrate what it is to be Canadian.”
Kathy Ryndak
psychotherapist and
cofounder, Transformational Arts College
“I’ve always suspected it, but never knew how much talent, courage and greatness we have in Canada until I read the wonderful stories in Chicken Soup for the Canadian Soul. To finally have all these wonderful stories in one place will make this book one of our greatest literary legacies.”
Lynrod Douglas
publisher, Black Pages Canada
“Thank you for putting all these amazing stories together so that others can be inspired by these remarkable Canadians! All of us will be encouraged by the talent, courage and genius we have in this great land and the stories in Chicken Soup for the Canadian Soul are a perfect source! This book is destined to become a beacon in our magnificent heritage.”
Frances Wright
president and CEO, Famous 5 Foundation
author, speaker, entrepreneur, proud Canadian
“What makes a Canadian, Canadian? It’s our love of the land, our courtesy and kindness, our saying ‘I’m sorry’ even when it’s not our fault. It’s our love of the CBC and it’s our steadfast loyalty. It’s our stories and it’s our story. Read this book. It’ll nourish your Canadian soul.”
Martin Rutte
speaker, trainer, president, Livelihood Inc.
“As a geologist, I’ve had the opportunity of knowing Canada and Canadians from Newfoundland to BC, and from Southern Ontario to the High Arctic. I read with great pride these wonderful stories that paint a remarkably accurate picture of our great nation, and offer the reader a rare glimpse into the very heart of Canada and its people.”
Dr. Donald H. Gorman
professor emeritus of geology,
University of Toronto
“Not everyone has a talent for music or art, but we each have the gift for story. And, as the words in this book so beautifully illustrate, our stories matter. They remind us of the many ways that the beauty of this land and the diversity of its people bring us home to ourselves and help us find our own place of the heart.”
Michael Jones
pianist, composer, recording artist, speaker and
author, Creating an Imaginative Life
“I enjoyed reading the diverse stories about my homeland, and this outpouring of simple humanity reminds me why I remain a Canadian citizen after many years of living away from home.”
Wayne Patterson
senior fellow, Howard University
vice president, Liberal Party of Canada, 1980–1984
“Chicken Soup for the Canadian Soul is an enormously inspirational book that will remind Canadians everywhere of the very best within us.”
Robin Sharma, LL.B., LL.M.
author of the worldwide
bestseller, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari,
CEO, Sharma Leadership International
Stories to Inspire and Uplift
the Hearts of Canadians
Jack Canfield
Mark Victor Hansen
Janet Matthews
Raymond Aaron
Health Communications, Inc.
Deerfield Beach, Florida
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Chicken soup for the Canadian soul : stories to inspire and uplift the hearts of Canadians / Janet Matthews . . . [et al.].
p. cm.
eISBN-13: 978-07573-9994-7
eISBN-10: 0-7573-9994-0
1. National characteristics, Canadian—Anecdotes. 2. Canada—Social life
and customs—Anecdotes. 3. Social values—Canada—Anecdotes. 4. Conduct
of life—Anecdotes. 5. Canada—History—Anecdotes. 6. Canada—Biography—
Anecdotes. 7. National characteristics, Canadian—Literary collections. 8.
Canada—Literary collections. I. Matthews, Janet, 1951–
F1021.C47 2002
971—dc21 2002068561
©2002 Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen
All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the written permission of the publisher.
HCI, its Logos and Marks are trademarks of Health Communications, Inc.
Publisher: Health Communications, Inc.
3201 S.W. 15th Street
Deerfield Beach, FL 33442-8190
Cover design by Lisa Camp
Inside formatting by Lawna Patterson Oldfield
From our hearts to yours,
we dedicate this book to all those Canadians
who walked the endless forests and paddled the majestic
rivers before the Europeans came; to those Canadians,
our parents, grandparents and great-grandparents,
who braved the storms and crossed the seas
to find a better life in a free land;
to those Canadians who chose this country,
bringing cultures from other natio
ns, helping
to weave our ever-evolving cultural mosaic;
to all those Canadians, then and now,
who by their choice to serve, in office or in uniform,
protect and keep this land glorious and free.
And for all those who love Canada,
because in so doing they have built a nation
that is more than worthy of the love
that is in our hearts, and yours.
Share with Us
I Am a Canadian Former Prime Minister John G. Diefenbaker
A Canadian’s Story Pat Fowler
We Stand on Guard for Thee Penny Fedorczenko
The Loonie That Turned to Gold Peter Jordan
The Unity Rally—Canada’s Woodstock Mark Leiren-Young
The Goal of the Century Paul Henderson
To Russia with Love Ted Mahovlich
Waiting in Line Katherine Cornell
Meeting the Prime Minister Elisabeth Munsterhjelm
The Autograph Tim O’Driscoll
Hey, It’s Our National Anthem! Pamela Wallin
I Am Canadian! Glen Hunt
Canada Loves New York Senator Jerry S. Grafstein, Q.C.
A Country Called Canada Gary Lautens
Ryan’s Well of Life Susan Hreljac, as told to Darlene Montgomery
Look at Me Now, Dad Faye Dance
The Magic Skates Barbara Underhill and Paul Martini
To The Top Canada! Chris Robertson
Our Olympic Dream Penny and Vicky Vilagos
The True Story of Lake Ontario Marilyn Bell Di Lascio
Women Are Persons! Frances Wright
The Legacy of Terry Fox Leslie Scrivener
One Person Can Make a Difference Bob Proctor
Rise Again! Ariel Rogers
Gift of Wings Carl Hiebert
David’s Run Linda Chamberlayne
The Making of a Miracle Alex Domokos
Liberation Day Neil Simpson
One True Love Crystal Wood
Letters of Hope
Shelley McEwan, as told to her by Gran Martha Lindsay
That Sunday Afternoon Gregory Fouts
My Dad and Little Joe Sigrun Goodman Zatorsky
Big Red Linda Gabris
Hopfstadt’s Cabin William P. Kinsella
When Someone Believes in You Marc André Morel
A Son’s Love J. P. Bailey
Kids Can Free the Children Craig Kielburger
Farewell to the Queen of Hearts Sally Armstrong
Walls Mary Lee Moynan
Loretta Manuel Erickson
The Great One Lynn Johnston
The Way Home Susan Owen
The Seal Diane C. Nicholson
Guests Who Dropped in from the Sky
Paul Banks, editor, The Gander Beacon
The Legacy of Mary Maree Benoit
Love Is a Two-Way Street Carol Sharpe
New Kids on the Block Janet Matthews
With a Little Help from Your Friends Lorrie Goldstein
Four-Legged Guardian Angels Karin Bjerke-Lisle
Christmas Lights Michael Hogan
Ryan’s Hope Nancy Lee Doige
The Red Sweater Stella Shepard
Tommy’s Tangerine Tree Ruth Hilton Hatfield
The Littlest Angel Brenda Mallory
Motherly Advice Kurt Browning
A Christmas to Remember Ruth Robins-Jeffery
A Change of Heart George Mapson
Monsieur Gaton Jayne Harvey
Finding Your Own Medicine Kahlee Keane
Three Words Jo-Ann Hartford Jaques
The Orange Tabletop Bill Gorman
Peacekeeper’s Coffee Doug Setter
Granny’s Rosary Vince Fantauzzi
When I Met My Hero! Lynn Johnston
A Street Kid Named Mike Ernest Kowalchuk
War, in Peace Vern Murphy
The Other Language Jeanette Lynes
Ogemah John J. Seagrave
The McRae Lake Shrine Steve Magee
Swamped by a Thunderbird Peter Elliott
My Heart Soars Chief Dan George
The Birth of Nunavut Speech given by The Right Honourable
Roméo LeBlanc
Up from the Farm Wanda James
Becoming the Man in Motion Rick Hansen
An Unlikely Hero Mary Turner
The Will to Survive Diane C. Nicholson
Into the Night Gary Robert Walsh
A Piece of It All Jann Arden
A Holy Night to Remember Sharon Espeseth
The Hero of Halifax Harbour Darlene Montgomery
The Canadian Shepherds of Korenica Wayne Watson
Thanks for Being Here Natalie MacMaster
In Flanders Fields Colonel John McCrae
O Canada!
More Chicken Soup?
In the Spirit of Giving
Who Is Jack Canfield?
Who Is Mark Victor Hansen?
Who Is Janet Matthews?
Who Is Raymond Aaron?
Chicken Soup for the Canadian Soul has taken over three years to write, compile and edit. The project began as a challenge that soon grew into an all-consuming passion. Special acknowledgments are due for certain people whose contributions were central to the success of this book.
Our families and friends, who shared with us the exciting times—and supported, inspired and encouraged us through the tough times. Without you, this book would simply not have been finished.
Leslie Riskin, in Jack Canfield’s office, for her tremendous work in handling all the permissions. We appreciate all your hard work and expertise, as well as your friendly voice and your huge heart.
Heather McNamara, for her meticulous and insightful editing and her amazing ability to always produce the final manuscript with perfection. You are awesome!
D’ette Corona, for her dedicated help with assembling the manuscript, and for encouraging and guiding us through the last stages of the book. You are one awesome lady.
Patty Aubery, for always being there in the crucial stages. We can’t say enough good things about you.
Deborah Hatchell, who was so helpful in the early stages of this book, and Maria Nickless for her always creative marketing ideas and cheerful voice.
Nancy Autio, Veronica Romero, Robin Yerian, Teresa Esparza, Vince Wong, Cindy Holland, Stephanie Thatcher, Amber Setrakian, Kathy Brennan-Thompson and Dana Drobny for your commitment, dedication and professionalism— and for making sure Jack’s office runs so smoothly.
Patty Hansen and Dawn Henschall, for making sure all the legal t’s and i’s were crossed and dotted. We can’t thank you enough.
Darlene Montgomery, our publicist, dear friend and all-around great assistant. In addition to soliciting stories and getting us radio and TV interviews, her persistent efforts in finding, writing and editing special stories were invaluable; we could not have completed this project without her. Thanks Dar!
Raymond’s amazing staff for their tireless help and support of this project in so many ways: Liz Ventrella, Geoff Taylor, Wendy Kuchar, Sue Lacher, Sue Higgins, Patty Sibolibane, Chris Johnson, Donna Sylvestre and Jared Westover. From our hearts, we thank you.
Peter du Chemin, who created our wonderful Web site,, and keeps it up to date. Thank you Peter—we love our flying maple leaves!
Wanda James, whose research and writing was invaluable and Debbie Taylor, for her helpful research and energetic marketin
g efforts.
Brad Gauvreau, for the beautiful photos.
Darlene Herbert at the CBC, Trudy Van Buskirk, Dave Mitchell, Louise Larouche, Martin Herzog, Janine Violini, Lorraine Quartaro, Louise Gravelle, Mary Linstead and Hunter Fulghum for their contributions along the way.
Barry Spilchuk, for your support in gathering stories in the early stages of the project, and Rebecca Kubica for sending us a story that became one of our favourites.